May 7, 2018




        We are discontinuing the use of our Post Office Box


Council News


We're excited in the California Inland Empire Council to introduce the new Scout Me In recruitment campaign. Families have told us they're looking for a single program that welcomes both girls and boys, and today's announcement highlights that all kids can experience character-building fun and adventure of scouting.

As we enter a new era for our organization, it is important that all youth can see themselves in Scouting in every way possible. Scouts BSA, perfectly represents the new, welcoming program for older Scouts that the Boy Scouts of America is proud to offer.

On background, Scouts BSA builds on the legacy of the Scout name. The Scout meetings, Scout camp, the Scout handbook, Scouts themselves — we have more than 108 years of heritage and tradition built on the Scout name. The organization name will continue to be “Boy Scouts of America.” The BSA will continue to build the future of Scouting with Scouts BSA, as we deliver character and leadership and offer a path to the rank of Eagle Scout for boys and girls.



Summer Camp


We are getting ready for Summer Camp! Are you? As you can see some weeks are getting pretty full at camp. Hurry and register to reserve your spot!

Sign up for camp here!

Camp Wiley


Camp Emerson





Did you know that your Council can make you flyers for your Spring Recruiting event.

Every young person deserves the adventure of Scouting. Invite them to join us!

To get help with your Spring Recruitment Event, and order you flyers please contact Brian Paquette (909) 793-2463



World Jamboree





Want to take your first step of the adventure of a lifetime? Click the link below to register to be a part of the US Contingent to the 24th World Scout Jamboree. This process may take some time, expect to take 30-40 minutes completing the following form. Before starting, be ready to provide your BSA ID number and a $250 deposit.

Click “Apply Now” to start a NEW APPLICATION. If you need to finish and/or edit an application that you have already opened, click “Edit

By applying to attend the 24th World Scout Jamboree as a member of the Boy Scouts of America Contingent, you take your first step towards experiencing a larger scouting world. Whether you are a participant, an adult leader, or a member of the International Service Team, you will be camping side by side with your brother and sister scouts from 169 countries. You won’t want to miss out on this unique experience.

If you need assistance with your application, contact member care at 1-972-580-2489, option “1” between the hours of 7:00am-7:00pm Central time,or you may send an email to Member care will have someone contact you with assistance as soon as possible.


Apply Now!  Edit Application



A Flag for every Hero




Adventure Weekend


Save the date!



College of Commissioners Science






         NYLT 2018 Week 1 register                        NYLT 2018 Week 2 register                          FOXFIRE 2018 registration





Other Trainings









Fall Wood Badge


Every Scout deserves a trained leader sign up for fall Wood Badge!

2018 Fall Wood Badge registration



Cub Scouts from Pack 212


Chino Cub Scout Pack 212 camped at Lake Hemet this past weekend (April 27-29).  While camping, scouts worked on several achievements, including: fishing, Dutch oven cooking, alternative cooking and fire starting.  We also worked on our Cub Scout World Conservation Award, by picking up trash and fishing line around the lake and lake front camp grounds. Finally, we also retired 2 American Flags.  
The boys did a great job and Lake Hemet was very thrilled to have our help.  We had a total of 54 people camping this weekend.  We have amazing leaders and boys.  Way to go, Pack 212!




Fire Explorers at Mount Rubidoux Cuboree


Cadets from Fire Explorer Post 101 helped out this past weekend with the Cub Scouts at Mount Rubidoux Cuboree





Popcorn Training Dates



Chaplain and Chaplain Aide training now available 



Think of chaplains and chaplain aides as facilitators of the 12th point of the Scout Law: A Scout is reverent.

Think of the Advanced Unit Chaplain and Unit Chaplain Aide Training as a road map for these important roles.

The weekend training course is for chaplains and chaplain aides of any faith. Chartered organization representatives may attend as well.

The course helps adults and youth strengthen their roles as chaplains or chaplain aides, inspire more Duty to God activities and foster understanding of the many faiths represented in the BSA.

What are chaplains and chaplain aides?

A chaplain is a spiritual leader for units. He or she gives spiritual guidance to a camp or Jamboree community, conducts religious services according to his or her faith, and arranges for other religious observance as needed. A chaplain also provides help in dealing with morale, visits those who are ill and provides counseling in case of bereavement.

A chaplain aide is a youth leader who works with the troop, crew or ship chaplain to ensure all members have appropriate religious observance during outings. The chaplain aide helps other Scouts or Venturers in religious emblems program. He or she is appointed by the senior patrol leader, crew president or ship boatswain — with the advice and consent of the adult leaders.

Note: Chaplain aide does count as a position of responsibility for Scouts trying to earn Star, Life or Eagle.

Who can take this training?

Unit chaplains, unit chaplain aides and chartered organization representatives.

District chaplains, council chaplains and religious emblems coordinators should be invited to observe.

Are all faiths welcome?

Absolutely. The training will include participants from various faiths representative of your community.

All will feel welcome and included in this training; proselytizing of any specific faith or religion is strictly prohibited.

Why should someone take this training?

Well-trained unit chaplains and chaplain aides provide the spiritual aspect of the program. They support duty to God, particularly in outdoor experiences.

In addition to a fresh, relevant syllabus, the course offers the opportunity to network with other chaplains and chaplain aides within your council.

What will participants learn?

At the course’s conclusion, participants should be able to:

  • Express understanding of online materials
  • Be comfortable with their role as unit chaplain or chaplain aide
  • Build a relationship with the chartered organization representative
  • Be familiar with resources available for chaplains and chaplain aides
  • Be comfortable with responsibilities for guiding conversations
  • Participate in the planning and implementation of a worship service

The course code for this training is D86. Find the syllabus online at this link.


Scouting Safely



Cartoon Corner



Thoughts from the Council:



Monday Memo is from the Council and contains our reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of the Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that we want to bring to your attention. We welcome any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to Brian attention c/o Monday Memo:  Monday Memo Archives Click Here


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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045