Monday Memo 

Joseph Daniszewski
Scout Executive

Good day and welcome to our October 12th Monday Memo


2009 Total Quality District Tracker
. Total Units District Committee Unit Commissioners Quality Units
. 12/31/08 Current 12/31/08 Current 12/31/08 Current 12/31/08 Current
Mt. Rubidoux District 130 98 31 28 27 32 87 0
Temescal District 114 102 15 18 45 32 69 0
Arrowhead District 123 113 31 18 42 39 67 0
High Desert District 154 139 24 25 55 53 101 0
Sunrise District 81 65 13 15 23 18 0 0
Three Peaks District 108 91 10 9 36 34 0 0
Tahquitz District 115 113 24 24 43 39 81 0
Five Nations District 109 45 19 18 22 13 44 0
Grayback District 90 89 28 19 41 28 1 0
Old Baldy District 151 131 25 17 47 32 0 0
Council 1175 986 220 191 381 320 450 0


Boys' Life   . Advancements
. Actual Objective* To Go . Boy Scouts 12/31/2008 YTD 2009 Cub Scouts 12/31/2008 YTD 2009
Mt. Rubidoux District 558 584 26 Mt. Rubidoux District 353 / 278 799 / 557
Temescal District 737 796 59 Temescal District 601 / 441 1165 / 800
Arrowhead District 453 547 94 Arrowhead District 297 / 166 557 / 478
High Desert District 426 422 0 High Desert District 473 / 372 967 / 556
Sunrise District 333 462 129 Sunrise District 216 / 139 382 / 315
Three Peaks District 219 226 7 Three Peaks District 334 / 182 446 / 322
Tahquitz District 975 1099 124 Tahquitz District 654 / 499 1336 / 1010
Five Nations District 218 247 29 Five Nations District 195 / 106 200 / 124
Grayback District 491 629 138 Grayback District 393 / 303 673 / 503
Old Baldy District 750 880 130 Old Baldy District 501 / 251 887 / 625
Council 5160 5892 736 Council 4019 / 2757 7630/5439
. . . *based on a 3% increase over last year . Council        # of Eagles 452 / 334 .


TAHQUITZ 2483 37,830 6.56 113 1082
GRAYBACK 1327 28,662 4.63 89 789
TEMESCAL 1991 53,479 3.72 102 1099
OLD BALDY 1799 50,244 3.58 131 1094
3 PEAKS 927 26,583 3.49 91 530
HIGH DESERT 1600 48,572 3.29 139 914
MOUNT RUBIDOUX 1428 45,578 3.13 98 924
SUNRISE 745 50,382 1.48 65 411
ARROWHEAD 1190 87,749 1.36 113 679
5 NATIONS 487 38,012 1.28 45 304
COUNCIL 13,977 467,091 4.28 986 7826

*TYP-Total Youth Population

2010 Eagle Scout Scholarship Applications Are Online

Applications for Eagle Scout scholarships for 2010 are now available at We ask that your local council Web site please link back to the following URL so your Eagle Scouts who apply for a college scholarship use the correct application, which is a mandatory requirement. Incorrect applications from prior years will not be accepted. Here is that URL:

If your council Web site currently has NESA Eagle Scout scholarship applications already posted, those are the wrong and obsolete versions. Please delete them and link to the current ones now posted at the URL above.

This year, just over 4,500 applications were received for the 109 scholarships awarded. Of those applicants, 937 used the wrong form and thus were immediately rejected. Please consider the time and effort these applicants took to complete the application and to gather reference letters, and their anticipation as they mailed their application and awaited a response. Yet the rule is that they must use the correct application. None of these applicants ever had a chance. Let's work together to help prevent this from happening again in your council.

Please help your Eagle Scouts have a chance for a scholarship by linking your Web site to This will give them direct access to the correct applications.


Californina Inland Empire Council Honors State Senator John Benoit 

The Temescal District Boy Scouts of America recently presented State Senator John Benoit with the Distinguished Citizen of the Year honor. "As a former Scout, It is an honor to accept this prestigious award from an organization dedicated to developing the future leaders of America and preserving the values that make this country so great,? said Senator Benoit, a former Scout.

In 2007, Benoit was presented with the Distinguished Citizen Of The Year honor in Hemet by the Boy Scouts? Three Peaks District


Help Rebuild Our Camp Helendade

We Have Wood!!!! The wood to rebuild the camp, will be delievered this next week. We could use everyones HELP! We need to get this building up and enclosed before the winter snow. We have scheduled three weekends to get this accomplished. October 17 & 18, October 24 & 25, & October 31 & November 1.

Team Work Will Build This Camp. We can put everyone to work. No matter what the skill level is: Call Larry Agre so we can have enough food and drinks for you. (909) 557-5616

Click Here for Flyer


FOS Report 

10/9/2009 American League Goal Actual % of Goal Cash to Date % of Cash Cash 12/31 10/2/2009 $ Raised to Date % of goal to reach by10/30
Scoutreach Tony Hayes $35,000 $38,408 109.7% $20,253 52.7% $27,483 $38,408 $0 110.0%
Mt. Rubidoux Jim Nelson $115,000 $116,462 101.3% $108,556 93.2% $93,910 $116,442 $20 105.0%
Tahquitz Donna Baker $160,000 $133,855 83.7% $119,806 89.5% $139,447 $133,855 $0 90.0%
3 Peaks Bill Marshall $85,000 $68,724 80.9% $64,719 94.2% $71,834 $68,624 $100 85.0%
Grayback Paul Foster $115,000 $91,991 80.0% $85,020 92.4% $99,442 $91,966 $25 85.0%
. National league . . . . . . . . .
High Desert Owen Spencer $115,000 $88,745 77.2% $81,746 92.1% $102,208 $88,745 $0 78.3%
Temescal Grant Clark $142,000 $105,145 74.0% $89,722 85.3% $128,149 $105,120 $25 80.0%
Sunrise Ron Miller $70,000 $51,792 74.0% $38,245 73.8% $58,095 $51,792 $0 77.1%
5 Nations Carolyn Bailey $60,000 $42,294 70.5% $33,852 80.0% $35,929 $42,294 $0 75.0%
Old Baldy Lynn Anderson-Castillo $140,000 $95,611 68.3% $83,373 87.2% $118,167 $95,481 $130 70.0%
Arrowhead Maj. Russell Fritz $95,000 $62,601 65.9% $55,075 88.0% $70,970 $62,601 $0 70.0%
Learning for life Andrea Mitchell $40,000 $21,076 52.7% $9,617 45.6% $31,538 $21,336 -$260 55.0%
. .









MVP this week are 3 Peaks and Old Baldy Districts. Congratulations Bill Marshall & Team, and Lynn Anderson-Castillo & Team.

Click here for LDS FOS Report


Postive Quote

Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.
-- John Muir


Have a great Scouting week!
Yours in the Spirit of Scouting,  

Joe Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO
California Inland Empire Council, BSA
1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374

909.793.2463, Ext. 120
909.793.0306 Fax

Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the
good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring
to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this
memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it
to his attention c/o Monday Memo: for Monday Memo Archives Click Here


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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045