Welcome to our October 14th, 2013 Monday Memo


Congratulations to John Garcia, 2014 W4S Section Chief

Our very own Cahuilla Lodge Chief was elected as the 2014 W4S Section Chief at the close of this year's Conclave.

Immediately after the close of Conclave, Section Chief John Garcia chaired his first meeting where the outgoing and incoming Section Officers had a debrief on 2013 Conclave and began discussions for 2014 Conclave scheduled for October 10-12, 2014, Rosemead High School.

Congratulations to John Garcia, 2014 W4S Section Chief


In light of major budget shortfalls in Summer Camp Revenue and the impact of the Fire Danger over last Summer,
the Executive Board of the CIEC approved a 2013 Budget Revision that called for the elimination of 4 Field Staff positions and
1 part time Support Staff positions.

We have redeployed our 5 District Directors and Director of Field Service, Program Director and Scout Executive
to serve our Chartered Organizations, Youth and Adult Volutneer Leaders in our Cub Scout Packs, Boy Scout Troops, Varsity Teams and Venture Crews.

Our Five Service Areas will each cover 2 Scouting Districts:
(All extensions can be reached by calling the Jack Dembo Scout center at 909-793-2463 unless otherwise specified)

Service Area A - Arrowhead and High Desertserved by:
District Director Marcell Vargas (ext. 102 or mvargas@bsamail.org) and Director of Field Service Jesse Lopez (ext. 128 or jjlopez@bsamail.org)

Service Area B - Five Nations and Mount Rubidoux, served by:
District Director Tracy Youden (ext. 123 or tyouden@bsamail.org)

Service Area C - Grayback and Sunrise, served by:
District Director Ricci Dula (ext. 118 or rydula@bsamail.org) and Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski (ext. 120 or jdanisze@bsamail.org)

Service Area D - Old Baldy and Temescal, served by:
District Director Paul Reyes (Old Baldy Scout Center 909-625-4534 ext. 305 or preyes@bsamail.org) and Program Director Josh Fisher (ext. 139 or jofisher@bsamail.org)

Service Area E - Tahquitz and Three Peaks, served by:
District Director Tina Roy (ext. 151 or tinroy@bsamail.org)

The Great Urban Adventure

On September 13th Troop 377 headed off on our new annual tradition, braving the urban jungle of Los Angeles. The campsite is in a park-like setting on top of a parking garage at the Los Angeles Scout Council in Echo Park. It is definitely the most unique campsite that we have ever been to. A perfect view of the Downtown Skyline really sets it apart.

On Saturday we drove to Union Station and rode the Metrolink to the California Science Center to check out the Space Shuttle Endeavour. After the shuttle, we explored what the Science Center had to offer. We didn’t see half the extensive exhibits and interactive machines. A couple of us were even lucky enough to go to the USC Trojan football game.                                                      

After our Science Center visit, we headed back to Union Station and hopped a shuttle to our next stop, the Dodger’s game. We enjoyed Scout night at Dodger Stadium with all you can eat Dodger Dogs, nachos, peanuts, and drinks. We were having so much fun we almost didn’t notice the Giants winning 19-3! The highest score given up by the Dodgers in Dodger Stadium History. The next day after cooking breakfast we gathered for a Scout’s Own and Green Bar and headed home.

Written by Alex Miller, Life Scout


The CIEC Conservation Roadshow

On Thursday October 10th, the CIEC Conservation Roadshow descended on the  3 Peaks Roundtable.  With them, they brought information for scouts and  leaders about the Conservation Awards their youth might already be earning... AND NOT EVEN KNOW IT! 

Scouts, Venturers, leaders and parents were also given the ins and out of earning the ever elusive "Olympic Medal Bestowed by the Earth ...the William T. Hornaday Award for Distinguished Service to Natural Resource Conservation".  Youth in attendance were given packets to help them unravel the mysteries of this very prestigious and coveted prize.

The CIEC Conservation Roadshow will be at the Grayback District Round Table on Novemeber 14. Be the next Round Table to sign up for the CIEC Conservation Roadshow.

For more information and to sign up towonuni@aol.com


Grayback District Leave No Trace

CIEC Grayback District hosted their second Leave No Trace Trainer Course at the Jurupa Mountains Discovery Center (JMDC).

Kyle Gonering lead the course and with a staff of  Paula Boothe, Terese Romagnano, Summer Pearson, John Gonering, all Leave No Trace Master Educators; and, Leave No Trace Trainers Sherrie, Hannah and Jake Reynolds did an outstanding job!

Participants came from several districts to complete Wood Badge and Foxfire ticket items. Everyone is excited to take the information back to their units, and one participant will be volunteering with the Bureau of Land Management.

Great job everyone! We have 9 more Leave No Trace Trainers in CIEC!

A Message From Membership Impact

We are pleased to inform you that the Boy Scouts of America and the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod have developed a new memorandum of understanding (MOU) this past week. This is the first MOU since the National Council passed the resolution that amended the membership policy for youth.

The Boy Scouts of America has tremendous respect for the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod’s chartering congregations and their beliefs. We are thankful for our valuable and productive relationship on behalf of boys, young adults, and their families—a relationship that has held strong for more than 75 years and remains unchanged.

Further, we appreciate the opportunity to communicate with the church and come to a mutual understanding. This agreement was the outcome of a meeting between the top leadership of the BSA and the top leadership of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod in Irving, Texas, on August 22, 2013.

We anticipate this will be the first of many renewed and updated MOUs nationally. The format and language used throughout this document will probably become part of a template that other chartered organizations will emulate.

America needs Scouting, and we look forward to continuing our work together with all of our chartered organizations to continue to accomplish great things for youth. Thanks for all you do to make this a reality. 

Zombie Weekend.........At Boseker Scout Reservation

Ever wonder what happens at camp after Eerie Emerson and before Winter Camps?
Here is your chance to find out.

November 9 - 10, 2013, Join the fun by signing up today….. it will fill out quickly.

Early Bird Fee: $17.00 per youth $12.00 per Adult
For Registrations through October 18th After 10/18 fee increases $5.00 per person
Includes Saturday dinner, patch and program

Camping available: $5.00 per person, includes Sunday Breakfast
Sign up Early! Registration is limited to 300 per weekend

Units that decorate and haunt a campsite can camp overnight at no additional charge (based on availability) Register Online  CLICK HERE for Registration Form


Webelos Woods Weekend

The weekend of October 4th, 2013, Ten WEBELOS Cub Scouts from Pack 280 attended WEBELOS IN THE WOODS at Camp Emerson in Idyllwild. They earned more than forty Activity Badges that Saturday. The boys and parents enjoyed the weekend at the camp.

Cub Scout Pack 280 meets at Lake Mathews Elementary School, 12252 Blackburn Rd, Riverside at 7:00 pm the last Tuesday of the month.

For more information about the Pack 280 or Troop 280 Please e-mail the Cubmaster Bruce Bordner bbordner@aol.com


2014 Summer Camp Staff!!!

Camp staff interviews for the 2014 camp season will be taking place during the month of November.

If you want an experience of a lifetime, and a chance to get out of the heat of the valley, submit your application today! Click Here for Application!

Camp Emerson 2014

It's time to get ready for Summer Camp 2014! Camp Emerson at Boseker Scout Reservation is the place to be next summer and here is why:

  • Camp Emerson offers a First Class Rifle, Shotgun and Black Powder Range, with Expert NRA Instructors.
  • Archery Range! This past summer many upgrades took place to equipment, and for 2014 additional equipment and site upgrades will be taking place.
  • Commissioner Service! In 2012 we introduced Commissioner Service at camp. Each week a Volunteer Commissioner helps units plan and execute their program, making the most out of their week at summer camp.
  • Outdoor Skills! Pioneering, Wilderness Survival, First Aid and Emergency Preparedness are just the start of a Scouts visit to the Outdoor Skills area. New for 2014 is our redesigned and expanded Indian Village.
  • Trail to First Class! All Scouts that have not obtained First Class yet should spend a portion of their day at the Trail to First Class area where they will be able to complete many of the requirements for each rank.
  • Aquatic Programs! Our lake offers Canoeing and Row Boating, and at the pool Swimming, Lifesaving and beginner swim lessons are offered.
  • Great Food! Chef Neil Royer will once again be providing quality food service.

SIGN UP BEFORE NOVEMBER 30th and receive the Limited Edition 2014 Gold Bordered Patch!
For more information and to register for CAMP EMERSON 2014 click here

How Do You Get Other Scouters to Get Trained?

Randy has tried begging, peer pressure and guilt-tripping, but no matter what the Scoutmaster does, he still can’t get every adult in Troop 339 trained.
“I have a handful of parents in my troop who say they don’t have time to get trained,” he writes. “How do I show them the value of training? I feel like I’ve tried everything.”
Sound familiar?

The BSA’s training continuum, which begins with mandatory Youth Protection training and continues through high-level courses like Wood Badge, help turn run-of-the-mill parents into Scouting superheroes. But in training, like anything in life, 95 percent of success comes from just showing up.

For today’s Tuesday Talkback, answer this: How do you get reluctant adult leaders to attend online and in-person training? Leave a comment to help Scouters like Randy with this important problem. Read responses from 2007 See Scouting magazine’s 2007 article


3rd Quarter 2013 P.R.A.Y. Report, Youth Awards

Name Award Church Name Award Church
Michael Hubbard Maccabee   Nathan Lopez God & Family Redlands Christian School
Justin Neville God & Me Phelan New Life Benjamin Nocera God & Family Redlands Christian School
Zachariah Knobel God & Me Crosspoint Community Church Jared Tincher God & Family Redlands Christian School
Ryan Kern God & Me Crossroads Weston Mayo God & Family Redlands Christian School
PJ Swanson God & Me Revival Nicholas Birnbaum God & Church Immanuel Baptist Church
Devin Bayless God & Me Phelan New Life Daniel Cronin God & Church Immanuel Baptist Church
Nathan Magis God & Me Phelan New Life Skylar Cummings God & Church Immanuel Baptist Church
Cameron Moore God & Me Phelan New Life Mark Galle God & Church Immanuel Baptist Church
Jordan Rahder God & Me Phelan New Life Troy Galle God & Church Immanuel Baptist Church
Evean Rohrig God & Me Phelan New Life Brandon Payne God & Church Immanuel Baptist Church
Samuel Marshall God & Family Redlands Christian School Cory Kienzle God & Church Immanuel Baptist Church
Jacob Hammers God & Family Redlands Christian School Nathan Nunez God & Church Immanuel Baptist Church
Zachary Jones God & Family Redlands Christian School      


Friends Of Scouting Report

10/14/2013 District Chair 2013 Goal  2013 Pledged (Year To Date) % of  Goal Cash Paid
(Year to Date)
# of Donors Donors Asked  % of Donors Asked 10/31/2012 Pledged
Tahquitz Bill Dull $140,000 $142,164 101.5% $132,870 2,072 938 45.3% $135,011
Mt. Rubidoux Matt Barth $122,000 $121,756 99.8% $113,939 1,468 755 51.4% $125,423
Grayback Darrel Olson $107,000 $104,118 97.3% $92,689 937 573 61.2% $88,466
High Desert Greg Rickerl $100,000 $93,445 93.4% $86,799 1,401 693 49.5% $92,753
Temescal Tom Munoz $96,500 $84,281 87.3% $79,878 1,565 736 47.0% $95,057
Old Baldy Max Williams $120,000 $99,961 83.3% $73,094 1,581 591 37.4% $97,808
Arrowhead Michael Bentley $66,500 $52,364 78.7% $49,170 962 476 49.5% $54,944
Sunrise Scott Evans $59,500 $42,905 72.1% $39,154 665 265 39.8% $48,113
3 Peaks   $71,000 $49,168 69.3% $45,777 1,052 435 41.3% $61,125
5 Nations Ross Nakatani $33,200 $22,736 68.5% $21,387 409 144 35.2% $30,870
    $915,700 $812,898 88.8% 734,757 12,112 5,606 46.3% $829,570

Positive Quote & Prayer

"Following the light of the sun, we left the Old World."

    ~  Christopher Columbus

Lord, thank You for doing immeasurably more in our lives than we could ever imagine.
I am so thankful that You are able and often do make impossible situations possible.

Joe Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO

California Inland Empire Council, BSA

PO Box 8910

1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374
909.793.2463, Ext. 120
909.793.0306 Fax

Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: Joseph.Daniszewski@scouting.org for Monday Memo Archives Click Here      



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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

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