Welcome to our October 15th, 2012 Monday Memo


Cub Archery Shoot

What a beautiful Fall day on Saturday, perfect for archery! The sun was shining, the air was cool, & there was no wind. All of the boys in attendance had a great time, & behaved as really good scouts! Congratulations to all the boys, & thanks to their leaders and their parents for bringing them out to participate. Our top 5 shooters in the morning were:

5th Place: Matthew K. Pack 97, Mt. Rubidoux
4th Place: Chance J. Pack 17, Greyback
3rd Place: Ashton V. Pack 17, Greyback
2nd Place: Cameron Y. Pack 322, Greyback
1st Place: Joshua S. Pack 17, Greyback

Our top 5 shooters in the afternoon were:
5th Place: Spencer M. Pack 703, Mt. Rubidoux
4th Place: Justin C. Pack 642, 5 Nations
3rd Place: Benny B. Pack 703, Mt. Rubidoux
2nd Place: Justin V. Pack 322, Greyback
1st Place: Matthew D. Pack 322, Greyback

Looking forward to our next session on October 27, and the shootoff on November 17. Great job everyone!


Silver Beaver Award Nominations Due November 21st, 2012

Nominate an outstanding Scouter for the Silver Beaver Award.  The Silver Beaver Award is the highest award that a council can present to a volunteer. This award is for outstanding service to youth at the council level or for outstanding longtime service to youth by a registered Scouter residing within the California Inland Empire Council.

To nominate an outstanding Scouter for this prestigious award, please complete the 2012 Silver Beaver Nomination form and submit it to the California Inland Empire Council.  Nomination forms are due no later than November 21, 2012. The 2012 Silver Beaver Awards will be presented at the Council Annual Volunteer Recognition Dinner on February 2, 2013.



C.I.E.C. Certified Registrar

Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski presented with great pleasure Chrissy Eads of the California Inland Empire Council in Redlands, California, a certificate recognizing her as a certified registrar.

Chrissy started with the council as a part-time local Scout shop employee in March of 2000.  She became a full-time Volunteer Services clerk in July of 2002, and registrar in May of 2005.  Her dedication to her position and attention to detail are a great asset to the council team!

She is actively involved in her local American Cancer Society Relay for Life event.

Chrissy and her husband Dennis are the proud parents of Nick and Amanda, and grandchildren Lincoln and Addison.


Staff News!

Please join me in congratulating Joanne Higgins as our new CIEC/BSA Accounting Clerk.

Joanne started as a Volunteer Services clerk in May of 2005, working in the Jack Dembo Service Center in Redlands, then moved to the Old Baldy Scout Center in May of 2006.

She is the proud mother of 7 children and 2 grandchildren. Joanne always gives 100% and is well respected for her service to our youth and adults!


The Great California ShakeOut

The 2012 Great California ShakeOut earthquake drill is now a week from today (October 18th at 10:18 a.m.), and more than 9.1 million people have been registered to participate (500,000 more than 2011!)

If you are registered for this year's drill, thank you! If you participated in the past but have not yet renewed your registration for 2012, there is still time to renew at shakeout.org/california/login.

NEW! View a new message from President Obama encouraging participation nationally, as well as a letter from U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan and U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano! READ MORE.....


Order of the Arrow at Stampede 2012

The Cahuilla Lodge, Order of the Arrow, was out in force a few weekends ago to assist the CIEC in our annual scouting celebration, the Stampede at Glen Helen Regional Park.  The O.A. helped to kick-off the day on Saturday by preparing over 330 pancake breakfasts for both participants and staff.  Arrowman where up bright and early preparing pancakes, sausage and coffee.  Setting a patriotic tone for the day, Arrowman from the Cahuilla Lodge assisted in the presentation of colors, a 50 foot flag unrolled while past Lodge Adviser, Ken Hedrick, sang our national anthem.  Eric Fassbender, Brotherhood Honor Member provided the benediction.  Stampede Participants could spend time on the O.A. island with Arrowman instructing scouts in  Indian Lore, native American crafts and drumming. 

The Cahuilla Lodge takes pleasure annually in helping to support the California Inland Empire Council in our annual Stampede


Order of the Arrow Ordeal

The final Cahuilla Lodge Ordeal of the 2012 season was the largest in recent history with 95 new Ordeal Candidates inducted into the Brotherhood of the Order of the Arrow.  The Lodge inducted 95 new Arrowman along with 11 Brotherhood candidates sealing their ties in the Brotherhood.  Nine of our 10 Lodge Chapters where represented at the Ordeal with 7 chapters having candidates participating in the Ordeal.  The Lodge had the support of many chapters ceremonial teams to help with the high number of candidates.  Over 25 ceremonial team members participated in the Pre-Ordeal, Ordeal and Brotherhood Ceremonies of the weekend along with fourteen Elangomats guiding their clans through their Ordeal.

Our 95 new Arrowman, Brotherhood members and Elangomats successfully closed out the Council’s summer camp by breaking down and stowing all summer camp platforms tent frames and tent canvas’s.  In addition, the Lodge was able to make progress on the new wood fence along the front property line.

The Lodge welcomes our new Arrowman from across the Council and extends a HUGE thank you to all our general membership who assisted in making this both our largest Ordeal in recent memory and a complete success


Adult Leader Awards

Name Unit District Award Name Unit District Award
James Kosan Pack 62 Mt. Rubidoux Unit Leader Award of Merit Eugene Sadler Pack 495 Five Nations Cubmaster Award
James Kosan Pack 62 Mt. Rubidoux Webelos Den Leader Maureen MacDonald Pack 309 Tahquitz Cub Scout Den Leader
James Kosan Pack 62 Mt. Rubidoux Cub Scouter Heidi Salerno Pack 332 Tahquitz Cub Scout Den Leader
Chris Williams Pack 1887 Mt. Rubidoux Tiger Cub Den Leader Maureen MacDonald Pack 309 Tahquitz Tiger Cub Den Leader
Nancy Nielson District Arrowhead Arrowhead Honor Darla Dunn Pack 323 Tahquitz William D. Boyce
Tom Norman Troop 256 High Desert Boy Scout Leader's Training Donald Latham Troop 2011 Tahquitz William D. Boyce
Quinter Rowley Troop 408 Three Peaks Boy Scout Leader's Training        


Recently Completed Eagles

Name District Unit Name District Unit
Nikolas Bravo Arrowhead Crew 115 Keith Caldwell Temescal Crew 246
Collin Alexander Mt. Rubidoux Troop 16 Brandon Dahl Temescal Troop 220
Jacob Munton Three Peaks Team 185 Isaac Silveira Temescal Troop 201
Eric Munton Three Peaks Crew 185 Matthew Vargas Temescal Troop 202
Steven Falcon Sunrise Crew 105 Sean O'Sullivan Sunrise Troop 131
Justin Rickett High Desert Troop 557 Joshua Carlin Old Badly Crew 644
Brooks Allen High Desert Crew 157 Erik Hodges Old Badly Troop 608
Logan Jensen High Desert Crew 365 Nikolas Smith Old Badly Troop 623
Alexander Wilson Tahquitz Crew 524 Trevor Smith Old Badly Team 66
Andrew Knowlton Tahquitz Crew 777 Joshua Anderson Old Badly Troop 608
Michael Kellogg Tahquitz Troop 309 Gary Schaumann Old Badly Team 618
Joseph Ham Tahquitz Crew 334 Sean Getty Arrowhead Troop 110
Stewart Grafton Tahquitz Crew 724 Jasper Andrade Five Nations Troop 428
Blake Ellertson Tahquitz Crew 333 Cole Wilson Three Peaks Crew 485
Ethan Delgado Temescal Troop 999 Sam DeSchepper Tahquitz Crew 833
Robert Horspool Five Nations Crew 595 Christopher Le Tahquitz Team 633
Shawn Dickey Mt. Rubidoux Troop 129 Jedidiah Sorce Tahquitz Team 633
Chaz Hafer Mt. Rubidoux Team 606 Talmadge Shumway Five Nations Crew 295
Maximilian Bebar Sunrise Troop 262 Tyler Miller Grayback Crew 231
Noah Powell Sunrise Crew 80 Brandon Sabado Grayback Crew 321
Andrew Loos Temescal Team 499 Raphael Hall Grayback Troop 11
Nathan Hoyt Tahquitz Crew 526 Brian Naas High Desert Troop 351
Jacob Vorkink Temescal Crew 703 Mitchell Christian High Desert Troop 357
Kendall Charles Temescal Crew 209      


Friends Of Scouting Report

10/15/2012   2012 Goal 2012 Pledged (Year To Date) % of  Goal Cash Paid
(Year to Date)
% of Goal 10/17/2011 Pledged
Mt. Rubidoux Carl Rowe $122,500 $125,446 102.40% $111,769 91.24% $123,005
High Desert Greg Lundeen $99,500 $97,065 97.55% $89,868 90.32% $93,014
Tahquitz Bill Dull $139,600 $133,476 95.61% $119,309 85.46% $123,601
3 Peaks Andrew Kotyuk $71,000 $64,133 90.33% $62,448 87.95% $59,294
Grayback Darrel Olson $106,000 $93,120 87.85% $87,687 82.72% $94,738
Sunrise Scott Evans $60,000 $52,258 87.10% $48,885 81.48% $44,622
Temescal Tom Munoz $110,600 $95,833 86.65% $84,244 76.17% $111,041
Arrowhead Michael Bentley $65,500 $56,556 86.35% $49,715 75.90% $59,994
Old Baldy Max Williams $131,500 $102,010 77.57% $76,530 58.20% $114,124
5 Nations Ross Nakatani $43,500 $24,983 57.43% $21,837 50.20% $23,210
    $949,700 $844,880 88.96% $752,292 79.21% $846,643


World War II Posters


Positive Quote

"When we feel love and kindness toward others, it not only makes others feel loved and cared for, but it helps us also to develop inner happiness and peace."

    ~ Dalai Lama 


Joe Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO

California Inland Empire Council, BSA

PO Box 8910

1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374
909.793.2463, Ext. 120
909.793.0306 Fax

Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: Joseph.Daniszewski@scouting.org for Monday Memo Archives Click Here      



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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

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