Monday Memo 

Joseph Daniszewski
Scout Executive

Good day and welcome to our October 18th, 2010 Monday Memo


A Long Way from the Finish Line

As part of our Get in the Game! program, we launched a nationwide geocaching pinewood derby race using Travel Bugs®. They made their way to the national jamboree, and have since been re-released into the wild! With hundreds of terrific entries, it was hard to select just a handful of winners 

1.     First to Reach the Jamboree (TB2REXA) Tahquitz District, California Inland Empire Council

2.     Most Miles Traveled* (TB18NHE) Black Mountain District, San Diego-Imperial Council

3.     Overall Design Winner (TBQ1C2) Troop 160, Tomahawk District, Coronado Area Council

4.     Best Cub Scout Car to Reach the Jamboree (TB2RP6R) Tiger Pack 119, Saukenuk District, Illowa Council

5.     Best 1OOth Anniversary Design to Reach the Jamboree, (TB34736) Troop 431, Chattahoochee District, Atlanta Area Council

This is, by no means, the end of our geocaching program. It’s a great activity to do with Scouts of any age. With a new merit badge** becoming available, Boy Scouts will soon have an extra incentive to take up the sport. 

In addition to being fun, geocaching can help you reach important goals like alumni engagement and membership recruitment. To learn more about what geocaching can do for you, read our Get in the Game! program overview and our NEW guide for unit leaders.

Remember that geocaching is still a novelty to a lot of people. Some Scouting groups have leveraged that fact to get media attention for their geocaching events and for the program as a whole. Here’s a great reference to the new merit badge (including messages about Scouts evolving with the times and being relevant for today’s youth) in an article about the West Tennessee Area Council. This is a fun event notice from Troop 83 in Kenilworth, New Jersey. Consider engaging local media around your next geocaching event, or do something that integrates with the merit badge pamphlet and artwork—just unveiled this week. There is a template news release in the Get in the Game! toolkit.

Together, launching our second century of service!

Bob Mersereau
National Director
100th Anniversary Celebration Project 


Kernal Journal, The Take Order System Now Available

The Take Order system is now available for you to begin inputting your product and prize orders. Your orders must be placed by Monday, October 25th.

IMPORTANT: Any extra product from your unit’s Show & Deliver sale must be applied toward your needs for the Take Order sale. For example, you have need for 15 cases of popping corn and you have 5 cases left over from the Show & Deliver sale. This means you would only place an order for 10 cases of popping corn.  Once you have tallied your Take Order sale needs, full cases of non-chocolate products can be returned to the Jack Dembo Council Service Center in Redlands by 5:00 PM Friday, October 22nd.


October 22
Deadline for Product Return (no chocolate returns accepted)

October 25
Take Order Sale Orders Due (enter online or to district kernel)

November 13
Product Available for Pickup with payment for 70% of Retail Value Due.
(Check with your district kernel for specific times and locations)

December 6
Take Order Sale Checks Deposited

December 13
Last day for Prize Orders and Corrections

December 15
Paperwork Due to Service Center

  • Scholarship Forms
  • Bonus Commission Forms
Show & Sell Popcorn Still Available
It’s not too late to schedule another Blitz Day or to conduct booth sales at store fronts, high school games, and other public events. Everything except for popping corn is available and can be picked up at the Jack Dembo Council Service Center in Redlands through Monday, October 25th. Please contact Kevin Gustafson to schedule a time to pick up or to get more information.

Online Sales is a Great Way to Sell More!
In fact since, August 1st nearly $20,000 in sales have been done online. All online sales count toward Scout Rewards from August 1st to December 13th. To view your Scouts’ online sales, go to to sign in or create an account. Then click on View Online Sales.

Remember – Each Scout must create his own account to sell online.

Get your Scouts selling online today!

1.       Have each Scout go to to create an account

2.       Next, he’ll go to the Send Emails page, choose a template and send emails to his customers.

3.       Customers make purchases on, which are automatically credited to the Scout’s unit in his name.

4.       Trail’s End ships the product directly to his customers.

5.       He can then go to Track My Online Sales to see who has made a purchase.

Learn about Trail’s End bonus giveaways, too! Go to to find out more.

Fill it Up Drawing
The Fill It Up Drawings are each Friday at noon through October 22nd. Be sure to fax (909-793-0306) or email ( the Scout’s completed form to the council. Please refer to the Leader’s Guide for more information.

Have a great day! Kevin Gustafson


Local Youth Get Fired Up!

Youth from across Riverside & San Bernardino Counties Sign Up: Youth Find Scouting As Exciting As Lights Flashing On A Fire Truck; Youth Say Scouting is Great!

The California Inland Empire Council – Boy Scouts of America in partnership with various Fire Departments throughout Riverside & San Bernardino Counties will be conducting a Special Fall Recruitment campaign (Fired Up For Scouting). Fall recruiting is a fantastic opportunity for your Cub Scout Pack to strengthen small dens and to identify new parent leaders. Fall recruiting allows you to invite boys from first grade to fifth grade to join your Pack. ALL new Scouts and leaders can participate in the packs fall/winter time programs, such as Eerie Emerson, Klondike Derby, the Blue & Gold Banquet, and the Pinewood Derby plus many other Scouting activities throughout the fall/winter. This also allows the Pack to get a huge jump-start on filling adult leadership positions for the following year.

Our Fall Fire Up For Scouting is very simple!

  • Announce your commitment to participate by contacting your District Executive.
  • Work with your D.E. to coordinate with your elementary school to distribute flyers and schedule a boy talk.
  • Plan to have at least two parents at your local fire station on to welcome any new Scouts. Collect completed youth applications and fees and submit them to the Unit Commissioner assigned to the fire station.
  • Invite your new Scout and his parents to an orientation meeting within two weeks to present the new Scout his Pinewood Derby Kit and most importantly to discuss the necessity of parent involvement and to register your new adult leaders.

 It’s that simple! If you'd like more information about scouting please call Jesse Lopez 909-973-2463 or e-mail Jesse at


Defensive Driving Benefits The BSA

Be prepared for your next road trip--take defensive driving and benefit the BSA!

The Boy Scouts of America and the National Safety Council have joined together to offer two great benefits for employees, volunteers, AND the organization: online defensive driving at the discounted rate of $19.95--that's less than half the original price--with an added bonus of a $4 donation to the BSA!

Take advantage of this great deal on MyScouting by clicking Resources.*

Please pass this opportunity to all your friends and family--it's a chance to save money and give back to the Boy Scouts of America.

For more information, go to

* This offer is optional and totally voluntary.


2011 OKPIK Cold Weather Leader Training

Developed at the Boy Scouts of America's National Cold-Weather Camping Development Center, OKPIK Cold Weather Leader Training is the official BSA course for individual leaders and older youth, in regards to winter camping. The emphasis of the training is on how to develop and operate cold weather camping programs for units, districts, or councils. OKIPK Cold Weather Leader Training will be offered from January 4th - January 9th, 2011 at the National Cold-Weather Camping Development Center located at the Charles L. Sommers Wilderness Canoe Base in Ely, MN.

Training covers a variety of topics such as: shelter options, snow travel techniques, dog sledding, logistics, safety concerns, cold weather clothing, and equipment options. Participants will put to practice these techniques on their own expedition accompanied by skilled OKPIK staff.

The Boy Scouts of America defines cold-weather camping as any camping that takes place when the high temperature of the day is 50 degrees or below. Do you currently have volunteers or staff trained to safely administer your winter or cold-weather programs? Take advantage of OKPIK Cold Weather Leader Training to make your winter programs safe and fun for everyone.

Click Here for registration form for OKPIK 2010 - 2011. Visit to view the NEW Northern Tier promotion video!


Beekeeping Advancement Oportunities 

The Beekeeping merit badge was offered from 1915 until 1995. From 1980 to 1994, the number of youth earning this merit badge ranged from 700 to 1,000 per year. That decline in interest eventually led to its demise in 1995.

After receiving input from youth members and review by merit badge volunteers and professionals, we have formulated a way to bring greater exposure of beekeeping to youth. The plan includes the following:

  • Emphasis of the importance of bees and their symbiotic relationship with humankind may be added to or enhanced in as many as eight existing merit badges.

Merit Badge - Estimated Revision Date

Environmental Science - 2011-2012
Pulp and Paper - 2011-2012
Bird Study - 2012-2013
Insect Study - 2012-2013

Forestry - 2013-2014
Plant Science - 2013-2014 Gardening - 2014-2015
Nature - 2014-2015

  • The first merit badge to receive the addition will be Environmental Science, which is requried for all Eagle Scouts. Annually, nearly 73,000 youth earn this merit badge.
  • When fully integrated into the targeted merit badges, more than 100,000 Scouts each year will discover the importance of bees and beekeeping as part of a larger environmental picture.
  • Beekeeping projects, such as working with a colony or harvesting honey, will be considered for addition to one or more existing merit badges so that highly motivated youth members can use their beekeeping activities to help fulfill merit badge requirements.

We believe this plan will increase the awareness of honeybees and their critical impact on our environment, and prepare America's young people to help care for this important natural resource.


New NESA Eagle Scout Scholarship Applications Now Available

The applications for the 2011 NESA Eagle Scout scholarships are now available at The homepage features a blue, clickable banner that leads directly to the forms. These are the only scholarship applications acceptable in 2011.

These applications must be printed and mailed to the national office, postmarked no later than midnight on January 31, 2011.



Dear Friends, As you've probably learned by now, our dear Friend Dianne Lovell passed away on September 13, 2010. Your support, kindness and condolences have meant so much to the family.

We will celebrate Dianne's life with her sons Tim  and  Mike, Daughter-in-law Jeana and  Grandchildren,  Kristen and Kenneth.  Dianne valued all who she met and knew as friends thou her many years in Scouting, community work, and other services.  Please join us in showing her family all that she meant to each of us.

Memorial services at 1 p.m. Friday, October 29, 2010, at Riverside National Cemetery.

Should you need to contact the cemetery for any reason, the telephone number is: 951-653-8417.  We hope you can attend. 

If anyone would like to submit an on-line condolence, please use the following link:

Woody Funeral Home - Huguenot Chapel
1020 Huguenot Road
Midlothian, Virginia  23113
(804) 794-1000

Please Join the family for a Reception & Pot Luck immediately following the services to be held at  the home of Gary and Linda Jensen, 17551 Sandy Terrace, Riverside, CA.  (Behind Louie's Nursery, cross street Porter and Van Buren, approx. four miles from Riverside National Cemetery ). All are invited to attend. 

Please direct an RSVP for the reception, any questions you may have to Gary or Linda at Home phone: (951) 780-2890, or email:


News & Tidbits

Philmont Training Center

Course Catalog for 2011 Click Here

National BSA Supplyline

Check out the October 2010 Supplyline Click Here


Positive Quote

"When we accept tough jobs as a challenge to our ability and wade into them with joy and enthusiasm, miracles can happen."
-- Arland Gilbert


Have a great Scouting week!
Yours in the Spirit of Scouting,

Joe Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO
California Inland Empire Council, BSA
1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374

909.793.2463, Ext. 120
909.793.0306 Fax

Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: for Monday Memo Archives Click Here


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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045