Monday Memo 

Joseph Daniszewski
Scout Executive


Good day and welcome to our October 26th Monday Memo


Push your Scouts away from the table ... and the remote control

AS I TRAVEL TO COUNCILS across the country, I often speak about the health of our young people and the challenges of the growing problem of youth obesity.

Granted, we are now living in a digital age. Video games, cell phones, computer keyboards, and iPods are driving our young people indoors or into more sedentary activities. In fact, the U.S. Surgeon General?s office reports that today, 12.5 million children are overweight in the United States?more than 17 percent.

It is clearly our responsibility to continue to aggressively build and promote programs that contribute to healthier living for our Scouts. In addition, we need to be partners in making all children healthy, which we can accomplish through stepped-up recruiting efforts. I found very alarming a statement from former U.S. Surgeon General Richard H. Carmona in his testimony before Congress on childhood health and obesity:

?Because of the increasing rates of obesity, unhealthy eating habits, and physical inactivity, we may see the first generation that will be less healthy and have a shorter life expectancy than their parents.?

During 2009, Acting Surgeon General Steven K. Galson has been helping to raise awareness through his nationwide tour to promote ?Healthy Youth for a Healthy Future? (, an obesity prevention initiative recognizing communities that use creative approaches to encourage kids to eat right and exercise.

Scouting can also help reverse unhealthy trends by making sure ?no child is left inside.? On a weekend outing, a Scout may spend 36 to 48 hours in nature, more than balancing any time spent in front of a screen. This same outing will help keep a Scout active and physically fit, thereby addressing obesity rates. Most important, Scouts are in an environment where patrol members set the structure with ample time to explore the wonders of nature in an unhurried setting.

The approach of our 100th anniversary celebration reminds us of our commitment to encourage young people to enjoy the outdoors and strive to be as ?physically strong? as possible to lead healthy, productive lives. Their future is Scouting?s future. It?s up to us to set the example along the Scouting trail and help reduce the obesity rate of our future generation.

Robert J. Mazzuca
Chief Scout Executive


High Desert District Pinewood Derby

The winners were 1st Jacob Ford Pack 18, 2nd Chris Shutter Pack 456, and 3rd Ricardo Hall Pack 574.  Other awards were given for the following categories: Peoples Choice- Max Rosenberg P 574, Best Paint - Christian Rhodes P 157, Best in Show - Riley Ford Pack 18, Best Interior - Ethan Blackwood P 574 and Best in Progress - Francisco Trujillo P 157.

We had 16 participants and all of the boys had a great time competing in the District Pinewood Derby.



Kudos to the Taquitz District Webelos Woods for their "Green" efforts!

Tim Purvis wrote the following:

 I want to draw everyone?s attention to a subtle, but HUGE change that occurred this year for the Tahquitz WW activity.  While probably hardly noticed by our 475 plus Scouts, appreciated and supported heavily by our 105 adult Scouters and Leaders, yet felt immensely by our full kitchen staff, was the fact that not a single piece of Styrofoam product was used or dumped into a trash can to fill our landfills.  I?ve put some conservative numbers together for each of us to ponder for a moment in order for this to have full impact.  In review of my Sysco order on record for the 2008 Tahquitz WW activity, we eliminated the following this past weekend:

1,160 9? Styrofoam Plates eliminated=$112.24
Cups (get a load of this number) 5,220 Styrofoam Cups eliminated=133.45
2,400 Plastic Sporks eliminated=$14.26
600 Plastic Spoons eliminated=$15.57

Money saved by going Green at Emerson for Tahquitz WW 2009=275.52
Landfill spaced conserved by breakdown of Styrofoam product=2,000 years Click Here
Example set for kids=Priceless

Unless you worked in the kitchen, one did not realize the heavy, heavy added burden to manage the collection of trays and flatware to assure that Scouts did not inadvertently dump the silverware into the trash when dumping leftover food product, the oversight of an assembly-line for the collection of flatware into containers of soapy water, the stacking of trays, the collecting of trays needing to be carried back into the kitchen for washing, the washing of trays between the two food service meal servings required for a group this size, the restacking and organizing of flatware to prepare for the following meal service periods.  It added the need for another two to three adult volunteers just for oversight?..and, I would add that it was all worth our effort.  These kids will grow-up knowing that we simply cannot manufacture an oil base product that will take thousands of years to degrade for the simple use of convenience.  My hats off to each of you, but mainly Mr. Nick Radcliffe for making this Council effort and long time bantered-about issue a reality.  Nick Radcliffe did the footwork to assure that Camp Emerson received the ?used? trays and flatware.


Tell Us Your Scouting Stories! 

"We invite you to share your Scouting memories and stories with the National Scouting Museum. Please see attached flyer for details.  Also, feel free to distribute these flyers to anyone else that you think might have an interest in this program." 

Thank You

Gail Mayfield
Curator Assistant

National Scouting Museum
1329 W. Walnut Hill Ln.
Irving, TX. 75038
972-580-2426 or 800-303-3047 


Focusing On Results

As you may know, the BSA National Board Meeting was held in Dallas last week. Randall Stephenson, our national 100th Anniversary Chairman, knew there was one thing he needed to address above all, return on investment. When 2010 draws to a close, what will national and local councils have in return for the time, energy, and money that together we are putting in to the 100th?

We?ve set goals and committed ourselves to measurable outcomes. Through this celebration, we intend to increase membership, build the base of volunteers, re-engage alumni and enhance overall perceptions of Scouting. We have programs and a structure in place to accomplish those things. Now, our challenge is to realize the full potential of this opportunity.

We have a lot to be proud of already:

  • 17,000 plus reconnected alumni
  • More than 1,200 nominations to the National Hall of Leadership
  • 16,000 ribbons already earned through the Year of Celebration program in just six weeks
  • 284 Generational Scouting Family stories and more than 10,000 trees slated for 2010 planting
  • Nearly 1,600 unique media hits that have left 119 million positive impressions
  • More than 90% of local councils with plans in place to couple national celebration programs with a few carefully selected unique local celebration activities.
  • Great opportunities on the horizon with the 100th Anniversary coin from the U.S. Mint, an official U.S. Postal Service Stamp, a float in the Tournament of Roses Parade, a Grand Centennial Parade on July 25th in Washington, DC, and much more!

But let?s remember, this is about growing and strengthening Scouting in every community of America. The 100th Anniversary is a critical channel to help local councils achieve meaningful outcomes. It will take a focused effort on all our parts to realize the full potential of this celebration.

Think of this as an important and critical campaign to which you are fully committed. Each of us can be an ambassador. Each of us has unique opportunities to deliver a call to action to volunteers and staff?through personal connections, businesses, involvement with Scouting at the local level. Register as an alumnus through BSA Alumni Connection. Participate in the eight national engagement programs. Spread the word.

The next time our national board will convene is right around February 8, 2010 ? the date the Boy Scouts of America officially marks 100 years. But the focus will not be on the past. Instead, we?ll look forward. Because through this effort, we?re laying a foundation for Scouting?s next century of service.


Palm Desert - Sunrise Gold Cart Parade 

Kudos to Troop 131 of Sunrise District. They won the second place award in the Judge's Trophy category in the Palm Desert Golf Cart Parade.


News & Tidbits

Click Here to View the Kernel's Korner

Ham Radio Technician Class Training!
All the requirements for the Radio Merit Badge are met in this class
Click Here for Flyer




Congratulations to our Leaders for their Achievement!

Three Peaks District . . High Desert District . . Mt. Rubidoux District . .
Jim Wheeler P46 Tiger Cub Den Leader Ryan Williams District Boy Scout Leader's Training Jim Nelson T860 Varsity Leader Training Award
Ron McComisky P46 Cub Scouter Curt Schiller C756 Venturing Leader's Training Jim Nelson District Commissioner's Key
Donna Hiestand P46 Webelos Den Leader Jeff Graton T256 Boy Scout Leader's Training Jim Nelson District Arrowhead Honor
Aaron Drake P46 Cub Scout Den Leader Blair Cammak T365 Boy Scout Leader's Training Summer Pearson District Distinguished Comm.Service
Perry Hiestand P46 Cubmaster Matthew LaTomme T256 Scoutmaster's Key Michele Hamilton P16 Den Leader
William Pearson P315 Cub Scouter Melissa Martin P169 Cub Scout Den Leader Anthony Hamilton P16 Cub Scouter
William Pearson P315 Webelos Den Leader Jeffrey Mortensen T756 Scoutmaster's Key Cynthia Blessum C129 Crew Advisor's Key
Matt Brandt P444 Pack Trainer Tami Caballero P56 Tiger Den Leader Cynthia Blessum C129 Venturing Advisor's Key
Richard Tuttle District Commissioner's Key Brenna Hooten P56 Cub Scout Den Leader Cynthia Blessum T129 Boy Scout Leader's Training Award
Ricard Tuttle P444 Pack Trainer Mike Bentley District District Committee Key Sean McMullin T933 Boy Scout Leader's Training Award
Elysia Luke P444 Cub Scout Den Leader Michael Windust P56 Tiger Cub Den Leader Matthew Halterman T933 Boy Scout Leader's Training Award
Elysia Luke P444 Cub Scouter Rose Garcia P56 Cub Scout Den Leader Joe Ortiz, Jr. P90 Cub Scouter
Barbara Brock P385 Cub Scouter Maria Edwards P157 Cub Scout Den Leader Jim Nelson C176 Venturing Leader's Training
Barbara Brock P385 Cub Scout Den Leader Maria Edwards P157 Tiger Cub Den Leader Jim Nelson C176 Venturing Advisor's Key
Russ Brock P385 Cubmaster Maria Edwards P157 Webelos Den Leader Marlin Brandt T176 Boy Scout Leader's Training Award
Jennifer Lane P310 Cub Scouter Maria Edwards P157 Cub Scouter Michael McCammon T933 Boy Scout Leader's Training Award
Mark McCracken P310 Cub Scout Den Leader Shaun Edwards P157 Cubmaster Michael Hare T90 Boy Scout Leader's Training Award
Jennie Ragsdale P310 Tiger Cub Den Leader Ryan Williams District Commissioner's Key Debra Foley P29 Tiger Cub Den Leader
James Quinn P310 Webelos Den Leader . . . James Kosan P62 Cubmaster
Vanessa Hildebrand P310 Webelos Den Leader Temescal District . . Trang Pham P62 Pack Trainer
Roger Archer District Commissioner's Key Ace Marquez P201 Cub Scout Den Leader Jim Nelson P206 Cub Scouter
Roger Archer District Arrowhead Honor William Bradley P201 Cub Scout Den Leader Carrine Bell P29 Tiger Cub Den Leader
Curtis Egan P300 Cub Scout Den Leader Joaquin Ancona P243 Cub Scout Den Leader Kent Poulson T806 Scoutmaster's Key
Curtis Egan P300 Webelos Den Leader Joe Concialdi P393 Cub Scouter Casey McCluskey P703 Webelos Den Leader
. . . Keith Campbell P393 Cub Scout Den Leader Kathy Everhart P29 Tiger Cub Den Leader
Five Nations District . . Michael Olguin P205 Webelos Den Leader Ryan Nakatani P703 Webelos Den Leader
Jose Gonzales P642 Cub Scout Den Leader Steve Banneck P205 Cubmaster Randy Jensen P703 Webelos Den Leader
Bradley Jenson T495 Boy Scout Leader's Training Matt Glade T899 Boy Scout Leader's Training Tim Blaney P703 Webelos Den Leader
Cathy Harker T495 Boy Scout Leader's Training Brian Smethurst T899 Boy Scout Leader's Training David Silva P703 Webelos Den Leader
Susana Gonzales C488 Venture Leader's Training Ed Waite T899 Boy Scout Leader's Training Tim Blaney P703 Cub Scout Den Leader
Glenn Schnagel P210 Cub Scout Den Leader Brad Hawkins T499 Boy Scout Leader's Training Randell Carder P703 Cub Scout Den Leader
Glenn Schnagel P210 Webelos Den Leader Dale Bennett T499 Boy Scout Leader's Training Casey Mccluskey P703 Cub Scout Den Leader
Glenn Schnagel P210 Cub Scouter Owen McGarry P205 Tiger Cub Den Leader Marian Nakatani P703 Cub Scouter
Nancy Torres P210 Webelos Den Leader Dan Kopulsky P214 Cubmaster Robin Mammoth P703 Cub Scouter
Stephanie Karjala C488 Venture Leader's Training Darryl Romero T125 Scoutmaster's Key Mike Mammoth P703 Cub Scouter
Ed Stilgebouer C488 Venture Leader's Training Ralph Mendenhall T125 Boy Scout Leader's Training Jon Foreman P703 Cub Scouter
Ray Cisneros P642 Cub Scout Den Leader Tim Cary T125 Boy Scout Leader's Training Laura McCluskey P703 Cub Scouter
. . . Michael Devereux T125 Boy Scout Leader's Training Joseph Williams P703 Cub Scouter
Tahquitz District . . Michele Woodle P393 Tiger Cub Den Leader Earl Webb P703 Tiger Cub Den Leader
Curt Bowman P30 Cub Scout Den Leader Jason Guthrie T899 Venturing Award of Merit Paul Eide P703 Tiger Cub Den Leader
William Dull P614 Cub Scouter Kevin Krock P134 Webelos Den Leader Stephanie Blaney P703 Cub Scout Den Leader
Cliff Bellinghausen P332 Pack Trainer Keith Armbruster P421 Cub Scout Den Leader Jennifer Kolb P703 Cub Scout Den Leader
Cliff Bellinghausen P332 Webelos Den Leader Keith Armbruster P421 Tiger Cub Den Leader Marilyn Chaffin P703 Cub Scout Den Leader
Tony Morris District District Committee Key William Porter P41 Cub Scout Den Leader David Silva P703 Cub Scout Den Leader
Tony Morris T536 Boy Scout Leader's Training William Porter P41 Tiger Cub Den Leader Jeff Chaffin P703 Pack Trainer
Christina Dull P614 Tiger Cub Den Leader Darren Nugent P421 Cub Scout Den Leader David Silva P703 Cubmaster
Christina Dull P614 Cub Scout Den Leader Roy Kutsunai P393 Cub Scout Den Leader Kathy Everhart P29 Cub Scout Den Leader
Les Curtis T624 Boy Scout Leader's Training Armando Bolanos P421 Cubmaster Dawn Hosier P29 Cub Scout Den Leader
Chuck DeChambeau P307 Tiger Cub Den Leader Eric Fleming P220 Cub Scout Den Leader Dawn Hosier P29 Tiger Cub Den Leader
Derrick Hiten P307 Cubmaster Don Bloch P220 Cub Scout Den Leader Tamara Mickelsen P90 Cub Scout Den Leader
Curtis Tomczak P318 Cubmaster Nick Walter T899 Boy Scout Leader's Training Patricia McVeigh P13 Tiger Cub Den Leader
Steve Felderman P318 Cub Scout Den Leader Darren Nugent T54 Boy Scout Leader's Training Albert Monge Scoutreach Cub Scout Den Leader
Darren Miller P318 Cub Scout Den Leader Suzette Romero P251 Webelos Den Leader Rebecca Pettit P6 Cub Scouter
Marilyn Townsend P318 Cub Scouter Steve Brown P899 Cub Scouter Leah Eckstrom P6 Cub Scout Den Leader
Cindy Muzic P318 Cub Scouter Mark Trainor P899 Cub Scouter Karen Gneiting P6 Cub Scout Den Leader
Mark Waelde P318 Tiger Cub Den Leader Tom Hursman P899 Cub Scouter Pam Christen P6 Cub Scout Den Leader
Scott Muzic P318 Webelos Den Leader Leslie Guthrie P899 Cubmaster Anthony Hamilton P16 Cubmaster Award
Julie Stevens P309 Cub Scout Den Leader Owen McGarry P205 Tiger Cub Den Leader Dina Springer P29 Tiger Cub Den Leader
Stewart Moore P332 Webelos Den Leader . . . Dina Springer P29 Cub Scout Den Leader
Doug Ames P332 Cub Scouter Old Baldy District . . Dina Springer P29 Cub Scouter
Tristan Doize' P614 Tiger Cub Den Leader Elizabeth Herrera P309 Cub Scouter Carol Walls P29 Cub Scouter
Brian Crain P614 Tiger Cub Den Leader Elizabeth Herrera P309 Tiger Cub Den Leader . . .
Tom Axline P141 Tiger Cub Den Leader Elizabeth Herrera P309 Cub Scout Den Leader Sunrise Disctrict . .
Tom Axline P141 Webelos Den Leader Belinda Rodriguez P312 Cub Scouter Lonnie Reddick T262 Boy Scout Leader's Training
Tom Axline P141 Cub Scout Den Leader June Bray P312 Cub Scouter Melissa Burke P78 Cub Scouter
Tom Axline P141 Cub Scouter Phillip Holmes T623 Boy Scout Leader's Training Roy Burke P78 Cub Scouter
Tom Axline P141 Cubmaster Joe Vlietstra T301 Boy Scout Leader's Training Bradley Cox P78 Cub Scouter
Tom Axline T337 Boy Scout Leader's Training Matt Flanagan T634 Scoutmaster's Key Tim Schock P377 Cub Scout Den Leader
Roderick Geis T148 Boy Scout Leader's Training Kathy Fabos T655 Boy Scout Leader's Training Leanne Schock P377 Cub Scout Den Leader
Scott Matthews T148 Boy Scout Leader's Training Victor Jarrard T348 Boy Scout Leader's Training J. Rowena Wadlund P377 Webelos Den Leader
. . . Jackie Reseigne P600 Cub Scout Den Leader Tom Brogan P377 Tiger Cub Den Leader
Arrowhead District . . Christy Eimen P642 Pack Trainer Michael Sanford T131 Boy Scout Leader's Training
Marcus Charles P24 Cub Scout Den Leader Robert Little P625 Cub Scouter . . .
Eric Romero P24 Cub Scout Den Leader Steve Holmes P602 Cub Scout Den Leader Grayback District . .
Dawn Lord P24 Cub Scout Den Leader Steve Holmes P602 Tiger Cub Den Leader Loretta Wright P8 Cub Scout Den Leader
Robert Mangina P36 Cubmaster Joy Groves P602 Cubmaster Art Castellanos P8 Cub Scout Den Leader
Robert Magnina P36 Webelos Den Leader Joy Groves P602 Cub Scouter Sherrie Reynolds P8 Cub Scouter
Robert Magnina P36 Cub Scouter Marcia Gavin P602 Webelos Den Leader Robert Topping P8 Tiger Cub Den Leader
George Thompson P24 Webelos Den Leader Marcia Gavin P602 Tiger Cub Den Leader
Lubia Morales P24 Cub Scouter Debbie Deacy P602 Cub Scout
Denise Wampole 141 William D. Boyce Phil Holmes P602 Pack Trainer
Kim Walker P89 Cub Scout Den Leader Mario Lanza P602 Tiger Cub Den Leader
Albert Gomez T128 Boy Scout Leader's Training Dave Pastor T655 Boy Scout Leader's Training
Liliana Lua P582 Cub Scouter Dennis Weiner T608 Boy Scout Leader's Training
Glenn Weaver T608 Boy Scout Leader's Training
David Irvine T608 Boy Scout Leader's Training
Donnie Eimen T652 Scoutmaster's Key
Jim Villanueva P306 Cub Scouter
Jennifer Kniss P655 Cub Scout Den Leader
Chuck Sedey P522 Webelos Den Leader
Lonette Scott P621 Webelos Den Leader


FOS Report


    Yankes Goal Actual % of Goal


$ Raised to Date % of goal to reach by11/02
Scoutreach Tony Hayes $35,000 $38,408 109.7% $38,408



Mt. Rubidoux Jim Nelson $115,000 $116,462 101.3% $116,442



Tahquitz Donna Baker $160,000 $134,789 84.2% $133,855



High Desert Owen Spencer $115,000 $93,800 81.6% $88,745



3 Peaks Bill Marshall $85,000 $69,249 81.5% $68,624



Grayback Paul Foster $115,000 $93,293 81.1% $91,966



. . . . . . . .
.    Phillies . . . . . .
Sunrise Ron Miller $70,000 $51,957 74.2% $51,792



Temescal Grant Clark $142,000 $105,260 74.1% $105,120



5 Nations Carolyn Bailey $60,000 $42,418 70.7% $42,294



Old Baldy Lynn Anderson-Castillo $140,000 $97,620 69.7% $95,481



Arrowhead Maj. Russell Fritz $95,000 $62,716 66.0% $62,601



Learning for life Andrea Mitchell $40,000 $21,096 52.7% $21,336



. .







Click Here for the LDS FOS Report


Positive Quote

"As scarce as truth is, the supply has always been in excess of the demand."

?Josh Billings 1818?1885


Have a great Scouting week!
Yours in the Spirit of Scouting,

Joe Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO
California Inland Empire Council, BSA
1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374

909.793.2463, Ext. 120
909.793.0306 Fax

Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the
good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring
to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this
memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it
to his attention c/o Monday Memo: for Monday Memo Archives Click Here


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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045