Welcome to our October 28th, 2013 Monday Memo


Veterans Day "A Flag For Every Hero" 

There is only two weeks left until the Veterans Day weekend is upon us and preparations for our return to place flags at Riverside National Cemetery are in high gear. I wanted to take a moment to send out some updates to everyone.

Our most recent flag purchase of over 50,000 flags will be shipped out early next week and should arrive next weekend. This shipment, along with the flags we previously had will give us a total of over 100,000 flags.

Please take notice to the change in start time from when we have gone out previously. In order to create less of an impact to normal operations at the cemetery we will begin promptly at 8:00 am. Community support for this event is continually increasing and we are anticipating having close to 1,000 people joining us. With that, please plan accordingly and arrive early to allow for any traffic delays.

Vehicular traffic for our group is being requested to enter the cemetery off of Village West Drive. From there please follow the direction of those directing you on where to park. We will be meeting at the Veterans Amphitheater for a short ceremony and to give directions before placing the flags. I will send out a map as the date gets closer.

On Tuesday (Nov 12th) at 1 pm we will be going back to the cemetery to retrieve the flags. I realize many of you work or will be back in school, but if you could help with this it would be greatly appreciated.

As we have done in the past, if you would like to bring a personal home made card with you, I will be collecting them to send overseas to our troops currently serving. A note thanking them for their service on this Veterans Day would be appropriate.


Cub Archery Shoot

We had a beautiful, sunny day on Saturday, perfect for shooting arrows and enjoying archery. We were full in both the morning and afternoon sessions, and all of the boys did a wonderful job of being patient and taking turns. 

Our top 5 shooters in the A.M. session are:
5th Place: Aiden M. Pack 24, Grayback District
4th Place: Michael D. Pack 128, Arrowhead District
3rd Place: Elvis B. Pack 520, 5 Nations District
2nd Place: Michael H. Pack 24, Grayback District
1st Place: Austin P. Pack 128, Arrowhead District
Our top 5 shooters in the P.M. session are:
5th Place: Seve G. Pack 331, Grayback District
4th Place: Nathan On. Pack 395, 5 Nations District
3rd Place: Colin H. Pack 331, Grayback District
2nd Place: Ryan V. Pack 309, Old Baldy District
1st Place: Adrian C. Pack 309, Old Baldy District

We are looking forward to another full day next Saturday! Don & Laurie Curtis, Co-Chairs, Cub Archery


San Timoteo Nature Sanctuary is Site for Eagle Scout Dedication and Ceremony

Source: Redlands Conservancy

Redlands has a nature sanctuary, and now it has a small amphitheater within the sanctuary where small groups can convene for programs.

Thanks to Eagle Scout Jonathan Stanley of Boy Scout Troop 11 in Redlands, Bobcat Bowl was dedicated to the city of Redlands on Oct. 20, with Mayor Pro Tem Paul Foster on hand to accept the dedication on behalf of the city.

Just one year earlier, Stanley and a corps of volunteers created Bobcat Bowl in a quiet area beneath several large trees at the San Timoteo Nature Sanctuary, a 160-acre preserve owned by the city of Redlands and managed through a conservation easement by the Redlands Conservancy. The preserve has three distinct habitats and four miles of historic trails that are available for passive recreation including hiking, bird-watching, bicycling and horseback riding.

Stanley organized his volunteers to create the amphitheater with 12 massive logs secured onto log foundations for seating, and a “stage” area where programs can be presented.
As part of the Eagle Scout project, Stanley had to organize the entire activity. He secured donations and materials from Esri, Home Depot, Gail Materials, Addison Construction, Dr. Shirani de Alwis-Chand, Eva Bowen, Charmaine Walker, Ruth Maruoka, David Lesyna and Ed Crespo. Fred Ford provided all the logs for the project.

Stanley is a six-year member of Troop 11, headquartered at the Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church in Redlands.

Troop Scoutmaster Ray Norris and Eagle Scout project adviser Terry Welsh as well as Stanley’s parents guided Stanley through the project.

“This is a tremendously important project,” said Redlands Conservancy Executive Director Sherli Leonard at the ceremony. “Already the Bobcat Bowl is being utilized by the Inner City Goes Outdoors program which is conducting its field exercises in the sanctuary.”

The natural materials used for Bobcat Bowl meld neatly with the natural setting, according to the Conservancy, and provide an excellent example of a project sensitive to the environment. “Redlands is blessed to have this amazing wild place and to have the people who take care of it for future generations to enjoy and learn from,” Leonard said.



Zombie Weekend.........At Boseker Scout Reservation

Ever wonder what happens at camp after Eerie Emerson and before Winter Camps?
Here is your chance to find out.

November 9 - 10, 2013, Join the fun by signing up today….. it will fill out quickly.

Early Bird Fee: $17.00 per youth $12.00 per Adult
For Registrations through October 18th After 10/18 fee increases $5.00 per person
Includes Saturday dinner, patch and program

Camping available: $5.00 per person, includes Sunday Breakfast
Sign up Early! Registration is limited to 300 per weekend

Units that decorate and haunt a campsite can camp overnight at no additional charge (based on availability) Register Online  CLICK HERE for Registration Form


Troop 652 Fall Camp Out

Troop 652 of Rancho Cucamonga, Old Baldy District, started out the Fall season with a camp out to Yucaipa Regional Park. There were 31 Youth and 10 Adult Leaders that participated in the outing at the end of September. The Scouts worked on Rank Advancement, did some fishing (no luck) and made great meals!  In the afternoon, the Patrols came up with ideas such as Themes, Camp outs, Back pack Trips, Activities and more during the Annual Planning Meeting for the year 2014. Overall it was a very productive and fun weekend. Troop 652 looks forward to their next Troop camp out in November, which will be in Joshua Tree.

YIS, Christy Eimen, Assistant Scoutmaster


Community Service Project

Some of 5 Nation's 1st Year Webelos of Pack 210 (The Rattlesnake Patrol) and some of Troop 210 joined forces to help the school where they hold their meetings. What started as a small community service project for the Rattlesnakes of painting the lines and symbols for the Kindergarten playground; it then grew to a large enough project that they asked for help from Troop 210. They met at North Ridge Elementary School in Moreno Valley a little before 8:00 a.m. Saturday, October 26th, 2013 to paint in the map of the United States (approximately 100 ft X 75ft). Starting with a faded outline on the black top that had been there for years; scouts, siblings and parents started painting in the states... color by color and then finished around 3:00 p.m. with the outlining in white. Donuts, pizza, water and Kool Aid seem to keep everybody going.  Troop 210 also squeezed in 2 flag ceremonies; (1) at Moreno Valley City Hall for Artober Fest and (1) for the 20th Anniversary of Kroger Manufacturing Riverside Creamery Operations. Just wait until the students of North Ridge Elementary see it Monday morning.  Community Service Feels Good Inside.

Kia Kerr, Rattlesnake Patrol Leader 5 Nations Pack 210

Council Accident and Sickness Insurance Offer

Dear Scouters,

The Council Accident and Sickness Insurance Program fees for the 2014 year are now due.
We included a copy of your invoice in your recharter packet.  If you have any questions regarding insurance, please contact Veronica Whitman Ext 116  at the Jack Dembo Scout Center, 909-793-2463, or e-mail vwhitman@bsamail.org.

The cost to the unit is JUST $2.50 per participant, if paid by December 16th, 2013, $3.50 per member after December 16, 2013, for both youth members and adult leaders. The total cost is based on the number of registered youth and adults at the time of the last re-charter. Your unit may opt to obtain coverage from another source but must provide proof to the council office. If you will be obtaining your own coverage, proof of coverage is due to the council office by December 16, 2013. Coverage information is required to be listed to obtain tour plans.

These are two examples of insurance coverage:

  • Liability insurance coverage is automatically provided by the council to all volunteer Scouting leaders and chartered organizations and covers negligence liability claims or lawsuits arising out of an official Scouting activity. Coverage is more than $5 million for bodily injury and property damage. Your unit’s $40.00 re-chartering fee plus an additional council payment based on its total youth membership and claims experience helps to pay for this coverage, which is coordinated and administered as a service to councils by the BSA National Office.
  • Accident and Sickness insurance coverage provides financial assistance for accidents, injuries and illnesses for members while participating in official Scouting activities, or traveling to and from these activities. New members added during the charter year are automatically covered. Non-Scouts who are attending official Scouting activities for the purpose of being encouraged to join are also covered. This coverage is not automatic and must be obtained by your unit annually

When submitting your insurance payment, please send a separate check from your re-charter check attention Veronica Whitman to PO Box 8910, Redlands CA 92375.

As a reminder, your unit should be in the process of Rechartering. If you have not received your recharter packet, or if you find yourself in need of help in completing the process, please do not hesitate to call us. We have established a special recharter hotline 909-793-2463 Ext 114, available Monday thru Friday from 9 AM to 4 PM. Any question that you may have, we will be happy to answer. 

Thank you for your interest in providing a safe and healthy Scouting experience for your members.

Sincerly, Joseph N. Daniszewski, Scout Executive

33 Days Left To Get Your Limited Edition Camp Emerson 2014 Patch!

Only 33 days left to get your special edition Camp Emerson Patch….. How do you get it? Register your Troop to attend Summer Camp 2014 by completing the registration form and paying the $150 deposit. It is that easy!!!

  • Camp Emerson offers a First Class Rifle, Shotgun and Black Powder Range, with Expert NRA Instructors.
  • Archery Range! This past summer many upgrades took place to equipment, and for 2014 additional equipment and site upgrades will be taking place.
  • Commissioner Service! In 2012 we introduced Commissioner Service at camp. Each week a Volunteer Commissioner helps units plan and execute their program, making the most out of their week at summer camp.
  • Outdoor Skills! Pioneering, Wilderness Survival, First Aid and Emergency Preparedness are just the start of a Scouts visit to the Outdoor Skills area. New for 2014 is our redesigned and expanded Indian Village.
  • Trail to First Class! All Scouts that have not obtained First Class yet should spend a portion of their day at the Trail to First Class area where they will be able to complete many of the requirements for each rank.
  • Aquatic Programs! Our lake offers Canoeing and Row Boating, and at the pool Swimming, Lifesaving and beginner swim lessons are offered.
  • Great Food! Chef Neil Royer will once again be providing quality food service.

For more information and to register for CAMP EMERSON 2014 click here


BSA-Approved Strategy for Starting and Sustaining High-Performing Quality Units

A new Unit Performance Guide will be released on November 1 to help start and sustain high-performing quality units.
Under the new methodology,“No Unit Before Its Time,” there are four pillars (or steps) of new unit organization and retention:

1) Know the Market
2) Make the Call
3) Build the Team
4) Grow the Unit

Other key principles of the methodology include:
Volunteer-driven, professionally guided.
The district executive, new-unit commissioner, and new-unit organizer all work together in the new-unit organization process. Professionals and volunteers partnering together help ensure the proper development of high-performing quality units.
A new-unit commissioner is assigned at the very start of the new-unit organization process.
Once the unit is organized, the commissioner serves the unit for three years to help it become a high-performing unit.
1:1 ratio = 1 new-unit commissioner for 1 new unit
Organize every new (non-LDS) unit with at least 10 youth.
Starting with two dens or patrols or a crew of 10 helps ensure the unit has a good foundation to grow.
Recruit at least five adult unit volunteers.
Properly selected quality volunteers are important to the successful operation and sustainability of the new unit. Note: The chartered organization representative position should be a separate position and not a multiple position.
Develop the Unit Key 3 concept.
The unit leader, committee chair, and chartered organization representative meet monthly. The assigned new-unit commissioner serves as the advisor to the meeting.
Focus on organizing the whole Scouting family.
The whole Scouting family normally includes a pack, a troop, and a crew, all chartered by the same faith-based or community group. It can also include Varsity Scouting and Sea Scouting units as well.
To access the Unit Performance Guide, visit http://www.scouting.org/membership and click on “New Unit Development.” It also is available in PDF format (English, No. 522-025; English/Spanish, No. 522-026); in EPUB file for iPhone, iPad, Nook, and Android devices; and in MOBI file for Kindle.

Friends Of Scouting Report

10/28/2013 District Chair 2013 Goal  2013 Pledged
(Year To Date)
% of  Goal Cash Paid
(Year to Date)
# of Donors Donors Asked  % of Donors Asked 10/31/2012 Pledged
Tahquitz Bill Dull $140,000 $142,474 101.8% $133,579 2,072 938 45.3% $135,011
Mt. Rubidoux Matt Barth $122,000 $123,756 101.4% $116,247 1,469 757 51.5% $125,423
Grayback Darrel Olson $107,000 $104,168 97.4% $92,870 937 574 61.3% $88,466
High Desert Greg Rickerl $100,000 $94,045 94.0% $87,135 1,401 695 49.6% $92,753
Temescal Tom Munoz $96,500 $84,281 87.3% $79,893 1,565 736 47.0% $95,057
Old Baldy Max Williams $120,000 $101,924 84.9% $76,984 1,581 594 37.6% $97,808
Arrowhead Michael Bentley $66,500 $52,364 78.7% $49,333 962 476 49.5% $53,769
Sunrise Scott Evans $59,500 $42,910 72.1% $39,159 665 265 39.8% $48,013
3 Peaks   $71,000 $49,168 69.3% $46,002 1,052 435 41.3% $61,125
5 Nations Ross Nakatani $33,200 $22,736 68.5% $21,507 409 144 35.2% $30,870
    $915,700 $817,826 89.3% 742,709 12,113 5,614 46.3% $828,295

Positive Quote & Prayer

"I have always been delighted at the prospect of a new day, a fresh try, one more start, with perhaps a bit of magic waiting somewhere behind the morning."

    ~ J.B. Priestley (1894-1984) English Author


Most High, all powerful, good Lord, Yours are the praises, the glory, the honor, and all blessing. To You alone, Most High, do they belong, and no man is worthy to mention Your name.

Be praised, my Lord, through all your creatures, especially through my lord Brother Sun, who brings the day; and you give light through him. And he is beautiful and radiant in all his splendor! Of you, Most High, he bears the likeness.

Praise be You, my Lord, through Sister Moon and the stars, in heaven you formed them clear and precious and beautiful.

Praised be You, my Lord, through Brother Wind, and through the air, cloudy and serene, and every kind of weather through which You give sustenance to Your creatures.

Praised be You, my Lord, through Sister Water, which is very useful and humble and precious and chaste.

Praised be You, my Lord, through Brother Fire, through whom you light the night and he is beautiful and playful and robust and strong.

Praised be You, my Lord, through Sister Mother Earth, who sustains us and governs us and who produces varied fruits with colored flowers and herbs.

Praised be You, my Lord, through those who give pardon for Your love, and bear infirmity and tribulation. Blessed are those who endure in peace for by You, Most High, they shall be crowned.

Praised be You, my Lord, through our Sister Bodily Death, from whom no living man can escape. Woe to those who die in mortal sin. Blessed are those whom death will find in Your most holy willl, for the second death shall do them no harm.

Praise and bless my Lord, and give Him thanks and serve Him with great humility. AMEN

    ~  St Francis of Assisi

Joe Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO

California Inland Empire Council, BSA

PO Box 8910

1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374
909.793.2463, Ext. 120
909.793.0306 Fax

Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: Joseph.Daniszewski@scouting.org for Monday Memo Archives Click Here      



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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

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