Welcome to our October 29th, 2012 Monday Memo


Palm Desert Golf Cart Parade

Palm Desert Troop 131 won Second Place in the THEME category in the world famous Palm Desert Golf Cart Parade. The Float "Pulling the Space Shuttle Endeavour through the Streets of Palm Desert" was in line with the theme "American Pride." The annual Golf Cart Parade comprises over 80 different entries and the "floats" have to be designed around and powered by an electric powered golf cart.


Arrowhead District Distinguished Citizen Dinner

Please join Arrowhead District as we recognize and congratulate Dr. C.E. Tapie Rohm, Jr. and Mr. Mike Gallo as our “Distinguished Citizens of 2012."  A dinner was held in their honor on October 18th at the campus of Cal-State University - San Bernardino.

Dr. Rohm is a Professor of Information and Decision Science at Cal-State University San Bernardino.  In 2010 Dr. Rohm received the Silver Beaver from the California Inland Empire Council and was honored as the “Outstanding Professor of the Year at CSUSB.  He has taught for the past 35 years at various educational institutions; is a former Fulbright Scholar to the Nation of Tanzania (East Africa); and has served as Chairman of the Board for the Inland Chapter of the American Red Cross for over 10 years.  His six sons all achieved the rank of Eagle Scout. Dr. Rohm is WoodBadge trained and has held every volunteer position in the District over the course of his 35+ years in scouting.

Mr. Mike Gallo is the Chief Executive Officer of Kelly Space and Technology, which he co-founded in 1993.  Mr. Gallo was an Officer in the United States Air Force and managed the Military Airlift Command facility at Norton Air Force Base in San Bernardino.  He is one of the founding members of and former Chief Financial Officer for the California Space Authority.  Mr. Gallo has also served on several boards, including, San Bernardino Chamber of Commerce, Arrowhead Section Chairman of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) and is an Executive Board Member of the California Workforce Association.

Both Dr. Rohm and Mr. Gallo have given years of service and leadership to their communities and to the Boy Scouts of America in various capacities.   Again, we thank them for sharing their time and talents with Arrowhead District.

Michael Bentley, District Chairman and Nancy Alvarez, District Commissioner


Cub Archery Shoot

Another great day of archery was had on Saturday. We had 34 cubs in the A.M. session, and 20 Webelos on the P.M. session. The temperature got quite warm later in the day, but thankfully there was no wind. The boys all had fun, and were all well behaved. Kudos to everyone! Looking forward to another great day next Saturday, and then the Shoot-off on November 17!

Our top 5 shooters for the Cubs are:
5th Place: Seth A. Pack 332, Tahquitz District
4th Place: Roman H. Pack 128, Arrowhead District
3rd Place: Joshua B. Pack 332, Tahquitz District
2nd Place: Zach J. Pack 40, Sunrise District
1st Place: Wyatt B. Pack 128, Arrowhead District

Our top 5 shooters for the Webelos are:
5th Place: Fernando N. Pack 128, Arrowhead District
4th Place: Julian R. Pack 128, Arrowhead District
3rd Place: Patrick C. Pack 23, Greyback District
2nd Place: Ryan P. Pack 34, Temescal District
1st Place: Kenny R. Pack 23, Greyback District


Summary of Scouting's 5-Point Plan to Combat Child Abuse

1. Education

  • Regular articles in Scouting Magazine and Boys’ Life
  • Parents “Guide to Child Abuse and Drug Abuse”
  • Review with an adult is part of the joining requirements for Cub and Boy Scouting
  • Youth protection training for volunteers
  • Mandatory every 2 years
  • “A Time to Tell” award winning video and leaders’ guide for families of boys 11-14 years old
  • “It Happened to Me” award winning video and leaders’ guide for families of boys 6-10 years old

2. Assist chartered partners in strengthening leader selection to prevent offenders entering the BSA

  • Criminal background checks
  • Reference checks

3. Creation of barriers to sexual abuse

  • Two deep leadership requirement
  • Prohibition of one on one activities

4. Encourage Scouts to report improper behavior. “Yell and Tell”.

5. Swift removal and mandatory reporting of alleged offenders.

Some Comments from Subject Matter Experts;

“The Boy Scouts of America is one group advocates say has gone farthest to institute such measures to safeguard kids.”
-MSNBC, November 2011

“The Scouts’ current prevention policies are considered state of the art…

Several independent child-protection experts told The Associated Press that the Scouts-though
buffeted in the past by many abuse-related lawsuits-are now considered a leader in combating
sexual abuse.”

“The Boy Scouts have the most advanced policies and training,” said Victor Vieth, a former prosecutor who heads the National Child Protection Training Center in Minnesota.
-Associated Press, January 2012

Statement of Dr. Janet I. Warren Regarding BSA's   For more information, visit www.bsayouthprotection.org.


Filler’ Up-Sales-Sheet Prize Program!

GRAND PRIZE DRAWING To be held on October 29th. An Exclusive Prize Program of the California Inland Empire Council

Week # 4 – Drawing held on October 8th  -                 Joshua M. – Troop 100 ( 5N )
                (1) - Kelty Big Bend 5500 Back Pack

Week # 5 – Drawing held on October 15th  -                  Troy L. - Troop 2( MR )              
                  (7) – DURA ACTION Fishing Poles
Week # 6 –  Drawing held on October 22nd –                   Samuel C. – Troop 309 ( TM )
                  (1) – Victorinox Boy Scout Knife


Congratulations to the Top 10 Online Sellers!

Council’s top 10 online sellers between 8/1/2012 – 10/22/12 - they have earned the “Starter” Level at the VIPS Event.

*** 2 Tickets to Ontario Reign Game for Scout Night - December 8th***

2012 Ontario Reign Scout Night
Saturday, December 8, 2012

1) Tahquitz - Troop 148 - Patrick B.
2) Tahquitz - Troop 384 - Richard G
3) Temescal - Pack 542 - Tyler L
4) Tahquitz - Troop 337 - Cole B
5) Tahquitz - Pack 337 - Tyler Y
6) Tahquitz - Pack 332 - Jacob D
7) Three Peaks - Pack 007 - Jason B
8) Tahquitz - Pack 329 - Franklin B
9) Three Peaks - Pack 374 - Jonah B
10) Temescal - Troop 421 - Jackson H


Klondike & Polar Cub Winter Camps

Klondike For Boy Scouts Only. You must be a registered Scout to participate in the Klondike activities! Siblings and tag-a-longs may not attend. Registration limited to 150 participants per weekend. Click Here for Registration Flyer

Polar Cub For Wolf, Bear and Webelos Scout Dens, their Leaders and Parents. You must be a registered Scout to participate in the Winter Camp activities! Siblings and tag-a-longs may not attend. Registration limited to 150 participants per weekend. Click Here for Registration Flyer


Sell Popcorn Online and Get Cool Rewards

A fun, easy and rewarding way for Scouts to sell popcorn is online!

Selling popcorn online is a great way to have friends and family who live faraway to support their favorite Scout.

It's Easy - Have the Scout visit www.trails-end.com/Scout and click on Send Emails. With their parent's permission they can create an account.

It's Fun - Once an online selling account is set-up, the Scout creates an avatar that he can use in emails to his family and friends. They can then visit www.Trails-End.com and make some delicious purchases.

Go to www.trails-end.com/Scouts to create a online selling account.


Eagles: Apply now for 2013 NESA scholarships

Do you know an Eagle (or soon-to-be Eagle) who is graduating high school and entering college in 2013? The time has arrived for Eagle Scouts to apply for 2013 National Eagle Scout Association scholarships.
First, see who’s eligible for up to $446,000 in scholarships:

• An Eagle Scout having passed the board of review on or before Dec. 31, 2012.
• A graduating high-school senior (for academic and merit scholarships) or an undergraduate college student no later than completion of his junior year of college (for merit scholarships only).
• A NESA member.

The third requirement of NESA membership is new this year. If a new Eagle isn’t currently a NESA member, he must first join the organization to be considered for NESA scholarship. (Within the first six months of an Eagle Scout’s board of review, a “special” one-year NESA membership is $20.) Read more information on the varying membership levels, and register as a NESA member.

Investing in a NESA membership opens the door for an Eagle Scout to earn up to $446,000 in college scholarships.

The applications are now “live” at NESA.org. Applications are due Dec. 31, 2012.

See below for a full list of the available 2013 NESA scholarships. (And see who won the 2012 scholarships.)

NESA Academic Scholarships ($50,000-$2,500)

STEM scholarship: Awards $50,000 (up to $12,500 per year, for four years) to one Eagle who will major in a subject focused on science, technology, engineering, or mathematics.

United Health Foundation scholarship: Awards $25,000 to one Eagle who will attend college in pursuit of a healthcare career. This person must also commit to work within an underserved community during his studies.

Mabel and Lawrence S. Cooke scholarships: Awards several tiers of scholarship funds to up to 33 Eagle Scouts. The first, a $48,000 to one Scout (up to $12,000 per year, for four years) is awarded based on academic achievements. Four additional scholarships—each $20,000 ($5,000 per year, for four years)—are awarded to four Eagle Scouts based on academic achievements. Eagles can also apply for 28 $2,500 academic grants, based on academic achievements.

National Eagle Scout Association Scholarships: Awards multiple Eagles with individual $3,000 scholarships. Number of scholarships awarded each year depends on funds available. In 2012, 28 individual NESA academic scholarships were awarded.

Read more about the academic scholarship requirements, and download an application. All applications are due Dec. 31, 2012.

NESA Merit Scholarships ($1,000-$2,500)

Robert and Rebecca Palmer Eagle Scout Scholarship: Awards two $2,500 scholarships to the top merit finalists in the country.

National Eagle Scout Association Merit Scholarships and Hall/McElwain: Awards a one-time $1,000 scholarships to winners from the four regions. The number of scholarships depends on funds. In 2012, 84 grants were awarded to Eagle Scouts based on merit.

Read more about the merit scholarship requirements, and download an application. All applications are due Dec. 31, 2012.

Scholarship committees are formed in each of the four BSA regions (Northeast, Southern, Central, and Western) to review and recommend winners to the national NESA Scholarship Committee.

Be sure to review this detailed list of requirements before submitting an application for the NESA scholarships.

The winners of the 2013 NESA scholarships will be notified by mail in July 2013.


Visitor Night At The UCI Observatory

Date: Saturday, Nov 3
Time: 7-9 pm
Location: The Observatory at the University of California, Irvine

Come to the UCI Observatory and use our telescopes to see star clusters like globular cluster M15. Learn how to use a night sky map to locate your favorite constellations. Listen to a lecture entitled "Large-Scale Surveys of the Universe: The Sloan Digital Sky Survey and Beyond" by Dr. Kevork Abazajian. 

Visitor Nights are open to the public so feel free to forward this message along to friends and neighbors who might be interested. Visitor Nights are free of charge, although we suggest a $5 donation per family to defray the costs, and parking on campus costs $2/hr or a maximum of $8.  No reservations are required.  They are fun for the entire family - children, teens, parents and grandparents. Please remember to dress warmly and bring along flashlights.  We heartily encourage amateur astronomers to bring along their own telescopes to share with our visitors.

For information on Visitor Night, to obtain a flyer or get driving & parking directions, etc., please see http://www.physics.uci.edu/%7Eobservat/#visnite . If you would like to be added or deleted from our email list to receive notices of future Visitor Nights, please send an email to uciobs@uci.edu with a Subject line that says "Subscribe" or "Unsubscribe", respectively.

Sincerely, Tammy Smecker-Hane
Director, UCI Observatory Associate Professor, Department of Physics & Astronomy


Roy Cooley Memorial


Omaha Beach Camporee

Who may attend: Any registered member of the Boy Scouts of America in any council and their family. Especially welcome are any family members who may have served in World War II. There is no wait list; everyone who would like to come will be welcomed.

Dates: The actual camporee dates are Friday the 25th to Sunday the 27th of April but the campground is open to participants before and after those dates. The formal program will begin on the evening of the 25th and end by 10:30 a.m. on Sunday the 27th. Click Here for more Info

You may find other pertinent information about International Scouting under the International Scouting Button on the CIEC Home Page or Click Here

News & Tidbits

  • Are you ready for High Adventure? The BSA's 4 national high adventure bases provide an incredible variety of epic experiences for Scouts and Venturers — year-round, and all across the country. Click Here to View....
  • Junior Shoot Program. This program meets the requirements for the Boy Scouts of America’s Rifle merit badge and is run by trained and registered BSA merit badge counselors. Shooters can work on their shooting portion of the Rifle Merit Badge. (Due to time constraints, it is recommended that the non-shooting portions of the rifle merit badge be completed prior to the shoot.) Click Here for Flyer
  • Philmont 2014 - Attached find the Philmont 2014 Unit Registration Packet. The 2012 unit registration process  will begin October 29, with each region having an assigned week to enter the random selection, or the open week.Please read the instructions thoroughly. Click Here
  • Area 4 Workbook. Scouters: Please find attached the Area 4 Selected Training Events, November 2012 Calendar. Please share with all people in your council's that can use this information. If you have training event that you would like to get listed on the calendar, please forward the details to my attention. Lyle Mills, Chairman Western Region, Area 4 Training Committee. Click Here

World War II Poster


Positive Quote

"How beautiful a day can be when kindness touches it!"

   ~ George Elliston


Joe Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO

California Inland Empire Council, BSA

PO Box 8910

1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374
909.793.2463, Ext. 120
909.793.0306 Fax

Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: Joseph.Daniszewski@scouting.org for Monday Memo Archives Click Here      



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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045