Welcome to our November 12th, 2012 Monday Memo


Silver Beaver Award Nominations Due November 21st, 2012

Nominate an outstanding Scouter for the Silver Beaver Award.  The Silver Beaver Award is the highest award that a council can present to a volunteer. This award is for outstanding service to youth at the council level or for outstanding longtime service to youth by a registered Scouter residing within the California Inland Empire Council.

To nominate an outstanding Scouter for this prestigious award, please complete the 2012 Silver Beaver Nomination form and submit it to the California Inland Empire Council.  Nomination forms are due no later than November 21, 2012. The 2012 Silver Beaver Awards will be presented at the Council Annual Volunteer Recognition Dinner on February 2, 2013.



Rescue Merit Badge Day

Last Saturday, Nov 3rd, the Leaders of Troops 205 and 634 put on a Search and Rescue Merit Badge Day. The class was held at the Ontario Fire Dept Training facility. We had 55 Scouts from as far away as Thousand Oaks, Victorville and Palms Springs.

The class started off with a helicopter landing, and demonstration of aerial rescue techniques. We then learned about avalanche Search and Rescue, Urban Search and Rescue and Hazardous Material situations.

At lunch, many of the Scouts enjoyed MRE’s (as a ‘real’ Searcher would eat), then performed a search of a few hypothetical operations. All in all, a great day.

Tom Ryan, Troop 205 – Chino / Chino Hills


‘Nary a dry eye’ after grandmother’s poem at Eagle court of honor

The road was twisted, dark and damp, but somewhere, somehow, there was always there to find, the lamp of life to guide you through life’s tricky game of chance.
Heartfelt poetry about overcoming hardships isn’t what you’d expect to hear at an Eagle Scout court of honor. That’s what made Billy Kleinknecht’s ceremony last weekend in Spokane, Wash., so special.

You see, Billy, a newly minted Eagle in Troop 130, was raised by his grandmother, Bonnie Ferrell. She signed Billy up for the Scouting program when he was little. She held his hand through Cub Scouts. She watched him progress and mature through each rank in Boy Scouts. And when he reached the pinnacle of the Scouting program, it was Bonnie who pinned the shiny Eagle Scout medal onto Billy’s chest.

Any Eagle Scout court of honor is special, but Bonnie and Billy’s story turned this one into “one of the most emotional ceremonies I have ever attended,” Tim McCandless, Inland Northwest Council Scout Executive, told me in an e-mail yesterday.

“For the ceremony, his grandmother wrote and read the attached poem which left nary a dry eye in the house,” Tim continues. “I thought that the poem might be valued by Scouting magazine readers. I have forwarded the poem and photos with Bonnie’s permission.”

The print product doesn’t publish poetry, but I do. I’ve pasted the complete poem after the jump. Take a look.

A Grandparents Song
The books you’ve read, the dreams you’ve seen fulfilled, can only be on this night, a Grandparents dream long come true.
We started as the grandparents who saw you once a week.
We loved you and spoiled you, then sent you on your way, yearning for the day you’d be back to spoil yet another day.
Somehow, some way, life changed for you and here you came to stay each minute and each hour of each and every day.
It was a time within our hearts we wanted you to learn to live life in a normal way, growing and learning and wanting to become the spark of life we have before us here today.
As years progressed we watched you start your journey to become a man, a leader and adventurer, the spirit of truth, a symbol to all.
But for right now, in this light of day, you are just a Cubbie, very proud indeed, with buttons bursting at each and every seam.
You knew all the while that someday you’d fulfill the dream of each and every other Cubbie you could see that day.
You learned all the hand signs, and recited all the words; you even learned how to tie a square knot, lashing and bow-line.
You crossed the bridge into a world where first you were a young scout evolving to be the ranks of Tenderfoot, 2nd and 1st Class Scout.
We watched you give both sweat and time, until you became a Star, and then you gave your heart and soul to others, so a Life Scout you could become.
Guardians, grandparents, parents & friends, watched through the years as  mountains you climbed and lakes you swam, couldn’t keep you from this point in life, where goals you sought were so very close at hand.

You may have needed help, traversing impossible terrains and you may have asked for a hand or two to help you through the night.
But never did you faultier in wanting to become the highest rank of all, that of an Eagle Scout.
There were times in your adventures; you may have lost your way, yet all the while, trying to live life — in the Boy Scout Way.
The road was twisted, dark and damp, but somewhere, somehow, there was always there to find, the lamp of life to guide you through life’s tricky game of chance.
Tonight is a special night; not just for this young man to have, but special for those too who’ve seen you through one passage to the next.
We held our breath and closed our eyes remembering our own lives, and how it was when we all climbed that rugged trail of life.
This once young Cubbie has now become the symbol of scouting’s greatest dreams, dreams of those who have passed on through and dreams for all young Cubbies for years to come.

Tonight I have the honor of helping to bestow upon my grandson the highest rank of all, that of an Eagle Scout. His dreams are fulfilled; his wings are spread wide, ruffled, and ready to soar to heights known only to the few who’ve heard the call through heart and soul. The eagle calls for you to soar over the mountains and the skies where all young cubbies yearn to be on this most special night for thee.

Scouting 4 Food in Arrowhead District

The San Bernardino LDS Stake combined forces on Saturday, November 3rd to collect food donations for the Salvation Army at one of the San Bernardino Stater Bros. stores.  Packs 1, 10, 114, and 20 and Troops 1 and 10 provided Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts and Adults to receive donations from shoppers, pack the food in bags, and deliver the food to the Salvation Army.  A total of 1,190 lbs of food was donated.  Several bags of clothing were also donated.

"The Salvation Army will feed many needy families for Thanksgiving and Christmas and will give away over 300 food boxes." says Major Steven Ball of the Salvation Army.
Thank you Scouters for your generosity and hard work.

Nancy Alvarez, Troop Committee Chair, Troop 1, San Bernardino Stake


District Nominating Committee and District Annual Meetings

The District Nominating Committee has the important responsibility of seeking a slate of district members at large and district leaders who will be responsible for achieving district objectives by so doing increase the effectiveness of Scouting.

If you have suggestions for anyone to serve on your district committee, please contact your nominating committee chair listed on the chart below.

The annual district business meetings are also listed on the chart.

District Nominating Committee Chair District Annual Meeting Locations Time
3 Peaks TBD January 10th, 2013 LDS Kirby Bldg 6:30 PM
5 Nations Jerry Huffaker jerrysbsa@verizon.net January 3rd, 2013 LDS Stake Center 7:00 PM
Arrowhead Dr. Gary Thomas superintendent@sbcss.k12.ca.us December 13th, 2012 LDS Waterman Bldg 7:00 PM

Frank Coe fcoe@beaumontpd.org

January 3rd, 2013 Toyota of Redlands 7:00 PM
High Desert

Tom Hoegerman tom_hoegerman@avusd.org

January 3rd, 2013 Coco's Restaurant 7:00 PM
Mt. Rubidoux

John Vineyard johnvineyard@yahoo.com

December 19th, 2012 LDS Jackson Bldg 6:45 PM
Old Baldy

Bill Noble noblefam@verizon.net

December 6th, 2012 LDS Rosewood Bldg 7:00 PM

Mike Sanford mikesanford@yahoo.com


Crystal Pastorian crystal.pastorian@gmail.com

December 13th, 2012 LDS Washington Bldg 7:00 PM

Laurey Neuer biglowes48fan@hotmail.com

January 2nd, 2013 LDS Norco Bldg 7:00 PM


A Message from the Chief Scout Executive: Recent Northeast Storms

As you can imagine, a number of our councils in the Northeast are still struggling mightily to recover from the devastation left behind by Hurricane Sandy.  And a Nor’easter is bringing even more weather damage to the region this week with snowfall and other hazardous conditions.

Reports are still coming in concerning any injuries to our people and damage to BSA facilities, and the National Office stands ready to assist in any way we can. We ask you to join us in keeping the councils in this stricken area in your thoughts and prayers. They have a long road ahead of them to restore their homes and property as well as their programs to support our Scouts.

Many of you have asked how you can help. For any neighboring councils that have the people and resources to lend a hand with transportation, supplies, or other immediate needs, we ask that you work through Jim Hans, associate regional director/support for the Northeast Region, to coordinate your relief assistance. For councils in other parts of the country, we believe monetary assistance would be the most valuable resource you could provide at this time.

The worst damage seems to be in several council camps where many trees are down and some have destroyed buildings. Some council offices have had water damage and several staff members have experienced damage to their personal property. Many Scouts and units have probably lost camping gear, uniforms, trailers and other supplies. If you would like to make a donation to aid councils recovering from Hurricane Sandy, please go to the BSA Disaster Relief Fund page for instructions.

Meanwhile, we have already seen tremendous examples of how our commitment to serve others is rising to this occasion. Here are just two examples of many Scout troops that are responding with service. Boy Scout Troop 683 in Pamlico County, North Carolina is establishing drop-off locations for the public to donate non-perishable food, water, and clothing to Sandy victims. And in Monroe County, Pennsylvania, Scouts from Troops 109 and 1910 – many who experienced problems of their own from Sandy’s wrath – have assisted the National Guard with people who have lost power and are out of their homes.

I am very proud of how these Scouts and others have volunteered to assist so many people in need.  Let’s all muster whatever support we can to assist our people through this difficult time.

Wayne Brock, Chief Scout Executive

Western Region Area 4 Powder Horn 2013

Hosted by the Long Beach Area Council, November 8 - 11, 2013 @ Camp Tahquitz

The Powder Horn course is designed to help the troop, team, or crew by exposing older Scouts, Venturers, and adult leaders to safely conducted outdoor/high-adventure activities of a fun and challenging nature. The course provides an introduction to the re-sources needed to successfully lead youth through a program of outdoor adventure and is based upon giving participants an expo-sure to some outdoor/high-adventure activities. The course pre-senters are expert consultants, from inside and outside of Scout-ing, in each outdoor high adventure activity. It is not a certification event. It is for any youth or adult interested in experiencing a unit-level, high-adventure program. The purpose of a Powder Horn course includes: To find out more Click Here


The Advisor November

The Advisor is the monthly newsletter for Venturing Crews/Ships in the California Inland Empire Council published and written under the guidance of Ryan Kleinvachter and the CIEC Venturing Committee. Click Here


Discover Pre-Paid Scout Cards Now Available!

We're proud to announce that the Boy Scouts of America Discover(r) Prepaid Card is now available. You may get your Scout a BSA Discover Prepaid Card today by clicking on the Order Now button at www.ScoutsAreThrifty.com.

With the Scout Prepaid Card, parents will be teaching their Scout how to manage money wisely. This is NOT a credit card, but a prepaid, reloadable card that can be replenished from any bank account. It's a great way for Scouts to manage their daily spending, and it's safer and more convenient than carrying cash. Scouts will show their support of our iconic organization while learning important lessons of money management. Cardholders will have access to a Financial Education section as well as a Merit Badge section all designed to help Scouts become financially educated while earning badges with financial components.

Please help us get the word out by forwarding this email to colleagues, friends, and family. You may also access "spread the word" tools at www.Scouting.org/BSAprepaid, where you'll find template emails, social media posts, fliers, and more for parents, volunteers, and supporters to access.

Also, be on the lookout for more information regarding the new Boy Scouts of America Credit Card. In addition to all of the existing rewards and benefits Discover offers, this card will offer a Scouts Rewards section where cardholders may donate their points to a council or purchase Scout Shop products with their points.

This card will be available on November 15, 2012, for anyone to apply, so visit www.BoyScoutCreditCard.com and stay tuned for additional information as this date approaches.

BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA, Development and Corporate Alliances


World War II Poster


Positive Quote

Let's all salute our nation's strength: our Veterans!

A Nation's Strength

Walt Whitman

Not gold, but only man can make
A people great and strong;
Men who, for truth and honor's sake,
Stand fast and suffer long.

Brave men who work while others sleep,
Who dare while others fly --
They build a nation's pillars deep
And lift them to the sky.


Joe Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO

California Inland Empire Council, BSA

PO Box 8910

1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374
909.793.2463, Ext. 120
909.793.0306 Fax

Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: Joseph.Daniszewski@scouting.org for Monday Memo Archives Click Here      



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