California Teacher 'relied on his old Boy Scouts training' to survive LAX shooting rampage
By Kate Larsen, NBC Los Angeles
A Southern California performing arts teacher managed to keep himself alive with a makeshift tourniquet after being shot by a lone gunman who violently descended upon the Los Angeles International Airport.
Brian Ludmer, 29, was recovering from surgery Saturday after being shot in the leg while trying to catch a flight to a friend’s wedding the day before.
"He dragged himself to a nearby closet, closed the door and relied on his old Boy Scouts training to create a makeshift tourniquet to help slow the bleeding," said Dan Stepenosky, superintendent of the Las Virgenes Unified School District.
Ludmer waited inside the closet until he heard a police officer. He cracked the door open, saw it was a police officer and called for help.
"It’s kind of incomprehensible," Stepenosky said. "You go to the airport to go to a wedding ... and now he's in a hospital."
Friends, family members and colleagues were by the hospital bedside of the Calabasas teacher.
"He sounds great, given what he’s gone through," Stepenosky said. "He’s optimistic and upbeat, and he sounds exhausted."
Ludmer was one of five people shot during the rampage, including one Transportation Security Administration officer who was killed.
Police blame Friday's rampage on suspect Paul Anthony Ciancia, a 23-year-old New Jersey native, who opened fire at a TSA document checkpoint of Terminal 3 of the Bradley International Terminal.
The FBI announced Saturday that federal prosecutors will file murder charges against Ciancia in connection with the shooting.
Old Baldy District Webelosree
In mid October, 10 Packs and 8 Troops from the Old Baldy District gathered at Cucamonga-Guasti Regional Park for their Annual "Webelosree". This year's theme "Taste the Adventure" was a hit with the Webelos and Den Leaders as well. The Webelos participated in Boy Scout related activities, while earning some Rank Requirements for Belt Loops and Activity Badges such as "Outdoorsman", "Readyman", "Music" and "Nutrition", to name a few. The food was great, the weather was perfect and the boys all had an awesome time! Saturday night, the Navajo Chapter of the Cahuilla Lodge, Order of the Arrow, Ceremony Team performed the "Four Winds" Ceremony, followed by some great skits and songs performed by the Boy Scouts and Webelos as well. We had 125 Boy Scouts showing 70 Webelos "The Boy Scout Way", in all there were over 300 people in attendance. Over all, it was a fun and successful weekend!
Christy Eimen & Debra Kniesley, Directors of Webelosree 2013
Varsity Turkey Shoot
The 18th Annual Varsity Scout Turkey Shoot took place on Nov 1/2, 2013 at Camp Emerson in the high adventure area by Fort Emerson. The event was attended by over 60 Varsity Scouts and adult leaders. The service projects this year included installing orange fencing around the Black Powder Range, repairing the check dams and fixing the log bridges on Bear Trap Creek. The other projects were cleaning the upper camp area from the Black Powder Range to Fort Emerson and working on the fort. By working on the fort and doing the other projects the Varsity Scouts learned carpentry skills, team work and the reward of doing service. The attendees cleaned up building materials that people had previously removed from the fort area. The teams worked on securing the fletchings on the fort, replacing and attaching more fletchings on the walls. In the afternoon the Varsity Scouts competed in games of skills in Black Powder shooting, Archery, Rock Throw and Hawk/Knife throwing were the earned prizes. This year 280 hours of service was given back to the camp.
By Gavin Christen
Annual Space Derby
On October 26, 2013, California Inland Empire Council, Mount Rubidoux District, Pack 280 held its Annual Space Derby at the Lake Hills Fire Station. We had 20 boys who raced their rockets. The First Place Winners was Jason H., Second was Jack B. and Third Pace was Ethan H. The Derby was chaired By Mike Resch
Cub Scout Pack 280 meets at Lake Mathews Elementary School, 12252 Blackburn Rd, Riverside at 7:00 pm the last Tuesday of the month. For more information about the Pack 280 or Troop 280 Please e-mail the Cubmaster Bruce Bordner
Boy Scout Night at the Reign!
Ontario Reign Scout Night on December 7, 2013, 6pm
Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Explorers, friends, and families - Come join the Ontario Reign for our Boy Scout Night - This is a family-oriented event; non-scouting siblings are welcome to come.
Join the Ontario Reign and the California Inland Empire Council, Boy Scouts of America at Citizens Bank Arena for a fun filled and exciting game. Saturday, December 7, at the 2013 Boy Scout Night. Each ticket purchased through the registration form - includes a commemorative Reign Scout Night patch.
You may fax order tickets with the registration form or via phone number listed on the form or by the website provided on the form (website orders incur a $1.25 service fee PER ticket). CLICK HERE for FORM
Parking costs $5.00/vehicle – we encourage you to car pool when ever possible.
Venture Leader Specific Training
Now is the time to get all your Venture Leaders training in 2013. This will help your Venture Crew with J.T.E.
When: Saturday, December 7th, 2013
Location: Check in will be at the Jack Dembo Scout Service Center, Redlands
Course Description: VLST is a position specific training for all Venturing (Advisors andCommittee Members) adult leaders. The course covers the Venturing Mission, Methods and Understanding, Protecting Youth, Leadership and Organization, Awards and Recognition, and Program Planning.
Cahuilla Lodge Executive Committee 2014
Congratulations to the 2014 Cahuillla Lodge Officers elected at Fall Fellowship this past weekend:
Lodge Chief Ian Hare 1st Vice Sean Sedey 2nd Vice Eric Fassbender 3rd Vice Jared Brandt Secretary Travis Turner Treasurer Jonathan Stanley
Just Launched: Membership Volunteer Resources
Membership Committee volunteers are the backbone in our efforts to recruit more youth and adults into Scouting. To impact the lives of youth in each unit, volunteers need to be more involved in the process of recruiting and retaining youth.
A new online Membership Committee resource, available the first week of November at under the Membership Chair tab, can assist unit committee members in areas including community projects, membership analysis, marketing, Webelos-to-Scout transition plans, and more!
This is a great opportunity to empower and engage our unit volunteers in being more involved with the membership growth and retention of their units. Currently, many strong units have at least one person in the unit responsible for membership and have been successful with both membership growth and retention. We hope these resources provide support to any unit needing additional help to turn around membership declines.
Ever wonder what happens at camp after Eerie Emerson and before Winter Camps? Here is your chance to find out.
November 9 - 10, 2013, Join the fun by signing up today….. it will fill out quickly.
Early Bird Fee: $17.00 per youth $12.00 per Adult For Registrations through October 18th After 10/18 fee increases $5.00 per person Includes Saturday dinner, patch and program
Camping available: $5.00 per person, includes Sunday Breakfast Sign up Early! Registration is limited to 300 per weekend
Units that decorate and haunt a campsite can camp overnight at no additional charge (based on availability) Register OnlineCLICK HERE for Registration Form
Silver Beaver Nomination
Nominate an outstanding Scouter for the Silver Beaver Award. The Silver Beaver Award is the highest award that a council can present to a volunteer. This award is for outstanding service to youth at the council level or for outstanding longtime service to youth by a registered Scouter residing within the California Inland Empire Council.
To nominate an outstanding Scouter for this prestigious award, please complete the 2013 Silver Beaver Nomination form and submit it to the California Inland Empire Council. Nomination forms are due no later than November 15, 2013.
The 2013 Silver Beaver Awards will be presented at the Council Annual Volunteer Recognition Dinner on February 1, 2014.
"I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination."
~ Jimmy Dean
Creative Spirit, we would be alert to see and to hear and to respond with appreciation and enjoyment to all that is good and true and beautiful.
Joe Daniszewski Scout Executive/CEO
California Inland Empire Council, BSA PO Box 8910 1230 Indiana Court Redlands, CA 92374 909.793.2463, Ext. 120 877.732.1450 909.793.0306 Fax
Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: for Monday Memo Archives Click Here