California Inland Empire Council

                     Monday Memo

         Welcome to our January 17th, 2011 Monday Memo

What Martin Luther King Jr. Day is all about ...."I have a Dream..."


Annual Health and Medical Record Update

The Annual Health and Medical Record was released in December 2008, and its use became mandatory on January 1, 2010. The latest update to the record consolidates all records from the National Council and the three national high-adventure base forms, enabling a single medical form to be used across all BSA activities. The new form, bin No. 680-001, supersedes the previous, catalog No. 34605; this new item should be phased in immediately as it renders the old forms obsolete.

The Annual Health and Medical Record is required for participation in all Scouting events, including day and resident camps and high-adventure bases. It should be updated no less than annually.

Highlights/changes with the 2011 update:

  • The record now lives on an interactive web page on Scouting Safely. Scouts, Scouters, parents and staff can download, fill in, and print it on standard paper, and can save an electronic copy for their personal files. The link is now live at and should be substituted for any outdated links you may have hosting the record.
  • Parts A and B-the health history and release statement-will be utilized the most.
  • Part C is the physical exam.
  • Part D is a review piece for participants attending any of the national high-adventure bases.
  • The record 680-001 supersedes and is the equivalent for meeting day and resident camp standard requirements that for 2011 still reference No. 34605.
  • Local councils should not modify the medical record. If customization is deemed necessary, please contact us at

The frequently asked questions (FAQs),, have been updated to reflect the changes in the record. We strongly encourage councils to highlight the link to the FAQs; experience indicates that 95 percent of the questions we receive are answered on this page.

If you, your staff, or your volunteers have any other concerns, please direct them to If you have questions for a specific high-adventure base, please contact the base directly.


72nd Annual Lincoln Pilgrimage

 “WITHOUT a VISION a PEOPLE PERISH”                                                            

Take the opportunity to share with your young people the vision given to our country by Abraham Lincoln!

Plan to have your group join in the 72nd Annual Pilgrimage in Redlands, California and visit the only Lincoln Shrine west of the Mississippi River.

When: Saturday, February 5, 2011. Gathering starts 9:00am Pilgrimage starts at 10:00am    Rain or Shine!! 

Click Here to Register


Silver Beaver Recipients to be Awarded at the Annual Volunteer Recognition Dinner

Please join us on Saturday, February 5, 2011 as we conclude our 100th Anniversary Celebration by honoring our wonderful volunteers that help make Scouting great.

First and foremost, we’ll be honoring the following Scouters with the Silver Beaver Award for distinguished service to youth:


Donna Baker
Michael Burk
Robert Camerota
Patricia Chabot
Maria Edwards


Mt. Rubidoux
High Desert


Richard Endsley
Thomas Hoegerman
Wendy Hodge
Chris Johnson
Paula Munoz  


High Desert


Alyn Nielsen
Enric Rico Porras
Shawn Price
Kendall Shumway
Michael Tree        


High Desert
Five Nations

In addition, we’ll be celebrating the hard work and enthusiasm of those volunteers who made the Boy Scouts of America’s 100th Anniversary year special.

The dinner will be held at the Moreno Valley Conference & Recreation Center located at 14075 Frederick Street in Moreno Valley. Dinner will be served beginning at 5:30 PM. The cost is $40.00 per person. A table of 8 can be reserved for the discounted rate of only $300.00.

Make your reservation online today by CLICKING HERE. Be sure to download and print the promotional flier to share with your Scouting friends and family.


Nominate A Great Volunteer for the BSA 100 – Journey to Excellence Award

At this year’s Council Annual Volunteer Recognition Dinner, we will providing the opportunity to honor and recognize those volunteer leaders who have made a significant difference in the lives of others through their leadership in 2010. Nominations are being accepted online through Monday, January 24th. CLICK HERE to nominate a deserving volunteer for the BSA 100 – Journey to Excellence Award!

Honorees will be recognized at the Annual Volunteer Recognition Dinner being held at the Moreno Valley Conference & Recreation Center located at 14075 Frederick Street in Moreno Valley. Dinner will be served beginning at 5:30 PM. The cost is $40.00 per person. A table of 8 can be reserved for the discounted rate of only $300.00.

Make your reservation online today by CLICKING HERE. Be sure to download and print the promotional flier to share with your Scouting friends and family.


UC Riverside Scout Night

Saturday, January 22, 2011. 5pm tip off vs CSU Bakersfield at the UC Riverside Student Recreation Center.

Join the Highlanders as they defend their 2010 Big West Conference Championship and honor the more than 6 million boys and girls who each year learn responsible citizenship, character development, and self-reliance through their association with scouting.

Scouts in uniform 12 and under can attend the game free. General admission tickets are only $8.00.

Call the UCR Athletics Ticket Office at (951) 827-4653 or visit


Boy Scout Troops: Recruit and Retain

A steady flow of boys into your troop helps build a better troop. New scouts bring energy and enthusiasm to your program.

To avoid the pitfall of shrinking membership, a troop should add at least 10 new scouts every year. Try building a year-round growth plan using these three methods:

  • Graduate webelos scouts into your troop,
  • Host a Troop Open House,
  • Encourage boy-to-boy recruiting, check out our council's Hall of Fame Recruiter patch program Click HereTroops that grow:
  • Host Webelos Scouts and their parents at troop meetings,
  • Plan bridging ceremonies at  blue and gold banquets,
  • Attend 1st year webelos den meetings to introduce them to boy scouting.

Promotional and Recruitment flyers and posters are available from your District Membership/Relationships Committee and your District Staff. Let us know how you do!


When is Friends Of Scouting Kicking Off?

The Kick Off of the 2011 Friends of Scouting campaign is here! The California Inland Empire Council has officially begun the 2011 Friends of Scouting Campaign.

Check your unit calendars for your FOS presentation date. Our objective is to have all 10 District’s at goal by June 1st.

What is Friends Of Scouting?

Friends of Scouting (FOS), is an annual fund-raising campaign that gives supporters of scouting and interested people in the community an opportunity to contribute to the financial support of the local council.

What is the local council?

The local council is a geographic area where an Executive Board of Directors conducts business affairs and administers the program. These administrative leaders build a budget to provide Cub Scouting, Boy Scouting, and Venturing to youth in your area.

When do I pay my Friends Of Scouting donation?

For the convenience of Friends of Scouting, a pledge may be made and paid in full or a pledge can be paid at specified intervals through out the year. 


The Summit Will Host The 2019 World Scout Jamboree

The World Scout Conference announced today that The Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve will host the 2019 World Scout Jamboree.

That means that for the first time in 52 years, the global Scouting extravaganza will be held in the United States. (The 1967 World Jamboree was held in Farragut State Park in Idaho.)

It also marks the first time since the 1983 World Jamboree in Calgary, Canada, that a North American site has been host.

The Summit, located in Beckley, W.Va., is the BSA's fourth national high-adventure base, and it already had been named the permanent home of future national Scout jamborees, starting with 2013's event.

But today's news that the site will host the 24th World Jamboree is a big boost for the base—and for Scouts and Scouters who will help welcome the world.

"Scouts who attend the 2019 World Scout Jamboree at The Summit will, for the first time at a world jamboree, be able to participate in whitewater rafting, rock climbing, and mountain biking. We are very pleased that the conference saw the wealth of new and exciting activities that will be available at this site and will make it available to young people in the program," said James Turley, international commissioner.

Though the jamboree will be held in the U.S., the selection isn't just a win for the Boy Scouts of America. The 2019 bid was a joint effort among three Scout organizations: the BSA, Scouts Canada, and Asociación de Scouts de Mexico.

The selection is a first for Asociación de Scouts de Mexico, which has never had the honor of hosting this global event.

"The Asociación de Scouts de Mexico is proud to join Scouts Canada and the Boy Scouts of America to host the 2019 World Scout Jamboree," said association national president Omar Lugo Aguirre. "The opportunity before us is magnificent because the Asociación de Scouts de Mexico is a smaller Scout association and most likely would never host a world Scout jamboree on our own. Here, we will combine our talents and our cultures to bring what will prove to be one of the most incredible, successful jamborees ever."

Exactly 220 countries and territories in the world have Scout associations, and youth and adults from those countries who attend the 2019 World Scout Jamboree can arrange pre-jamboree tours of Mexico and Canada before heading to West Virginia.

Like Mexico and the U.S., Canada will have its welcome mat out in 2019, said Mike Scott, international commissioner for Scouts Canada.

"There has always been a wonderful relationship between Scouts Canada, the Boy Scouts of America, and the Asociación de Scouts de Mexico," he said. "The planning process for the 2019 World Scout Jamboree will help develop this friendship and spirit of cooperation even more. This event will involve and engage a huge number of our adult volunteer leaders and young people in a process that will immerse them in different cultures and cause them to be terrific ambassadors for Canada."  

Before The Summit plays host, though, Sweden will get its turn. The Scandinavian country will host the 2011 World Scout Jamboree this July. Japan is on deck for 2015.

Then it's on to North America! Congratulations to The Summit and to all three Scout organizations as you prepare to welcome the world in 2019. 


What is New at The Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve

As many of you know, we’ve broken ground at the BSA’s newest high-adventure base and future home of the national jamboree—The Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve. While the sight of tractors and other earth-moving equipment at the West Virginia site is the most obvious sign of activity, there has been a lot going on behind the scenes as well. To ensure you’re up to speed on all of the developments and efforts that are under way, we’ve compiled an overview of the project and a summary of milestones and events.

There are 10,600 acres of forested mountains adjacent to more than 70,000 acres of the New River Gorge National River area, which is managed by the National Park Service. Planning started in 2007 when our leadership began looking for a new home for the national jamboree. After reviewing more than 80 sites in 28 states, our leadership chose this West Virginia property in 2009.

Programmatic design will embody the spirit and adventure of Scouting to help carry us into our second century. The continuing relevance of Scouting will be demonstrated through top-notch programming at a world-class facility.

The site will provide a permanent home for the national Scout jamboree and an additional national high-adventure base to meet interest and demand (annually, 20,000 more Scouts and leaders apply to spend time at our high-adventure bases than can be accommodated).


  • Site of the national Scout jamboree every four years, beginning in 2013. International Scouting is also considering a U.S./Canada/Mexico bid to host the 2019 World Scout Jamboree.
  • High-adventure programming and treks, similar to Philmont, Northern Tier, or Sea Base, beginning in 2014.
  • Located in the New River Gorge area of West Virginia, world famous for its white-water, rock climbing, and mountain biking. Additional adventure and action sports are also being explored for Summit programming.
  • Plans include a national center for Scouting excellence in leadership. This site has the potential to serve as the home for Venturing, the Order of the Arrow, and the National Scouting Museum.

Summit Groundbreaking Held in October
Scouts, volunteers, and our leadership joined with area officials in West Virginia at the groundbreaking ceremony for The Summit. At this event, a couple of special announcements were made:

  • Jamboree Dates Set
    Dates for the 2013 National Scout Jamboree—July 15-24, 2013—were announced. Development of the site is on schedule, and the jamboree will serve as the inaugural event.
  • Summit Fundraising Tops $100 Million Mark
    Total contributions to The Summit have now topped $100 million, less than a year after the project was launched. They include the largest single gift in BSA history—$50 million from the S.D. Bechtel Jr. Foundation. Other gifts include a $25 million donation from The Suzanne and Walter Scott Foundation, a gift of an undisclosed amount from Mike and Gillian Goodrich, and several anonymous donations.
  • BSA Vying to Host 2019 World Scout Jamboree
    We have put in a bid to host the 2019 World Scout Jamboree at The Summit. A decision will be announced January 13.

Website to Launch in the Next Month
The Summit website will be launched publicly in the next month. The site will combine many of the resources that are currently available in separate locations (see list below), with video, photos, discussion areas, and 2013 jamboree information.

Included in the jamboree section will be a feature that will allow Scouts to express their interest in attending the 2013 event. This is not an actual registration, but rather an expression of intent that will help us in our planning process and establish an online connection with interested youth. Online registration will be launched on the site at a later date.

Construction Status
Trinity Works Inc., of Fort Worth, Texas, is the project developer, managing all aspects of design and construction. Construction teams work two 10-hour shifts per day. At this time, the overall project is on schedule. The current focus is on grading, permitting, and finalization of detailed project design. Construction is planned for three phases, with phase one completed for the grand opening at the 2013 jamboree.

Head Online for More Information
Follow developments at the site as new information is posted online in the following locations:

  • Facebook page (videos, discussions, photos, and more)
  • Twitter (follow @BechtelSummit)
  • YouTube videos
  • Maps and site renderings on Scribd

 If you have any questions please contact Gary Hartley at 


Fall 2010 Popcorn Sale…Great for Scouting

In 2011, California Inland Empire Scouting units will be powered by over $838,000 of popcorn sales. Across the two counties, 191 Scouting units sold popcorn. This means over $588,540 will be put back into the Scouting program. It means more youth going to camp, more youth learning about their environment and more youth building character in Scouting.

Great job to the over 5,000 Scouts who sold Trail’s End Popcorn in 2010!

Top Ten Selling Units for Fall 2010

Unit                 District          Sales Amount

Pack 16         Grayback          $14,401.75
Pack 29         Mt Rubidoux      $15,134
Pack 301       Tahquitz            $15,984.60
Troop 156      Mt. Rubidoux      $16,404
Pack 614       Tahquitz            $16,531
Pack 128       Arrowhead         $18,183.80
Pack 300       Tahquitz            $18,196.85
Pack 10         Grayback          $18,591.65
Pack 421       Temescal          $18,140.85
Pack 78        Sunrise              $23,123.50

Supersellers for Fall 2010

Unit                 District              Scout’s Name         Sales Amount

Pack 300       Tahquitz             Wyatt Mohr                $4,155
Troop 156       Mt Rubidoux      Matthew Kosan           $4,150
Pack 300       Old Baldy           Sage Holloway            $3,004
Troop 156       Mt Rubidoux      Jarett Guillow               $2,660
Pack 2010      Old Baldy          Joshua Herrmann         $2,596
Troop 90         Mt Rubidoux      Matthew Riding            $2,505
Troop 156       Mt Rubidoux      Michael Kosan             $2,500

Congratulations to Sunrise Pack 78 for being the top selling unit! Unit popcorn chair Melissa Burke has done a great job in motivating the boys of Pack 78! The pack will have more than $8,300 returned to their treasury! Great job!

Military Donation
In 2010, over $40,200 in military donations were purchased through the “Support Our Troops” program. Popcorn will be distributed to military bases around the world.

The ONE Fundraiser
Popcorn is the ONE fundraiser your unit needs to do each year. No more car washes, candy bars, or bake sales. The power of popcorn is evident by the amount sold each year – over $838,000! Not only has popcorn returned over $588,540 to the Scouting program, it helps the California Inland Empire Council keep costs low and provide programs for all youth in the area. Popcorn provides no risk opportunities for youth to sell product “in hand” door to door or at storefronts. We also provide quality customer service and are there to work with your specific unit to help Scouting flourish in your area.


Memorial - A Great Scouter Has Passed Away

Carma Burkhart passed away on Sunday, January 9, 2011.

Carma was a great inspiration to many Scouters. She received the Regional Silver Antelope Award, one of the few recipients in our council. She led the district roundtable for many years. Carma was a strong supporter for scouting in the LDS church and in the council.

Gordon Burkhart ,her son, is one of our council's past presidents.

Services were held on Friday, January 14, 2011.


FOS Report

12/31/2010Goal 2010 Actual% of GoalCash to Date12/2009 Actual
Mt. RubidouxKathleen Hartman$122,000$131,975108.18%$116,335$114,400
GraybackPaul Foster$105,000$104,39599.42%$102,640$95,116
3 PeaksJoe Wilson$73,000$67,97493.12%$66,017$67,089
TahquitzDonna Baker$144,000$132,36591.92%$126,430$131,534
High DesertBruce Ebmeyer$102,000$92,51590.70%$89,274$88,753
Old BaldyJohn Sitar$134,000$116,83887.19%$103,526$128,610
SunriseMike Lindley$62,000$50,67881.74%$49,185$53,807
ArrowheadMajor Fritz$80,000$59,60874.51%$52,801$71,251
TemescalGrant Clark$128,000$94,05073.48%$89,474$95,058
5 NationsAaron Knox$51,500$37,83573.47%$35,166$40,698






Positive Quote

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Have a great Scouting week!
Yours in the Spirit of Scouting,

Joe Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO
California Inland Empire Council, BSA
1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374

909.793.2463, Ext. 120
909.793.0306 Fax

Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: for Monday Memo Archives Click Here 


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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045