California Inland Empire Council

                    Monday Memo

       Welcome to our November 8th, 2010 Monday Memo

Eerie Emerson 2010


DEA/Red Ribbon Scout Patch Initiative

You folks may be interested in this Red Ribbon Scout Patch Initiative for next year. It's new, and it could turn out to be a very cool gig. The patch, itself, is unique (commemorates the life of DEA Agent Enrique Camarena) and looks very handsome. Check on the web site: for a view of the patch.

Red Ribbon Week Boy Scout Patch Initiative

Scouts everywhere are invited to join DEA in commemorating the 25 years since DEA Special Agent Enrique “Kiki” Camerana was kidnapped, tortured, and killed while investigating a major drug trafficking organization in Mexico. To commemorate this sacrifice, DEA has created the Red Ribbon Week Boy Scout Patch Initiative to encourage and support Scouts who wish to recognize the efforts that have been made to educate youth about the dangers of drug abuse. 

Within weeks of Special Agent Camarena’s death, “Camarena Clubs” emerged in Imperial Valley, California (Special Agent Camarena’s hometown) where hundreds of club members pledged to lead drug-free lives and to honor the sacrifices made by Special Agent Camarena. Soon after, Red Ribbon Week was established. Red Ribbon Week was established in memory of the sacrifices made to help keep our youth drug free, but also to celebrate the possibilities of a drug-free life. Observed annually from October 23rd to October 31st, Red Ribbon Week is a national celebration promoting youth education on the dangers of substance abuse.

We would like to expand the efforts of the more than 5,000 Scouts who have historically joined with DEA in sharing with other youth and members of their respective communities the drug-free message of Red Ribbon Week. To help accomplish this, DEA has designed and will make available 15,000 patches for interested Scouting Units.

The mission of the Red Ribbon Boy Scout Patch Initiative is to enable Scouts to earn a patch from the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to wear on their scouting uniform in exchange for performing anti-drug activities in commemoration of Red Ribbon Week. Furthermore, this initiative seeks to empower young people to create, embrace, and strengthen anti-drug beliefs.

The Red Ribbon Boy Scout Patch program is an unfunded initiative. The coordination of this initiative is led by DEA. The agency has dedicated in-kind resources to include staff, website development, website hosting, meeting coordination, graphic design, and other resources.

Guiding Principles

  • The Red Ribbon Week Boy Scout Patch Initiative delivers anti-drug messages to Scouts, youth, parents, caregivers, and community organizations that are relevant influences in their lives.
  • The Red Ribbon Week Boy Scout Patch Initiative incorporates input and direct participation from drug prevention experts, as speakers and presenters in their Red Ribbon Week campaigns.
  • The Red Ribbon Week Boy Scout Patch Initiative supports a community outreach strategy to prevent and reduce the use and abuse of drugs among youth.
  • The Red Ribbon Week Boy Scout Patch Initiative keeps the drug issue prominent in the public and counteracts the visible and consistent media messages pervasive in the popular culture, mass media, and the internet.

Patch Requirements
All Scouting Units are eligible to participate in the program. In order to receive the DEA Red Ribbon Week Patch, Scouts and their Scouting Units must complete the following:

  • Each Scout Unit must sponsor a Red Ribbon Week activity in their community.
  • Each Scout must attend an anti-drug educational session.
  • Each Scout must agree to sign a drug-free pledge.

To receive the patch, the Scout Leader or contact person must call DEA at 202-307-7936 or e-mail and provide mailing address along with the number of patches needed.

Certificate of Participation
The certificates are available directly from the website The Unit Leader or contact person for the Scouting Unit may download and sign the Certificate of Participation upon completion of your Red Ribbon Week campaign and attendance at an antidrug activity. The online certificate has been formatted to enable the typing of each Scout’s individual name before printing.


  • Implementation Guide
  • Certificate of Participation
  • Drug Free Pledge
  • Sample Patch
  • Red Ribbon Week Flier

For more questions or more information on the initiative call DEA at 202-307-7936 or email
For more information and employment opportunities with DEA please go to


Los Angeles Clippers Scout Night

The L.A. Clippers would like to invite all area Boy Scouts and their families to join us for a fun filled night of basketball. Don't miss the opportunity to take advantage of some great discounts and activities.

The first 50 Boy Scouts to sign up will get a chance to high five Baron Davis, Blake Griffin and the rest of the Clippers as the take court!!!

Click Here for Order Form


Murrieta Rotarians honor our Veterans and celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the BSA

The event that stirred the region a year ago is back.  The flags -- some 2,000 this time -- were raised by Murrieta Rotarians, troops of Scouts and a host of other volunteers this morning (the 6th).  Then the typical brisk afternoon breeze stretched them out to their full glory and created a site not to be missed.

Rotary's Field of Honor flies Nov. 7 - 13 at Town Square Park.  That's in Historic Downtown Murrieta at Jefferson Avenue and Kalmia Street.

The Field includes a couple of new features this year.

  • A Field of Local Heroes honors those from the region who paid the ultimate price when they died in Iraq and Afghanistan while in service to their country.
  • And a Field of Historic Flags displays the 27 "stars and stripes" that have officially flown over the country since the nation's formation.

As for the rest of the week, there are concerts and ceremonies.  And, of course, the visitors who will walk the Field, lighted at night, looking for names of loved ones, contemplating the sacrifices of those who have served and, in some cases, lost their lives, and remembering others of importance.

Field section celebrates Boy Scouts centennial  
Rotary has set aside a portion of the Field of Honor for a special exhibit celebrating the centennial of the Boy Scouts of America. Constructed by the scouts themselves, the exhibit features 100 stakes in a circle, each bearing a bit of information important to Scouting's growth over the years. It's one more reason to visit the Field.


A Bridge for the Future Luncheon

The Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council request the honorof your presence at the celebration of "A Bridge for the Future" "Un Puente para el Futuro" A time to bring Inland Empire Latino leaders together.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010 at 12:00pm at 1st Methodist Church of Upland, Crowell Hall. 262 N. Euclid Ave. Upland, CA 91786

Please RSVP to: Phil Velez 909-983-4534 Ext. 305 or RSVP online 



Ten Ways that Baseball is like Scouting

With the next round of the Major League Baseball playoffs set to begin tomorrow, we thought it would be fun to think about some ways that baseball and the Boy Scouts of America are alike.

With the help of some of our 7,000-plus friends on Facebook, we came up with 10 ways that baseball and Scouting are similar. Some are funny, some insightful, but we think you'll find that all are accurate. Here's the list:

1. Good coaching is essential, but in the end it's up to the player to give his best effort. — Michael J.
2. Both are what people think of when they think of great American pastimes. — Tim R.
3. A first aid kit is essential to both. — Sadie W.
4. The coach also wears the uniform. — Chris W. 
5. In both, you'll see lots of guys running around a field. — Dan S.
6. You have to cover all the bases in Scouting, too. — Doug E.
7. Youth do the playing; parents stay off the field. When the adults play they usually get hurt and increase insurance premiums for all! — Don Q.
8. Things go more smoothly if you learn and practice the basics first. — Ron E. 
9. Always start by saluting the flag! — Jennifer R.
10. Be prepared with a big tarp in case it rains. — Roberta H.

Share these with your pack, troop, or crew — or see how many they can come up with on their own.

And if your favorite MLB team is still in the playoffs, good luck!


Youth Protection Training Notifications 

Youth safety is the No. 1 concern of the BSA.

Leaders registered may soon receive notifications of not-current or soon-to-lapse Youth Protection training.

  • Any leader whose YPT is due in 30 or 60 days will receive an e-mail reminder that they must renew the training before the time has elapsed.
  • Any leader whose ScoutNET record shows they have not taken YPT will receive an e-mail reminder that YPT is required for all registered volunteers, regardless of their position.

Leaders who are not current with YPT will not be reregistered in the program.

To take the training, go to and log in or create a MyScouting account. From the left frame on the MyScouting home page, click E-Learning. Scroll down, and from Youth Protection Training, click Take Course. You can also take an instructor-led class, as long as it is reported to your council office so they can give you credit for it.

You can create a MyScouting account without a member ID. When you receive your member ID, log onto MyScouting and from My Profile in the left frame, click Update My Profile. Scroll down and from Membership Info, select your council; enter your member ID; and then click Add. This associates your profile with your member ID. For assistance creating a MyScouting account, click here to watch a brief video.

Venturing leaders should take Venturing Youth Protection training.


Old Baldy District Distinguished Citizens Dinner

Boys Scouts of America takes pleasurein announcing te 2010 Distinguished Citizens of the Inland Empire Honoring, Gary Ovitt - San Bernardino County Supervisor and Sue Ovitt - Chaffey Joint Union High School District Board Member. Click Here to Register Online.


Life Scout Makes Signs for San Jacinto Wildlife Area

By rquezada on November 1, 2010 10:50 PM
By Dennis Greene

Life Scout Andy Greene and San Jacinto Wildlife Area's Department of Fish and Game site supervisor Tom Trakes (Andy's ESLP project site representative) began passing out 104 site/directional signs to three teams of ESLP project volunteers on Oct. 16. Those project volunteers included members of Andy's family, staff members of the SJWA Department of Fish and Game, and a number of outdoors enthusiasts.

Each team received a pre-determined number of the 2"X6"X3' signs and materials. The workers affixed the signs to 52 metal posts (placed at specific sites across the wildlife area). The posts were donated by a dedicated SJWA outdoorsman who became aware of the ESLP through the waterfowl blogs.

By 11:30 a.m., every sign was fastened to its respective posts with reflectors attached to each sign. These will alert hunters, photographers, bird watchers and hikers to their exact location on the property during pre-dawn hours or inclement weather.

Andrew's project was approved Sept. 15. With a deadline of Oct. 16 (hunting season begins on the 23rd) the project needed to get off to a fast start. The financial donations - as well as power equipment such as routers and drill press - enabled Andy to purchase the lumber and get things rolling. The router work and painting took several days to complete since scheduling for the work depended upon volunteer availability. Routers for this ESLP were donated by friends of the family as well as one of Andy's high school instructors. Time and training on the drill press was afforded by a long-time neighbor and woodworking craftsman.

The tasks of stenciling the wood, carving the letters, pre-drilling the screw holes and painting the signs were completed by volunteers comprised of family (some of whom came from Arizona to join in with the painting) and neighbors. The signs were painted dark brown, and the 6" high lettering painted in bright white. Each site designation was routed into the lumber at 3/8" depths in order to provide for greater visual recognition by early morning visitors.

Letters of thanks will be going out to all the individuals and companies who provided the muscle, sweat, finances and tenacity necessary for this ESLP to be a success. Overall, everyone who pitched in had a great time.



Kudos to 2009 National Eagle Scout Scholarship winner Jeffrey Allen Western of Crew 424 in the Three Peaks District and 2010 National Eagle Scout Scholarship winners Joshua Bolstad of Troop 351 of the High Desert District and Douglas Cummins of Troop 655 of Old Baldy District.


FOS Report

11/4/2010Goal 2010 Actual% of GoalCash to Date12/2009 Actual
Mt. RubidouxKathleen Hartman$122,000$130,177106.70%$111,882$114,400
3 PeaksJoe Wilson$73,000$67,39192.32%$64,899$67,089
GraybackPaul Foster$105,000$96,14191.56%$92,444$95,116
TahquitzDonna Baker$144,000$131,81191.54%$119,748$131,534
High DesertBruce Ebmeyer$102,000$90,83589.05%$85,948$88,753
Old BaldyJohn Sitar$134,000$112,89784.25%$95,987$128,610
SunriseMike Lindley$62,000$49,73680.22%$47,639$53,807
ArrowheadMajor Fritz$80,000$57,48071.85%$46,378$71,251
5 NationsAaron Knox$51,500$36,89271.63%$30,418$40,698
TemescalGrant Clark$128,000$91,46471.46%$84,881$95,058







Positive Quote

Heroism is latent in every human soul - However humble or unknown, they (the veterans) have renounced what are accounted pleasures and cheerfully undertaken all the self-denials - privations, toils, dangers, sufferings, sicknesses, mutilations, life-”

 -- Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain

Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain was an American college professor from the State of Maine, who volunteered during the American Civil War to join the Union Army. Although having no earlier education in military strategies, he became a highly respected and decorated Union officer, reaching the rank of brigadier general . For his gallantry at Gettysburg, he was awarded the Medal of Honor. He was given the honor of commanding the Union troops at the surrender ceremony for the infantry of Robert E. Lee's Army at Appomattox, Virginia. After the war, he entered politics as a Republican and served four terms of office as Governor of Maine. He served on the faculty of, and as president of, his alma mater, Bowdoin College


Have a great Scouting week!
Yours in the Spirit of Scouting,

Joe Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO
California Inland Empire Council, BSA
1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374

909.793.2463, Ext. 120
909.793.0306 Fax

Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: for Monday Memo Archives Click Here


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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045