California Inland Empire Council

                     Monday Memo

         Welcome to our December 20th, 2010 Monday Memo

VFW National Scout of the Year

The Veterans of Foreign Wars have been involved with Scouting since 1915. They continue to be a great supporter of Scouting by chartering Scouting units and supporting service projects and other Scouting activities. Each year, the VFW selects three young men - of the Boy Scouts, Sea Scouts or Venturing Crew - who have demonstrated practical citizenship in school, Scouting and the community. This year, our own Robert Morgan has been selected to be the 2010 VFW National Scout of the Year. 

Robert is a member of Banning's Troop 101, chartered to Grace Lutheran Church, and Venturing Crew 800. At age 11, Robert auditioned to be a bugler for the Riverside National Cemetery. He was successful in passing the audition and has since played Taps for nearly 800 military funerals at Riverside National Cemetery. His Eagle Scout project was to plan and supervise a part of the renovation of the Banning Armory. San Jacinto's VFW Post 12020 sponsored Robert's nomination. In addition to the award, Robert has received a college scholarship. Robert is currently enrolled in college and his goal is to attend a United States Military Academy.

Monday Memo - Data Entry for Historic Merit Badges Extended to March 31, 2011

With the deadline of December 31, 2010 for Scouts to earn the historic merit badges, the decision has been made to allow additional time thereafter for entering them into the ScoutNET system. The deadline for doing so has been set as March 31, 2011. This applies to those at the local council who enter advancement based on forms submitted, or unit management software file uploads provided. It also applies to unit advancement processors using Internet Advancement.

The merit badges affected are: Carpentry, Path Finding, Signaling, and Tracking.

This is not intended as an extension of time to earn the badges; only as additional time for data entry.


Pack 204 Party

Temescal district Pack 204 celebrated their Christmas Party and had a special VIP guest, who distributed gifts to all the boys. Ryan D. won the Grand Prize of a new bicycle. The boys collected a pile of toys which were donated to the fire departments Toy Drive.


Do You Know Someone Who Would Be an Outstanding Member of our Camp Staff?

The success of your Scout’s week at summer camp is many times determined by the quality of the staff serving you. If you have a Scout in your troop who will be 15 years old by June 1, 2011-- and who you believe would make a good staff member - encourage him to apply for staff. Explorers and Venturers (male and female) can also apply.
Camp staff provides a great opportunity for a young man or woman to broaden their Scouting contacts, improve their leadership skills and serve the thousands of Webelos, Scouts, Venturers and leaders who attend our camps each year.
Salaries range from $156 to $300 per week depending on years of experience and the summer assignment. Room and board is provided to each camp staff member. Additional information on salaries is provided during the interview process.
Position Minimum Requirements

  • Counselor in Training: age 15
  • Program Staff: age 16
  • Area Directors (Outdoor Skills, Nature, and Archery): age 18
  • Area Directors (Program, Aquatics, and Shooting Sports): age 21
  • Commissioners: age 21

Applications for camp staff can be obtained from either council service center or downloaded by CLICKING HERE.

Everyone applying for staff needs to be interviewed.  Camp staff interviews are scheduled for Saturday, March 5th and will be held at the Jack Dembo Scout Center in Redlands beginning at 9:00 AM. It is recommended that you wear your uniform or appropriate interview attire. If this day is not convenient, you can schedule an appointment with Program Director Kevin Gustafson by calling (909) 793-2463 ext 139.


Grayback District Golf Tournament

On Monday, December 13th, the 6th Annual Grayback Golf Tournament for Scouting was held at San Bernardino's Shandin Hills Golf Club. It was a warm, sunny day - perfect for playing golf with friends and coworkers.

Congratulations to the Team Barnett Transport for placing first. Team Redlands Transport came in second with the Redlands Masonic Lodge team coming in third. We would like to thank Mitsubishi Cement Corporation, the Rotary Club of Redlands, Sean Lugo and Shawn Price of Edward Jones, Toyota of Redlands, Documedia and Trail's End for their support of the golf tournament.


Every Scout Deserves a Well-Trained Leader!

Trained Scouting leaders provide a quality, fun-filled program for Scouts. When leaders understand the whys and hows of Scouting, they are more effective in their roles. Trained leaders know how to use available resources to provide an exciting and worthwhile program for Scouts. Trained leaders also have the confidence to carry out their roles and responsibilities. As a result, Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Venturers receive a program designed to achieve Scouting's aims of citizenship training, character development, and personal fitness. Trained leaders also deliver a well-planned, exciting program that keeps Scouts happy and attracts new Scouts to your unit.

What Makes a Trained Leader

A Scout leader is considered fully trained and entitled to wear the Trained emblem when they have completed the following training courses, almost all of which are available online through MyScouting.

1.    Youth Protection Training - Youth Protection training is required for all leaders and must be taken every two years. Venturing leaders must take Youth Protection Training for Venturing Leaders. Both courses are available online through MyScouting.

2.    Fast Start Training - Fast Start training is the first step for all new leaders and should be taken immediately after they register and before they meet with any youth members. It is available online through MyScouting.

3.    This is Scouting - This Is Scouting is an online training session that picks up where Fast Start leaves off with six modules of training: The Mission of Scouting, Programs for All ages, Scouting Is Fun, Scouting in the Community, Keeping Our Youth Safe, and Scouting’s Legacy. The training takes about an hour to complete and is available through MyScouting.

4.    Position Specific Training - Leader position specific training is based on the leader’s position. These courses are taught by informed trainers who know how to engage groups and make learning fun. These courses are offered by the district or council as group training.

a.    Cub Scout Leaders - Cub Scout Leader Specific training is also available online through MyScouting and offers the following modules:

  •  Tiger Cub den leaders
  • Cubmasters and assistants
  • Wolf and Bear den leaders and assistants
  • Pack committee members
  • Webelos den leaders and assistants
  • Pack trainers

a.    Boy Scout Leaders - Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster Leader Specific Training is for all Scoutmasters and their assistants. Boy Scout leaders also must complete Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills training to be considered fully trained. Troop committee members position specific training is called Troop Committee Challenge and is available through MyScouting.

b.    Varsity Scout Leaders - Varsity Scout Coach Leader Specific is for all Varsity Coaches and assistants Coaches. Varsity Coaches and assistant Coaches must also complete Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills training to be considered fully trained. Team committee members position specific training is called Troop Committee Challenge and is available through MyScouting.

c.    Venturing Crew Leaders - Venturing Crew leaders and assistants must complete Venturing Leader Specific Training.

 Fully Trained Leader Table


District Nominating Committees and District Annual Meetings

The district nominating committee has the important responsibility of selecting a slate of district members at large and district leaders  who will be responsible for achieving district objectives and by so doing increase the effectiveness of Scouting.

 If you have suggestions for anyone to serve on your district committee, please contact your district nominating committee chair listed on the chart below.

The annual district business meetings are also listed on the chart.

The next Monday Memo will we feature Arrowhead, Five Nations and Tahquitz.


Nominating Committee Chair

District Annual Meeting

Three Peaks

Ed Formica

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Paul Foster

Thursday, January 13, 2011

High Desert

Tom Hoegerman

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Mt. Rubidoux

Les Dean

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Old Baldy

Bob Spence

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Craig Lake

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Robert Camerota

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


News & Tidbits

Moreno Valley Boy's Birthday Party Serves as Toy Drive

Trent Sauls, of Moreno Valley, celebrated his 10th birthday with a somewhat unusual party. Rather than a "Star Wars" or "Harry Potter" theme, Trent's party was Spark of Love toy drive-themed.

To announce the party, Trent rewrote a holiday poem: Read More..... 

Boy Scouts Earn Eagle Rank

Marcus S. Davis and Sean P. Kamrani, both of Highland, were honored recently in an Eagle Scout award ceremony at the Redlands Masonic Lodge.

They are members of Boy Scout Troop 19 of Redlands, chartered by Toyota of Redlands.  Read More.....

New OA Region Newsletter

Read the fall issue of "Mustang" the Western Region Order of the Arrow Newsletter. Click Here


Hall of Fame Awards for Recognition Success

NameUnitAwardName UnitAward
Mt. RubidouxOld Baldy
Alex KosanPack 62DoubleMatt TurkTroop 608Single
Matthew KosanTroop 156SingleErik HodgesTroop 608Single
Matthew DoanTroop 156SingleRyan WeinerTroop 608Single
Anthony MihelichTroop 156SingleBrandon WeinerTroop 608Single
TemescalMichael GavinTroop 608Single
Eric PetersonPack 251SingleRichard HodgesTroop 608Double
ArrowheadDennis WeinerTroop 608Single
Dakota TravenTroop 40SingleJustin FrenchTroop 634Single
SunriseAlex LaporteTroop 634Single
Jennifer MarengoPack 131Home RunWesley RobertsTroop 634Single
TahquitzMatt AntillPack 641 Single
Christian BerkshirePack 369Home RunJosh ReyersePack 641 Single
Lori HernandezPack 369Home RunJennifer KnissPack 655Home Run
Rice BerkshirePack 369Home Run
Cole Boyd-KennedyTroop 500Single
Richard PoplinTroop 500Home Run


FOS Report

12/20/2010Goal 2010 Actual% of GoalCash to Date12/2009 Actual
Mt. RubidouxKathleen Hartman$122,000$131,679107.93%$114,890$114,400
GraybackPaul Foster$105,000$99,10794.39%$96,777$95,116
3 PeaksJoe Wilson$73,000$67,69692.73%$65,342$67,089
TahquitzDonna Baker$144,000$132,26591.85%$125,522$131,534
High DesertBruce Ebmeyer$102,000$92,54090.73%$89,340$88,753
Old BaldyJohn Sitar$134,000$114,99285.81%$100,169$128,610
SunriseMike Lindley$62,000$50,57881.58%$49,002$53,807
ArrowheadMajor Fritz$80,000$59,14873.94%$48,998$71,251
5 NationsAaron Knox$51,500$37,66073.13%$34,731$40,698
TemescalGrant Clark$128,000$92,69172.41%$87,729$95,058






Positive Quote

Remembrance, like a candle, burns brightest at Christmas time.   - Charles Dickens


Have a great Scouting week!
Yours in the Spirit of Scouting,

Joe Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO
California Inland Empire Council, BSA
1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374

909.793.2463, Ext. 120
909.793.0306 Fax

Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: for Monday Memo Archives Click Here 


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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

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