California Inland Empire Council

                     Monday Memo


         Welcome to our January 31st, 2011 Monday Memo

Journey to Excellence – Focus on Training

Journey to Excellence is the BSA’s new performance recognition program designed to encourage and reward success and measure the performance of your Scouting unit. It is replacing the Centennial Quality Awards program as a means of encouraging excellence in providing a quality program.

Successful packs, troops, teams and crews have one thing in common – they have trained leaders and an engaged unit committee.

For your unit to qualify for the  Bronze Level, you will need a unit leader, assistant unit leader and three committee members who have completed This is Scouting, Fast Start training, and Youth Protection Training. To qualify for Silver Level, all leaders must complete Leader Specific Training for their position.

For specific award requirements, please visit

As a baseline, below is a chart listing the percentage of direct contact leaders that have completed basic training for 12/31/2010 . Direct contact leader are Cubmasters, assistant Cubmaster, den leaders, assistant den leaders, Scoutmasters, assistant Scoutmasters, Varsity coaches, assistant Varsity coaches, Venturing advisors, associate advisors, skippers and mates.


% Direct Contact Leaders Trained



Mt Rubidoux


Five Nations




Old Baldy








High Desert


Three Peaks




Please visit your district webpage or the council training page for more information about training courses. A leader can attend any training course in any district. For more information contact your district executive or district training chair.


Top 10 Reasons to Attend the Council Annual Volunteer Dinner

10. A Delicious Dinner
9. State of the Council Report
8. Special Music
7. Installation of Council Officers
6. Special 100th Anniversary Video Presentation
5. Earn a Commemorative Leather Rounder
4. Fellowship with Other Scouters
3. Celebrate Volunteers Who Made a Difference
2. Heroism Award Presentation
1. Recognize Silver Beaver Recipients
And much more… 

The Council Annual Volunteer Recognition Dinner will be held this Saturday, February 5th  at the Moreno Valley Conference & Recreation Center. The cost is $40 per person. The doors open at 5:30 PM, with the program beginning at 6:30 PM.  

Be sure to secure your seat and register by this Thursday, February 3rd.  You can Register Online or by telephone by calling 909-793-2463 ext 116 or 129.


National Scouting Museum Oral History Program

In 2011 the National Scouting Museum is expanding its efforts to reach people whose lives have been positively influenced by their involvement in the Scouting program.  Whether you are a lifetime scouter or have only been in the program for a short while, we believe you have scouting stories to share!  Please view the attached flyer Click Here and if interested, contact me for further information on how to submit your story!  Thank you


Popcorn! Who Loves Popcorn? We Want to Know!

On Monday, January 24, packs and troops from across the council were invited to participate in special dinner hosted by Trail’s End to get feedback on the 2010 Fall Popcorn Sale. We had a great and productive dinner where we received valuable feedback on ways we can improve the sale. Successful packs and troops also shared their experiences on how they sold so much popcorn! One of the programs we’re developing because of the dinner is a mentoring program to assist new units in conducting a successful sale. We also got to see the replacement for the $600 Club marshmallow crossbow. David Letterman certainly loved it!

If you weren’t able to attend or didn’t even sell popcorn, we would love to hear from you. Please take our online survey by clicking here.

Unit Insurance 

Make Sure Your Scouts are Covered…

Supplemental Accident and Medical insurance coverage provides financial assistance for accidents, injuries and illnesses for members while participating in official Scouting activities, or traveling to and from these activities. Our council offers this program to units for only $3.00 per participant. New members added during the charter year are automatically covered. Non-Scouts who are attending official Scouting activities for the purpose of being encouraged to join are also covered. This coverage is not automatic and must be obtained by your unit annually. LDS Units are covered by a church-provided plan and do not need to apply for additional coverage (see your church officials for additional information.)

To sign up, please contact Virginia Cottone at 909-793-2463, ext. 116 . More information about the BSA's insurance information can be found on our Council's website:  Learn More 


Camp Wiley 2011



Tribe of Wisumahi 2011



Chief Scout Executive Bob Mazzuca's Blog

Soaring to record numbers of Eagles

There’s nothing like starting off the new year with something to brag about. We’ve done it again. The Boy Scouts of America’s highest honor has reached record levels.

In 2010, we honored 56,176 young men with the Eagle Scout Award—an all-time high! That’s up by 3,706 from 2009 and the fifth straight year we have topped the 50,000 mark for honoring new Eagle Scouts. It doesn’t get any better than that! Or does it?

Included in that grand tally for 2010 were a dozen new Eagle Scouts from Troop 914, chartered to St. Luke Community United Methodist Church in Dallas. That was a record Eagle class for Troop 914. And nationally, it was the second largest group of African-Americans to receive Scouting’s highest honor at one time, since 19 African-American Scouts in Maryland earned their Eagle Scout Award in the 1990s.

What a remarkable accomplishment for such a young troop! According to a report in the Dallas Morning News, Troop 914 began at St. Luke in 1996 with six boys, two tents, and one piece of outdoor cooking equipment. Since then, counting this group of 12, nearly 40 from the troop have made Eagle Scout. Two have gone on to military service academies.

Troop 914 has a lot to be proud of. Their accomplishments, their openness to diversity in their ranks, and the leadership they bring to their community are among the core values we hope to bring to all young people in Scouting’s next century.

Way to go, Troop 914! Your story is an inspiration to all young Scouts hoping to make Eagle some day. It’s programs like yours that are contributing to the record number of Eagle Scout Awards that we are experiencing now and hope to grow in the future. This is a wonderful tribute to how Scouting is one of the experts in teaching boys to become men.

What other Eagle stories would you like to share?

Bob Mazzuca, Chief Scout Executive


Old Baldy District Dinner

The Old Baldy District Dinner took place on Tuesday, January 18th.  There were 5 District Award of Merits handed out (Kim Koyle,  Zaki Mustafa, Kathy Fabos  & Dennis Weiner pictured) as well as the Fred Moore Cub Scout Award (Suzy Letchner) & the George Miller Lee Boy Scout Award (Bill Noble).

Other awards that were given out were the District Spark Plug Awards (Dorothy Pineda, Gene Moose, Lorrie Herrmann, Charles Royas, Gary Wood, Greg Stevens, Mike La Pre, Milt Culver & Greg Risser (not pictured)), as well as a special award presented to Larry Watts for heading up the BSA 100!!

All in all, it was a great evening of fun, food & fellowship with about 90 Scouters in the Old Baldy District! Yours in Scouting, Christy Eimen


These 1913 Scout Law postcards are the coolest thing you’ll see today

Click to view slideshow.

You know the Scout Law, but you’ve never seen it like this. The 1913 Scout Law postcards seen above are a real treat. The cards, originally produced by The Henry Heininger Co., were reprinted by the Northern Star Council in Minnesota and sent to me.

Back then, the postcards were a cool way for boys and leaders to show off their Scouting pride. Today, they’re a visual time machine that shows us how the Scout Law was interpreted nearly 100 years ago.

Most of what you’ll find on these cards is still quite relevant today. There are some real gems in there.

I love the “A Scout is Kind” card. Its main focus is kindness to animals and features the now-defunct First Aid to Animals merit badge. But I want to know how that Scout got the dog to stand still while wrapping his leg.

The words on “A Scout is Brave” are especially relevant with the rise of bullying in schools. I do wonder why the Scout is entering that fire wearing his full uniform and neckerchief, though.

And the next time your guys whine about camp chores, point them to the “A Scout is Cheerful” card which says a Scout “smiles whenever he can” and “never shirks or grumbles at hardships.”

Which one’s your favorite? Which words resonate most today?


PRAY Boy Scout News Bulletin, January 2011


We are excited to share with you that the PowerPoint explaining the new position of religious emblems coordinator is now "live" on You can access the new BSA page through the new REC page at:

You can also read about this new position in the latest Boy Scout Bulletin from PRAY.  Here's the link to find it on our website

Here are some of the articles that are included in this edition:

  • Religious Emblems Coordinator (REC) Becomes Tool for Growth and Retention
  • Free Promotional DVD Offer
  • Coastal Empire Council Includes Religious Emblems Goal in 100th Anniversary Celebration / Sets Council Record
  • Four Star Recipients 
  • PRAY Course at Philmont - Registration Now Open!
  • BSA's Religious Emblems Coordinator Website

We hope you enjoy the P.R.A.Y. newsletter and take the time to share it with others. Please forward this email to other people interested in promoting Duty to God. Here is a link for them to sign up to receive future newsletters from P.R.A.Y. Sign up for PRAY's Boy Scout E-Mail List


Target on Transition Camp 2011 Is Back!



National Youth Leadership Training

National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) is a youth-run advanced leadership training course for troop, team, and crew youth leaders. NYLT is an exciting, action packed program deigned to provide young men and women members of the Boy Scouts of America with leadership skills and experiences they can use in their home units as well as life-long leadership skills. NYLT is the second step in the BSA's Youth Leadership Training Continuum (Troop Leader Training- National Youth Leadership Training- National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience) 

The California Inland Empire Council has two great courses being offered this summer. Beginning this year, both courses invite Venturers to participate. Week 1 will be a coed course inviting females in the Venturing program to participate. 

Week 1: Monday, June 13- Saturday, June 18 or Week 2: Monday, June 20- Saturday, June 25
The cost to attend NYLT is $230 (early registration) or $250 after May 26. 

Requirements to attend: 

Boy Scouts/ Varsity Scouts

  • Must be 13 years of age or have completed the 7th grade
  • Must have earned the rank of First Class
  • Must have completed Troop Leader Training or Cedar Badge
  • Must have his unit leader's recommendation


  • Must be 14 years of age or have completed the 7th grade
  • Must have completed Venturing Leadership Skills Course 
  • Must have his unit leader's recommendation
For additional information, contact the Course Director

Week 1: Todd Bagley (951) 260-8003  Week 2: Brandon Leong (909) 967-6024


Troop 257 Devil's Chair Trail

Troop 257, took an exciting journey Saturday Jan 29, 2011 and hiked the Devils Chair Trail at Devils Punchbowl which is part of the PCT.  This hike was the first hike for 7 new Scouts whom had just earned Arrow of Light and crossed over into the Troop.  But also along for an adventure was Pack 257, Pack 26 and Venture Crew 157.  The hike overall took 6 hours and was a great introduction into trail hiking, but it was a great opportunity for the Scouts to bond and create friendships.


"New" Learning for Life Public Website  

I wanted to let everyone know that the “new” Learning for Life public website is officially open at this time.  You will notice that we have rebranded and separated Learning for Life and Exploring.  We have also added new taglines to the logos with a new mission statement as well as new vision statements for each of the programs, ie; Learning for Life and Exploring.  I hope you will take the time to view the new website and share with your council staff and volunteers.  This has been many months of development/planning and is a part of our Five Year Strategic plan.  As always, as you are viewing the new site, please forward to us any comments that you would like to share.  Thanks so much!  Diane

Dr. Diane E. Thornton, National Director of Learning for Life
972 580 2420
972 679 9962 (cell)
972 580 2137 (fax)


BSA 100 – Journey to Excellence Award Recipients

Congratulations to the following California Inland Empire volunteer leaders will be receiving the special BSA 100 – Journey to Excellence Award at the Council Annual Volunteer Recognition Dinner on February 5th. These Scouters were identified by their peers as making a difference in the lives of others during our Centennial Anniversary. Please join us at the dinner and celebrate their spirit of volunteerism as we continue our journey for another 100 years.


Chuck Alexander
Wes Andree
Matthew  Barth
Richard  Becker
Charlene Betty
Paula Boothe
Andy Brahams
Paula Brooker
Richard  Brooks
Joe Brown
Robert Swartzel
Kennth Tabor
Mark Wanamaker
Larry Watts
Dennis Weiner
Terry  Bryan
Donald Buchanan
Keith Burgess
Rony Cabrera
Steve Collins
Marlin Dickey
Dennis Duranceau
Jeff Endicott
Kathryn Fabos
Samuel Fisk
Matthew  Flanagan
Judy Graeber
Ken Hedricks
Bradley White-Findeisen
Donald Wright
Jason Piazza
Eric Herchenroeder
James Hermes
Peter Hopkins
Christa Jenson
Andrew Jessup
John Konyn
David Lochridge
Richard  Long
Vaughn Lucas
James McCauley Jr.
Jeff McEntire
Carrie Nelson
Darren Nugent
Marleny Palmantier
Rick Phatd
Judith Pichford
Tori Pitruzello
Rick Pohlers
Michael Poore
Tim Purvis
Sherrie Reynolds
Charles Royas
Steve Sauls
Lonni Scott
Mark Shaff
Kevin Shaunessey
David Sorrells


News & Tidbits

The Buzz - Boys' Life 100th Anniversary Episode

In honor of the 100th anniversary of Boys’ Life magazine—and the 150th anniversary of the Medal of Honor being signed into law—the Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation has invited the Boy Scouts of America to select an outstanding Scout to receive the American Spirit Award. Learn more in this episode of The BuzzClick Here 

Troop 19 Honors Eagle Scout

Boy Scout Troop 19 in Highland recently honored its new Eagle Scout, Matthew Paul Mena.

Mena has been a member of Boy Scouts of America since he was a Tiger Cub in first grade. He was later a Cub Scout and then a Boy Scout.  Read More..... 

Northern Tier Summer 2012 Registraton

Attached you will find a registration form and sign-up procedures for Wilderness Canoe Treks for the summer of 2012 at one of the three National High Adventure Bases that are part of the Northern Tier Program. Open registration for individual units begin on April 1, 2011Click Here 


Positive Quote

“I'm sorry I wrote such a long letter. I did not have the time to write a short one.”

  Abraham Lincoln quotes (American 16th US President (1809 - 1865) 


Have a great Scouting week!
Yours in the Spirit of Scouting,

Joe Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO
California Inland Empire Council, BSA
1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374

909.793.2463, Ext. 120
909.793.0306 Fax

Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: for Monday Memo Archives Click Here 


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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045