Welcome to our October 13th, 2014 Monday Memo

Highlighted Titles mean New or Changes Made 



The California Inland Empire Council will be having its annual Volunteer Recognition Dinner on February 7, 2015, at the Moreno Valley Conference & Recreation Center. Plan to join us for an evening of fun and fellowship as we celebrate the 2014 Silver Beaver Recipients, Journey to Excellence and Scout Law awards! We will also be having a silent auction that will benefit the 2015 Campership Fund.


Silver Beaver Award Nomination

Form deadline is November 14, 2014. Don't let a worthy Scouter go unrewarded!


  1. The California Inland Empire Council, with the approval of the BSA National Court of Honor, may present the Silver Beaver Award to a Scouter who has given Noteworthy Service of Exceptional Character to Youth and is currently registered in this Council.  The nominee must be 21 years of age or older and a volunteer Scouter.  The award may not be presented posthumously.  Former professional Scouters will not be considered within 5 years of their leaving employment with the BSA.
  2. The nomination must be submitted on the Silver Beaver Award Nomination Form complete with original signatures.  Out-of-date forms will not be accepted for evaluation.  All sections of all pages should include as much information as possible for best consideration of the nominee.
  3. The nomination form must be submitted on or before Friday, November 14, 2014.
  4. The Silver Beaver Selection Committee will review nominations and make selections on a “blind” basis.

 Late forms will not be accepted for evaluation. Silver Beaver Nomination Form


Fall Recuitment

As a membership organization, we're always keeping a close eye on how our recruitment efforts are going throughout our councils—especially during the fall, our prime recruitment season.

I am pleased to report that our Cub Scout registrations are up by more than 9,000 in the August-September period compared to the same time last year. Also, all four regions are showing an increase in Cub Scout recruitment this fall, resulting in a 4.3 percent increase nationally. Following are the percentages of increase by region:

Northeast 8.8%
Southern 1.2%

Central 8.1%
Western 3.7%

While it is early in the recruitment cycle, this is a good sign since Cub Scouting is the starting point for most new members.

This raises the question of what caused these positive, albeit early, results. This is a result of your efforts and those of our volunteer leaders. Vigorous recruitment efforts are underway using tools and resources like the new Build an Adventure recruitment campaign, and we can see by these early numbers that young people and families across our nation are responding.

It is still early in the year and we have much left to do. But I know we are up to the challenges of both feeding this momentum to keep our new Cub Scouts engaged and excited about Scouting and building upon that success. Thank you and keep up the good work!

Wayne Brock, Chief Scout Executive


We Need Your Help With Voice of the Scout!

Dear Scouting Friends and Colleagues:
This week, thousands of Scouts, parents, and volunteers will be receiving the fall edition of our twice-yearly Voice of the Scout survey. Launched in 2012, VOS is designed to measure the value of Scouting in the community and help us deliver experiences that surpass the expectations of our members.
The fall 2014 edition of VOS is exciting for several reasons:

  • Survey release dates are now standardized. Invites will be sent out on the first Tuesday of October (October 7) and the first Tuesday of March (March 7, 2015).
  • A $500 incentive for unit leaders is in effect. In brief, unit leaders who see a response rate of at least 50 percent for Cub Scout parents, Boy Scout/Venturer parents, or Boy Scouts/Venturers will be eligible for an area drawing. Up to 27 units across the country could receive the award, geared to help leaders reinvest those funds back into the unit’s programs, events, or other needs.
  • New survey partner will allow us to reach more members. VOS surveys are being released via a new software distribution company, Qualtrics, which is a leader in the field of high-volume surveys. The company already has existing protocols with email providers such as AOL and Yahoo, both of which had flagged our surveys as spam in the past.
  • The results dashboard can now display feedback to the district level. This feature was soft-launched during the last survey cycle, after which the VOS team took steps to make district data more accurate and stable. (The overall goal is unit-level results. We will continue to make this a priority into 2015.)

The Voice of the Scout process is most effective when we receive a high level of responses. Without the participation of the Scouts, parents, and volunteers in your area, however, we won’t get the insight we need to deliver more compelling and effective programs. Please let your units know the survey is coming, and encourage them to participate.

For more information about Voice of the Scout, a special VOS-focused edition of Scout Wire has been produced to help you get a comprehensive, quick overview of the program and access links to promotional materials. Thank you for all that you do for Scouting and the youth in your communities.

Sincerely, David Weekley, National Marketing Chairman


Hornaday 2014

The University of California - Riverside and the Boy Scouts of America - California Inland Empire Council Conservation Committee
Invite you to the 2014 BSA Hornaday Day Event October 18, 2014

Who: Boy Scouts wanting to learn about the BSA Hornaday Awards, example Hornaday projects, and Hornaday Award merit badges. Attendance is limited to the first 150 Scouts on a first come, first served basis -- pre-registration is available by website. No walk-ins will be accepted.

When: Saturday, October 18, 2014 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Cost: $10 for the day, and you must pre-register on the website.

Where: University of California at Riverside, Winston Chung Engineering Building; Parking is covered in fee

Bring: Parent permission slip for event, blue merit badge card for any merit badge you wish to earn (pre-signed by your Scoutmaster); a merit badge workbook for each badge. See website for more details.

Food: Lunch can be purchase on site for $5. This lunch cost is separate from the registration cost.

Program: Presentations will be made on Hornaday Awards Description, Hornaday history, potential Hornaday Projects, and Hornaday Award merit badges

The purpose of the merit badge classes is to expose the scouts to the major requirements of the Hornaday merit badges. It may be possible to get signed off on a few requirements, but if a scout wishes to complete the badge, he should make arrangements with the merit badge instructor in the classes at the event. For additional information about the Hornaday
Fair, please contact: Matt Barth at mjbarth@charter.net or Jun Wang at junwang@engr.ucr.edu

To register for this event, please go to http://ieee.ee.ucr.edu/hornaday/ and follow the registration link.

Wood Badge Reunion 2014

Greetings fellow Wood Badgers,

Come Join Us on November 1st, 2014 for the Wood Badge Reunion 2014 Potluck and Silent Auction. Brian Crain has asked me to oversee the Silent Auction this year and donations are needed to make this auction a success. Any donated items would be greatly appreciated just please let me know so I can make proper arrangements. If you wish to donate a monetary amount it will be used for a lovely gift basket.

Please look around your garages and attics; any item will do (whether it be Scout related or non scout related). Please inform all Woodbadgers and let your courses know. If you have questions I am more than happy to help.

Please contact me at:
Bubbles divine_durango_diva@msn.com or Cell# 951-833-2409 (feel free to text or call).

We will be able to accept cash, check, and credit card this year or CLICK HERE to Register Online


Eagle Scout's Portrait

Is your Eagle Scout's portrait on the Eagle Honor Wall at council headquarters the Jack Dembo Scout Center?

September 6 Eagle Scouts or Silver Awardees should come to CIEC's service center for their complimentary portrait to display on council's permanent Honor Wall Exhibit. Appointments are suggested and can be reserved by going to www.GradPortraits.com and follow through to the online reservation system.

Walk-ins are accepted but appointments take precedence. The year round portrait program will create images at Jack Dembo Service Center through the year. Their next sessions will be December 20th, or you may go to GradPortraits Orange County Studio.

For more information visit their web site, www.GradPortraits.com to make your reservation.

Seabadge San Diego

Nominations are being accepted for a Seabadge course being offered January 23 - 25, 2015 at the San Diego Youth Aquatics Center, 1750 Fiesta Island Rd, San Diego, CA.  Seabadge is an advanced training program for Scout adult leaders.   

Seabadge is a weekend course that begins Friday afternoon and concludes with a closing ceremony before lunch on Sunday.  Course participants and staff function as a model ship to help participants understand how a ship or youth-led unit should function. The curriculum includes twenty sessions, with established objectives, that are presented in a motivating and informative forum.

The objectives of Seabadge are to:
-       Improve the understanding of leadership, management, and motivational skills among adult leaders.
-       Provide management, leadership, and presentation skills and tools to adult leaders so that they may use and share them with others in their day-to-day Scout activities.
-       Use the skills and tools acquired at Seabadge to improve the quality of the Sea Scout program.
-       Encourage the development of lifelong contacts and sharing of resources by and between course participant Participant Requirements and more information about Seabadge can be found on the National Sea Scout web page at:  http://www.seascout.org/articlelinkseabadge

A fact sheet and application for the San Diego Seabadge can be found at:  http://www.seascout.org/component/edocman/?view=document&id=158

I ask that you please pass this information to all Sea Scout leaders in your council and any other adults that might be interested in learning more about Sea Scouting.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Mike Philbrook, Course Director, SEABADGE COURSE SB-21-CA-2015


The PTC is the National Training Center of the Boy Scouts of America

Visit www.PhilmonttrainingCenter.org for full conference descriptions, family program details and registration information. Limited scholarship funding is available. Take advantage of the early bird special fees by registering before January 1, 2015.

You and your family will be so glad to spend part of your Summer at Philmont! - Scouting’s Paradise!

Click on the hotlink for the latest and greatest PTC course offerings and course descriptions http://www.philmontscoutranch.org/PTC/ConferencesO.aspx


Scout Day at Bear Mountain

On March 7, 2015, Bear Mountain will hold its 11th annual Scout Day. There is no minimum requirement to participate in this event. Family and friends are welcome to join in and take advantage of the savings. We offer discounted rates on lift tickets, rentals, lessons and food. In addition, for each block of 20 tickets purchased, your troop receives the 21st ticket free!

All scouts participating in Scout Day will receive a Bear Mountain Scout Day patch.

Bear Mountain is proud of all scouts working towards earning the Boy Scout Snow Sports Merit Badge and we want to acknowledge their dedication and hard work with the participation patch. Below is a picture of the participation patch your scouts will receive on Scout Day.

Bear Mountain follows the guidelines set for the scouts to earn their Snow Sports Merit Badge. There are some scouts who will be working on achieving the merit badge but, their skill in skiing/snowboarding may not at the level of the requirements of the Snow Sports Merit Badge. These scouts can still take the first steps in working towards earning their badge by attending the safety meeting and completing the workbooks.

Bear Mountain is offering classes at a discounted rate for those who need to work towards increasing their skill levels in skiing/snowboarding. If your scouts are not able to complete the skills required they should be proud of their accomplishments for the day encouraged that they made a great start to earning their badge.

Reservations are required so give us a call 909-594-0220 or 909-584-0290. Email: sales@bearmtn.com

We look forward to having your troop and family members join us. Please let us know if your troop is interested and we will forward the pricing and scout packet when it is ready to be released.


Eagle Scout to Complete Disc Golf Course

Eagle Scout to complete disc golf course

Cameron White, 15, of New Plymouth is completing the disc golf course in what is known as the New Plymouth horseshoe for his Eagle Scout project.

The New Plymouth disc golf course was developed by the Kiwanis Club 10 years ago. The club completed nine goals, which consist of poles with baskets and chains in which players toss Frisbees. Players can complete a full game with nine holes, but the club initially intended the project to contain 18 holes and to wrap around the entire horseshoe, according to White.

The New Plymouth horseshoe is located in the center of the town where East Boulevard and West Boulevard curve into a horseshoe, shaping about a 200-foot-long grass field in its center.

White came up with the idea for completing the golf course with his father after they noticed more and more players utilizing the course. Read More.....



Our deepest condolences to the family of Boyd Briskin. He was a multi-year member of the California Inland Empire Council Executive Board and a Silver Beaver Scouter (like his father [Paul] before him). He passed away on October 5, 2014 at the age of 82.


Scouting Cartoons from 1967


 Positive Quote & Prayer

"Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself."

    ~  Rumi

So many shades of gold
Another miracle we take for granted
Another expression of the artist's vision
The blending of the autumn hues 
with the setting sun
Thank you for autumn, Lord

Joe Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO

California Inland Empire Council, BSA

PO Box 8910

1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374
909.793.2463, Ext. 120
909.793.0306 Fax

 Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: Joseph.Daniszewski@scouting.org for Monday Memo Archives Click Here



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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045