Welcome to our December 1st, 2014 Monday Memo

Highlighted Titles mean New or Changes Made



Recognizing World War II Veterans of D-Day

Honor is being in the presence of a man and his family that has given extraordinary service, commitment and sacrifice to not only a grateful nation but in large to the betterment of our world community.

Mr. Daniel Gonzales is that man.

Along with our Scout Executive Joseph Daniszewski, I had the true privilege of honoring and presenting Mr. Gonzales with a token of appreciation and gratitude on behalf of the California Inland Empire Council.

Mr. Gonzales is one of our many veterans in the Inland Empire. He distinguished himself during  World War II in the European theater June of 1944.

His eyes well up as he recounts the landing in crimson waters on the beaches of Normandy near Saint Lô, France. He lost his closest friend in the forest near Bastogne, Belgium. At war’s end he came home and raised a family and never forgot those he served with or why they sacrificed so much.

So few have done so much for so many.

I thank you and all of our veterans, Scott "Mac" McLeod, Council President CIEC


Philmont Trek 2016

Troop 229 has been accepted for a trek in 2016. This will be our 4th Philmont trek since 2010. If anyone in the C.I.E.C. wants to join our 2016 trek, they can contact me at Scoutmaster229@gmail.com. They will need to also send me a $100 deposit (non-refundable) by January 2015.

We won't have the exact dates until March 2015 and there are currently 6 spaces left for a full crew, but I can add another crew if needed. My ASM will be the adult advisor, he has been with me on a Philmont trek and will act as senior advisor for any additional crew that may be needed.


Winter Camps

2015 Polar Cub Winter Camp

For Wolf, Bear and Webelos Scout Dens, their Leaders and Parents.
You must be a registered Cub Scout to participate in Winter Camp Activities.

2015 Klondikes

For Boy Scouts Only
You must be a registered Boy Scout to participate in Klondike!

Click Here to view Dates and registration.


California Inland Empire Council Summer Camp 2015

Hey Scouts and Scouters!  Looking for summer time employment? Something that will be meaningful and fun? Well you don’t have to look any farther than your own Council area.  Up in the beautiful San Jacinto Mountains lies the Boseker Scout Reservation home to Camp Emerson and Camp Wiley. For seven fun filled weeks we’ll be operating both camps for Cub and Boy Scout units and we need motivated and outgoing youth and adults to help us provide a memorable experience for our campers. The deadline to apply is November 30, 2014 Camp Staff Application. Applications may be accepted after the deadline, but those in by November 30th will have priority. See you at camp!


Potential NYLT Staff

Attention!! All NYLT graduates, youth and adult staffers interested in serving on the 2015 NYLT Staff.

An informal meet and greet with the Course Leaders will be held Saturday, December 13, 2014 10:00 am to 2:00 pm At

Grace Lutheran Church
539 N. Acacia Ave., Rialto, CA 92376

For the purpose of choosing NYLT’s 2015 Youth and Adult Staff.

For more information contact: Terry Bryan, Course Director (909) 851-6378 or CIEC.NYLT.2015@gmail.com


Chartered Organization Representative Training

Thursday, January 15, 2015  5:00-6:50 PM At the

Jack Dembo Scout Center
1230 Indiana Court,Redlands


As a Chartered Organization Representative, you hold a key position in Scouting! 
Please join us for a great training, dinner and attend the 2015 Annual Business meeting starting at 7:00 PM.

Please RSVP to Michelle Brown at (909) 793-2463 x 121 or micbrown@bsamail.org.


Boy Scouts earn automotive maintenance merit badge at Crown Lexus in Ontario

By courtesy photo, Daily Bulletin News

Fifty-four Boy Scouts from throughout Southern California descended on Crown Lexus in Ontario earlier this month to earn their automotive maintenance merit badge.

They were educated on the many systems of modern vehicle operation, including diesels, turbos, hybrid, anti-lock braking, traction control, airbag operation (along with a loud demonstration), transmissions and tires during the five-hour class.

It was put on through Crown Lexus and Sonic Automotive by master techs Scott Truong, and Mark Grodis, and master service consultant Tom Ryan.


Eagle Scout's Portrait

Is your Eagle Scout's portrait on the Eagle Honor Wall at council headquarters the Jack Dembo Scout Center?

December 20th Eagle Scouts or Silver Awardees should come to CIEC's service center for their complimentary portrait to display on council's permanent Honor Wall Exhibit. Appointments are suggested and can be reserved by going to www.GradPortraits.com and follow through to the online reservation system.

Walk-ins are accepted but appointments take precedence. The year round portrait program will create images at Jack Dembo Service Center through the year. Their next sessions will be September 6 and in December, or you may go to GradPortraits Orange County Studio.

For more information visit their web site, www.GradPortraits.com to make your reservation.



Adult Award Incentive and Webinars to Help with your Planning Conference

PRAY UPDATE for members of BSA


To help recognize those exceptional individuals (and get an early jump on Scout Sunday!), P.R.A.Y. is offering FREE STANDARD SHIPPING (a $5.00 value) on Adult Recognitions administered by PRAY. The orders must be complete (with required paperwork according to the nominating procedure), be postmarked by December 31st, AND write "ADULT5OFF" on application form to receive the free shipping. Absolutely no exceptions to the deadline! Click here for a list of adult recognitions administered by P.R.A.Y.: 


2 Webinars Just in Time for Your January Planning Conference
Getting ready for your January planning conferences?  Check out the webinars listed below. P.R.A.Y. webinars are free and offered on different days and at different times for your convenience. You may sign up for as many as you like. Webinars will be recorded and posted in the P.R.A.Y. Learning Center for those who are unable to attend the live presentation.
"Growing Your Faith Through Scouting" Campaign by
Greater Alabama Council, BSA
Audience: Scouting Professionals and Volunteers

J.T. Dabbs, Scout Executive/CEO of Greater Alabama Council, BSA and Vice President of P.R.A.Y.

Description: Find out how Greater Alabama Council is promoting and integrating Duty to God in everything that they do, from offering training events to camporees, from newsletter articles to online videos, from promoting religious recognitions to the Religious Emblems Coordinator positions. J.T. Dabbs will present the scope of their campaign, including timelines and resources.
Sign Up:
Sign Up:

Treat Your Chartered Organizations like You Treat Your Major Donors
Scouting Professionals
Mark Hazlewood, CEO of P.R.A.Y.

A primer for your council planning conferences: Considerations for approaching and treating Chartered Organizations in order to maximize your partnership and grow your council membership.

Sign Up:
Sign Up:
Thursday, December 11th, 2014 at 3:00pm CENTRAL TIME

Scouting Cartoons from the 1960's



Friends Of Scouting Report

11/24/2014 2014 Goal  2014 Pledged
(Year To Date)
% of  Goal Cash Paid
(Year to Date)
% of
11/30/2013 Pledged
Tahquitz $152,990 $150,886 98.6% $140,529 93.1% $157,480
Mt. Rubidoux $127,700 $124,199 97.3% $112,906 90.9% $115,166
High Desert $95,900 $92,065 96.0% $85,431 92.8% $91,443
Grayback $115,450 $106,992 92.7% $100,525 94.0% $103,738
Temescal $104,160 $90,510 86.9% $85,094 94.0% $95,249
3 Peaks $35,750 $30,767 86.1% $30,272 98.4% $35,332
Sunrise $55,950 $44,867 80.2% $41,803 93.2% $41,313
Old Baldy $111,600 $89,177 79.9% $68,302 76.6% $87,387
Arrowhead $60,000 $48,914 81.5% $46,728 95.5% $49,212
5 Nations $32,200 $18,595 57.7% $16,639 89.5% $17,052
  $891,700 $796,972 89.4% 728,229 91.4% $793,372



Positive Quote & Prayer

"The great man is he who does not lose his child's heart."

    ~  Mencius (371-291 B.C.)


Loving God, 
I sense that all is your creation 
and everything, and all of us, 
are being drawn back toward your loving heart.

Help me to be a person of peace, 
to speak about it in an uneasy world, 
and to live it among the people 
you have put into my life every day.

Light in me a desire to prepare for your coming 
to stand in the darkness, waiting, eager and filled with joy.

Joe Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO

California Inland Empire Council, BSA

PO Box 8910

1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374
909.793.2463, Ext. 120
909.793.0306 Fax

Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: Joseph.Daniszewski@scouting.org for Monday Memo Archives Click Here



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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045