Welcome to our July 21st, 2014 Monday Memo


Jack Dembo Scout Service Center

I am pleased to say we had a great crew of 17 Scouters: boys, moms, dads and board members involved in the clean up process. Major trimming of the landscape over filled two large dumpsters. What a difference it has made! The gas meter has most likely not been read in many years, surprise. Saturday was a long day filled with trimming and power washing of the entire building. Wouldn't you know we ran out of 25 gallons of paint, the clean walls sucked it up like a sponge. More work needed to be done in the near future to complete the project. Yes, we will be in need of further assistance. So put on the painting clothes and join the fun, come by and see a difference. I want to thank Jesse Lopez, Phil Cline and Kurt Wochholz for all their hard work on Sunday. Kurt in two days, must have reached the moon by ladder.

Yours in Scouting, Jim Prior, V.P. Properties


Camp Emerald Bay 2014

Catalina's Camp Emerald Bay was the destination for Troop 304's annual summer camp and boy did it shine. For some Scouts, the boat ride from the mainland to camp itself was a new adventure, before they even arrived at camp!

First off, the staff and fellow troops displayed great resiliency and fortitude against the contagious Noro Virus that shut down many other camps nationwide. CEB featured shooting sports, War Canoe, a Marine Science Center, and Aquacade, just to name a few. All though chilly in the morning, Catalina's beautiful, clear waterfront did not disappoint. Not many camps boast the triple threat of rifle shooting, shotgun shooting, and archery, so it was very neat. The Marine Science Center was a nice plus with its touchable displays of sharks and other marine life. The dining hall experience wasn't amazing per se, but it was sustenance, and did have an excellent cereal bar for breakfast and salad bad for lunch, as well as seconds for almost all meals. The Trading Post was very convenient place to grab a quick candy bar or ice cream sandwich or daily dessert special!

The staff was certainly unique and Troop 304's assigned Ranger Ben was definitely one of the highlights of the trip with his constant dedication to help and make camp enjoyable, no matter the work. The merit badge counselors were helpful in helping to obtain all merit badges (opening up for extra sessions), especially with the more labor intensive ones such as Oceanography (researched 500 word essay) and Archery (must hit qualification marks). Outside of class, the troop also participated in extra kayaking, games of ultimate frisbee, and burgers on the beach! There was also the Mile Swim, Stand-Up Paddle-boarding, and water sports anytime their little hearts desired. Wednesday War Canoe was a very new experience, and it was a blast! War Canoe is when troops take canoes and race to a destination, in this case, nearby Parsons Beach, where they spend the day. At the beach, there was some beautiful snorkeling, hikes, and just plain swimming in the waves. The Scouts cooked their own dinner (stew) & dessert (cobbler) and slept on the beach. The staff was very ingenious and creative with their campfires, debuting skits most had never seen before and making it their very own. Overall, twas a summer camp full of merit badges, memories, new friends, and fun!

Alvin Yu, Star Scout, Troop 304


Troop 720 "Lives the Adventure" at Camp Fiesta Island

Troop 720 ventured to Camp Fiesta Island for its 2014 Summer Camp Experience. With activities like Board Sailing, Stand Up Paddle Boarding, Kayaking, Canoeing, Small Boat Sailing and Motor Boating our scouts were in the water more than on land. The weather was picture perfect as we watched one of our older scouts spend at least 4 hours a day on “Sunshine”, CFI’s 6 person Catamaran. An awesome team building activity in the evening darkness is known as the "Dragon Boat". A 50' canoe style boat that holds up to 22 scouts at at time. Our scouts paddled their way to the middle of the Fiesta Island Bay and we able to watch the fireworks show from Sea World right overhead in the dark of night.  Just spectacular! The journey to MIssion Bay in San Diego each way was well worth it ! The staff was excellent, the food was great and the memories will last a lifetime. 



Troop 652 Campout 

Troop 652 of Rancho Cucamonga had a campout at the Tanglewood campground in Big Bear in late June and it was GREAT! We didn’t think we could have fires, so we cooked without Dutch Ovens and all went well!  The Scouts got to try new recipes, such as Mini Pizzas with English Muffins. We were allowed to have a campfire each night, which was an added bonus. The weather was perfect as well. There was plenty of Rank Advancement going on and many Scouts learned their Directions at Day and Night with Mr. Eimen. There was even a story about some kind of cat that was in camp in the wee hours of the morning….. 
Christy Eimen, ASM/Camping Chair?


Homeowner Event/Volunteer Opportunity

The U.S. Department of the Treasury and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), as part of the Obama Administration’s Making Home Affordable Program, are partnering with the HOPE NOW Alliance and NeighborWorks America® to bring a free homeowner event to Riverside. These events are designed to help bring together homeowners in financial distress for a face-to-face meeting with a representative from their mortgage lender and/or local housing counselor.

We are looking for local volunteers to support this event.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014 | 10:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. PST
Riverside Convention Center – Ben H. Lewis Hall
3637 Fifth Street | Riverside, CA 92501

Volunteer shifts are:
Shift 1 from 9:00 AM - 1:30 PM
Shift 2 from 12:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Shift 3 from 4:00 PM - 8:30 PM

We will only RSVP 20 volunteers per shift to help us with registration, exit surveys, directional guidance, translation and additional assistance that helps the day run smoothly for the homeowner.
Volunteers receive an event t-shirt, a boxed lunch, and free parking.
You can register today to volunteer at:  https://volunteerriversidemha.eventbrite.com

Volunteers are critical to the success of the day. We take the commitment to volunteer very seriously and do our best to make every volunteer experience a good one.

Help us spread the word! Please forward this request to your family, friends, colleagues, clubs and groups!

Sheila Squier, Housing Counselor and General Volunteer Coordinator
on behalf of NeighborWorks America / Making Home Affordable / HOPE NOW Alliance
sheila.squier@gmail.com  Phone: 607.227.1184
www.nw.org    www.makinghomeaffordable.gov    www.hopenow.com


The 2014 Popcorn Kick Off Is HERE!!

Attention Scouts!

Attend a local popcorn kick off and get excited about this years campaign! 

Have fun, learn how to have a great sale, and hear about cool prizes you can earn!

Mt. Rubidoux & Five Nations

Kickoff Meeting: Tuesday, July 22nd at 6:00p.m. Located at John’s Incredible Pizza 6187 Valley Spring Pkwy. Riverside
Scouts and siblings up to 12 years of age are $6.99 plus tax
Scouts and adults 13 years of age and older are $9.99 plus tax
Included is unlimited buffet, drinks and a $5 fun card per person.

Please use the party entrance and let them know you are with the Boy Scout group and pay at the door. You will then be directed to our area.
Tickets will be given out for door prizes

High Desert

Saturday August 2nd, 2014 @ Lime Street Park - Hesperia 9:00am - 10:30am

Come join with the other units in the High Desert District and learn about our new and improved products for 2014. We invite all Scouting Units to come and learn how this event can help fund your units events for the coming year. Share your ideas with other unit Popcorn Kernels on your success and how it helped your unit. Look forward to seeing everyone at this event.

Your District Popcorn Kernel is: Richard "Hoss" Hartjen Phone: 760-985-7176 Trainmaster21@verizon.net


When? Thursday, August 7th at 7pm (during roundtable)
Where? 3860 N Waterman San Bernardino, CA
Who? All Scouts, parents and leaders
What? Have fun learning about new popcorn flavors, taste tests, games and bounce house.
*** Complimentary snacks and jump house for all scouts***

To RSVP or for more information contact: Denise Wampole, District Popcorn Kernel No1geez@aol.com (909) 586-5394 Come out and enjoy a FREE evening of popcorn fun!!!!


Friday August 8th at 9:00– 11:00 am @ Temeku Cinemas 26463 Ynez Rd. Temecula

Come join us for a double attraction featuring our Temecula Premiere of our 2014 Popcorn Sale and our main event “The Lego Movie.” Added attractions include: Details on our 2014 popcorn products, a preview of all the fabulous awards and prizes, goal setting and door prizes.

Everyone Welcome! Please register by e-mail to beth.heires@gmail.com We have reserved a theatre and want to make sure we have enough space. Movie and popcorn included. Class A uniforms please. See you at the movies!


2014 Scout Memorabilia Auction & Trade-O-Ree

August 15th & 16th, 2014

Friday Aug. 15th 6:00pm - 10:00pm
Saturday Aug. 16th 9:00am - 4:00pm

Where: Immanuel Lutheran Church
5545 Alessandro Blvd Riverside, CA 92506

There will be 100’s of items, including CSP’s, OA Flaps, books, mugs, uniforms, pins, Jamboree, Philmont and other BSA related items to bid on in the SILENT auction the LIVE auction and the YOUTH LIVE auction.  View Auction Items CLICK HERE

$2.00 bidder numbers
$6.00 Lunch Meal (Please RSVP - Troop Fund Raiser)
$15.00 Tables, which includes Table, Bid Number & Lunch!! (Tables are Limited).

Come and see what this exciting hobby of collecting scout memorabilia is all about.

For more information and to find out about donating or consigning memorabilia contact Matt Brandt @ 951-992-9438 or email @ mkb969@verizon.net  Click Here for Flyer


Los Angeles Dodgers 13th Annual Scouts Day and Egg Drop

The Los Angeles Dodgers will be having their annual Scout Day and Egg Drop Contest at Dodger Stadium. This will be Saturday, August 23. All Scouts are eligible to participate within the guidelines and rules provided. Opportunities to purchase 6:10pm game tickets is also available. Please checkout Dodgers Egg Drop Information sheets and L.A. Dodgers 13th Annual Scouts Day form for specific details and ticket ordering.

The 2014 Scout Expo Featuring The Quest & Merit Badge Experience

September 26, 27 & 28, 2014
Glen Helen Regional Park, Devore, CA


Package #1 – Complete Quest Adventure only $30.00! Includes camping Friday night, patch, Water Park & activities
Package #2 – Saturday only $25.00! includes patch & activities - Water Park admission will depend on space availability.
Register at an Early bird fee by August 31. After September 1, fee increases by $5.00 per person.
Event is limited to the first 1,500 participants Info: The Quest

* Climbing Zone
Camp “”Games
Exciting new activities

* Water Park
* Target Area
* Family Camping

* Lakeside Activities
Community Booths
Food Vendors


Package #1 – Complete MB Experience only $20.00! Includes camping, patch & activities.
Package #2 – Saturday only (with optional Overnight Camping that night). $15.00! includes patch & activities.
Register at an Early bird fee by August 31. After September 1, fee increases by $5.00 per person.
Event is limited to the first 500 participants Info: Merit Badge Expo

* Numerous Merit Badges
* Camp Wide Games
* Exciting new activities
* Dutch Oven Cook Off
* Rodeo Activities
* Closing Campfire
* Order of the Arrow Village
* Community Booths
* Food Vendors


Important Advancement News

Beginning September 1, 2014 the Council is requesting all units to use Internet Advancement for submitting all achievements and awards. There is one Internet Advancement Processor per unit. If your Advancement Chair needs the unit ID number to create an account or re-set an existing account, please contact the Jack Dembo Scout Center 909-793-2463 ext. 126 or email to jaagre@bsamail.org

Benefits and Features of Internet Advancement

  • Secure website with high encryption protects Scouts information.
  • Advancement Report: Units no longer hand write reports, now just enter dates, submit and print. This is the official Unit Advancement Report to be signed and submitted when awards are purchased.
  • Unit Roster: List current members both youth and adult. Includes the person ID number for each member, leadership positions and Youth Protection Training dates.
  • Immediately lets unit processor know when a member is not registered.
  • Print temporary membership cards.
  • Advancement Summary: View and print youth advancement records.
  • View previous advancement reports.
  • Records ranks, badges and awards in accordance with BSA advancement rules. Prevents awarding a rank before time requirements are met.
  • Less chance of errors due to volume or errors due to illegible handwriting.
  • Prevents duplicate awards being purchased.
  • Date corrections are allowed.


2nd Quarter 2014 P.R.A.Y. Report, Youth Awards

Name  Award  Church Name  Award  Church
Andrew Bowser GOD AND ME Crosspoint Vincent Guerino GOD AND FAMILY Crosspoint
Benjamin Atkins GOD AND ME Crosspoint Church Matthew Varner GOD AND FAMILY Crosspoint
Samuel Alston GOD AND ME Riversdie Christian Alliance Micah Condict GOD AND FAMILY Venture
Matthew Paoletta ALEPH        

Friends Of Scouting Report

7/17/2014 2014 Goal  2014 Pledged
(Year To Date)
% of  Goal Cash Paid
(Year to Date)
# of Donors Donors Asked  % of Donors Asked 07/31/2013 Pledged
High Desert $95,900 $89,991 93.8% $78,910 1,163 679 58.4% $85,887
Tahquitz $152,990 $141,068 92.2% $125,382 1,833 1,035 56.5% $155,016
Mt. Rubidoux $127,700 $113,728 89.1% $95,363 1,278 742 58.1% $117,114
Temescal $104,160 $87,247 83.8% $73,692 1,256 728 58.0% $85,274
3 Peaks $35,750 $29,499 82.5% $28,624 626 258 41.2% $33,622
Grayback $115,450 $91,712 79.4% $82,720 1,047 458 43.7% $99,472
Sunrise $55,950 $40,766 72.9% $37,279 572 282 49.3% $41,160
Arrowhead $60,000 $43,080 71.8% $38,943 906 408 45.0% $48,651
Old Baldy $111,600 $79,625 71.3% $55,980 1,053 497 47.2% $76,597
5 Nations $32,200 $17,233 53.5% $14,572 304 120 39.5% $20,274
  $891,700 $733,949 82.3% 631,465 10,038 5,207 51.9% $763,067

Positive Quote & Prayer

"The essence of wisdom is knowing that you don't know all the answers, that you can learn something from everybody and that God will teach you something every day if you are willing to listen."

    ~  James Martin, SJ

Your Word declares that I can come to You, the source of wisdom, for wisdom. I do that right now Father, and I ask that You would not only give me wisdom of men, but the wisdom of God. I pray that You would impart into me divine wisdom, that I may be able to rightly divide the Word of truth

    ~  2 Timothy 2:15

Joe Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO

California Inland Empire Council, BSA

PO Box 8910

1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374
909.793.2463, Ext. 120
909.793.0306 Fax

Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: Joseph.Daniszewski@scouting.org for Monday Memo Archives Click Here



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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045