October 19th, 2015



Featured Stories


2016 Camp Emerson & Camp Wiley.....Sign up today and SAVE!

Jack Dembo Scout Center Clean-up Day

Scouts Learn Leadership at Cedar Badge ILST

High Desert Distinguished Citizen Dinner


Recruit a Friend


Recruit a Friend to Join Scouting and enter to win a great prize! Youth must be recruited from Oct. 1st through Nov. 12th. Drawings will take place on Nov. 13th

Drawing Prize, 3 Scouts will be chosen to win a BB Gun!

As an incentive to recruit your friends your name will enter into drawing for the prize.
Who can participate:  Any Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Varsity Scout or Venturer

Every Scout who recruits a friend to join is entered into the drawing! CLICK HERE for Registration Form



Silver Beaver Award Nominations


Now is the time to nominate a deserving Scouter for the Silver Beaver Award! Don't let a worthy Scouter go unrewarded!


  1. The California Inland Empire Council, with the approval of the BSA National Court of Honor, may present the Silver Beaver Award to a Scouter who has given Noteworthy Service of Exceptional Character to Youth and is currently registered in this Council.  The nominee must be 21 years of age or older and a volunteer Scouter.  The award may not be presented posthumously.  Former professional Scouters will not be considered within 5 years of their leaving employment with the BSA.
  2. The nomination must be submitted on the Silver Beaver Award Nomination Form complete with original signatures. Out-of-date forms will not be accepted for evaluation. All sections of all pages should include as much information as possible for best consideration of the nominee.
  3. The nomination form must be submitted on or before Friday, November 13, 2015.
  4. The Silver Beaver Selection Committee will review nominations and make selections on a “blind” basis.

 Late forms will not be accepted for evaluation.



2016 Camp Emerson & Camp Wiley.....Sign up today and SAVE!


As Indian summer slowly fades to be followed by real fall weather and the inevitable winter, can thoughts of summer day’s future be far behind? Warm, lazy days followed by cool nights under a harvest moon or a fist full of stars. Mountains so sharp they seem to touch the sky and breezes that caress the skin. You can bet your summer camp staff is already getting ready for it now! They are starting to prepare for what is shaping up to be one of the best summers ever!

Boseker Scout Reservation is also getting ready and campers this year will notice many improvements. From newly repainted cabins and lodges to our recently refurbished (and nicely heated) swimming pool. We will offer arguably the best shooting sports program in Southern California and for the fourth summer in a row Chef Neil will be providing his outstanding selection of dining options. The theme this year is “Knights of the Round Table” and it’s going to be a rockin medieval good time!

Speaking of outstanding our summer camp staff and counselors were recognized by the campers last year as being exceptionally professional and knowledgeable. The vast majority of those same individuals are returning this year and the few new staff being added fit the same mold of competence and customer oriented service. The focus will continue to be offering a safe learning environment where the goals of every scout can be realized while having a ton of fun! New merit badge training is also being offered this year such as Communications, Movie Making, Music, Fly Fishing, Fishing and more, and our High Adventure Team will see the Zipline return along with more Mountain Biking opportunities.

Attached to this letter are the Summer 2016 Camp Emerson and Wiley flyers. You will find much of the information you need to register for any of the camp sessions as well as the critical dates. We are currently offering camp at 2015 rates until December 31st…prices will go up next year so get in while the getting’s good! You will also note this year that our fees are all-inclusive and will cover all the shooting sports and High Adventure activities. A check of our fellow Southern California camps will quickly show that we have the most competitive pricing structure around and on top of that we are a local camp and within 60 to 90 minutes of most of the Council. The early bird gets the worm so be sure and register early to get the prime camping spots. See you at Camp!

Yours in Scouting, Michael McCarty, Council Camping Specialist



One Car Help Boy Scouts of America - Donate a Car to Charity 


Make a tax-deductible vehicle donation directly to the Boy Scouts of America through Once Car One Difference and help support our youth. www.onecarhelpsscouts.com



2017 National Scout Jamboree


Join the California Inland Empire Council Contingent 2017 National Scout Jamboree

Bechtel Summit Reserve – West Virginia - July 19-28, 2017

Contingent Pre-Jamboree Tour - July 17-18, 2017

2 Scout troops - Troops of 40: 36 youth and 4 adults each – One LDS Troop and One Traditional Troop
2 Venturing Crew Patrols – One all Male Crew (9 youth) (One Male Adult Leader) and One Co-ed Crew of Male and Females (10) (One Female Adult Leader), provided at least four Female Venture Scouts choose to attend (Two Deep Leadership will be exercised at all times)

LDS Troop - TOUR HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE:  Tour starts with a flight to Buffalo New York, visit Niagara Falls, travel to Palmyra, NY and learn about the events that occurred on and near the Hill Cumorah in the 1820’s, such as Joseph Smith, Jr.’s First Vision, the visits of Angel Moroni, and the translations of the Book of Mormon.  Tour the Sacred Grove, Peter Whitmer Farm, Smith Family Farm, Grandon Building, Book of Mormon Publications and the Hill Cumorah Visitors Center. Then travel to Kirkland, OH Between 1831 and 1838, Joseph Smith and early members of the Church established Church headquarters in Kirkland, built a temple, and laid a foundation of strength for the future.  Other nearby sites to be included: The Morley Farm, the N. K. Whitney Store, Ashery, Schoolhouse, Stone Quarry and Sawmill.  Possible stops, time permitting, John Johnson Home in Hiram, OH where the Johnson family provided a home for Joseph Smith and his family from 1831 to 1832.  Here is where Joseph Smith received many revelations and faced serious opposition.

Traditional Troop - TOUR HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE:  Philadelphia to visit Independence Hall, the Liberty Bell and Center, Ben Franklin’s Grave, Betsy Roth’s house, Ben Franklin’s Print Shop and Christ Church and then to Washington DC to visit the Lincoln, Jefferson, Roosevelt and Washington Memorials, the World War II, Korean and Vietnam Memorials, a tour of the US Capital, Arlington National Cemetery, the Marine Corps Museum and Mt Vernon Home of George Washington.

*Tour Schedule and Locations Subject to Change

JAMBOREE HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE:   40,000 Scouts and Ventures’ at the 2017 National Scout Jamboree to be held for the second time at the SUMMIT BECHTEL RESERVE in West Virginia – highlights include: Rappelling, zip lines, white water rafting, BMX Cycle trails, shotgun, rifle, skeet and pistol shooting, archery ranges, SCUBA Diving, swimming, canoeing, rowing, merit badge midway, patch trading, skills events, arena shows, Order of the Arrowmen Village and a whole lot more!


  • Scouts and team members must have a current BSA membership with a Boy Scout troop or Varsity Scout team.
  • Must be at least First Class Scouts by July 19, 2017.
  • Must be at least 12 years of age by the first day of the Jamboree or an 11 year old that has graduated the 6th grade, but has not reached their 18th birthday by the last day of the Jamboree.


  • Crew members must have a current BSA membership with a Venturing crew.
  • Must have graduated the 8th grade or be at least 14 years of age by the first day of the Jamboree, but have not reached their 21st birthday by the last day of the Jamboree.

CLICK HERE for Participant & Leader Applications and more information



Camp Helendade Work Weekend


Primitive Camping and Good Turn Weekends (service hours)

Who: This service project is open to all, Boy Scout Troops, Varsity Teams and Venturing Crews.

What will we do? Primitive Camping, and service to camp. There are many work projects that need to be done. Letters will be given to youth who need school service hours.

What do we get? Troops, Teams, and Crews can stay Saturday night if they would like.

What do we need to bring and wear? Bring gloves, rakes, shovels, ladders, wheel barrels. Wear old clothes! Porta-Potty provided, bring your own food and water. All trash must be taken with you when you leave.

When? Final opportunities for 2015. Oct 24Nov 21Dec 12.

Where? 2001 Wilderness Rd. Running Springs, CA 92382

Arrival & Departure: Saturday arrival between 8:30 am and 9:00 am, Departure by 5:00 pm or Sunday departure no later than 10:00 am

Cost:  $10 per person, FREE if working on Saturday

Questions? Contact Cynthia Blessum, Council Camping and Outdoor Program Chair, 714-612-1662, or email blessumcr@pacbell.net

How do we sign up? CLICK HERE for Registration Form and return to the Jack Dembo Scout Center by the 15th of the month in which you want to participate or click on the dates for online registration.



Belt Adventure and Nova Award Cub Scouts


Cub Scouts, join in the fun as we learn about scientific and technological knowledge. The CIEC Scout Shop will be holding a Cub Scout Nova Awards workshop on October 31, 2015, from 10am - 1pm. At the conclusion of the workshop each participant will have earned his Nova Scout device or patch and his adventure loop**.

If you do not own a Nova Award Guide Book you will need to purchase one prior to entering the workshop. We only have room for 25 participants, so please sign up ASAP! Each participant will need to be accompanied by one adult for the entire workshop.

Please call the Scout Shop to sign up 909-307-3950, 1230 Indiana Court, Redlands, CA 92374

See you there & wear your Halloween costume!

**Each participant must read the Tech Talk chapter in the Cub Scout Nova book and come prepared to discuss the information for all requirements. Prerequisites must be completed prior to the workshop and are located in your Cub Scout book; Please complete adventures as follows: Webelos Scouts: Build It, Bear Scouts: Make It Move, and Wolf Scouts: Finding Your Way. If all of the prerequisites are not completed you will only receive partial sign off.





Mt. Rubidoux District presents a single day STEM Day Camp for Cub Scouts. The single day event is a comprehensive program that entirely completes the Down and Dirty Nova requirement for Wolf, Bear, and Webelos Scouts including the required Adventure. Scouts attending this event will qualify for a complete Nova Achievement plus an Adventure Loop or badge. In addition, a special program has been developed for Tiger Scouts to introduce them to STEM in a fun and exciting hands-on series of experiments and activities.

WHEN:      Saturday, November 7th, 2015 (8:30 AM to 5:00 PM)
WHO:        Tiger*, Wolf, Bear, Webelos/AOL Scouts (*Tigers require an Adult Partner)
COST:        $35.00 per Scout (Lunch available for purchase)

Registration is NOW open. Register as a Pack through Council. Registration closes on October 30, 2015. No onsite registration is allowed. No sibling program is currently offered. One adult volunteer for every four (4) scouts is required by each attending Pack. CLICK HERE for Registration Flyer or CLICK HERE to Register Online

Contact: Anastasia Vlasic-Leveck  anastasialeveck@gmail.com  (909) 821-0291) or John D. Skiff skiffalope@yahoo.com 949-836-2399



Jack Dembo Scout Center Clean-up Day


A golden opportunity for units to add to their JTE Community Service hours!

Saturday, November 7, 2015, 8:00 am – 2:00 pm Lunch will be provided

Bring your rakes, shovels, clippers, wheelbarrows, brooms and gloves as we prepare the grounds for Xeriscaping!

To register, or for more information, contact: Michelle Brown 909-793-2463 X 121 Michelle.Brown@scouting.org



JOTA 2015 in the C.I.E.C.


We got the job done at Webelosree. We also got the job done for JOTA and the national BSA call sign (K2BSA) operation. I'm attaching a small collection of pictures of the event. We had about 150 visitors, including 120 scouts who got to operate the radio.

First we learn a little about radio, why it is important, and a little about how it works. We even talk about the shape of the atmosphere and how to use it for the best radio experience. We talked about the various space objects that are interesting, such as the International Space Station. The astronauts aboard are licensed radio operators. 

Next, Blaine Lincoln (KK6KUC), an aging Eagle Scout (1990), Amateur Extra class operator and FCC Volunteer Examiner with W5YI, talks about how we operate the radio and what some of the funny terms mean. Ask any of the Webelos of Old Baldy what "CQ" means. They all know, and they all did it. 

We tried to reach the Arrowhead station (K6K) run by Fred Stieg (KT6K) in Wrightwood, but couldn't really hear the reply. We did get to talk to KG6MZB. He was at a BBQ in LA, but more importantly, he is an Eagle Scout. The Webelos of Pack 621 were very excited to talk to him!

Hopefully everyone had a great time and learned a bunch. Next steps: 1. Bridge into Boy Scouts and earn the radio merit badge. 2. Take the FCC exam and become a licensed radio operator.

Blaine Lincoln - OBD Membership Chair



Scouts Learn Leadership at Cedar Badge ILST


It was a hot time at the original Cedar Badge in Riverside on Oct. 9-10! Despite a scorching Saturday (and Friday night was hot, too), 29 Scouts from Temescal, Tahquitz, Grayback, Arrowhead and Mount Rubidoux districts enjoyed games and sessions on leadership. The overnight course held at a park owned by an LDS Church covered Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops and the Patrol Leader Handbook. Scouts formed patrols (theme was fantastic dinosaurs, leading to dinos such as Del Tacosaurus), competed for carrots (a Cedar Badge speciality), made flags, sang songs, told jokes, shouted yells and raised all kinds of Scouting spirit.

Cedar Badge created  an intense learning environment where Scouts understood  the value of the patrol method and learned about a boy-led troop. But they had fun, too. “I thought this would be sitting in classes all day,” said a Scout from Redlands. Not much sitting around when you are playing Orange Golf or Spin Out. Not much sitting around when you are practicing Teaching EDGE by building a flagpole. Not much sitting around when your patrol is learning team building during Radio Towers. “This has been  fun,” said a Scout from Moreno Valley at the end of “Servant Leadership,”the last session  of the course. “And now I am tired.”

Cedar Badge ended with Scouts conducting a campfire (they learned how to do one correctly) for their parents. The next Cedar Badge ILST will be in Spring 2016 and will run as a cluster course because of its reach councilwide.

Troops and/or districts that want to join in on the fun with the course that started it all should contact Robert Quezada (rquezada777@hotmail.com) and make a commitment now! “Cedar Badge Forever!” Check out our video: https://youtu.be/pCbK-M8nrnQ



Crew 257 Food & Clothing Drive


Jacob Lindsay, the Vice President of Communications at Crew 257, organized a food and clothing drive for the Victor Valley Rescue Mission that took place on Sunday, October 18.  The crew helped commit the man hours (over 70 man hours split between nine scouts and four adults) to make the drive a success, and altogether, the crew was able to collect over 250 pounds of food, 10 bags of clothing, and over $200 for the mission.

The crew members utilized their schools to help get the word out about the drive, and used two different stations to make the drive a success. The mission appreciated everything that Crew 257 was able to do for them.

Thanks, Casey Hillers, Crew 257 President



High Desert Distinguished Citizen Dinner


On Saturday, October 17th, 2015 C.I.E.C. president Scott "Mac" McLeod presented San Bernardino County Sheriff John McMahon with the High Desert District Distinguished Citizen award at Sunset Hills Memorial park.



Fund A Need


Boseker Scout Reservation Home of Camp Emerson, Camp Wiley & Camp Brown

Camp Emerson Improvements and Program Resources

Boseker Scout Reservation (BSR):  
1. Gas powered air compressor $899
2.  Portable wash station $663
3.  Forks & spoons for the commissary $225
4.  1 coffee urns $120
5.  Ga-ga court hardware & supplies A variant of dodgeball that is played with one ball - individuals are hit below the knee. $230
6.  Set of 3 – low flow showerhead timer (Need 13 sets) $345
7.  8 am 1 1/8" plus drop down rotary hammer $300
8.  Cub Scout Archery – Arrows, bows and targets $873
9.  Polaris 825 – robotic pool cleaner $1,068
10.  Walk in refrigerator – new compressor, new dual pressure control & replacement of high side and low side dryer $1,600
11. 20 Shovels $280
12. 20 bow rakes $280
Program Service Needs  
13. Scouting Promotion yard signs $700
14. Building the Future - Recuit a Friend Campaign 1,000 youth recognition  patches $810
15.  5 Cub Scout Day Camp School participants $1,525
16.  2 BSA Camp School participants for Camp Emerson $1,944
Information Technology Needs  
17. Jack Dembo Scout Center L-power supply for phone   system                              $1,000
Capital Improvements
18.  Replacement of 1st air conditioner unit $5,865
19.  Replacement of 2nd air conditioner unit $10,000



Friends Of Scouting Report


10/12/2015 2015 Goal 2015 Pledged (Year To Date) %
of  Goal
Cash Paid (Year to Date) # of Donors Donors Asked  % of Donors Asked 10/06/2014 Pledged
Tahquitz $153,000 $158,165 103.4% $144,531 1,855 1,000 53.9% $155,980
Mt. Rubidoux $126,900 $116,946 92.2% $107,864 1,165 685 58.8% $114,841
Arrowhead $55,000 $49,128 89.3% $45,434 959 472 49.2% $49,137
High Desert $97,000 $85,075 87.7% $75,563 1,151 639 55.5% $91,443
Sunrise $52,500 $44,503 84.8% $40,703 550 285 51.8% $41,420
Grayback $116,000 $96,421 83.1% $90,258 892 499 55.9% $103,608
5 Nations $19,000 $15,422 81.2% $13,832 189 121 64.0% $17,052
3 Peaks $34,000 $26,115 76.8% $25,920 635 256 40.3% $35,332
Old Baldy $103,000 $72,966 70.8% $57,192 1,135 490 43.2% $81,764
Temescal $102,000 $68,902 67.6% $65,757 1,272 550 43.2% $88,999
  $858,400 $733,643 85.5% 667,054 9,803 4,997 51.0% $779,576


60’s Cartoon Corner



Thoughts from the Scout Executive:




Positive Quote & Prayer

“The more responsibility the Scoutmaster gives his patrol leaders, the more they will respond.”

    ~  Baden-Powell


Most gracious God, by whose knowledge the depths are broken up and the clouds drop down the dew: We yield thee hearty thanks and praise for the return of seedtime and harvest, for the increase of the ground and the gathering in of its fruits, and for all the other blessings of thy merciful providence bestowed upon this nation and people.

And, we beseech thee, give us a just sense of these great mercies, and such as may appear in our lives by a humble, holy, and obedient walking before thee all our days.



https://bsa-ciec.doubleknot.com/orgheaders/21/joecolor.jpgJoe Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO
California Inland Empire Council

California Inland Empire Council, BSA
PO Box 8910
1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374
909.793.2463, Ext. 120
877.732.1450 FREE
909.793.0306 Fax


Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: Joseph.Daniszewski@scouting.org for Monday Memo Archives Click Here


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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045