Welcome to our January 12th, 2015 Monday Memo

Highlighted Titles mean New or Changes Made


"The Trainer’s EDGE" Be the Best Trainer you can be!

When:       Saturday, January 24, 2015
Where:      Grace Lutheran Church, 539 North Acacia Avenue, Rialto, CA 92376-5242
Cost:         $10.00 (includes lunch)
Time:        Registration 8am, Course 8:30am – 4:30pm Pre-Registration Deadline is Jan 21, 2015 – no walk-ins.

Trainer’s EDGE is the second course in the 3 part train-the-trainer series called T3.  This part will reinforce what you have learned in the Fundamental of Training and will give you hands on experience.  The course will reinforce your training tools and skills to help you “do your best” as a trainer.

All Participants must bring a 10 minute presentation to the course CLICK HERE for Online Registration

For more information contact: Linda Settember (909) 989-4307 or Camprmom@aol.com (put Trainer’s Edge in the subject line)


Camp Wiley 2015

The Wild Frontier at Boseker Scout Resevation

We hope you’ll join us for an unforgettable adventure at the Boseker Scout Reservation, located in beautiful Idyllwild, California.
At Camp Wiley, Cub Scouts will learn a lot of new things and have the opportunity to earnthe new 2015 Adventure Loops and Pins in the following areas:

  • BB Gun Sports
  • Weather, astronomy & wildlife conservation
  • Archery Sports
  • Swimming Sports
  • Canoeing & Rowing (this may be limited because of the drought...we’re hoping for rain!)
  • Fun games in the Sports Area.
  • Knife handling and the whittling chit, knots & lashing and how to leave no trace in the Outdoor Skills Area
  • Cat’s Eye Night Hike for Bears and Webelos

There are 5 sessions available between June & August 2015 CLICK HERE to select a date and to register online.


James E. West Fellowship Endowment Program

Ralph Waldo Emerson’s observation that “an institution is the lengthened shadow of one man,” is best exemplified by Dr. James E. West.  Today, Scouting is the “lengthened shadow” of the more than three decades of the farseeing and dedicated leadership provided by Dr. James E. West.

In 1910, James E. West became the first Chief Scout Executive of the Boy Scouts of America, and he served in that position for more than three decades. The James E. West Fellowship Award is available for gifts of $1,000 and up in cash or marketable securities to the Council Endowment Fund. The gift must be in addition to and not replace or diminish the donor’s annual Friends of Scouting support. Many individuals and corporations make these gifts either on behalf of someone else, such as in honor of an Eagle Scout, Silver Beaver recipient, a retirement, a special accomplishment, or anniversary or in memory of a special individual. If an institution is truly “the lengthened shadow of one man,” it is more than fitting that the BSA honor James E. West’s monumental contributions to Scouting in such a significant way.

The Executive Board invites you to support our California Inland Empire Council. James E. West Fellowship Invitation

Ray Abril Tribute Julie Downs Richard H Hoyt Sean R. Monville Eric Solander (2)
Coy D Ahlmann Austin Michael McClain Downs Gary D Jensen* Louis G. Monville, III James Henry Sousa, Jr.*
Robert C Allan* Kaitlyn M Downs Robert Jensen* Louis G. Monville, Jr. (3) Dustin Sean Starbuck
Donna Baker Victoria G Downs Gary A. Johnson Stephen J Nagy Art Starbuck
Keenan Barber* Michael J Downs* Gary W. Johnson LeRoy Nattress, Jr.* Alice R. Stokes*
Matthew Barth John P Dudley* Jackie S. Jones Earnest Newton Kay L. Sundberg*
Gary E Baugh* Larry Dylina Geoffrey S. Kahan James S. Nolin Kenneth A. Sundberg*
Roy Beck Tyler Eimen Robert W. Kelly M Jeff Ohlfs James A. Sundberg*
Christopher Bergh Steve Faris William A. Kern* Vandy Oliver Loroselle Swartzel
Carol Beswick Raymond R Foley* John W. Key Corey B. Painter Robert J. Swartzel*
Rick Beswick Russell R Fritz Gregory D. King Marleny C. Palmantier Frank W. Sydow*
Richard W Bitter Dennis Gallagher Robert Klems Robert Patzold Gordon D. Taber
JW Bradbury Robert Gebo Bob Koste William L. Pearson William Thomas (2)
Becky Brannon Marvin Goffman* Emma Lawson Michael J. Pendergest Donald L. Townsend
Martha Buchanan Michael Goldware Richard C. Lesh* Eric Peterson Mary Townsend
Donald G Buchanan Trenton Goopio Angela D. Little David E. Phippen Mischelle Townsend
Carma L Burkhart Judith A Graeber Cahuilla Lodge Rick Pohlers Derrick A. Uhrstadt
Edgar R Burkhart Alan C Graham, Jr. Jeffery Loefke Jim Prior Marcell Vargas
Gordon Burkhart William L. Green John Longoria* Dr. Prem Reddy John Vineyard
Linda Burkhart Bill Green James R. Lynskey Christopher Norton Riley Gerald Vitteri
Ellie May Goldware-Burns Ian Hare Mal E. Maloney Mike Riley John Torin Vliestra
Rick Butterworth Michael D Harris* Frank L. Mankin (4) Darryl L. Romero Larry B. Walker
Robert A. Camerota, Sr. (2) Michael D Harris, Jr. Richard McIntosh Jim Root William Warren
Henry W Coil, Jr. Nathaniel “Nate” Helman Ian McLeod (2) Carl E. Rowe John M. Wells
John Cottam Walter C. Hewitt Scott "Mac" McLeod Thomas K. Russell* Richard G. Whitcomb
Leah Daniszewski Joanne M. Higgins Norman H. Mellor* Larry L. Ryan Eric “Chief” Whittemore
Joseph L . Daniszewski Ralph J. Hill* Joann Merrigan Brandon C. Schleeter John F. Whittle (2)
James O Daulton Raymond P. Horspool, Jr.* Warburton Miller James W. Secrist (2) RBF Consulting (3)
Russell Davis Jim Houston Marlin Monville Bonnie J. Singer  
M. David DeSoucy R Harvey Hoyt Ann E. Monville Patrick L. Singer *Charter Members


Encourage Youth to Join Our Scouting Research Panels

To provide the best programs for our members, the Testing and Evaluation Team conducts surveys from time to time to learn their opinions on various Scouting issues.

Please encourage your youth members (14 years of age or older), volunteers, Boy Scout parents, and Cub Scout parents to join our research panel by including the suggested wording Read more........


National Eagle Scout Association

2014 Glenn A. And Melinda W. Adams National Eagle Scout Service Project Of The Year Award

In 2009, the National Eagle Scout Association established the Glenn A. and Melinda W. Adams National Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year Award to recognize valuable service of an exceptional nature by a Scout to a religious institution, a school, community, or other entity. The award recognizes the Scout for his Eagle Scout leadership service project, which is part of the requirements for earning the Eagle Scout Award. Each year, local councils select a council-level winner, and from that pool, each region selects a region- level winner. A national winner is then selected from the four regional finalists. The national winner will receive a $2500.00 Scholarship!
Glenn A. & Melinda Adams Service Project of the Year Award Form  ALL APPLICATIONS MUST BE TURNED IN THE COUNCIL SERVICE CENTER NO LATER THAN JANUARY 21, 2015!

Outstanding Eagle Scout Award

The NESA Outstanding Eagle Scout Award (NOESA) is a prestigious recognition granted by the local council’s NESA committee to Eagle Scouts who have demonstrated outstanding achievement at the local, state, or regional level. Unlike the Distinguished Eagle Scout Award, which is a national award, the NOESA recognizes Eagle Scouts whose efforts have made a positive impact closer to home. NESA Outstanding Eagle Scout Award Form  ALL APPLICATIONS MUST BE TURNED IN THE COUNCIL SERVICE CENTER NO LATER THAN JANUARY 21, 2015!

CIEC 2015 Eagle Scout Recognition Dinner & NESA Awards

SAVE THE DATE! March 13th, 2015

To celebrate and honor the accomplishments of the current Class of Eagle Scouts, the California Inland Empire Council is hosting the 2014 Eagle Scout Recognition Dinner & NESA Awards on Friday, March 13th, 2015, at 7:00pm at the March Field Air Museum in Riverside. This year, the event is not only reaching out to the current class of new Eagle Scouts, but to Eagle Scouts of all ages.


Scout Shop "Champ Camp"


Silver Beaver Recipients

Congratulations to the following Scouting volunteers who have been selected to receive the California Empire Council's highest honor, the Silver Beaver Award.

They will be honored at the Council's Annual Volunteer Recognition Dinner on February 7, 2015. The dinner will be held at the Moreno Valley Conference and Recreation Center. You're invited to attend and help recognize these and other deserving Scouting volunteers. Click to Register Online

Name District Name District Name  District
Linda Bennett Temescal William Dull Tahquitz Patrick Michael Poor Mt. Rubidoux
Luis Bravo Arrowhead David Hall Tahquitz Ward Roney Arrowhead
Richard Campbell Temescal Nichole Horsley Three Peaks Fred Stieg Arrowhead
Guy Chabot Sunrise Darren Nugent Temescal Peggy YaYa Sager Tahquitz
Donald Curtis Five Nations Dean Palmer Five Nations Dane Santistevan Tahquitz
Laurie Curtis Five Nations Peter Peters Old Baldy Richard Slider Grayback


Council Volunteer Recognition Dinner Silent Auction

As you know the Annual Council Volunteer Recognition Dinner is coming up.

This year we will be having a silent auction. I have been aaked to oversee the auction this year. ALL proceeds for the silent auction go to the Campership fund and helps send a scout to camp.

For this auction we will need items with a value of at least $25. Each district is asked to look in their areas to local businesses and places for donations. Each district is asked to get at least 5 items from their district for the auction. CIEC covers a wide area. Many local businesses are willing to donate. All you have to do is ask. A letter of donation with tax ID number can be used. If needed request one.

Personal donations of items are gladly accepted also. We do ask the value of such be at least $25.

Monetary donations will be gladly accepted.

Let's make this year a success.

If you have any questions, suggestions or are willing to help with the silent auction. Please contact me via Email Divine_durango_diva@msn.com or 951-833-2409

Celebrating Our Volunteers, Christa 'Bubbles' Jenson, Silent Auction Coordinator


Scout Night at Ontario Fury Indoor Arena

The Ontario Fury game is for all Scouts, Venturers, adult leaders, family and friends.

Scouts of all ages and Venturers are invited to parade on the field prior to the start of the game.

There are color guard and national anthem opportunities (if interested contact Kristen (909) 244-5744 to find out how).

Eagle Scouts of all generations in game attendance will be invited onto the stage during the 1st quarter to be acknowledged.

Post game activities on the field will happen for Scouts and families.

Contact Kristen, (909) 244-5744 for exclusive Scout night ticket discounts.


Varsity Vision Training 2015

The California Inland Empire Council held another “Varsity Vision Training” course on January 9/10, 2015. The course was attended by 7 Varsity leaders and 6 youth leaders.   We had one Team from the city of Orange and also the city of Compton.

In this course the youth and leaders were trained by participating rather than lecture. The participants spent the weekend actuality learning the importance of the Five Fields of Emphasis and how they work within the Varsity Team. This course focused on how the Varsity Coach and Team Captain work together to deliver an effective program for their unit. It reinforced the concept that a team is boy-led, and that the Team Captain is the leader and the roles of the Program Managers. In the course the Coach and Program Advisors learned what their roles are to the team. The adult leaders and youth participates came away trained.

Jeff Loefke is the Council Varsity Training Chairman:  Contact information: jploefke@hotmail.com  Phone Numbers Home 951-951-553-3903      

By Gavin Christen


Scouting Cartoons From the 1960's



Recently Completed Eagles

Name District Unit Name District Unit
Christopher Olguin Temescal Troop 309 Codie Liefeld High Desert Troop 557
Juan Puyat Temescal Troop 2399 Adam Cullity Temescal Troop 202
Garrett Marshall High Desert Crew 159 Mathew Perez Temescal Troop 202
Timoteo HoChing Old Baldy Crew 616 Conner Hull Tahquitz Crew 324
Weston Merrill Old Baldy Team 76 Daniel Melendez Tahquitz Troop 304
Johnathan Dyas-Edwards Old Baldy Troop 311 Ramakrishnan Kumaran Three Peaks Troop 7
Ryan Waelde Tahquitz Troop 304 Mario Angles-Alanis, Jr Five Nations Crew 895
Jacob Miller Tahquitz Troop 304 Schryver Christian Sunrise Team 305
Tyler Bragg Tahquitz Troop 148 Erik Bahnson Sunrise Troop 199
Ethan Bell Tahquitz Troop 300 Daniel Vogt Sunrise Crew 86
Benjamin Bledsoe Tahquitz Crew 324 Joseph Ball Mt. Rubidoux Crew 806
Michael Day Tahquitz Troop 309 Jordan Hill Three Peaks Crew 485
Evan Farr Tahquitz Troop 304 Austin Nugent Temescal Troop 523
Wyatt Fortin Temescal Troop 33 Joseph Monaghan Arrowhead Troop 24
Jarett Manber Temescal Troop 1969 Caleb Gill Arrowhead Troop 128
John Zillgitt Temescal Troop 33 Jacob Newberry Grayback Troop 11
Lui Milford, Jr Arrowhead Team 200 Travis Burton High Desert Team 359
Paul Perry Arrowhead Troop 24 Erin Cherry High Desert Troop 257
Brandon Varela Five Nations Team 495 Julian Estrada High Desert Troop 557
Tyler Beach High Desert Troop 357      


National Foundation Boy Scouts of America

Greetings from the BSA Foundation! We greatly appreciate your continuing interest in, and support of, Scouting.  We are pleased to share with you the latest news from Washington, Savvy Living, Personal Planning, gift stories, finance news, and timely articles. Please contact us if we can run a gift proposal, provide sample documents, or be of assistance to you.

Thank you for your interest in major gifts and Scouting. To access any of our resources, please go to our www.bsafoundation.org


Friends Of Scouting Report

12/31/2014 2014 Goal 2014 Pledged
(Year To Date)
% of 
Cash Paid
(Year to Date)
% of
12/31/2013 Pledged
Grayback $116,450 $133,116 114.3% $128,686 96.7% $119,667
High Desert $95,900 $94,923 99.0% $90,181 95.0% $94,445
Tahquitz $152,990 $150,886 98.6% $141,835 94.0% $144,690
Mt. Rubidoux $127,700 $124,793 97.7% $115,393 92.5% $124,464
Temescal $104,160 $92,744 89.0% $87,884 94.8% $97,013
3 Peaks $35,750 $30,817 86.2% $30,322 98.4% $50,313
Arrowhead $60,000 $50,538 84.2% $48,492 96.0% $53,964
Old Baldy $111,600 $93,513 83.8% $77,796 83.2% $109,923
Sunrise $55,950 $45,567 81.4% $43,047 94.5% $45,480
5 Nations $31,200 $17,606 56.4% $15,920 90.4% $23,091
  $891,700 $834,503 93.6% 779,556 93.4% $863,050


Positive Quote & Prayer

"There are no unrealistic dreams, just unrealistic timelines."

    ~  Nido Qubein, president of High Point University


Prayer At the Beginning of a New Year

Thank You Lord for the beginning of a new year and as we step out into the unknown future, Lord we pray that You would be with us.. leading and guiding us.. teaching and drawing us ever closer to each other and to Yourself. Thank You that Your steadfast love never ceases and that Your mercies are new every morning – great is Your faithfulness O Lord.

Father we know that these times in which we live are becoming fraught with difficulties and increasingly stressful, and yet Father our hope is in You for You are our faithful God Who has promised to never leave us nor forsake us. Father as we step onto the threshold of a new year, with is inevitable problems and pain –I place my hand into You Lord and trust You to lead me along the right way that I should go, for I know Father that there is no safer place to be than walking in fellowship with You.

As we step out into the unknown future, Lord I offer my life a living sacrifice to You. May I be used for Your praise and glory, in Jesus name I pray, Amen

Joe Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO

California Inland Empire Council, BSA

PO Box 8910

1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374
909.793.2463, Ext. 120
909.793.0306 Fax

Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: Joseph.Daniszewski@scouting.org for Monday Memo Archives Click Here



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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045