December 21st, 2015



Featured Stories


Explorers Graduate from San Bernardino Sheriff's Academy

Scouts In Action Help Scoutmaster Survive a Bear Attack

C.I.E.C. Annual Volunteer Recognition Dinner


2016 FOS CSP




Campership Thank You!


Dear C.I.E.C. Campership Committee,

I am writing this to thank you for your assistance with sending me to Foxfire this summer. I had an absolutely amazing experience for that week and had the chance to further define my leadership capabilities.

We learned many important traits that excellent leaders use to influence their followers to accomplish a common goal. For example, we learned the importance of communication which makes tasks go very smoothly. Also, we learned about problem solving which is equally important if you run into a challenge along the way. Aside from great leadership skills, we had a chance to make "Mountain Man" gear like: a tomahawk, lead black powder rounds, and different leather accessories. In addition we got to participate in activities that "Mountain Men" would do. This includes tomahawk throwing, hiking, climbing and repelling, black powder shooting, and much more.

The faculty at the camp was spectacular and definitely helped all of the Scouts make outstanding goals and put their newly learned leadership skills to work. I persoanlly would recommend this camp to anyone who has graduated from NYLT. Once again, I am very grateful for your assistance with sending me to Foxfire.

Sincerly, David L. Troop 720, Senior Patrol Leader



Closed for the Holidays!


Just a reminder that the Jack Dembo & Old Baldy Office and Scout Shops will be CLOSED December 24 - 25, 2015.



Explorers Graduate from San Bernardino Sheriff's Academy


I would like to bring to light that 2 of our AVUSD police explorers, Michael Lomeli and Robby Franco graduated the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Academy yesterday 12/15/15.

It brings me great pride and honor for them to have attended the police academy and wear our AVUSD PD patches. They started as explorers while being students for our district. My department and I have seen them grow from explorer to police officers. As explorers they spent hundreds of hours with members of my department. The hours consisted of ride alongs,working district and community events, training scenarios and classroom instruction at the explorer post. At which time they were mentored and observed how we protect and serve Apple Valley Unified School District and community.

The program was blessed by the Superintendent, Tom Hoegerman back in 2007. It started at Granite Hills High School where Matt Schulenberg and Charles McCall gave permission to host it on their campus. Without their approval we wouldn't have enabled our explorers to be successful in becoming state certified police officers within the State of California.

Upon graduating the academy our officers possess the credentials to become full-time city police officers or deputy sheriff's. They are receiving the latest training that San Bernardino County Sheriff's Academy has to offer. The SBCSA is rated the hardest and the best academy in the United States. All of our newest and past explorers who attended this academy have been graduating within the top 10 of their class.

Cesar Molina, Chief of Police



Scouts In Action Help Scoutmaster Survive a Bear Attack


A Boonton Boy Scout master was pulled into a cave, attacked and injured by a bear Sunday near Splitrock Reservoir in Rockaway Township, according to a spokesperson for the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.

The scout master, identified as Christopher Petronino, 50, of Boonton, was scratched, bitten and cornered in the cave for more than an hour before three Boy Scouts in his group possibly lured the animal out of the cave with food, according to NJDEP Press Director Bob Considine.

Petronino relayed dramatic details of the attack to Division of Fish and Wildlife conservation officers hours after being airlifted to Morristown Medical Center, where he was treated for bites and scratches to his scalp and legs.

“Thank you for the outpouring of love and support for Chris," Petronino's wife, Lydia Petronino, wrote in a statement issued through Morristown Medical Center. "I especially want to commend the three boys who truly saved my husband’s life because of their quick thinking and brave actions. At this time, we request privacy as Chris begins his journey to recovery. There will be no further information provided at this time.” Read More.....



2016 NYLT Potential Staff


NYLT is one of the best experiences Scouting offers to turn our Scouts into Leaders. Next year the CIEC will be offering two opportunities for our Scouts to participate in this program. But first we need NYLT trained youth and Woodbadge trained adults to help staff the courses. Please reach out to your Troops and Crews and let the qualified individuals know that we are having a Meet & Greet Saturday January 9, 2016 at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 350 S Wabash Ave., Redlands, CA 92374 from 1:00-5:00pm.

Here you will meet the key staff and interact with others so we can form the best teams for each course. The courses will be June 13-18 and August 1-6. This is YOUR opportunity to share all the training you have received with all the future leaders in our council. NYLT/Foxfire Staff Application

For more information contact:

Henry Blackadar, Course Director          June 13-18, 2016   (951) 927-0778
Eric Herchenroeder, Course Director     August 1-6, 2016   (909) 697-7254




Chartered Organization Representative Training


Thursday, January 21, 2016, 5:00-6:50 PM

At the Jack Dembo Scout Center
1230 Indiana Court, Redlands


As a Chartered Organization Representative, you hold a key position in Scouting!

You represent your organization as a voting member of the BSA local council. Join us for a great training, dinner, and the 2016 Annual Business meeting starting at 7:00 PM.  If you have already completed the training, please come and attend the meeting.

RSVP to Michelle Brown at (909) 793-2463 x 121 or



Ontario Fury Scout Night


Friday, January 29th at 7:05pm Citizens Business Bank Arena


Ticket Includes:

  • Commemorative Ontario Fury Scout Night Patch
  • Proceeds from each ticket supports the California Inland Empire Council
  • Fury Wristband
  • All uniformed scouts & scout leaders to take part in pregame ceremonies
  • Ticket Voucher for Fan Appreciation Night on Feb. 24th

Get Rewarded For Attending!

  • 1st Place: The unit that buys the most tickets will be upgraded to a suite and get an autographed gift by the players
  • 2nd Place: VIP Tour of Citizens Business Bank Arena
  • 3rd Place: Walk out with the Players during player intros
  • BONUS: Scout who sells the most tickets gets to sit in on the Coach’s Pre-Game Talk

For more information, please contact Liz Aguillon directly. • (909) 244-5488



C.I.E.C. Annual Volunteer Recognition Dinner


Congratulations to the following Scouting volunteers who have been selected to receive the California Empire Council's highest honor, the Silver Beaver Award.

They will be honored at the Council's Annual Volunteer Recognition Dinner on February 6, 2016. The dinner will be held at the Moreno Valley Conference and Recreation Center. You're invited to attend and help recognize these and other deserving Scouting volunteers. CLICK HERE to Register Online

Name District Name District Name  District
Steve Bartel II Arrowhead Stu Muller Mt. Rubidoux Julie Stevens Tahquitz
Ken Campbell Mt. Rubidoux Robert Pitchford Sunrise Vaughn Thomas High Desert
Todd Elkins Three Peaks Rick Poplin Tahquitz Carlos Traconis Tahquitz
David Faylor High Desert Billy Rosenberg High Desert Debb Walker Mt. Rubidoux
Kyle Gonering Arrowhead Michael Sanford Sunrise Kit Wilson Mt. Rubidoux
Michael Hare Mt. Rubidoux Owen Spencer High Desert



Boy Scout Discount to Watch The Harlem Globetrotters


Saturday, February 20th, 2016 @ 2pm
Saturday, February 20th, 2016 @ 7pm


Deadline to Order: Thursday, February 18th, 2016. CLICK HERE for Registration Form



Council Wide Work Weekend


2nd Annual Boseker Scout Reservation Camp Emerson Council Wide Work Weekend

It’s Our Camp! Let’s Get Ready for Summer! Come Help Prepare Camp for Venturing Week, NYLT, Foxfire, Camp Wiley, and Summer Camp!

May 28 – 30, 2016 Sponsored by Cahuilla Lodge Order of the Arrow

Saturday Lunch and Dinner will be provided
FREE Camping is available. Bring your own food for Friday evening/Saturday morning if camping.

Questions: Contact Cynthia Blessum at or  Click Here to Register Online



Cub Scout Service Project Honors Fallen Soldiers


Madison Heights Cub Scout at the Great Lakes National Cemetery for Wreaths Across America. (Photo Credit: Oakland Press/ Aftab Borka)When the call was made for citizens to honor their country’s servicemen, this Cub Scout pack from the Great Lakes Field Service Council came with helping hearts.

The Scouts and their families, lead by assistant den leader Maria Kramer, trekked from Madison Heights, Mich., to the Great Lakes National Cemetery in Holly, Mich., to participate in the Wreaths Across America tradition. When the group arrived at the expansive cemetery, they helped volunteers place more than 12,000 wreaths on the graves of American soldiers.

Respecting those who have served was only one reason for the trip. Thanks to the insight of Kramer, the boys were also able to observe other volunteers and learn that people can display gratitude towards the country’s military in different ways. Read More.....



Klondike Availability


Session Capacity Youth Adults TTl Available
# 1 Jan 8-10 160 37 10 47 113
# 2 Feb. 5-7 160 82 22 104 56
# 3 Mar 4-6 160 18 6 24 136
# 4 March 18-19 160 8 2 10 150
Total   145 40 185  



Polar Cub Camp Availability


Session Capacitive Youth Adults Spots Avail.
# 1 Jan. 15-17 160 66 73 21
# 2 Jan. 22-24 160 86 75 -1
# 3 Jan. 29-31 160 78 72 10
# 4 Feb. 19-21 160 44 43 73
# 5 Feb. 26-29 160 35 31 94
# 6 March 11-13 160 9 8 143
# 7        
Grand Total   318 302  



Camp Wiley Availability


Camp Wiley Week 1   Week 2   Week 3
Campsite Pack # Youth Adult Pack # Youth Adult Pack # Youth Adult
Bridger   20             TQ 614 10 10
Cahuilla Flats 50             3P 374 20 20
Coil   * 30       TM 214 15 15 5N 210 10 10
Daniel Boone 20             MR 116 1 1
Freemont   20                  
Goldware   * 14 TQ 346 8 8       TM 883 7 5
Harris   *30             HD 169 1 1
Hayes   20               5 5
Lewis & Clark 10             TQ 614    
Mellor   *40             SU 377 21 21
Swartzel   * 20       TM 214 10 10      
    Youth Adults   Youth Adults   Youth Adults
    8 8   34 32   72 67
Grand Total Youth 114 Adults 107          



Camp Emerson Availability


Camp Emerson Week 1   Week  2   Week  3
Campsite Tr # Youth Adult Tr # Youth Adult Tr # Youth Adult
Big Oak (50)                  
Bridger (20)                  
Cahuilla Flats (50) MR Tr0106 4 2            
Coil  (30) * Chino Stake 25 5 SU Tr0262 14 3 AH Tr6650 5 2
        OB Tr311 5 2 GB Tr31 10 2
Dan Boone  (20)                  
Firestone  (25)                  
Freemont  (20)                  
Goldware (14) * SU Tr0180 11 2 GB Tr0044 10 2 GB Tr0231 10 2
Harris (30) * Chino Stake 25 5       HD Tr0256 11 2
Hayes (20)                  
Lewis & Clark (10)                  
Mellor (40) * AH Tr0010 5 2 HD Tr0257 20 2 MR Tr0116 7 5
  HD Tr 0856 5 2 HD Tr0574 5 2 HD Tr0456 6 2
              TM Tr0899 8 2
Swartzel (20)                  
E Team                  
Capacity 255/ wk   Youth Adult   Youth Adult   Youth Adult
    75 18   54 11   57 17
GRAND TOTAL Youth 186   Adults 46   Units 22  


60’s Cartoon Corner



Thoughts from the Scout Executive:




Positive Quote & Prayer

“The boy is not governed by don’t, but is led by do.”

    ~  Baden-Powell

A Christmas Prayer

Let us pray that strength and courage abundant be given to all who work for a world of reason and understanding.

That the good that lies in every man's heart may day by day be magnified.

That men will come to see more clearly not that which divides them, but that which unites them.

That each hour may bring us closer to a final victory, not of nation over nation, but of man over his own evils and weaknesses.

That the true spirit of this Christmas season, its joy, its beauty, its hope, and above all its abiding faith may live among us.

That the blessings of peace be ours the peace to build and grow, to live in harmony and sympathy with others, and to plan for the future with confidence. Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO
California Inland Empire Council

California Inland Empire Council, BSA
PO Box 8910
1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374
909.793.2463, Ext. 120
877.732.1450 FREE
909.793.0306 Fax


Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: for Monday Memo Archives Click Here


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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045