Welcome to our February 23rd, 2015 Monday Memo

Highlighted Titles mean New or Changes Made


2015 Eagle Scout Recognition Dinner & NESA Awards

To celebrate and honor the accomplishments of the current Class of Eagle Scouts, the California Inland Empire Council is hosting the 2014 Eagle Scout Recognition Dinner & NESA Awards on Friday, March 13th, 2015, at 7:00pm at the March Field Air Museum in Riverside. This year, the event is not only reaching out to the current class of new Eagle Scouts, but to Eagle Scouts of all ages.

New Eagle Scouts – Class of 2014: (January 2014 – December 2014)

Congratulations on attaining the highest rank in Scouting. This is a FREE event for the 2014 class of Eagle Scouts.

Eagle Scout Alumni:
If you are already an Eagle Scout, you should know what a difference achieving this goal can make in a young Scout’s life. Please join us to celebrate the accomplishments of this new class of Eagles as well as an opportunity to socialize with other Eagle Scout Alumni in our council. You can attend as a sponsor (see below) or join us just for dinner.

Sponsor a new Eagle Scout or Purchase a Nest:
Please take this opportunity to sponsor a new Eagle Scout and be recognized in the evening’s program. You will also receive a limited edition 2014 Sponsor CIEC Eagle Scout Dinner CSP and your dinner (s) will be included. Or purchase a Nest for $330: an 8 person table including any Eagle Scout at your table. A ½ Nest $170: a 4 person table including any Eagle Scout at your table. You will also receive the above Sponsor recognition.

Sponsor Levels:
Silver Palm:  $330 or Sponsor 6 Eagle Scouts + 2 guests, Gold Palm:  $170 Sponsor 2 Eagle Scouts + 2 guests
Bronze Palm: $90 Sponsor 1 Eagle Scouts + 1 guests, Nest Sponsor: $330 table for 8, 1/2 Nest Sponsor: $170 table for 4         

Council NESA (National Eagle Scout Association) Chapter:

Eagle Scouts will have the opportunity to join our Council NESA Chapter at the dinner. REGISTER ONLINE

If you have any questions, please contact Matt Brandt at (951)992-9438 or email at mkb969@verizon.net or Volunteer Services 909-793-2463 Click Here for Flyer



Welcome Ricci Dula as New Assistant Scout Executive

Please join me in congratulating Ricci Dula on becoming the Assistant Scout Executive of our council effective February 16, 2015.

Ricci started his career with the BSA in Sacramento in August 2005 serving three different districts as a District Executive and Senior District Executive.

He became a District Director in November 2011 in the CIEC/BSA serving the Grayback District and Sunrise District.

In his time as a Commissioned Executive Ricci has also been the Popcorn Advisor, Scoutreach Advisor, Venturing Advisor and Catholic Committee on Scouting Advisor.

As Assistant Scout Executive, Ricci will lead all District and Field Operations , coach and supervise all members of the Field Staff and work closely with the Support Staff to serve our

Scouts, Scouters, Chartered Organizations and our communities well!

Ricci and his wife Kristina have 2 children, Ryan, 5 years old and Layla, 9 months old

Ricci is an Eagle Scout, enjoys all Sports and graduated from the University of California at Berkeley with a BA in Sociology.

Kudos Ricci!


CIEC Annual Volunteer Recognition Dinner Pictures

CLICK HERE for Additional Photos


Primitive Camping and Good Turn Weekends (service hours)

This service project is open to all, Boy Scout Troops, Varsity Teams and Venturing Crews.

What will we do?
Primitive Camping, and service to camp. There are many work projects that need to be done. Letters will be given to youth who need school service hours.

What do we get?
Troops, Teams, and Crews can stay Saturday night if they would like.

What do we need to bring and wear?
Bring gloves, rakes, shovels, ladders, wheel barrels. Wear old clothes! Porta-Potty provided, bring your own food and water. All trash must be taken with you when you leave.

The last Saturday of each month in 2015. 
Jan 31, Feb 28, Mar 28, Apr 25, May 30, Jun 27, Jul 25, Aug 29, Sep 26, Oct 31, Nov 28, Dec 26.

Arrival & Departure:
Saturday arrival between 8:30 am and 9:00 am, Departure by 5:00 pm or Sunday departure no later than 10:00 am

Cost:  $5 per person, Please check in and out at the Ranger’s house.

Contact Cynthia Blessum, Council Camping and Outdoor Program Chair, 714-612-1662, or email blessumcr@pacbell.net

How do we sign up?
CLICK HERE for Registration Form and return to the Jack Dembo Scout Center by the 15th of the month in which you want to participate.


Scouting Resouces for Special Needs Scouts

We have many Scouts in our program with varying special needs. Whether it be a learning, mental or physical disability, Scouting has a place for everyone. Many unit leaders are hesitant to welcome special needs Scouts into their units, but those that do, create wonderful experiences for all involved. I have been working with Guide Dogs of America to train puppies to be seeing-eye dogs for over 20 years, and I know first-hand how people with limited or no vision long to be accepted and included in a “normal” lifestyle. Below is a photo of Astro, our current puppy in training.  The following may be a useful resource for your unit commissioners to share with their units as part of their monthly contacts. With education and coaching, we can help our unit leaders help those with personal challenges.

Scouting Resources for Serving Youth With Special Needs or Disabilities

Most resources described below are printed publications; the name is listed followed by its item number. For other types of resources, there is a brief explanation. A printed list of these resources is available, Scouting Resources for Serving Youth with Disabilities 89-120B.

District or Council Resources
Scouting for Youth with Emotional Disabilities 32998B
Scouting for Youth with Physical Disabilities 33057C
Scouting for Youth with Mental Retardation 33059B
Scouting for the Hearing Impaired 33061A
Scouting for the Blind and Visually Impaired 33063C
Scouting for Youth with Learning Disabilities 33065A
Closed-captioned Youth Protection Guidelines video AV-03V014

For Cub Scout Packs
Closed-captioned Cub Scout Fast Start video AV-01V022
Closed-captioned Cub Scout Leader Specific Training video AV-01V013
Closed-captioned It Happened to Me Youth Protection Training video AV-09V011

Audio recordings of Cub Scout Leader, Wolf, Bear, and Webelos books are available on loan through the free library service provided by the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Library of Congress. Families should ask their cooperating library the appropriate book. For more information, including eligibility requirements and the location of the nearest cooperating library, call 1-800-424-9100 or visit the Library of Congress athttp://lcweb.loc.gov/nls or http://www.loc.gov/nls.

Braille printings of Tiger Cub Activity Book, Parent's Guide, Bobcat, Wolf, and Bear Cub Scout Book are available from The Lighthouse of Houston at 713-827-9561.

Braille printings of the Wolf, Bear, and Webelos Scout Books are available from the National Braille Association at 716-427-8260.

Boys' Life magazine in Braille. National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Library of Congress 202-707-5101.

For Boy Scout Troops
A Scoutmasters Guide to Working with Scouts with Disabilities 33056A
Closed-captioned Boy Scout Fast Start video AV-026
Closed-captioned Boy Scout Leader Specific Training video AV-02V015
Closed-captioned A Time To Tell Youth Protection training video AV-09V004

Disabilities Awareness Merit Badge Pamphlet 33370

My Scout Advancement Trail 33499A (A record book to help a boy use the BSA recognition bead system to recognize small, bite-size attainment of individual requirements for Tenderfoot, 2nd Class, and 1st Class ranks)

Application for Alternate Eagle Scout Merit Badges 58-730
Boys' Life magazine in Braille. National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Library of Congress 202-707-5101.

Recordings of the Boy Scout Handbook and various merit badge pamphlets are available through Recordings for the Blind and Dyslexic at 800-221-4792.

Boy Scout Handbook in Braille at The Lighthouse of Houston at 713-827-9561.

BSA merit badge pamphlets in Braille at the National Braille Association at 716-427-8260.


2017 National Jamboree Fee Information Released

Dates and fee information for the 2017 National Jamboree at the Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve have been posted to the event’s website at www.bsajamboree.org:

Staff Dates & Fees

Staff Session 1 – July 15-29, 2017 (full jamboree)

  • Staff 26 and over (as of July 18, 2017) – $850
  • Staff 16-25 (through July 18, 2017) – $425

Staff Session 2 – July 15-22, 2017 (half jamboree) – $425 (regardless of age)
Staff Session 3 – July 22-29, 2017 (half jamboree) – $425 (regardless of age)

Look for staff registration online beginning April 2015.

Council Contingent Member Fees – $975

Look for youth and adult participant registration online beginning May 2015.


Revised Youth and Adult Applications

Last year, the National Executive Board approved a resolution to ensure that, moving forward, participants who are 18 but not yet 21 register as adults. This does not affect their eligibility to participate in programs such as Venturing and Sea Scouting.

The primary purpose of the change is to ensure that all persons legally considered adults meet adult membership requirements, including undergoing a criminal background check and meeting the BSA’s Youth Protection requirements and membership standards. The changes are required to allow the performance of criminal background checks in connection with the registration process.

New Venturing and Sea Scouting participants who are 18 but not yet 21 must complete an Adult Application and Criminal Background Check Disclosure/Authorization form. To support this change, the youth and adult applications have been revised.

The new Youth Application, No. 524-406 (SKU 619506), and the new Adult Application, No. 524-501 (SKU 619504), should be used starting March 1, 2015. Spanish versions of the Youth Application, No. 524-423 (SKU 619507), and the Adult Application, No. 524-502 (SKU 619505), are also available. All new youth and adult applications can be identified with the number 115 located at the bottom right corner on the cover of the application. Please Click the attached (Youth and Adult Application Change) for more information.


NRA Range Safety Officer Class

The California Inland Empire Council, BSA, will be hosting a National Rifle Association Certified Range Safety Officer (RSO) class at the Oak Hills Community Building in Oak Hills. This class meets the training requirements for NRA RSO program. Upon completion, you will be eligible to apply to the NRA for certification as a RSO (additional fee required.) This certification is required to meet the standards for Shooting Sports for the Boy Scouts of America to operate a firing range. Class is limited to 15 students and pre-registration is required.

You must be 21 years of age or older to attend this class and not be prohibited from handling firearms.

Lunch will be on your own - bring a sack lunch or visit one of the area restaurants. Registration Deadline is February 20, 2015.

When: Saturday, March 7, 2015 8 AM to 6 PM

Where: Oak Hill Community Bldg, 6584 Caliente Street Oak Hills, CA 92344* Located at the southwest corner of Amargosa Road and Caliente.

Cost: $35.00 (includes text book) (Check or Cash at time of class)

To Enroll Contact: Richard "Hoss" Hartjen, (760) 985-7176 or email: Nutzz4Nascar@gmail.com


Fishing Merit Badge Instruction

Let’s Go Fishing! March 29, 2015

Join us at Oso Lake Boy Scout Camp for a unique hands-on workshop where Scouts can earn Fishing and Fly Fishing merit badges taught by BSA Certified Angling Instructors. This fun class will help you complete requirements for one or both merit badges. The class will be taught by BSA Certified Angling Instructors. Bring your own fishing gear, or gear will be made available for Scouts who do not have their own.

Fees: $25 before 2/12,  $30 2/13-3/12,  $35 after 3/13 CLICK HERE to Register Online


Cub Scout - WEBCAST - 25 February 2015 08:00 AM PST

Every great team works a playbook and every great playbook has a game plan, resources and step-by-step directions for effective execution. Join Deputy Chief Scout Executive, Gary Butler, and Central Regional Director, Al Lambert, for an exciting and interactive web-cast where they will lead the discussion of the importance of having a recruitment playbook. They will also introduce us to the concept behind the Build the Adventure-Cub Scout Recruitment Initiative and provide an overview showcasing specific tools and resources that are under development.

In addition, there will be special presentations from local council guests who have had great success in Cub Scout recruiting. They will share "how they did it" using concepts, tools, and practices being developed for nationwide availability and use. One council presentation will highlight how they increased their Cub Scout membership by more than 18%, and another will discuss their rocket themed recruitment and joining campaign launching their way to significant growth and satisfied youth and parents.

We hope you will set aside time to join this broadcast on Wednesday, February 25, at 10:00am CST (11:00 EST, 9:00 MST, and 8:00 PST) and invite those on your team to sit in on the session. You can access the broadcast using Livestream at this site: https://new.livestream.com/bsa/nationalcouncil

We look forward to sharing our "Best Practices" with you then.


Attention All Packs! Blue & Gold Placemats are Downloadable for your use!

Blue and Gold Banquets are here. And the summer camping season will be here soon. Cub Scout Camping Placemats are available to you by CLICKING HERE. These placemats will provide information about all the upcoming district Cub Scout Day Camps and Camp Wiley at Boseker Scout Reservation events taking place this summer!


A Few Weeks with Troop 2000

On the west side of the CIEC resides a Boy Scout Troop that is affectionately known as T2K. As the proud Scoutmaster of this group of boys I wanted to share some highlights from the last few weeks. February began with 5 scouts receiving their Ad Altari Dei Religious Emblem with many other scouts in the council. The following day we joined Troops 655, 652, 646, 301 as well as a number of Packs for a beautiful Scout Sunday observance at St. Peter & St. Paul in Alta Loma. Due to the holiday the school where we meet was closed so Bass Pro Shops kindly let us use their gun room to hold our very loud Troop meeting where the boys worked on the Game Design Merit Badge. Next we were off to a long weekend fishing and cooking at Lake Cachuma. Could not have asked for a better weekend till on the way home our equipment truck broke down requiring the help of wives and friends to get our gear and boys home safe. Unfortunately our luck seemed to worsen when our equipment trailer was stolen a few days later. But instead of dwelling on our loss we plowed ahead by joining hundreds of scouts from the San Gabriel Council in their Annual Ten Commandments hike while others from the troop spent the day at NYLT staff training.

Great things come from the bad.  I want to share the incredible out pouring of support from fellow scouts and community.  All it took was one post on facebook and within an hour we had over 300 shares and 1000’s of views.  Even the local paper picked up the story. From a lead given to the police, our trailer was located before the end of the day, but all our equipment was gone. Offers of help have continued to come in from scout units and non-scouters, like the generous donation of 12 tents from Troop & Pack 110 and Crew 1110.

I write this to illustrate the true meaning of Scouting. It is not the number you wear on your shoulder, it is not the individual pursuit of a merit badge or rank advancement, it is the community or better described as “family” of scouts we all belong. I share our adventures the last few weeks to illustrate how we are one big family and the importance of interacting with and helping our brothers and sisters. T2K will end the month knowing it has family everywhere and will continue meeting new family when we attend Camporees not only in our District, but in Mexico too.

Yours in Scouting, Eric Herchenroeder, SM Troop 2000

Aaarrggh! Pack 614 Celebrates Blue & Gold Pirate Style!

On February 19, Pack 614 of the Mighty Tahquitz District celebrated Blue & Gold pirate style! A delicious pasta dinner was served, and "Admiral" Cubmaster Eric saw nearly all boys earn rank (89% and counting)! Even Captain Jack Sparrow stopped by to read a pirate poem and led the boys in a rousing chorus of "Yo Ho, Yo Ho, A Scouting Life for Me!" We're all excited for our next event: Pinewood Derby on March 8 during Temecula Rod Run - meet us at City Hall at 8AM!


Brian Kennedy completes Eagle Scout project in Crafton Hills


Brian Kennedy, 14, a member of Boy Scout Troop 341 of Redlands, completed his Eagle Scout project Jan. 24 and 25 in the Crafton Hills.

Brian’s project involved installing 15 trail markers over 6.5 miles of the Crafton Hills Ridge Trail. He proposed and organized the project, raised funds and purchased the supplies and led 13 volunteers in installing the trail markers.

Brian, son of Scott and Renee Kennedy of Redlands, graduated from Redlands Christian School last year and is a freshman in the Engineering Academy at Yucaipa High School.

The first of the trail markers is at Crafton Hills College and the markers continue in half-mile increments to Grape Avenue, 6.5 miles away. The fiberglass markers display half-mile information and contain a QR code that directs visitors who scan it with smartphones to the Crafton Hills Open Space Conservancy’s website for more information. Read More.....

Four Eagles Have Landed

Deric Chappell, Jared Ewell, Kole Harris, and Evan Meador, all Boy Scouts of Troop 35, of Yucaipa received their Eagle Scout Awards at the Eagle Court of Honor held on Dec. 28 ­at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

The Eagle projects contri­buted to the local communities. Chappell, son of Dempsy and Diana Chappell, organized workers and refurbished the large “City of Yucaipa” sign on Yucaipa Boulevard (close to Crafton Hills College).

Jared Ewell, Kole Harris and Evan Meador helped make possible the fall opening of a charter school in Beaumont, the Highland Academy. Ewell, son of Mark and Shelly Ewell, arranged for his volunteers to prepare and paint the school flag pole, the fire lanes and the door clearance markings. Read More.....

Four Eagle Scouts are celebrated

Update on Max Williams

Old Baldy District Immediate Past Chairman Max Williams recently suffered a heart attack. He is still in the Critical Care Unit at a local hospital. Max is recognizing those he knows easily and can have a good conversation now. He is eating food and knows his surroundings. The exciting thing is the physical therapists can visit him and get him up to a standing position and take a few steps forward and back with a walker. His arms and hands are strong. While it's a lot for him, he isn't overly tired from this therapy. Marilyn, his wife, is elated! So many blessings. Please keep them in your prayers.

Max is founder and president of Williams Architects, Inc. since 1982 in Upland to provide architectural and planning services to public and private clients in the Inland Empire.


Memorial and Tribute Gifts

Your gift to the Memorial and Tribute Fund is a way for you to recognize a special occasion and/or person. It can be a job promotion, presentation of the Eagle Scout Award or the Adult Volunteer Leader Scouting Awards, a birthday or anniversary, a Bar Mitzvah or Confirmation, or to honor the memory of a friend or family member.

Upon receipt of your gift, you will receive an acknowledgement card for tax purposes. The person or family receives a card in your name from the California Inland Empire Council, BSA with no amount mentioned. In addition the memorial or tribute will appear as part of the Monday Memo on the council’s website.

To make a contribution to the California Inland Empire Council Memorial and Tribute Fund, fill out the gift form, and mail the form to California Inland Empire Council, BSA, PO BOX 8910, Redlands, CA 92375-2110. If you have any questions you may contact Joe Daniszewski, Scout Executive at 909-793-2463 ext. 120 or e-mail: joseph.daniszewski@scouting.org. Click Here for Tribute Form

In Memory of
Donald T. Eggen

Jacob C. Thomas


Volunteer Incentive Program

Help Invest in CA Inland Empire Scouting

Volunteer Incentive Programs are great ways for employees to share their volunteer endeavors and help their favorite not for profits as well! For example,  if a Walmart employee volunteers 25 hours that non-profit gets $250 per 25 hours up to $500.  Volunteers can submit regularly.

Other Companies:

Bank of America - 50 hours for $250 and 100 for $500
Bloomberg – 25 hours for $2,500, 50 hours for $5,000
CVS Caremark - 15-25 hours = $500, 25-100 hours = $1,000, 100+ hours = $1,500
Ericsson – 8 hours for $200
ExxonMobil – $500 for each 20 hours up to $2000 (limit $5000 per non-profit)
Hershey – 50 hours for $250
Kraft – 25 hours for $250, 50 hours for $500
Microsoft - $17 per hour
PPL – 50 hours for $250
PSEG - $10 per hour up to $1000
TE Connectivity (Tyco Electronics) - $100 per every 10 hours (max $1,000)
State Farm Insurance – 40 hours for $500
Walmart/Sam’s Club - 25 hours for $250, 50 hours for $500
Verizon – 50 hours for $750


Recently Completed Eagles

Name District Unit Name District Unit
Tyler Carlsen Temescal Crew 499 Malachi Demmin Temescal Troop 1969
Zachary McLaughlin Tahquitz Team 934 Tyler Cochran Mt. Rubidoux Troop 116
Christopher Janes Tahquitz Troop 304 Juan Valencia Three Peaks Crew 208
Lance Kreutzer Three Peaks Crew 485 James Michels High Desert Troop 357
Joshua Allec Three Peaks Troop 695 Joshua Trapp High Desert Troop 18
Dezmond Ford Five Nations Troop 120 Lemuel Seay Arrowhead Troop 40
Tanner Griffis Five Nations Troop1776 Allen Benson Arrowhead Troop 40
Sean Sedey Old Baldy Troop 652 Mark Cox Temescal Troop 201
Ethan Lam Old Baldy Troop 652 Justin Stewart High Desert Crew 856
Trevor Hazen Tahquitz Crew 333 Andrew Glenn Tahquitz Crew 124
Justin Moreno Tahquitz Troop 301 Christopher Douglas Tahquitz Team 734
Robert Davidowitz Tahquitz Troop 300 Cameron White Tahquitz Team 633
Christopher Connolly Sunrise Troop 262 Marcus Martin Temescal Troop 127
Troy Larson Arrowhead Troop 10 Stephen Wheat Temescal Crew 733


Camp Emerson Attendance Report

Camp Emerson Week 1   Week  2   Week  3
Campsite Tr # Youth Adult Tr # Youth Adult Tr # Youth Adult
Big Oak (50)                  
Bridger (20) MR Tr433 7 2       5N Tr428 13 2
Cahuilla Flats (50)             5N Tr95 5 2
Broken Arrow  (40)                  
Coil  (30) LV Tr1720 16 3 SU Tr50 8 2      
  HD Tr465 6 2            
Dan Boone  (20)       MR Tr129 5 2      
Eagle Nest  (25)                  
Firestone  (25)             MR Tr706 19 2
Freemont  (20)                  
Goldware (14) HD Tr357 12 2 GB Tr44 8 2 GB Tr231 10 2
Harris (30) TQ Tr910 8 2 LVC Tr849 6 2      
  GB Tr227 5 2       TQ Tr888 7 2
Hayes (20)                  
Lewis & Clark (10)       TM Tr499 5 2      
Mellor (40)       AH Tr10 10 2 HD Tr456 8 2
              AH Tr512 10 2
Owl's Roost (20)       SDIC Tr708 10 2 AH Tr200 15 5
Swartzel (20) MR Tr90 2 0 MR Tr921 2 2 BS AH Tr257 1 0
        MR Tr129 1 1      
E Team                  
Capacity 255/ wk   Youth Adult   Youth Adult   Youth Adult
    56 13   55 17   88 19
GRAND TOTAL Youth 199   Adults 49        


Scouting Cartoons from the 1960's



Positive Quote & Prayer

"Individual commitment to a group effort, that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work."

    ~  Vince Lombardi (1913-1970) American Football Coach

The Scout Law Prayer

Dear Lord, Bless all those everywhere who contribute to shape the hearts, minds and bodies of young people. Let us remember what they have taught and apply it daily.

When facing deceit and dishonesty, let us be Trustworthy.
If we see hypocrisy and faithlessness, let us be Loyal.
Where disregard of others and mere materialism prevail, let us be Helpful.
When we find people in despair, let us be Friendly.
In an atmosphere of ill manner, let us be Courteous.
Where some measure manliness in brutality and crudeness, let us be Kind.
Though lawbreaking and rule-scoffing are common, let us be Obedient.
While others grumble and grouch, let us be Cheerful.
In an environment blighted by waste and extravagance, let us be Thrifty.
When confronted with danger and temptation, let us be Brave.
As we see filth and pollution everywhere, let us be Clean.
While witnessing impiety, let us remember to be Reverent.

In short, in a world that has for generation after generation lamented the lack of good examples, let us, as Scouts, stand out, grow up, and be real adults.


Joe Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO

California Inland Empire Council, BSA

PO Box 8910

1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374
909.793.2463, Ext. 120
909.793.0306 Fax

Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: Joseph.Daniszewski@scouting.org for Monday Memo Archives Click Here



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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045