March 16th, 2015



Featured Stories


Order of the Arrow Lodge Banquet

CIEC/BSA Camping and Outdoor Program Committee February Report

LDS-BSA Relationships Newsletter

Scout Leaders - Educational Resources on Poison Ivy Oak and Sumac

Camp Wiley & Emerson Attendance Report









Summer Camp Preparation


Camp Staff are preparing for the best summer yet! Our Area Directors have feverishly been preparing for the new changes in Cub Scouting for Camp Wiley. We've also been preparing one of the best Trail to First Class programs, and some new and exciting fun stuff that you'll have to come to camp and check out for yourself.

This past Saturday also saw 4 Camp Staffers successfully complete a CPR for the Professional Rescuer class - many thanks go out to Diane V. of the Red Cross for coming out to teach them!

Regards, Kyle Gonering



Wood Badge: Who, What, When, Where and Why


In 1911, Baden-Powell took the first steps in training Scouting’s adult leaders by organizing a series of lectures for Scouters. He made great strides in the years that followed, culminating in 1919 with the establishment of Wood Badge training. Wood Badge recipients now number more than 100,000 Scouters around the world.

Wood Badge is intended for all leaders in Scouting—Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Varsity Scout, and Venturing leaders, as well as council and district leaders. The focus is on leadership, not out-of-door skills. The object is to demonstrate the aims and methods of Scouting through the presentation of leadership skills, organizational tools, and a variety of activities based on the best of Scouting traditions and the latest in team-development theory. In addition, participants will enjoy the fellowship of sharing the experience with volunteer and professional Scouters while having a great deal of just plain fun.

Because of your commitment to Scouting, we wanted to make sure that you knew what tremendous opportunities Wood Badge has for you:

Understand Scouting as a family of interrelated, values-based programs providing age-appropriate activities for youth.
Recognize contemporary leadership concepts used in America and discover how those concepts are relevant to our values-based movement.
Apply the skills you learn from your participation as a member of a successful working team.
Revitalize your commitment to Scouting by sharing in an inspirational experience that helps to provide Scouting with renewed leadership to accomplish its mission.

Many Scouters consider Wood Badge to be a peak experience of their Scouting careers. It has served as a source of training and inspiration to thousands. In return, Wood Badge participants have positively affected the lives of millions of America’s youth.

California Inland Empire Council holds its courses at Boseker Scout Reservation, Home of Camp Emerson, near Idyllwild.   Spring course dates are:  Apr. 30, May 1-2 and May 14-16 (Thur.-Sat.) and the Fall course dares are: Aug. 28-30 and Sept. 11-13 (Fri.-Sun.)   The cost of the course is $275.00, with a deposit of $50.00 with your application, and balance due 30 days prior to the start of the course.

Course enrollment is limited. I encourage you to send in your application as soon as possible to reserve your spot.

Should you need more information, please contact one of our course directors listed below.

Spring 2015 Course Director: 
Sheila Armstrong (909) 356-1492

Fall 2015 Course Director:
Mark Terry (951) 250-7551



Camp Emerson @ Boseker Scout Reservation




Order of the Arrow Lodge Banquet




Camp Emerson


Hi Joe,

I dropped by Camp Emerson today and saw the Nature Lodge and the parking lot restroom had been repainted. Nancy told me a volunteer painting contractor had not only donated the paint; but, had his professional crew come to camp and apply it to many of the existing structures. What a nice change!

These are the visible improvements that motivate volunteers to do more for the council.

Please, relay my positive comments to Nancy and her staff of volunteers, and to the individuals responsible for this long needed improvement.

Yours in Scouting, Don Salva



 Mt. Rubidoux and Five Nations Districts 2015 Cub-o-ree 


Building through S.W.E.A.T – Strength, Willingness, Effort, Attitude, & Teamwork

April 17 - 19, 2015 @ Lake Perris Regional Park

Cost: Registration - $18 per person for the Cub-o-Ree (Late signups after 4/13/15 add $5)

Note: Registrants must abide by Pack adult supervision rules found in the Guide to Safe Scouting. Separate program for other Cub Scout siblings will be available. Open camping for Bear/Webelos families.

Webelos/Bear Program Includes: Outdoorsman pin, Cooking, Scout Camp Tour, Patrol Ideals, 10 Essentials, Competition, Crafts and Games, Map and Compass, Leave No Trace, and more…

Questions: Stu Muller at: 951-926-3677 or Barbara Archibeque at: 951-741-4948 or CLICK HERE for Registration Form



University Of Scouting 2015




CIEC/BSA Camping and Outdoor Program Committee February Report


CLICK HERE to Download Report



2015 National Trails Day


The CIEC Outdoor Ethics Committee and Cahuilla Lodge Order of the Arrow are co-sponsoring the 2015 National Trails Day.  This is a great opportunity to showcase outdoor ethics and introduce many of our scouting families to local trails and to our land partners.

It is the goal of Outdoor Ethics and Order of the Arrow to have representation in all districts at their local trails or with a land partner event in their area. We are looking for units and/or Scouts who would like to adopt a trail, help with a National Trails Event an organization is already planning, or revisit with an organization that promotes use of their lands.

Some suggestions/ideas include:

Group Hikes
Trail Cleanup
Birding Competitions
Photography Walk
Trail Building
Trail Runs
Leave No Trace Seminar
Children's Activities
Mountain Bike Rides
River Cleanups
First Aid Demonstrations
Interpretive Hikes
Pet-friendly Hikes
Trail Dedication

National Trails Day is June 6, 2015. If you or your unit would like to support National Trails Day in your District, andreach out to Scouting families, please contact me so we can help you set up an activity, partner you with an event, and help promote your units involvement in National Trails Day.

Yours in Scouting, Sherrie Reynolds, Co-chairperson CIEC National Trails Day Committee, and

Hayden Martois, Co-chairperson CIEC National Trails Day Committee



Camp Emerson @ Boseker Scout Reservation



LDS-BSA Relationships Newsletter


To read the  current LDS-BSA Relationships Newsletter click here:



New Lone Scout Friend and Counselor Guidebook Released


The guidebook for Lone Scouts and their counselors has been completely rewritten and can be found in the following locations on

The new guidebook replaces the publication of the same name, which was last updated in 2006. The guidebook will be available only online.

Work on the new edition began early last year with a volunteer task force of experienced Lone Scouting volunteers, who set out under the auspices of the National Advancement Committee. The result is a well-organized and clearly written booklet that briefly describes the history of Lone Scouting, and provides detail on the roles of councils and districts in support of the program, and also how Lone Scouts and their counselors can work together for the best possible outcome given the lack of a pack or troop.

The guide discusses when Lone Scouting is the right choice for a boy who may not be able to attend pack or troop meetings and how to get registered with the appropriate local council. It also emphasizes the importance of the BSA youth handbooks and leaders’ literature, and the need for training for the friend and counselor. Thoughts on resources and potential activities at the local, national, and international level are provided, as well as ideas for connecting with other Scouts.

Rank advancement opportunities in Cub Scouting and Boy Scouting, including the merit badge program, are described in general, with references to the appropriate BSA literature for the details. The flexibility allowed in advancement for Lone Scouts is also covered, as is the importance of safety and youth protection as outlined in the Guide to Safe Scouting and other resources.

Nationally, at the end of 2014, there were 250 Lone Cub Scouts and 421 Lone Boy Scouts. They are scattered all over the country, of course, but the largest percentage live overseas where their military and civilian families are assigned to U.S. bases. Perhaps with a set of clear and up to date guidelines there will be more.



Scoutingwire Newsletter


5 Questions with Incoming Order of the Arrow Director 

Matt Dukeman takes his place as Director of Order of the Arrow this November. With an impressive Scouting background and a passion for the life-changing values emphasized in Order of the Arrow, Matt brings a focus on leadership development to the position. But where did his passion for Order of the Arrow begin? 

Read more

CubCast Covers Cub Scout Program Updates

With changes to the Cub Scout program on the horizon, the March CubCast was not one to be missed. And thanks to the magic of streaming audio, you can still catch it here. In this edition of CubCast, you’ll become an expert on how to make the transition to the new program as seamless as possible. 

Read more



Scout Leaders - Educational Resources on Poison Ivy Oak and Sumac


Spring and poison ivy/poison oak season are almost here! Thank you for using Zanfel's educational materials with your Scout Troop in the past. I want to let you know that Zanfel Laboratories continues to offer free educational resources on poison ivy, oak, and sumac plant identification, decontamination of camping gear, and about prevention and treatment of the allergic skin reaction to these plants.

These materials include a color illustrated educational brochures and a plant identification posters.  You can view these by clicking on the links below.

Educational Brochure:
"Plants To Avoid" Poster:

Help your Scouts be prepared to deal with poison ivy, oak, and sumac this year – please contact me to order. I can be reached by replying to this email (or by calling 1-800-401-4002, menu option one). Be sure to include your name, your complete shipping address, and quantity of brochures and/or posters you are requesting.

I look forward to your reply!

Daniel Boelman RN, BSN, Customer Service Manager, Zanfel Laboratories, Inc.



Foothill Foxy Flyers Invites you to Scout Night!


Join us for a fun night of Roller Derby on Saturday, April 25th. Doors open at 6pm, Bout starts at 7pm.
Where: 4325 Prado Rd #101, Corona, CA 92882

Special Scout Price is $5, Scouts receive a patch and Bout poster. For Scouters over the age of 12, admission is $13 to include patch and poster. (all children under the age of 12 are always free)

CLICK HERE for Registration Form



National Outdoor Awards Program


Do you enjoy camping under the stars, rafting a whitewater river, or hitting the trail afoot, on a bike, or even on a horse? Can you pitch a tent, find your way, and bandage an ankle using only materials in your pack? Are you prepared to do any of these in rain, snow, sleet, or heat? If so, the National Outdoor Awards are for you. There is nothing virtual about these awards—you can earn them only by demonstrating knowledge and experience in the outdoors. So, if you are a Boy Scout, Varsity Scout, Sea Scout, or Venturer, and think you are tough and disciplined enough to hike or ride the miles, camp the nights, run the rivers or lakes, or do the work to conserve the land, then read on and see if the National Outdoor badges or possibly the National Medal for Outdoor Achievement could be for you!



Camp Wiley Attendance Report


  Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5
  June 21-24 June 25-28 June 29- July 2 July 27-July 30 July 31-Aug 3
Campsite Pack # Youth Adult Pack # Youth Adult Pack # Youth Adult Pack # Youth Adult Pack # Youth Adult
Bridger    20                         3P 374 10 10
Cahuilla   50                         TQ 614 25 25
Coil        *30       TM 41 4 4 MR 222 15 15       GB 16 1 1
                        TM 214 9 9
Daniel Boone 20                              
Freemont 20                         3P 374 5 5
Goldware*14       TQ 346 4 4 SU 377 1 1 SU 377 2 2 TM 41 1 1
      SU 377 1 1                  
Harris     *30       AH 247 10 10             TM 214 15 15
Hayes       20                              
Lewis & Clark 10                              
Mellor     *40                   SU 377 20 20 MR 176 20 20
Owls Roost *20                              
Swartzel   *20             5N 642 6 5       TQ 332 9 9
* Tent Campsite Total 0 0 Total 19 19 Total 22 21 Total 0 0 Total 95 95
weekly cap: 294   0   38   43   0   190
Total Campers YTD: Youth Adult  
136 135



Camp Emerson Attendance Report


Camp Emerson Week 1   Week  2   Week  3
Campsite Tr # Youth Adult Tr # Youth Adult Tr # Youth Adult
Big Oak (50) 3P Tr408 20 3            
Bridger (20) MR Tr433 7 2       5N Tr428 13 2
Cahuilla Flats (50)             5N Tr95 5 2
Broken Arrow  (40)                  
Coil  (30) LV Tr1720 16 3 SU Tr50 8 2      
  HD Tr465 6 2            
Dan Boone  (20)       MR Tr129 5 2 GB Tr117 15 4
Eagle Nest  (25)                  
Firestone  (25)             MR Tr706 19 2
Freemont  (20)             OB Tr641 5 2
Goldware (14) HD Tr357 12 2 GB Tr44 8 2 GB Tr231 7 2
Harris (30) TQ Tr910 8 2 LVC Tr849 6 2      
  GB Tr227 5 2 MR Tr806 8 2 TQ Tr888 7 2
Hayes (20) TQ Tr833 6 2            
Lewis & Clark (10)       TM Tr499 5 2      
Mellor (40) OCC Tr1226 15 4 AH Tr10 10 2 HD Tr456 8 2
              AH Tr512 10 2
Owl's Roost (20) HD Tr365 8 2 SDIC Tr708 11 2 AH Tr200 15 5
Swartzel (20) MR Tr90 2 0 MR Tr921 2 2 BS AH Tr257 1 0
  SU 1 0 MR Tr129 1 1      
E Team                  
Capacity 255/ wk   Youth Adult   Youth Adult   Youth Adult
    106 21   64 19   105 25
GRAND TOTAL Youth 275   Adults 65        


60’s Cartoon Corner



Thoughts from the Scout Executive:




Positive Quote & Prayer

“Scouting is a man’s job cut down to a boy’s size.”

    ~  Baden-Powell


Gilwell Grace

Oh Lord, the giver of all good.
We thank thee, for our daily food.
May Scouting friends, and Scouting ways.
Help us to serve thee all our days.

Amen. Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO
California Inland Empire Council

California Inland Empire Council, BSA
PO Box 8910
1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374
909.793.2463, Ext. 120
877.732.1450 FREE
909.793.0306 Fax


Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: for Monday Memo Archives Click Here


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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045