March 30th, 2015



Featured Stories


Varsity Scout Conference at Philmont Training Center

Troop 646 - Spring Campout!

Battle of Normandy Veterans Honored

Cub Scouting Launch Update: New Award Requirements









Eagle Dinner


CLICK HERE for More Photos



Revised Youth and Adult Applications


Last year, the National Executive Board approved a resolution to ensure that moving forward, participants who are 18 but not yet 21 register as adults. This does not affect their eligibility to participate in programs such as Venturing and Sea Scouting.

The primary purpose of the change is to ensure that all persons legally considered adults meet adult membership requirements, including undergoing a criminal background check and meeting the BSA's Youth Protection requirements and membership standards. The changes are required to allow the performance of criminal background checks in connection with the registration process.



Summer Scout Programs at Maritime Museum of San Diego


The Maritime Museum of San Diego is proud to offer many diverse programs aimed to educate, advance skill sets, and challenge scouts of all ages and abilities. Merit badge programs are offered and conducted b certified merit badge counselors for oceanography and rowing. Other programs offered are aimed to be fun enjoyable outings for scouts, siblings, and family members. These programs can include beginner to advanced rowing lessons, a tour of the San Diego Bay on historic boat Pilot, a complete guided tour of the museum, and live black powder demonstrations where we fire the cannons from our shore battery. No matter what program you choose, you and your troop or pack are sure to have a great time!

Merit Badges
Oceanography - Duration: 5 hours. 2.5 hours aboard the tall ship Californian, Cost: $40 per person, Scout min/max: 20/40
Rowing - Duration: 7 hours, Cost: $40 per person, Scout min/max: 5/20

More Info: Visit or call 619-234-9153 Ext. 132 or email



Camp Card Mid-Campaign Rally




Boseker Scout Reservation Camp Emerson Council Wide Work Weekend


It’s Our Camp! Let’s Get Ready for Summer!

Come Help Prepare Camp for NYLT, Foxfire, Camp Wiley, and Summer Camp! May 29 – 31, 2015

Sponsored by Cahuilla Lodge Order of the Arrow. Saturday Lunch and Dinner will be provided

Camping is available at $5/person/night. Bring your own food for Friday evening/Saturday morning if camping.

CLICK HERE to Register Online     CLICK HERE for Registration Form

Questions: Contact Cynthia Blessum at or Hayden Martois at



BSA 4th of July Marching Band


All Scouts, Scouters and Eagles: If you would like to participate in Corona’s 4th of July parade for 2015, here is your opportunity.

Temescal District is organizing its 6th annual Scouting Marching Band. Scouts who can read and play sheet music for you instrument, and have at least one year experience playing your current instrument in a school band can sign up. If you’ve never been in a marching band don’t worry we’ll have you marching in short order We need players of all marching instruments. Scouters and Eagles, even if it’s been years since you’ve played dust off you instrument and join us.

Adults, if you’ve worked with bands in the past, and would like to help the band please contact the Band Coordinator.

Find us on Facebook at: Scouting Marching Band.

Unit leaders Please make an announcement at your unit meetings regarding the parade and the band.

Band Coordinator: Kevin J. Young (H) 951.735.0616 (C) 951.818.1035 Email



Wood Badge: Who, What, When, Where and Why


In 1911, Baden-Powell took the first steps in training Scouting’s adult leaders by organizing a series of lectures for Scouters. He made great strides in the years that followed, culminating in 1919 with the establishment of Wood Badge training. Wood Badge recipients now number more than 100,000 Scouters around the world.

Wood Badge is intended for all leaders in Scouting—Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Varsity Scout, and Venturing leaders, as well as council and district leaders. The focus is on leadership, not out-of-door skills. The object is to demonstrate the aims and methods of Scouting through the presentation of leadership skills, organizational tools, and a variety of activities based on the best of Scouting traditions and the latest in team-development theory. In addition, participants will enjoy the fellowship of sharing the experience with volunteer and professional Scouters while having a great deal of just plain fun.

Because of your commitment to Scouting, we wanted to make sure that you knew what tremendous opportunities Wood Badge has for you:

Understand Scouting as a family of interrelated, values-based programs providing age-appropriate activities for youth.
Recognize contemporary leadership concepts used in America and discover how those concepts are relevant to our values-based movement.
Apply the skills you learn from your participation as a member of a successful working team.
Revitalize your commitment to Scouting by sharing in an inspirational experience that helps to provide Scouting with renewed leadership to accomplish its mission.

Many Scouters consider Wood Badge to be a peak experience of their Scouting careers. It has served as a source of training and inspiration to thousands. In return, Wood Badge participants have positively affected the lives of millions of America’s youth.

California Inland Empire Council holds its courses at Boseker Scout Reservation, Home of Camp Emerson, near Idyllwild.   Spring course dates are:  Apr. 30, May 1-2 and May 14-16 (Thur.-Sat.) and the Fall course dares are: Aug. 28-30 and Sept. 11-13 (Fri.-Sun.)   The cost of the course is $275.00, with a deposit of $50.00 with your application, and balance due 30 days prior to the start of the course.

Course enrollment is limited. I encourage you to send in your application as soon as possible to reserve your spot.

Should you need more information, please contact one of our course directors listed below.

Spring 2015 Course Director: 
Sheila Armstrong (909) 356-1492

Fall 2015 Course Director:
Mark Terry (951) 250-7551



Varsity Scout Conference at Philmont Training Center


The Varsity Scout program is experiencing exciting membership growth in the Western Region and nationwide. To support that growth, the Director of LDS-BSA Relations has scheduled a week-long training conference at the Philmont Training Center, 12-18 July 2015 with the title, “Leading Varsity Scouting in LDS Teams”.

The Varsity program has received strong support recently:

·      A new program for adult and youth training has been approved by the National Council (
·      New online resources are providing support for Varsity Scout leaders, including the planning helps at the LDS Youth and LDS-BSA Web sites.
·      The new program planning helps created by the National Office
·      Individual contributions on YouTube, Facebook, and other social media.
·      The BSA National Council has created new Region- and Area-level Varsity Program committees to support councils in increasing membership.

This conference will help LDS, council, and district leaders build on the recent success of the Varsity Scout program. This includes Coaches, team committee members, and Unit Commissioners at ward and stake levels. Non-LDS scout leaders working at the district and council levels—especially professionals—will also profit from knowing how to establish new Varsity Scout teams within their councils. The conference will show how Varsity programs work with the values and organization of the LDS church, and council professionals and volunteers will also learn how the growing Varsity program works.

The method of the course will be learning by immersion as a member of a Varsity team. This will show participants how to implement the new Varsity Vision Position-Specific training course recently approved by the National Council.

Please encourage participation in this conference by getting the word out to leading Varsity scouters in your council and to executives whose responsibilities include older-boy programs. Scholarships are available from the Philmont Training Center on a first-come, first-served basis.

For additional information, contact Mark Francis, Gary Dollar, or Andy Gibbons, Conference Director (



New Sea Scout Training Material for Volunteers


I wanted to share the new 2015 Sea Scout Basic Leader Training for new Sea Scout volunteers from the National Sea Scout Support Committee. I would greatly appreciate it if you could forward this onto your Training Committee to help any new Sea Scout volunteers in your council. The material can be downloaded from

One of my goals for 2015 is to help meet the Regional goal of 1% membership growth. Sea Scouts can help Boy Scout Councils reach this goal by retaining older boys in Sea Scouts who have earned Eagle (or started high school) and expands Scouting opportunities for young women in our communities.

I also attached the invitation to the Western Region Bridge of Honor to be held on July 25 in San Francisco. All of your Sea Scouts are welcome to attend.

Please let me know if I can be of any help developing Sea Scout programs in your council. I would be happy to conduct webinar for your staff or visit if travel allows.

Yours in Scouting, Joshua Gilliland, Western Region Sea Scout Commodore, National Sea Scout Support Committee



Troop 646 - Spring Campout!


Old Baldy District's Troop 646 of Alta Loma went camping in March to Ronald W. Caspers Wilderness Park in San Juan Capistrano. The Scouts tried new recipes and they even made Onion Rings that were a big hit!

On Saturday, the Scouts worked on Rank, practiced their Scout Skills, played Frisbee Golf and Football. The weather was perfect, the food was great and the camaraderie was awesome! We are all looking forward to our next Campout, which will be the Old Baldy District's Camporee.

YIS, Christy Eimen, Boy Scout Troop 646




Temescal Camporee 2015


Over the weekend of March 20-22, the Temescal District held their annual Camporee at the Firestone Scout Reservation in Tonner Canyon, Brea.

330 scouts made up 48 patrols from 19 troops which competed in the district's Brownsea Island competition to honor the first scout camp back in 1907. The scouts competed in round-robin scout skills activities including orienteering, pancake relay, fire-building, first-aid relay, slingshot shooting, archery, rifle shooting, scout history and finally a service project station. Patrols were judged by station scores, spirit scores and camp inspections. The patrol scores were then averaged per troop for an overall troop winner.

The Temescal District is proud to announce that Norco Troop 999 has won the Brownsea Island award for its third consecutive year. Honorable mention goes to Corona Troop 421 and Norco Troop 33 for coming in 2nd and 3rd place respectively.

We also held a dutch oven cooking contest.  The winners were:
Scout Entree: Troop 201, The Wolverines Patrol, Chicken Cordeon Bleu with Lemon sauce
Scout Desert: Troop 421, The Radioactive Panda Patrol, Monkey Bread
Adult Entree: Troop 201, The Barking Spider patrol, Apricot chicken Cordeon Bleu with seafood stuffed peppers
Adult Desert: Troop 201, The Barking Spider patrol, Chocolate Turtle Cake

Geoff Kahan, 2015 Temescal District Camporee Chair



Battle of Normandy Veterans Honored


On March 21, 2015 Troop 377 presented 70th anniversary of the Battle of Normandy medals to six local veterans. From Private First Class to Lieutenant, these men are American heroes. Two of the gentlemen that met were in the same squadron during the D-Day invasion on June 6, 1944, grew up about 100 miles from each other in Michigan, were both Boy Scouts, and now live in the same town for years.

The highlight of the day may have been the 99 year-old Eagle Scout. When the microphone was being passed and stories were being shared, Mr. Robert Butler didn’t want to talk battles. Rather he wanted to talk about all the great times he had being a scout in Battle Creek, Michigan. By the way he was a glider pilot during the D-Day invasion.

Mr. Martin Lagin spoke about his time as an Army scout and being so close that he could hear them speaking German. He was badly injured during the war, earned the Bronze Star medal, and went on to a successful civilian life.

Mr. Floyd Dominguez had never been outside of Texas when he was drafted. In the Army he was part of the famous 1st Infantry Division (The Big Red One). Mr. Dominquez shared stories and pictures of his time in.

Three of the veterans sitting at a table realized that they flew air cover and the other provided artillery support. They were all appreciative of how Boy Scouts brought them back together with this award.

These men are true living hero and Troop 377 was blessed to have heard part of their stories and give them a little thanks. If you are part of a troop, search out veterans and have the scouts hear their history.



Cub Scouting Launch Update: New Award Requirements


Updated Requirements for Cub Scout Awards
The requirements for the National Den Award, National Summertime Pack Award, Cub Scout World Conservation Award, and the Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Award have been revised to reflect the new Cub Scouts program launching June 1. For more information, please refer to the Cub Scout Awards document (which is also available under “Breaking News” at

Action: Forward as appropriate to Roundtable commissioners, district commissioners, district training chairs, district and unit advancement committees, den leaders, and cubmasters.

New Cub Scouting Images Available Now
Looking to update your presentations with new graphics? Want to add some new Cub Scout “bling” to your documents and handouts? Check out the Marketing Toolbox for images such as: the new Tiger logo, new adventure loop and pin icons, new youth handbook covers, new leader resource covers, and more. Download them today.

Action: Forward to council marketing personnel and district executives.

For additional information, and the latest on the changes coming to Cub Scouting, please navigate to This page contains the most recent FAQ’s, transition guidelines, presentations, and other materials to support the new program launch.



WR Area 4 Training Calendar for April 2015


Scouters: Please find attached a pdf copy of Area 4 Selected Training Events Calendar for April 2015. Please share this information with your scouters in your councils that can use these details.

If you have any future events you would like listed in this calendar, please send the information to my attention.

Lyle Mills, Chairman, Western Region, Area 4 Training Committee



Camp Wiley Attendance Report


  Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5
  June 21-24 June 25-28 June 29- July 2 July 27-July 30 July 31-Aug 3
Campsite Pack # Youth Adult Pack # Youth Adult Pack # Youth Adult Pack # Youth Adult Pack # Youth Adult
Bridger    20       TM 205 10 10             3P 374 10 10
Cahuilla   50                         TQ 614 25 25
Coil        *30       TM 41 4 4 MR 222 15 15       GB 16 1 1
                        TM 214 9 9
Daniel Boone 20                              
Freemont 20       TM 205 5 6             3P 374 5 5
Goldware*14       TQ 346 6 6 SU 377 1 1 SU 377 2 2 TM 41 1 1
      SU 377 1 1                  
Harris     *30       AH 247 10 10             TM 214 15 15
Hayes       20                              
Lewis & Clark 10                              
Mellor     *40                   SU 377 20 20 MR 176 20 20
Owls Roost *20                              
Swartzel   *20             5N 642 6 5       TQ 332 9 9
* Tent Campsite Total 0 0 Total 34 37 Total 22 21 Total 0 0 Total 95 95
weekly cap: 294   0   71   43   0   190
Total Campers YTD: Youth Adult  



Camp Emerson Attendance Report


Camp Emerson Week 1   Week  2   Week  3
Campsite Tr # Youth Adult Tr # Youth Adult Tr # Youth Adult
Big Oak (50) 3P Tr408 20 3            
Bridger (20) MR Tr433 7 2       5N Tr428 13 2
Cahuilla Flats (50)             5N Tr95 5 2
Broken Arrow  (40)                  
Coil  (30) LV Tr1720 16 3 SU Tr50 8 2      
  HD Tr465 6 2            
Dan Boone  (20)       MR Tr129 5 2 GB Tr117 15 4
Eagle Nest  (25)                  
Firestone  (25)             MR Tr706 19 2
Freemont  (20)             OB Tr641 5 2
Goldware (14) HD Tr357 12 2 GB Tr44 8 2 GB Tr231 7 2
Harris (30) TQ Tr910 8 2 LVC Tr849 6 2      
  GB Tr227 5 2 MR Tr806 8 2 TQ Tr888 7 2
Hayes (20) TQ Tr833 6 2            
Lewis & Clark (10)       TM Tr499 5 2      
Mellor (40) OCC Tr1226 15 4 AH Tr10 10 2 HD Tr456 8 2
        GB Tr35 12 3 AH Tr512 10 2
              AH Tr510 12 2
Owl's Roost (20) HD Tr365 8 2 SDIC Tr708 11 2 AH Tr200 15 5
Swartzel (20) MR Tr90 2 0 MR Tr921 2 2 BS AH Tr257 1 0
  SU 1 0 MR Tr129 1 1      
E Team                  
Capacity 255/ wk   Youth Adult   Youth Adult   Youth Adult
    106 24   76 22   117 27
GRAND TOTAL Youth 299   Adults 73  


60’s Cartoon Corner



Thoughts from the Scout Executive:




Positive Quote & Prayer

“Where is there a boy to whom the call of the wild and the open road does not appeal?”

    ~  Baden-Powell


Summit Grace

For this time and this place,
For your goodness and grace,
For each friend we embrace,
We thank thee, O Lord. Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO
California Inland Empire Council

California Inland Empire Council, BSA
PO Box 8910
1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374
909.793.2463, Ext. 120
877.732.1450 FREE
909.793.0306 Fax


Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: for Monday Memo Archives Click Here


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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045