May 18th, 2015



Featured Stories


Every Scout goes to Summer Camp!

Fund a Need Boseker Scout Reservation

Inland Empire 66ers Boy Scout Night

Mt. Rubidoux District Cedar Badge









Boseker Scout Reservation Camp Emerson Council Wide Work Weekend


It’s Our Camp! Let’s Get Ready for Summer!

Come Help Prepare Camp for NYLT, Foxfire, Camp Wiley, and Summer Camp! May 29 – 31, 2015

Sponsored by Cahuilla Lodge Order of the Arrow. Saturday Lunch and Dinner will be provided

Camping is available for those who wish to camp (No charge). Bring your own food for Friday evening/Saturday morning if camping.

CLICK HERE to Register Online     CLICK HERE for Registration Form

Questions: Contact Cynthia Blessum at
or Hayden Martois at



The 2015 Popcorn Campaign Is HERE!!


Earn 2% Bonus Commission by attending one of the CIEC Popcorn Trainings!

  • Learn our 2015 Product Lineup
  • Hear about our new prize incentive program
  • Set your 2015 unit popcorn goal
  • Learn best practices on how to improve your sale and reach your goal
  • Get your questions answered

Have your unit kernel attend any of the trainings and increase your base commission from 28% to 30%! Your kernel can attend ANY of our 6 available trainings:

Wednesday, May 27 6:30-8:30 PM Riverside
American Legion #79, 2979 Dexter Drive, 92501

Saturday, May 30 10:00 AM-Noon Redlands
Jack Dembo Service Center, 1230 Indiana Court, 92375

Saturday, May 30 4:00-6:00 PM Murrieta
LDS Church, 24820 Las Brisas Road, 92562

Monday, June 1 6:30-8:30 PM Redlands
Jack Dembo Service Center, 1230 Indiana Court, 92375

Saturday, June 6 4:00-6:00 PM Palm Springs
Wet and Wild Waterpark, 1500 S. Gene Autry Trail, 92264

Monday, June 8 6:30-8:30 PM Rancho Cucamonga
Bass Pro Shops, 7777 Victoria Gardens Lane, 91739

RSVP with your District Kernel

CLICK HERE for Unit Committment Card

Questions? Contact Anna Escalante, Council Popcorn Kernel Phone: 951-642-1388 or Email:



Boseker Scout Reservation Summer Camp Counselor-In-Training Opportunity


Hey all you guys and gals out there between the age of 14-17! Have you  got your summer all planned out yet? Well if not we still have lots of openings for Counselor-In-Training (CIT) during our Camp Wiley and Camp Emerson sessions at Boseker Scout Reservation in the beautiful San Jacinto Mountains! This is not a paid position, but we will train you to be a summer camp counselor and room and board is provided. Best of all once you reach 16 years of age and have a season's experience as a CIT you can be considered for a paid staff position in a follow-on summer camp. So what are you waiting for? Come on...lets have some fun together at Camp Wiley and Camp Emerson! Contact Mike McCarty at or (909) 793-2463 x 141



Every Scout goes to Summer Camp!


Dear CIEC/BSA Scouts, Scouters and Families,

Summer is fast approaching and you are so very welcome to attend Summer Camp at our Beautiful Camp Emerson located near Idyllwild in the San Jacinto Mountains.

Here are the Top Ten reasons to attend Camp Emerson this summer.

10. Camp Emerson is 10 - 20 degrees cooler than the rest of the council.

9. Monday starts.

8. Financial Assistance is available to help all Scouts attend Summer camp.

7. High Adventure E-Team for older Scouts will enjoy a new ZIP Line, Climbing, Mountain Biking, Blacksmithing, and Pistol Shooting.

6. STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering and Math returns for the fourth year and we offer free Wifi.

5. Fees are all inclusive and include Shooting Sports and the High Adventure E-Team.

4. Camp Cook Neil Royer returns to offer great tasting food and plenty of it.

3. Newly remodeled pool with a brand new pool heater.

2. Camp Emerson is well organized and poised to offer the boys one of the best scout camp experiences they will have as a scout. They will create experiences at  Camp that will make a difference for a lifetime!

1. It offers the best environment and opportunities for Scouting Advancement and completing merit badges, hands down!

Call Mike McCarty, our Summer Camp Specialist at 909-793-2463 extension 141 to let us know How we can help your unit or Scouts attend Summer Camp!



Brownsea Program


Provisional Scouts (our Brownsea Program) is an opportunity for a Scout to spend a week at camp without having to come with his Troop; camp will provide a Scoutmaster and Troop leadership for all Brownsea Scouts in attendance. The Scout will work on the merit badges and rank advancements that are offered during the regular summer season. Brownsea camping is also a chance for a Scout to experience a second week of camping at $100 off the regular camping price…whether to finish merit badges or just enjoy the fun and adventure of the outdoor program. Brownsea Scouts is available all weeks at Camp Emerson. To register go here:



Healthy Wealthy & Wise Expo


The Healthy, Wealthy and Wise Expo is looking for volunteers to help put meal packs together! If you are interested please contact Stefan Gephart: Office (909) 206-8267 or Email: INFO@AIRLEAS.COM

"Encouraging local fundraising and support of the food packing event. Our goals is $25,000 which will provide enough ingredients for 100,000 meal packs. One-quarter of the meals we pack that day will stay LOCAL - we will be picking distribution centers from San Bernardino City, Redlands and Highland. the other 75% have been earmarked to be sent to the Philippines in support of their 2 huge super storms that happened recently."
CLICK HERE for more Info

Cover Photo



Fund a Need Boseker Scout Reservation


Boseker Scout Reservation Home of Camp Emerson, Camp Wiley & Camp Brown

Camp Emerson Improvements and Program Resources

Boseker Scout Reservation (BSR):

  1. 8 – Midland GXT 1000VP4 two-way radios                              $212
  2. Ga-ga court hardware & supplies                                              $270
    A variant of dodgeball that is played with one ball -
    individuals are hit below the knee.
  3. Ice machine- installed new hot gas solenoid valve                    $500
  4. Industrial Air Compressor – 5HP, 4 gallon twin stack                $585
  5. 5 Cub Scout Day Camp School participants                           $1,525
  6. Walk in refrigerator – new compressor, new dual pressure    $1,600
    control & replacement of high side and low side dryer
  7. 2 BSA Camp School participants for Camp Emerson             $1,944
  8. 36 - low flow showerhead timer                                               $4,300
    (Sets of 3 for $345)

Program Services Needs                                                                                                                                                                   
     9.   Building the Future – Recruit a Friend Campaign
          1,000 Youth recognition patches                                               $810

Capital Improvements
10.  Solar pool cover reel                                                                $3,000



HD Boy Scout Night


Saturday May 30th, 2015 - Game starts at 6:35pm, gates will open at 5:30pm

HD Mavericks vs. Lancaster Jethawks

$15 overnight scouts and registered adults. Registration deadline is May 15th, 2015. More Info and Registration Form CLICK HERE or call 760-246-6287



National Trails Day 


Come join the Order of the Arrow in Celebrating National Trails Day JUNE 6th from 8:00am to 1:00PM

This event is located at San Timoteo Nature Sanctuary near the corner of Creekside and Alessandro, Redlands.

Cub Scouts or Boy Scouts can earn the Outdoor Ethics Awareness Award. The event is also open to Girl Scout Troops and others who may be interested. Come one come all.

You will be going for a short hike, help with a small service project, and learn proper trail care by the Redlands Conservancy, also learn about the plants and animals natural to the area. A light lunch will be provided.

For more information or to sign-up for this event contact Mrs. Stanley at



Upcoming Youth Trainings


Foxfire: Youth Leadership Training

Date:    June 6 - 13, 2015 (Saturday Morning - Saturday Morning) - Online Registration

Additional Resources:  Click Here for Flyer

Foxfire will take what a Scout learned at National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) and bring it to a whole new level.  Scouts will work as a crew to complete many challenges put before them, including: Dutch oven cooking, tomahawk throwing, black powder rifle shooting, forging, and other team building games and activities.  Beyond developing a better understanding of the leadership skills taught at NYLT, Scouts will gain knowledge that will help them in the “real world” including resume writing and interview skills.  Scouts that have completed Foxfire are sought after for positions on camp and event staffs due to Foxfire’s emphasis on staff development.  Foxfire is a unique experience that should be the goal of any youth in our council.

To attend Foxfire, a youth must be 14 years old, have completed NYLT, and if a Boy Scout, have completed Star rank. There is only one course of Foxfire available, so sign up early.

NYLT: National Youth Leadership Training

Additional Resources: Flyer 

Course Dates:  June 15 - 20, 2015 Online Registration  Co-ed

NYLT (National Youth Leadership Training) is advanced leadership training for youth troop, team and crew leaders. NYLT is leadership training for young men and young women. National Youth Leadership Training is an exciting, action packed program designed to provide youth members of the Boy Scouts of America with leadership skills and experience they can use in their home troops, teams or crews. NYLT teaches life long leadership skills.

NYLT uses the patrol method to teach team leadership. The NYLT course centers around the concepts of what a leader must BE, what a leader must KNOW and what a leader must DO. NYLT provides youth leaders with the HOW TO skills they need to be strong youth and strong youth leaders.  Click on Flyer



2015 Rancho Cucamonga Quakes Baseball Scout Night


Please make sure to mark Friday, June 12, 2015 on your calendars to attend the annual Rancho Cucamonga Quakes Scout Night game and sleep-over.

Join us for a night dedicated to the Boy Scouts of America! Scout Night include options to purchase game tickets, pre-game parade, Scout patch; or all of the above plus sleep-over with morning "Breakfast to go".

Pre-order your tickets to reserve your spot for the game and participate in the sleep-over!

Please*CLICK HERE* for official 2015 Scout Night ticket order form.

Home of the Quakes is LoanMart Field, 8408 Rochester Ave, Rancho Cucamonga. Game day parking fees are additional cost - consider carpooling if possible



Inland Empire 66ers Boy Scout Night


Inland Empire 66ers vs. Stockton Ports

Friday, June 26th, 2015 - Game starts at 7:05pm. Pregame Scout Parade begins at 6:30pm. Camp out on the field after the game!

Join us for a special night dedicated to all Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Eagle Scouts, their family and friends.
* promotions subject to change*


- Reserved seat for the game - Pregame Scout Parade - Voucher for a hot dog and soda
- Ice cream snack during movie - Movie on video board after fireworks - Overnight campout on the field
- Light breakfast Saturday morning - Official 66ers Scout Patch

Order tickets before May 29th, 2015 to have patches ready for pick-up on Scout Night. Final Ticket orders due Friday, June 19th, 2015.
*Portion of each ticket sale goes back to the Boy Scouts of America- California Inland Empire Council *

More information or to reserve your group, please contact Adam Franey, Director of Promotions at 909-495-7633 or

CLICK HERE for Registration Form



2015 Boy Scouts of America 7th Annual Golf Classic


Drive a Scout to Camp! Come play and help Scouting continue its great tradition of service to the youth of our community.

Monday, August 24, 2015,Western Hills Country Club Chino Hills, California

7:00 am– 8:00 a.m. Registration & Continental Breakfast
8:30 am - Shotgun Start – Best Ball Tournament (At the 19th Hole a Putting Contest)
1:30 pm - Cash Bar, BigWestern Style BBQ Lunch, Opportunity Drawings & Silent Auction

Your $600 Foursome entry fee includes:

Four member team, 18 Holes of Country Club Golf, Cart & Gift Bag, Continental Breakfast, BigWestern Style BBQ Lunch, Contest, Prizes and more

REGISTER TODAY! For More Information – George Anasis, 909-573-4221 or CLICK HERE for Registration Form



Youth Protection Training Update


Greetings Inland Empire Scouters,

As you may recently learned Scouting’s Western Regional Youth Protection Task Force has instituted new Youth Protection (YP) goals effective June 30, 2015.  The goals are intended bolster Scouting’s commitment to being the PREMIER youth serving organization in the Nation.  To that end, all Western Region Councils will be working harder to achieve 100% Youth Protection Training (YPT) for our adult scouting leaders.

Our new goals are as follows:

1.      Current YPT is mandatory for all new registrations and re-chartering.

2.      YPT must be completed annually.

a.      Additionally, it is important to note that YPT training should be renewed before it expires so there are no gaps in a Scouter’s training being current.

Achieving these goals is very doable however, it will involve paying more attention to our adult leaders’ training records and ensuring that new leader applications include a copy of the YPT certificate.  The leadership of each Crew, Post, Troop, and Pack will have to be proactive Unit YPT Champions!

Youth Protection Training can be easily accomplished via the Internet through

Recognizing that not every leader has internet access, our Council, with the assistance of our district and unit leaders, will work to support additional Youth Protection Training opportunities. These could be accomplished through sessions at our 'Roundtables" and individual unit meetings by making available computer or video based learning/testing material.

All of this is geared towards the protection of our youth members.  As Deputy Chief Scout Executive Gary Butler put it, “Youth Protection will become so engrained in the BSA culture that it is second in recognition only to the Scout Oath and Scout Law.”

Don’t wait, encourage your Scouters to update their training now, the urgency of recharter season is not the time you want to be worrying about YPT.  We don’t want to drop anyone from the program.

Yours in Scouting, Joseph Cleary, CIEC Youth Protection Champion



Mt. Rubidoux District Cedar Badge


The rainy weather could not dampen the Scouting spirit at Cedar Badge ILST over the weekend of May 15-16.  The  rain ceased a few hours before the start of the original Cedar Badge, which is Mt. Rubidoux District’s version of BSA’s Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops that includes an overnighter and covers the Patrol Leader Handbook. The course drew 41 Scouts (and formed into seven patrols) to the training held at the LDS church on Blaine Street in Riverside. A troop from 29 Palms sent five Scouts to Cedar Badge because, a leader told us, we have a rep of  putting on one terrific show! That we did with Scouts learning about the patrol method and a boy-led troop, playing team-building games that focused on leadership skills, and singing lots and lots of songs (and going a little cuckoo over one!). With a theme of Marvel Heroes, the course was populated by mighty Thors, hulking Hulks and heavy metal Ironmen, among others. Good food, a super staff and generous servings of  “carrots” made for a memorable weekend of pure Scouting that ended with a campfire program and awards. The next edition of Cedar Badge ILST will be in October.



Venturing Rendezvous


Despite the weather the VOA Rendezvous had a great turnout of 70 youth and adults representing 9 Crews. Activities throughout the day and into the evening included archery, rifle shooting, shotgun shooting, roping, team building, and line dancing. Our great kitchen staff hit all the marks on our western themed weekend, by making pulled pork and ribs for Saturday nights dinner. Annual elections were held after dinner and new officers were selected. Congratulations Laura Gruendner crew 604 as President, Jonathan Stanley crew 11 as Vice President of Program, Nikolas Little crew 641 as Vice President of Administration, and Maddie Sesma crew 107 as Vice President of Communications. To end our wild western weekend we had beautiful sunshine and smiling venturers.

Jonathan Stanley & Laura Gruendner



Great American Clean-Up


Pack 97 participated in the Keep Riverside Clean and Beautiful "Great American Clean-Up" Saturday, May 9. Over 25 participants on three different routes cleaned up trash and debris all around Bergamont Park, up and down Van Buren and down Krameria to Mark Twain Elementary. By participating in this annual Great American Clean-Up, these scouts and their families were part of a larger collective effort of more than 4 million participants in over 20,000 communities across the country. Team Leader Diane Skiff says, "Let's remember that service to the community is a big part of the scouting experience. Little scouts can make a big difference if you just give them a chance."



Camp Wiley Attendance Report


  Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5
  June 25-28 June 29- July 2 July 27-July 30 July 31-Aug 3
Campsite   Youth Adult Pack # Youth Adult Pack # Youth Adult Pack # Youth Adult
Bridger    20 TM 205 10 10             3P 374 10 10
FULL                 FULL    
Cahuilla   50 HD 257 13 13             TQ 614 25 22
Coil        *30   TM 41 4 3 MR 222 15 14       GB 16 1 1
SU 76 4 4             TM 214 7 7
TM 251 5 4             TM 999 4 4
      FULL           FULL    
Daniel Boone 20                   3PK 6006 2 2
                  MR 116 3 3
Freemont 20 TM 205 9 5             3P 374 12 10
Goldware*14 TQ 346 6 6 SU 377 1 1 SU 377 4 2 TM 41 1 1
SU 377 1 1 AH 3128 4 4 HD 26 5 5 HD 169 1 1
                  MR 1887 3 3
Harris     *30 AH 247 10 3       TM 41 3 3 TM 214 15 15
            HD 169 1 1      
Hayes       20       TM 41 2 2       TQ 30 3 3
Lewis & Clark 10 TM 41 2 2 SU 903 3 3 TQ 614 1 1      
SU 131 3 3                  
Mellor     *40 MR 62 9 8 MR 1887 2 2 SU 377 20 20 MR 176 20 20
TM 2399 2 2                  
            FULL     FULL    
Owls Roost 20 TQ 301 12 11             TM 134 7 6
Swartzel   *20 TQ 384 7 7 5N 642 5 2 HD 152 6 7 TQ 332 9 9
      3Pk 46 1 1 SU 78 1 1      
* Tent Campsite Total 97 82 Total 33 29 Total 41 40 Total 123 117
weekly cap: 294   179   62   81   240
Total Campers: Youth 294 Adult 268                



Camp Emerson Attendance Report


Camp Emerson Week 1   Week  2   Week  3
Campsite Tr # Youth Adult Tr # Youth Adult Tr # Youth Adult
Big Oak (50) 3P Tr408 20 3            
Bridger (20) MR Tr433 8 2 5N Tr520 8 2 5N Tr428 14 2
              GB Tr29 3 2
Cahuilla Flats (50)       MR Tr506 5 2 5N Tr95 5 2
              SU Tr368 11 2
Broken Arrow  (40)                  
Coil  (30) LV Tr1720 16 3 SU Tr50 8 2 AH Tr200 15 5
  HD Tr465 6 2 SDIC Tr708 11 2 MR Tr286 6 2
Dan Boone  (20)             GB Tr117 13 4
Eagle Nest  (25)                  
Firestone  (25)             MR Tr706 20 2
Freemont  (20)             OB Tr641 6 2
Goldware (14) HD Tr357 12 2 GB Tr44 7 2 GB Tr231 7 2
Harris (30) TQ Tr910 8 2 LVC Tr849 6 2 MR Tr6 6 2
  GB Tr227 5 2 MR Tr806 5 2 TQ Tr888 9 2
  HD Tr 159 9 2 MR TR129 6 2 SU Tr368 9 2
        HD Tr574 5 2      
Hayes (20) TQ Tr833 6 2       5N Tr395 6 2
Lewis & Clark (10)       TM Tr499 6 2      
Mellor (40) OCC Tr1226 15 4 AH Tr10 10 2 HD Tr456 8 2
  HD Tr365 10 2 GB Tr35 16 3 AH Tr512 6 2
        MR Tr921 7 2 AH Tr510 13 3
Owl's Roost (20)                  
Swartzel (20) MR Tr90 2 0 WLAA T219 1 0 BS AH Tr257 1 0
  SU 1 0       WLAA T219 1 0
  AH Tr128 1 0 MR Tr270 1 0      
  TQ Tr2011 2 0            
  BG Lone Sc 1 1 GB Tr 322 2 1      
E Team                  
Capacity 255/ wk   Youth Adult   Youth Adult   Youth Adult
    122 24   104 28   159 40
GRAND TOTAL Youth 385   Adults 92        



Friends Of Scouting Report


05/18/2015 2015 Goal 2015 Pledged (Year To Date) % of  Goal Cash Paid (Year to Date) # of Donors Donors Asked  % of Donors Asked 5/19/2014 Pledged
Tahquitz $153,000 $140,770 92.0% $125,148 1,838 939 51.1% $135,848
Arrowhead $55,000 $44,680 81.2% $40,312 947 442 46.7% $34,398
High Desert $97,000 $78,510 80.9% $61,016 1,140 580 50.9% $85,917
Mt. Rubidoux $126,900 $91,553 72.1% $82,954 1,152 628 54.5% $98,446
3 Peaks $34,000 $24,155 71.0% $23,518 631 247 39.1% $28,224
5 Nations $19,000 $13,090 68.9% $12,445 183 112 61.2% $14,889
Grayback $116,000 $78,476 67.7% $67,561 869 426 49.0% $85,344
Temescal $102,000 $62,452 61.2% $53,710 1,260 485 38.5% $80,277
Sunrise $52,500 $31,381 59.8% $26,202 539 251 46.6% $35,047
Old Baldy $103,000 $49,881 48.4% $33,559 1,087 351 32.3% $64,480
  $858,400 $614,948 71.6% 526,425 9,646 4,461 46.2% $662,870


60’s Cartoon Corner



Thoughts from the Scout Executive:




Positive Quote & Prayer

“Teach Scouts not how to get a living, but how to live.”

    ~  Baden-Powell

A Prayer for Positive Thinking

I believe in the power of positive thinking,
but lately I need your help to get there.
Please fill me with faith, hope, and optimism.
Thank you for helping me to be genuinely positive.

Amen Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO
California Inland Empire Council

California Inland Empire Council, BSA
PO Box 8910
1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374
909.793.2463, Ext. 120
877.732.1450 FREE
909.793.0306 Fax


Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: for Monday Memo Archives Click Here


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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045