July 27th, 2015



Featured Stories


Adult Leadership Standards Update and Resources

Fund A Need

12th Annual IE Scouting Golf Classic

Temecula Scouts Travel to Japan for the World Scout Jamboree









Campership Thank You Notes


Dear Campership Committee,

Thank you for supplying money for me to go to camp. My favorite part was shooting BB guns, archery and going to the gift shop. My pack did 5 skits. My favorite skit was "it's all you fault". I got to learn how to fold a flag for the first time. Being at camp was soo much fun. I want to go next year.

Thank you, Logan C.

Dear Campership Committee,

I had a really fun time at Camp Wiley. I just wanted to tell you I really appreciate you giving me money so I could go. My favorite activity was STEM. I also got the marksmanship award for scoring 42 points in archery and 60 points in BB gun. I was soo excited!

Thank you, Jacob C.



Sign up for Summer Camp Emerson Today!


Have we got the deal for you!  Did you know that you can now reserve your camp sites for both Camp Wiley and Camp Emerson at the beautiful Boseker Scout Reservation for Summer Camp 2016?  Not only that, but if you reserve your site and pay a $50 per person deposit before December 31st, 2015 you'll get the 2015 rate!  To reserve your site is a non-refundable $200, which will be applied to your total camp costs.  Its first come first served for the sites so act now and get those choice locations!  Please check the Council Calendar for dates and call the Council office at (909) 793-2463...tell'em Mike sent you!  See you at camp!

Mike McCarty, Council Camping Specialist, (909) 793-2463, x141.



Camp Emerson 2015




Adult Leadership Standards Update and Resources


Today, the National Executive Board ratified a resolution that removes the national restriction on openly gay adult leaders and employees. The resolution was unanimously recommended for ratification by the Executive Committee earlier this month.

Effective immediately, chartered organizations will be allowed to select adult leaders without regard to sexual orientation, continuing Scouting’s longstanding policy of chartered organizations selecting their leaders. This change also enables Scouting’s members and parents to choose local units, chartered to organizations with similar beliefs, that best meet the needs of their families.

We understand this change may generate discussion and questions among your important audiences—volunteers, chartered organizations, friends, and others. To assist you in these communications, we have developed the attached comprehensive implementation toolkit.

Also, we encourage you to visit www.scoutingwire.org and www.scoutingnewsroom.org., where you will find video of Dr. Gates speaking on this matter.

Yours in Scouting, Tico A. Perez, National Commissioner, Dr. Robert Gates, National President, Wayne Brock, Chief Scout Executive



Important Information on Adult Leadership Policy Change


On Monday, July 27, the National Executive Board ratified a resolution that removes the national restriction on openly gay adult leaders and employees. The resolution was recommended for ratification by the Executive Committee earlier this month. Of those present and voting, 79 percent voted in favor of the resolution.

Watch the video below to hear the important message from Dr. Robert M. Gates on the adult leadership policy change and read his remarks here

We understand this change may generate discussion and questions among your important audiences—volunteers, chartered organizations, friends, and others. To assist you in these discussions, read on to understand five key facts about adult leadership standards.

1.       The National Executive Board ratified a resolution that removes the national restriction on openly gay adult leaders and employees. The resolution is effective immediately.

2.       Chartered organizations will continue to select their adult leaders. Religious chartered organizations may continue to use religious beliefs as criteria for selecting adult leaders, including matters of sexuality.

3.       Scouting’s members and parents may continue to select local units, chartered to organizations with similar beliefs, that best meet the needs of their families.

4.       The youth membership policy adopted in 2013 is not affected by this resolution and remains unchanged.

5.       The ideals and principles of “duty to God” and “a Scout is reverent” set forth in the Scout Oath and Scout Law remain central to Scouting.

What It Means

For the BSA: Scouting is not an appropriate environment to discuss sexual conduct. While there is no national or local council restriction on openly gay adults serving as leaders or employees, everyone agrees to follow national policies and comply with the BSA’s behavioral standards.

For Youth: Scouting is a youth program and no youth may be denied membership in the Boy Scouts of America on the basis of sexual orientation or preference.

For Families: Parents can select units, chartered to organizations with similar beliefs, that best meet the needs of their families.

For Adult Leaders: Unit leaders may apply for positions in units chartered to organizations with similar beliefs. At the district level and above, there is no restriction on openly gay adults serving as leaders.

For Chartered Organizations: They will continue to select adult leaders, and religious chartered organizations may use religious beliefs as criteria for selecting adult leaders, including matters of sexuality.

Moving forward, our movement will continue to focus on reaching and serving youth, helping them grow into good, strong citizens. By focusing on the goals that unite us, we are able to accomplish incredible things for young people and the communities we serve.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss this policy change, questions and comments should be directed at feedback@scouting.org. You can also visit http://scoutingnewsroom.org/boy-scouts-of-america-amends-adult-leadership-policy for more information.



Check out World Record Eagle Flight From World's Tallest Building


Eagle has clearly learned what to look for;

Eagle knows what it wants;

Eagle has no idea of the terrain or where its target is;

and Notice 1) how smooth the flight is ... and 2) when it folds its wings for the dive that takes it directly towards its target (the trainer).

WOW just doesn't do it.

Thanks to former Council President Michael Goldware



Fund A Need 


Boseker Scout Reservation Home of Camp Emerson, Camp Wiley & Camp Brown

Camp Emerson Improvements and Program Resources

Boseker Scout Reservation (BSR):  
1. Cash register for camp trading post $92
2.  Janitorial cart $99
3.  Forks & spoons for the commissary $225
4.  12 – Midland GXT 1000VP4 two-way radios $318
5.  Ga-ga court hardware & supplies A variant of dodgeball that is played with one ball - individuals are hit below the knee. $330
6.  Set of 3 – low flow showerhead timer (Need 13 sets) $345
7.  Ice machine- installed new hot gas solenoid valve $500
8.  Cub Scout Archery – Arrows, bows and targets $873
9.  Polaris 825 – robotic pool cleaner $1,068
10.  Walk in refrigerator – new compressor, new dual pressure control & replacement of high side and low side dryer    $1,600
Program Service Needs  
11. Scouting Promotions yard signs $700
12.  Building the Future – Recruit a Friend Campaign
       1,000 Youth recognition patches
13. Jack Dembo Scoutn Center L-power supply for phone  system $1,000
14. Cub Scout Sign-up Night flyers $1,500
15.  5 Cub Scout Day Camp School participants $1,525
16.  2 BSA Camp School participants for Camp Emerson $1,944
Capital Improvements  
17.  Solar pool cover reel $3,000
18.  Replacement of 1st air conditioner unit $5,865
19.  Replacement of 2nd air conditioner unit $10,000



2015 Boy Scouts of America 7th Annual Golf Classic


Drive a Scout to Camp! Come play and help Scouting continue its great tradition of service to the youth of our community.

Monday, August 24, 2015,Western Hills Country Club Chino Hills, California

7:00 am– 8:00 a.m. Registration & Continental Breakfast
8:30 am - Shotgun Start – Best Ball Tournament (At the 19th Hole a Putting Contest)
1:30 pm - Cash Bar, BigWestern Style BBQ Lunch, Opportunity Drawings & Silent Auction

Your $600 Foursome entry fee includes:

Four member team, 18 Holes of Country Club Golf, Cart & Gift Bag, Continental Breakfast, BigWestern Style BBQ Lunch, Contest, Prizes and more

REGISTER TODAY! For More Information – George Anasis, 909-573-4221 ganasis@aol.com or CLICK HERE for Registration Form



2015 Scout Memorabilia Auction & Trade-O-Ree


August 28th & 29th, 2015

Friday Aug. 28th 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Saturday Aug. 29th 9:00am - 4:00pm

Where: Immanuel Lutheran Church
5545 Alessandro Blvd Riverside, CA 92506

There will be 100’s of items, including CSP’s, OA Flaps, books, mugs, uniforms, pins, Jamboree, Philmont and other BSA related items to bid on in the SILENT auction the LIVE auction and the YOUTH LIVE auction.

$2.00 bidder numbers (Free to Scouts & Scouters in Uniform)
$6.00 Lunch Meal (Please RSVP - Troop Fund Raiser)
$15.00 Tables, which includes Table, Bid Number & Lunch!! (Tables are Limited).

Come and see what this exciting hobby of collecting scout memorabilia is all about.

For information and to find out about donating or consigning memorabilia please contact Matt Brandt @ 951-992-9438 or email @ mkb969@verizon.net   Click Here for Flyer



Map and Compass


September 12, 2015 @ 9am

Hidden Valley Nature Center
1.3 Miles in from 11401 Arlington Ave, Riverside, CA 92505
33.961662°N, 117.499066°W

Map and Compass Basics instruction begins at 9am

Second Class Requirement #1: (approximately 3 hours)

  • Demonstrate how a compass works and how to orient a map. Explain what map symbols mean.
  • Using a compass and a map together, take a five-mile hike (or 10 miles by bike) approved by your adult leader and your parent or guardian.

First Class Requirement #2: (approximately 90 minutes)

  • Using a map and compass, complete an orienteering course that covers at least one mile and requires measuring the height and/or width of designated items (tree, tower, canyon, ditch, etc.)

Bring your own compass. You may do either requirement or both. Bring plenty of water to drink in a day pack and if you plan to do both courses, please bring your own lunch. $5 HVNC Parking donation.

Adult leaders required on 5 mile hike. Use the buddy system.

Please RSVP to geoffkahan@gmail.com with how many boys will be coming so we can be prepared with the correct amount of maps.



Save the Date: 2015 Adventure Weekend & Sheriff's Rodeo


We invite you to attend this year’s Adventure Weekend & Sheriff's Rodeo on September 25th-27th. It will be located at the Glen Helen Regional Park in Devore, CA. You could Camp Out Friday Night and/or Saturday Night or Come for Activities On Saturday from 9AM to 6PM.

The 2015 Adventure Weekend at Glen Helen Regional Park is a great event for the whole family with activities such as:

·         Free Admission to the "SLACK" Event at Rodeo
·         Camp Games and activities
·         Cub Scouth Archery & BB gun range
·         Family Camping
·         Lakeside Activities
·         Community Booths
·         Food Vendors

We look forward to seeing you there!



Leave No Trace Trainers Course


Leave No Trace Trainers Course (Hosted By Mt. Rubidoux District)

Date: October 16-18, 2015

  • Start: Friday, October 16, 2015 at 6:00 p.m.
  • End: Sunday, October 18, 2015 at 3:00 p.m.

Training will occur "Rain or shine"

Location: Jurupa Mountains Discovery Center, 7621 Granite Hill Drive, Riverside, CA 92509


Bring your youth leaders to establish a youth led LNT program in your unit (Minimum age is 14)

CLICK HERE for Online Registration and Flyer



Temescal District Distinguished Citizens Dinner


Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Eagle Glen Golf Course, Corona, California


Mary Vasquez - Co-Founder of Miguel's Jr. Restaurants

Mark Uffer - Chief Executive Officer Corona Regional Medical Center

Paula Munoz - Community Activist

For more information contact: Mike Madory 949-584-8338
Silent Auction Information: Paula Munoz 951-256-7923
Sponsorship Opportunities: Tracy Youden tracy.youden@scouting.org or 909-793-2463 Ext. 123



12th Annual IE Scouting Golf Classic


The California Inland Empire Council – Boy Scouts of America would like to invite you to the Annual Scouting Golf Classic being held on Friday, October 30th, at Sierra Lakes Golf Club in Fontana. Registration is $600 for a foursome.

CLICK HERE for Registration Flyer or to Register Online.

Come play and help Scouting continue its great tradition of service to the youth of our community. Bring your friends and business associates for a day of fun, friends and prizes! This fundraising event is designed to allow you to join the California Inland Empire Council, to help insure that a quality Scouting program is delivered to all the youth in the Inland Empire by providing assisatance for registration, uniforms, books, training of adult volunteers and camperships.



Temecula Scouts Travel to Japan for the World Scout Jamboree


On Friday, July 24th, two Temecula Boy Scouts will set off with 1,600 other American Scouts and volunteers to join 30,000 others in Japan for two and a half weeks of adventure and cultural immersion shared with young people from around the world.   Brothers Matthew and Will Dull were selected as the only two Scouts representing the local Tahquitz District, and they have been preparing to attend the World Jamboree for more than a year.  Will Dull, a 17 year old Eagle Scout, says “Being able to visit Japan and to represent our country there will be an amazing experience.  I am excited to finally be going.”

The Dulls will be part of Troop 308, comprised of Scouts from all over Southern California.  Their adventure begins in Tokyo, where they will tour the city and neighboring Yokohama.  Then they take the Shinkansen bullet train from Tokyo to Yamaguchi for the 10-day Jamboree.  Matthew, a 14 year old Life Scout, says, “I was lucky enough to visit Temecula’s sister city Daisen seven years ago, and now I can’t wait to go back to Japan and meet Scouts from all over the world.”

The 23rd World Scout Jamboree will take place from July 28 to August 8, 2015, held at Kirara-hama, Yamaguchi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan.  The theme of the 23rd World Scout Jamboree is ‘a Spirit of Unity’.

Between the opening and closing ceremonies, participants will have the opportunity to take part in literally hundreds of activities focused on discovering new cultures, the environment, sustainable development and global development issues. Taking a break from the main Jamboree site with its 30,000 participants, select Scouts from the USA contingent will also take part in a moving visit to the Peace Park in the Center of Hiroshima. This part of the Jamboree program will take Scouts in mixed groups from almost every nation on earth to experience the solemn and reflective atmosphere created in the Peace Park.

Chief Scout of the UK, TV personality Bear Grylls says, “Over the course of the Jamboree, Scouts will be able to meet people from around the world, take part in amazing adventures and experiences, and be challenged to think about global issues in a new light. That is why Scouting is one of the greatest youth movements on earth and why I am so proud to be part of it.”



Heading in Arial, Bold, 22pt., White


07/27/2015 2015 Goal 2015 Pledged (Year To Date) % of 
Cash Paid
(Year to Date)
# of
Donors Asked  % of Donors Asked 7/17/2014 Pledged
Tahquitz $153,000 $155,665 101.7% $138,772 1,854 997 53.8% $141,068
Mt. Rubidoux $126,900 $116,136 91.5% $97,295 1,164 679 58.3% $113,728
Arrowhead $55,000 $48,658 88.5% $44,483 957 469 49.0% $43,080
High Desert $97,000 $84,035 86.6% $72,337 1,157 630 54.5% $89,991
Grayback $116,000 $95,921 82.7% $87,756 895 497 55.5% $91,712
5 Nations $19,000 $15,202 80.0% $13,637 190 120 63.2% $17,233
3 Peaks $34,000 $26,115 76.8% $25,450 635 256 40.3% $29,499
Temescal $102,000 $68,577 67.2% $62,967 1,273 548 43.0% $87,247
Old Baldy $103,000 $66,316 64.4% $51,521 1,132 477 42.1% $79,625
Sunrise $52,500 $33,603 64.0% $29,803 540 261 48.3% $40,766
  $858,400 $710,228 82.7% 624,021 9,797 4,934 50.4% $733,949


60’s Cartoon Corner



Thoughts from the Scout Executive:




Positive Quote & Prayer

“You can only get discipline in the mass by discipline in the individual.”

    ~  Baden-Powell

Dear God,

Thank you for another day.

Watch over my Family, and Friends and Whoever is reading this,

Bless THEM in a way they've never known before.



https://bsa-ciec.doubleknot.com/orgheaders/21/joecolor.jpgJoe Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO
California Inland Empire Council

California Inland Empire Council, BSA
PO Box 8910
1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374
909.793.2463, Ext. 120
877.732.1450 FREE
909.793.0306 Fax


Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: Joseph.Daniszewski@scouting.org for Monday Memo Archives Click Here


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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045