August 24th, 2015



Featured Stories


Welcome Back to School Party

EERIE Emerson Spooky Opportunity!!!

Cub Scout Training


Boy Scouts, Vietnam Vet Shatter OCW Goal


After riding roughly 3,600 miles, three Boy Scouts and a Vietnam veteran brought in nearly $20,000 for Operation Comfort Warriors.

Scouts' cross-country bike trip shatters donations goal

After riding roughly 3,600 miles, three Boy Scouts and a Vietnam veteran brought in nearly $20,000 for Operation Comfort Warriors.  Read more | Photo gallery

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How These Triplets Landed Eagle Scout at Fourteen


trip[1] A Scout reaching the Eagle rank at 14 years old isn’t too common. Triplets taking flight as Eagle Scouts at 14 is something you might only hear about once in a lifetime. Here’s that chance.

Identical triplets Kaleb, Malek and Zalen B. of the Central Florida Council earned the Eagle Scout rank at the beginning of July. They’ll receive their Eagle Scout awards tomorrow, and the city of Melbourne is recongizing them Tuesday during a council meeting (including a visit from the city mayor, their mom says).

As for their Eagle Scout projects, they kept them in the Scouting family. The triplets renovated their local Girl Scout troops’ Scout house in Melbourne, FL. The project took about three months and drew in fundraising support of $5,000 to cover supply costs. Read More......



2015 Scout Memorabilia Auction & Trade-O-Ree


August 28th & 29th, 2015

Friday Aug. 28th 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Saturday Aug. 29th 9:00am - 4:00pm

Where: Immanuel Lutheran Church
5545 Alessandro Blvd Riverside, CA 92506

There will be 100’s of items, including CSP’s, OA Flaps, books, mugs, uniforms, pins, Jamboree, Philmont and other BSA related items to bid on in the SILENT auction the LIVE auction and the YOUTH LIVE auction.

$2.00 bidder numbers (Free to Scouts & Scouters in Uniform)
$6.00 Lunch Meal (Please RSVP - Troop Fund Raiser)
$15.00 Tables, which includes Table, Bid Number & Lunch!! (Tables are Limited).

Come and see what this exciting hobby of collecting scout memorabilia is all about.

For information and to find out about donating or consigning memorabilia please contact Matt Brandt @ 951-992-9438 or email @   Click Here for Flyer



Welcome Back to School Party


BSA Troop 720 invites ALL Bears & Webelos to "Live the Adventure!" Join us at our 3rd annual awesome "Welcome Back to School Party"

When: Monday, September 21st, 2015
Where: Grace Fellowship Church - 5719 Beryl Street, Alta Loma – (Beryl & Wilson)
Time: 5:30PM - Parking Lot Check In | 5:45PM – 7:30PM Time for FUN!
Dinner: Hot Dogs, Chips, and Drinks ON US !!
RSVP: Please Contact Ann Woodruff - Troop 720 Membership Coordinator With the number of Scouts and Adults that will be attending by 9/18/15 (260) 418-4173 or

The Boy Scouts of Troop 720 would like to welcome your Cub Scouts back to another Fantastic School and Scouting Year and get it started RIGHT with fun, excitement and energy!

Tomahawk Range, First Aid Relay, Catapult Launch, Physical Fitness Challenge, Mock Boy Scout Campout with a Patrol, Scout Knife Safety, Workmanship and Collection.

There will be opportunities to earn several requirements towards BEAR AND WEBELOS ACHIEVEMENTS



2015 Adventure Weekend & Sheriff's Rodeo


We invite you to attend this year’s Adventure Weekend & Sheriff's Rodeo on September 25th-27th. It will be located at the Glen Helen Regional Park in Devore, CA. You could Camp Out Friday Night and/or Saturday Night or Come for Activities On Saturday from 9AM to 6PM.

The 2015 Adventure Weekend at Glen Helen Regional Park is a great event for the whole family with activities such as:

·         Free Admission to the "SLACK" Event at Rodeo
·         Camp Games and activities
·         Cub Scouth Archery & BB gun range
·         Family Camping
·         Lakeside Activities
·         Community Booths
·         LEGO Booth
·         Food Vendors

We look forward to seeing you there! CLICK HERE to Register Online and for Additional Information



EERIE Emerson Spooky Opportunity!!!


Hey there all you scary Boy Scouts and Scouters!  Eerie Emerson is gearing up for another spooktacular and fun filled October and we need staffers to help us man the Haunted House, Haunted Bridge, Demon’s Diner and the Cemetery Carnival Games!  If your Troop is interested in staffing we’ll accommodate the first 15 youth and adults in free (cabins and Saturday/Sunday morning meals), with a nominal fee of $14 for each additional person to a maximum of 25 staffers (defrays food and camp costs only).  Open weekends are currently October 17-18, and October 31-November 1st.

If you’re interested please contact Mike McCarty, Council Camping Specialist at (909) 793-2463 x 141 or Laura Manley, Eerie Emerson Volunteer Coordinator at (951) 551-8088. See you in the Haunted Hills of the San Jacintos!

Early Bird Fee: $25.00 per youth, $20.00 per Adult. After 9/18 fee increases by $5.00 Per person Includes Saturday dinner, patch and program

Camping available: $5.00 per person, includes Sunday Breakfast

Sign up Early! Registration is limited to 300 per weekend!

Units that decorate and haunt a campsite can camp overnight at no additional charge (based on availability)

Click Here for Registration Flyer  Register October 17-18  Register October 24-25  Register October 31 - Nov 1



Temescal District Distinguished Citizens Dinner


Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Eagle Glen Golf Course, Corona, California


Mary Vasquez - Co-Founder of Miguel's Jr. Restaurants

Mark Uffer - Chief Executive Officer Corona Regional Medical Center

Paula Munoz - Community Activist

For more information contact: Mike Madory 949-584-8338
Silent Auction Information: Paula Munoz 951-256-7923
Sponsorship Opportunities: Tracy Youden or 909-793-2463 Ext. 123



12th Annual IE Scouting Golf Classic


The California Inland Empire Council – Boy Scouts of America would like to invite you to the Annual Scouting Golf Classic being held on Friday, October 30th, at Sierra Lakes Golf Club in Fontana. Registration is $600 for a foursome.

CLICK HERE for Registration Flyer or to Register Online.

Come play and help Scouting continue its great tradition of service to the youth of our community. Bring your friends and business associates for a day of fun, friends and prizes! This fundraising event is designed to allow you to join the California Inland Empire Council, to help insure that a quality Scouting program is delivered to all the youth in the Inland Empire by providing assisatance for registration, uniforms, books, training of adult volunteers and camperships.



Redlands Scout Shop News


The purpose of this communication is to share with our great Scout Shop customers, changes that will be coming your way over the month of August.

Time & Date

Thank you for your help in developing solutions that work best for your store by becoming our partner in change. Our new store hour changes will begin August 11th, 2015 as the following:

Saturday          9:00AM – 3:30PM                                                                                                 
Monday           9:00AM – 5:30PM                                                                               
Tuesday          9:00AM – 7:00PM                                                                         
Wednesday     9:00AM – 5:30PM                                                                          
Thursday         9:00AM – 5:30PM                                                                       
Friday              9:00AM – 5:30PM                                                                      
Sunday             CLOSED


NOVA “Science is Everywhere” workshop" is here. The Redlands Scout Shop will be holding this workshop for cub scouts.

  • Our workshop will be held on August 29th, 2015 at 10:00am – 1:00 pm
  • Redlands Scout Shops will be accepting registrations (limit 25) from August 14 to August 21.
  • To enlist, call us at 909-307-3950 or come in to receive further information.

You will need to purchase the new NOVA book adapted to the New Cub Scout Program.

Mobile Scout Shop

Our Scout Shop will bring the store to you for your recruitment events.  We will also re-open our store at the Redlands location just for your unit any night of the week at your request

Leaders start the buzz within your units and packs to schedule your event night before the best dates are booked. Reserving a date is easy, just call the Scout Shop and we will set everything up for you. Think your unit is too small for one of our event dates, don’t worry; get together with other units in your area and we will come to a location that is best for all of you to serve and meet everyone’s scouting needs.

You may reserve dates from August 10th thru October 25th during our 10% off on a full uniform purchase event. When you book a date we will bring uniform items, handbooks, and other fun items to outfit your recruits instantly! The Scout Shop accepts Cash, Checks, and Credit Cards.

In addition, you can have your unit numbers, unit flags, nameplates, tees, jackets, and neckerchiefs customized at your request. Just call us and we’ll give you a quote for your order ASAP, or email us with your request.

Thank you,                  

Cherylyn Stewart, Store Manager, California Inland Empire Scout Shop
1230 Indiana Ct, Redlands, CA 92374
P: (909) 307-3950
F: (909) 307-3952



Cub Scout Training


On Saturday, August 15th, the Mt. Rubidoux/5 Nations District hosted the “Everything You Wanted to Know About the New Cub Scout Program, but were afraid to ask…” training at the LDS Church on Jackson Street in Riverside, CA. The training was organized and conducted by a large group of Scouters including (from left to right) Debb Walker, Denise Pedroza, Noel Williams, Pam Christen, Rick Sidwell, Anastasia Leveck, Sarah Peters, and John Skiff (not pictured, Judy Graeber). The class sessions featured detailed hands-on experience with the individual ranks, group sessions focusing on Pack operations, and a campfire program with skits and fun. Emphasis was given to the new program details at each rank and their coordination with Pack operations and other dens in the unit. Our Bear and Webelos/AOL program team cooked delicious foil-pack lunches and dutch oven pineapple upside down cake, 26 Scouters attended the event.
The event would not have been possible without the additional help of Tracy Youden, Brenda Caporaso, Pete Hollenhorst, John Vineyard, Robert Quezada, Diane Skiff, Troop 2, Pack 97, Pack 1230, Pack 116, and the LDS Church on Jackson. We thank you for your support!

John D. Skiff, Cubmaster - Riverside Pack 97



Troop 720 "Lived the Adventure” at Camp Raymond, Parks Arizona


Heading out of town after a 4th of July weekend sometimes can be a chore but not for Troop 720 of Alta Loma.  The very next day, July 5th —  31 Scouts and 12 Adults headed for Parks, Arizona to beautiful BSA Camp Raymond.   The trip included 104 degree heat in Needles, perfect 72 degrees in Kingman and 62 degree weather in the middle of a monsoon with heavy rain just outside of Parks. The journey finally ended with a beautiful rainbow and sunshine to greet us the very next day.  
Over 7 days our scouts and adults enjoyed incredible trail hikes, mountain biking, rocking climbing and rappelling, swimming, archery, crafts, shooting sports, scout skills camp-wide competition games and much more.  Our scouts and adults earned over 200 merit badges and achievements while having a great time in the beautiful forest.  The highlight at the end of the week came to a culmination when our one of our scouts, Jordan Greenstein, was recognized as this being his last official Troop 720 Boy Scout Campout. He will turn 18 at the end of August.  Jordan was asked to blow the official Camp Raymond Kudu Horn to signify the end of the session and the close of summer camp for the entire season.  What a great honor!  This was an exciting camp with awesome staff, tons of activities, well organized and we would certainly recommend it to any troop looking to “Live the Adventure”

Allen Greenstein, Scoutmaster, Troop 720



Friends Of Scouting Report


08/17/2015 2015 Goal 2015 Pledged (Year To Date) % of 
Cash Paid (Year to Date) # of Donors Donors Asked  % of Donors Asked 8/18/2014 Pledged
Tahquitz $153,000 $156,165 102.1% $140,433 1,854 998 53.8% $142,500
Mt. Rubidoux $126,900 $115,551 91.1% $98,364 1,164 679 58.3% $121,706
Arrowhead $55,000 $48,678 88.5% $44,556 957 469 49.0% $44,606
High Desert $97,000 $84,035 86.6% $72,735 1,157 630 54.5% $90,131
Grayback $116,000 $95,921 82.7% $88,702 895 497 55.5% $92,312
5 Nations $19,000 $15,202 80.0% $13,637 190 120 63.2% $17,433
3 Peaks $34,000 $26,115 76.8% $25,604 635 256 40.3% $30,197
Temescal $102,000 $68,577 67.2% $63,087 1,273 548 43.0% $87,397
Old Baldy $103,000 $66,591 64.7% $52,583 1,133 478 42.2% $79,740
Sunrise $52,500 $33,903 64.6% $30,178 540 262 48.5% $42,966
  $858,400 $710,738 82.8% 629,879 9,798 4,937 50.4% $748,988


60’s Cartoon Corner



Thoughts from the Scout Executive:




Positive Quote & Prayer

“Vigorous Scout games are the best form of physical education because most of them bring in moral education.”

    ~  Baden-Powell

Giver of Bread

Lord God, giver of bread, we bless You for your Heavenly kindness. There can be no famine while the bread of Heaven endures, and help us to remember that when we are forgetful of Your infinite kindness.

How blessed it is to know that we shall not want forever, as You will not allow Your children to go without bread.

However long the day, and hard the work, we have the rest and the bounty and the bread. Happy and grateful are we! We have You who plan our daily feast for us. As we eat of the bread of Heaven we shall continue to prosper on earth. Kind Lord, feed me until I shall want no more! Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO
California Inland Empire Council

California Inland Empire Council, BSA
PO Box 8910
1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374
909.793.2463, Ext. 120
877.732.1450 FREE
909.793.0306 Fax


Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: for Monday Memo Archives Click Here


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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045