October 10th, 2016



Featured Stories


2017 Polar Cub Camp

Join us at Spurs & Stars

2017 Klondike

Super Scouts Cub Scout Program

MacGyver Challenge









Don't miss the Early Bird Deadline!


CLICK HERE for Registration Form



Temescal District Webelos Woods Campout



11041 Arlington Ave. Riverside, CA

OCTOBER 28-30, 2016

1st and 2nd year Webelos are invited to join Boy Scouts for a weekend full of Scout Skills. 
Hosted by Troop 33 Norco, Troop 421 Corona and Troop 999 Norco
A cracker barrel for all will follow Friday and Saturday night campfires!

Saturday activities include: Scout Skill instructions including requirements for Webelos 1 & 2

Camping Webelos $20 Each (includes camping Friday and Saturday, cracker barrels, and all activities)
Camping Adults $5 Each (inclues site parking fee, camping Friday and Saturday and cracker barrels)
Saturday only Webelos (no camping) $15 Each (includes patch, cracker barrels, and all activities)

Registration Deadline is October 20th, 2016

For more information: Gregg (Skater) Campbell




Last Chance to Sign-Up for the October 13th session!


2017 National Camping School Schedule Released; 3 Courses Remain in 2016

Outdoor Programs is pleased to present the 2017 National Camping School schedule (2017 National Camping School Brochure.pdf). With your budget planning process currently in full swing, we know it is important to have these dates ahead of time — please pass along to your program team. We will be adding the NRA Rifle and Shotgun dates in the coming months to the BSA Shooting Sports webpage.

Councils wishing to do the “Pistol Safety and Marksmanship Program” must be approved and have at least two NRA pistol instructors who have completed the “Pistol Safety and Marksmanship Training Program.”

These training courses are being offered in each region this fall and next spring. To find locations and dates being offered, please visit the BSA Shooting Sports webpage. We will be adding dates as they are confirmed, so check back often for most current offerings. The application to be approved to offer the program is on the BSA Shooting Sports webpage.

Below are the remaining National Camping School sessions for 2016:

October 13-16 at Camp Powhatan, Hiwassee, VA

  • Climbing Director, Retraining
  • COPE & Climbing Program Manager
  • COPE Director, Retraining
  • COPE and Climbing Conference

November 4-6 at Sea Scout Base Galveston, Galveston, TX

  • Cub/Webelos Scout Day Camp Administration

Click here for the 2017 National Camping School Brochure



Polar Cubs!


Click here for registration form



Two of Scouting's Biggest Events, JOTA & JOTI are Just Around the Corner


Jamboree-on-the-Air (JOTA) and Jamboree-on-the-Internet (JOTI) is coming up soon! Did you already add JOTA and JOTI to your unit, district, and/or council calendars? If not, don’t forget to mark Oct. 14–16, 2016 as JOTA and JOTI weekend!

Other than an opportunity to meet Scouts from around the world, complete requirements in Cub Scouts, and complete part of the requirements for the International Spirit Award, JOTA and JOTI is another great way to tie in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math)! JOTA introduces Scouts to the fun, technology, and magic of amateur radio, while you can prepare your Scouts for safe Internet use by incorporating the BSA's training tool, Cyber Chip, before they participate in JOTI.

Does your unit or council want to participate in JOTA, but does not have access to an amateur radio station? Icom America and the BSA have a sponsorship agreement that began in 2012 and now extends through 2018. One aspect of that agreement is that Icom America will provide up to 10 complete amateur radio stations for use by local councils. Stations can be requested for long-term development loan stations and for event loan stations. You can find the details, application, and loan agreement here.

Be sure to visit JOTA’s webpage, www.scouting.org/jota, and JOTI’s webpage, www.scouting.org/joti, for how to participate, download participation certificates, where to order this year’s patches, and MUCH MORE! We hope you have lots of fun and success during these exciting events!



Youth Protection Tools


Each and every year one of our top priorities is to do our best to protect our young people from physical, sexual and/or emotional abuse.

Youth on Youth Facilitator's Guide and Youth on Youth Powerpoint



2016 HAT Paddle Craft Safety


Paddle Craft Safety: October 18th & October 25th or October 29th & 30th
Float trips are popular Boy Scout and Venturing activities. Safety Afloat awareness training provides guidelines for safe float trips and is required of unit leaders, but does not provide the skill training mandated by those guidelines. BSA Aquatics Supervision: Paddle Craft Safety expands Safety Afloat training to include skills, as well as knowledge, to prepare a unit leader to confidently supervise canoeing or kayaking excursions on flat water. It is open to any registered Scout or Scouter who is age 16 or older. The training must be conducted by a council-approved instructor, takes roughly eight hours, and is valid for three years. Paddle Craft Merit badge counselors must attend.



Can you help those in need stay warm this cold winter season?



Join our Coat Drive at the Jack Dembo Scout Center this year. The bin is located in our front lobby. We can also take blankets, sweaters, anything that someone can use to stay warm. If its torn, we can mend it!



For Boy Scouts!


Click here for registration form


‘Super Scouts’ Cub Scout program


When asked his favorite part about being a ‘Super Scout’ Cub Scout, Liam, answered in one word without prompting, “Friends.” Liam, like many boys in the ‘Super Scouts’ Cub Scout program, is diagnosed with a life challenge that many of our youth are faced with today.  Being placed in a special needs Cub Scout Pack has allowed the boys with challenges, such as but not limited to, ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder (mild to severe), Emotional and Behavioral issues, Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder (DMDD), Sensory Processing Disorder, and all medical disabilities, as well as physical to learn at their own pace, feel comfortable in their surroundings and learn new skills.  These scouts are being challenged outside their comfort zone while learning social skills and tolerance of others.

Earlier this year, a need presented itself at an event that warranted the forming of this special Pack to encompass all the boys with special needs in the High Desert area.  Being a mom with two children with severe challenges (ASD and DMDD), I knew how hard it was for these parents and their boys, as well as to have my boys included in any type organization where they could be themselves and not ridiculed, judged or pushed away.  The idea was presented to our chartered organization representative (Apple Valley Optimist Club) and was well received by the committee members and charter representatives.  From that, the Super Scouts special needs Pack was born. 

We have been asked numerous times why we do not just automatically enroll a boy with challenges in a regular type den and or Pack.  We have tried this and yes, it sometimes works and it sometimes does not.  While Pack 2578 believes in inclusion of boys with challenges in typical neuro-developmental type dens to learn and thrive, those boys that do not feel comfortable in that type setting, those that cannot endure the fast paced learning styles, need more one-on-one instruction, or need accommodations and/or modifications to achievement learning, are either recommended or given the option of joining the Super Scouts. Super Scouts does not act alone nor does it shelter these boys by any means.  These boys are immersed in every outside activity that is offered by the Pack and the community.  They attend integrated Pack meetings once a month and every scout meeting, several older scouts from another Pack come to help and mentor boys during hands-on activities.  Mental age as well as medical diagnosis from primary doctor plays a big factor as well for placement in the Super Scout program.  Boys above the age limit for Cub Scouts (11 and above) have to receive special permission from the Boy Scout Council to be placed in the Pack level. Our Pack currently has 10 scouts above this range.

Therese, mother of Liam, 14 years old (moderate to severe Autism), states that, “My son has an opportunity to be included as a full participant regardless of his disability. It is a place of solace where too, his parents are comfortable, knowing we are in a place where judgement or painful commentary is absent. It has truly been an experience of complete goodness! I can't express our gratitude enough. Liam is learning to be more participatory and making true friends. Cub Scouts Super Scouts has been a tremendous gift to us!”  Another parent, Deb, had her son David (ADHD) recently join the Super Scouts and states that, “My hope for David in this organization is that he learns self-control, and responsibility.  And that he will learn how to focus better. We are off to a good start.”  This is the first time, my youngest has made a connection with a group and with an adult that is guiding him in the activities.  I have found that the super scouts den meeting, and parents who participate, are understanding of special needs children and is a place of acceptance.  It is truly unique to have other parents with special needs children not judging you and helping you along with your children.  I am truly blessed to have found the High Desert Super Scouts Pack.  Our family can now be out in the community with others and feel a sense of normalcy.  It is a place for children to be children.  To learn, to laugh, and to find encouragement from others.  I am truly blessed that we are a part of this amazing group. 

Sometimes the best benefits of the program are to be heard through the mouths of the boys themselves.  Timmy, 10 years old (ASD, DMDD, ADHD), Webelos Arrow of Light, has been through a lot with Pack 2578.  His first year in scouting was integrated in a regular den with many scouts his age.  He seemed to do fairly well at first but behaviors soon would get in the way and he would stray away from his peers, argue or just plain refuse to do what was asked.  Super Scouts allowed him room to be himself, to have timeouts when he needed them and join when he felt comfortable.  He has shown growth and improvement with peer relationships.  According to Timmy, “I love scouts because I can do things, I can build things and have fun.  I have friends. I like being a Super Scout cause it sounds cool.”  Steven, 14, (chromosome deletion and mental delay) says that “you get to make friends, sell popcorn, go camping. My favorite was working on making circuits work. I liked carving soap.” Demarieon, 11 (Autism, PDD) exclaims that “scouts is fun. I like being there.” Danny, 8 (ASD, ADHD, Anxiety Disorder) states that, “I love doing things with my friends. I love ALL of it, but my favorite was mostly Pinewood Derby because I came in first place.”

While no formal advertisement for this program has been done as of yet to recruit the challenged youth in the High Desert, the Pack has seen growth from word of mouth of parents in the program and from the Pack.  The Pack went from four boys to 19 in a matter of a few months (with several still wanting to come in).  Our Pack is now at 40 boys and counting.  Fundraising will become essential for our group so that we can obtain much needed items for weekly meetings and integration with Pack activities.

The Super Scouts proudly thanks the Optimist Club of Apple Valley for believing in our program and allowing us the opportunity to flourish within the community as well as within our Pack 2578 as a whole.

For more information, you can contact Heidi Battaglia, Committee Chair of Pack 257 and founder of Super Scouts special needs program at 760-217-7805, or email at hbattaglia67@yahoo.com.



Wilderness First Aid Instructor Development Course


Build your council’s Wilderness First Aid instructor capacity at the Florida Sea Base Brinton Environmental Center on Summerland Key, January 27–31, 2017. Participants will learn BSA Wilderness First Aid, as well as develop instructor skills that are important to support your high-adventure program. 

Participants will have the opportunity to practice these potentially lifesaving skills during several scenarios presented at dockside and at Big Munson Island during this fast-paced, exciting program.  You will also be certified through the Emergency Care and Safety Institute (ECSI) to teach these skills for your council, district or units. 

It is helpful to have previous instructor training, but not required. However, prior certification in CPR from a nationally recognized provider is a prerequisite. In order to reach the island, you must be able to wade through as much as 200 meters of water up to your waist due to shallow water.

Here is the registration link to join us. 


Join Us With YOUR Cowboy Boots!


Be part of our Scouting Fellowship!
Enjoy a Fabulous Dinner Under the Stars
Country/Western Music and Dancing
Dress in your favorite western attire
Jeans work really well too!

Cookie’s Smoked Ribs and Chicken
Lip Smackin’ Macaroni and Cheese
Wrangler Beans
Assorted Cookies and Brownies
Selected Red and White Wines
Premium Beer
Soft Drinks and Coffee

Live & Silent Auctions
Fund a Need

Our Spurs and Stars Committee has secured over 60 silent and live Auction items with many more coming in!

Reserve your spot now!



Check out Pack 588!






Looking for a strong fundraiser
that ALSO has great prizes for your Scouts? 
Its not too late to sell POPCORN!

How will it help your Scouts and your Unit?

*Cool Prizes to keep them excited to sell. 
Scouts just have to sell 1 item to begin earning prizes
*Our Scouts averaged $381 in sales in 2015
*Our Units averaged $7,850 in sales in 2015
*Can easily sell online to friends and families in other cities
*The council has permission to sell in front of any Stater Brothers in 
Riverside and San Bernardino Counties from August 27-October 16
*Scouts who sell over $650 will get to attend a pizza party in January
*Scouts who sell $2,500 go to camp for FREE!
*Over 73% stays with your unit and the council.

*Take a look at our leaders guide for all of the great things you can do with Popcorn sales this year!

Sign up by September 5th!  Go online and fill out your commitment today!!



Scout Night at the Ontario Reign


Attention all Scouts and families:

The annual Scout Night with the Ontario Reign is on Saturday, December 3rd at 6PM
at the Citizens Business Bank Arena in Ontario. Be a part of the action as we also will be
recognizing our top 2016 popcorn sellers.  Don't forget to bring a stuffed animal to toss into
the ring when the Reign score their first GOAL!!

Click here for details


MacGyver Challenge


Duct tape, gum wrappers and paper clips. Their silver hue may be the only obvious thing these objects have in common, but in the hands of a particularly skilled person, those everyday objects could transform into an extraordinary hack that can do extraordinary things. We know this as “MacGyvering”- skill sets that help you survive any situation.

Speaking of that, starting this Friday, MacGyver is back on TV, ready to show a new generation how to test their imagination and creative problem-solving abilities.

The new series, airing Fridays at 8/7c on CBS, is sure to draw a whole new generation of fans and be a favorite of Scouts and Scouters alike.  In fact, most Scouts and Scouters have, at some time, felt like MacGyver themselves. After all, we have a keen ability to see the extraordinary in the everyday, and we know we need to Be Prepared for whatever comes our way.

To celebrate the premiere of MacGyver, registered Scouts and Venturers age 12 to 17 can enter the “MacGyver Challenge: Scout Edition Sweepstakes!”

One randomly-chosen, grand-prize winner (plus one parent/guardian) will win a trip to the MacGyver set in Atlanta, Georgia.  Ten second-place winners will each receive a collector’s-edition MacGyver bag including a backpack, t-shirt, MacGyver Paracord Survival Bracelet and a collector’s-edition patch.  Speaking of that special patch, everyone who enters the sweepstakes will receive one!

For some extra fun, Scouts and Venturers can also show off their MacGyver-like abilities by submitting a photo of their MacGyver projects.  It doesn’t increase chances of winning, but it’s a fun way for entrants (and their families!) to flex their creativity muscles and show the unique ways they can be resourceful.

Need some project inspiration? Find ideas in the Boys’ Life Workshop.

Click go.boyslife.org/macgyver and invite Scouts and Venturers in your troops and crews to enter soon! The sweepstakes ends on October 31, 2016.

See official sweepstakes rules for complete entry and prize details.



Summer Camp Staff 2017


Good Day Scouters!!

Thank you for a very successful Summer 2016 at the Boseker Scout Reservation!! We are very excited to have had so many Scouts come through our gates. Now is the time to start thinking about Summer Camp Staff Positions for 2017!! We are looking for many individuals to fill all spots for 2017. If you have worked on Camp Staff before please remember you must reapply each year in order to be considered for a position. We are looking for Counselors-In-Training as well, you must be 14 years old and have a solid knowledge base of overall Scout Skills. We encourage everyone to apply, should you have any questions please email me at Tucker.Adams@Scouting.org and I will try to answer your questions as soon as possible.

Summer Camp Staff Application

Summer Camp Volunteer Staff Application

Happy Scouting!

Tucker Adams-Camping Guru



Help Us Build A Legacy: The 2016 James E. West Endowment Fellowship


A Scout Salute for all the time, talent and treasure you share on behalf of our Scouts!

Would you consider joining the James E. West Endowment Fellowship in 2016?

Ralph Waldo Emerson observed that “an institution is the lengthened shadow of one man”  

Today, Scouting is the “lengthened shadow” of the farseeing and dedicated leadership provided by Dr. James E. West.

In 1910, James E. West became the first Chief Scout Executive of the Boy Scouts of America, and he served in that position for more than three decades. The James E. West Fellowship Award is available for gifts of $1,000 and up in cash or marketable securities to the Council Endowment Fund. The gift must be in addition to and not replace or diminish the donor’s annual Friends of Scouting support. Many individuals and corporations make these gifts either on behalf of someone else, such as in honor of an Eagle Scout, Silver Beaver recipient, a retirement, a special accomplishment, or anniversary or in memory of a special individual. If an institution is truly “the lengthened shadow of one man,” it is more than fitting that the BSA honor James E. West’s monumental contributions to Scouting in such a significant way.

Please support our California Inland Empire Council!

What a great way to close out the old and ring in a great 2016!You may designate a family member, Scout or Scouter as a Memorial or Tribute as well.

Reply back with your James E. West pledge, mail in your check or DONATE HERE

Happy New Year!



2016 Silver Beaver Form


Now is the time to nominate a deserving Scouter for the Silver Beaver Award! Don't let a worthy Scouter go unrewarded!

We have a new Silver Beaver Application Form for 2016, which is pdf-fillable, making the nominations that much easier. Click HERE


The California Inland Empire Council, with the approval of the BSA National Court of Honor, may present the Silver Beaver Award to a Scouter who has given Noteworthy Service of Exceptional Character to Youth and is currently registered in this Council.  The nominee must be 21 years of age or older and a volunteer Scouter.  The award may not be presented posthumously.  Former professional Scouters will not be considered within 5 years of their leaving employment with the BSA.

The nomination must be submitted on the Silver Beaver Award Nomination Form complete with original signatures.  Out-of-date forms will not be accepted for evaluation.  All sections of all pages should include as much information as possible for best consideration of the nominee.

The nomination form must be submitted to the CIEC office on or before Monday, November 14, 2016.

The Silver Beaver Selection Committee will review nominations and make selections on a “blind” basis.

Late forms and non-2016 forms will not be accepted for evaluation. The 2016 Silver Beaver Nomination Form is available HERE.


Cartoon Corner



Thoughts from the Scout Executive:



Positive Quote & Prayer

A Prayer of Petition

"As Summer into Autumn slips,"

O give me grace today

To rise and turn as Summer's leaves

Draw life and strength from heavenly rays.

~first line from Emily Dickinson


https://bsa-ciec.doubleknot.com/orgheaders/21/joecolor.jpgJoe Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO
California Inland Empire Council

California Inland Empire Council, BSA
PO Box 8910
1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374
909.793.2463, Ext. 120
877.732.1450 FREE
909.793.0306 Fax


Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: Joseph.Daniszewski@scouting.org for Monday Memo Archives Click Here


 Webmaster • Privacy Policy  Council Refund Policy • Council Whistleblower Policy

   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045