October 24th, 2016



Featured Stories


Jamboree Newsletter


Scouting 4 Food!

Eerie Emerson Trading Post Update

Open Letter to the Parents of Scout-Aged Boys









Join Us @ Ontario Reign!


Click here for flyer 



Parenting Pointers


Parenting is a tough yet rewarding vocation.

Dr. Tim Elmore, author of Generation iY: Our Last Chance to Save Their Future, offers these 10 simple but effective parenting tips:

1. Talk to your children about issues you wish your parents would have discussed with you.

2. Hard as it is, let your children make their own mistakes.

3. Outline the consequences for any potential wrongdoing.

4. Help your kids discover and utilize their talents.

5. Set up projects that require patience and perseverance.

6. Teach your children how to balance their life’s priorities.

7. Simulate adult tasks, like paying bills; it’s never too early.

8. Introduce them to potential mentors/friends.

9. Help your kids envision a bright future—and do what you can to assist them in getting there.

10. Celebrate any progress your children make towards gaining their independence.

Children, obey your parents…for this is right. (Ephesians 6:1)

Heavenly Father, may all mothers and fathers look to You as the epitome of parenthood.


Jamboree Newsletter


 Click here to



Crew 11's First JOTA


Crew 11 hosted their first Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) on October 15, 2016 in beautiful Wrightwood, CA.  JOTA is the largest scouting event in the world.  Over 1 million scouts using 11,000 registered stations from 150 countries are on the air the 3rd weekend in October. Guest host and experienced radio operator, Fred Stieg assisted cubs, scouts, venturers, and adult leaders contact packs and troops nationwide.  Everyone got a chance to talk to someone in a different state.  It was a great scouting experience for all!

Carolyn S, ~ Associate Adviser




Each Scout who has 3 Online Sales during this timeframe will be automatically entered into our drawings.

Prizes Include:

1 – Sony PlayStation 4 (Valued at $400)
1 – Microsoft Xbox One S (Valued at $300)
1 – Apple Watch Series 2 (Valued at $400)
1 – Sony PlayStation Virtual Reality Headset (Valued at $400)
6 – Amazon Tap (Value for each prize is $130)

Attached are two creative assets to help you and your council promote this initiative: 1 for email and 1 for social media.  See the official rules.




Lion Pilot Merchandise


Click here for more information



NRA Instructor Courses @ Lost Valley


The Orange County Council will be hosting a NRA instructor weekend, December 2-4.  The last day to register will be Tuesday November 8th.  They are offering Rifle, Shotgun, Pistol. If interested, please contact Kathy Liedahl at 714-546-4990 x 167 to register for this event.

In Scouting,

Kurt Wampole
Shooting Sports Director
Shooting Sports Committee Chair
California Inland Empire Council
(909) 586-5395



Scouting 4 Food!


Scouting 4 Food on October 8, 2016 was a huge success in the Grayback District.  A big thank you to Packs 8,14,16,24,25,27,33,226,227,322, and Troops 3, 4, 8, 11, 14, 19, 44, 226, and 322.  Together they collected over 17,000 lbs of food and put in 839 community service hours.  Great job scouts and parents! 



Spurs & Stars


We had a great time at our first Spurs & Stars event! Special THANK YOU to the Rochford Foundation-Burrage Mansion and Major Sponsors Bryan & Gail Kocen. 


Sincere thank you to our sponsors and all who attended!



Eerie Emerson Trading Post Update


Imagine my surprise today when I walked to our Trading Post. My windows have security bars on them. My little building is looking more and more like a store. It was a great day at The Trading Post. Eerie Emerson was busy so many Scouts and Family members. 

Methe the cutest little girl. I gave her my gold crown. She was so worried I wasn't going to be a princess anymore so I showed her I had a tiara. She dubbed us Princess Pirate and Princess Bubbles. Her smile made this evening the greatest ever. Always a great time working the Trading Post sharing it with Scouts and Their parents and leaders. 

It was a GREAT day!

Loving Life At The Trading Post!!!

Best Regards,

Christa 'Bubbles' Jenson
Camp Emerson Trading Post Director
Everything you need you'll find it,
"At The Trading Post."



Scouting Wire


Leaves are falling and in some places SNOW! Scouts are nestled around their campfires and weekend service projects are in high gear.

We wanted to give you a quick update on the recovery effort for the Scouts and Scouters affected by the flooding in Louisiana. 

To date, five units in Baton Rouge have had their lost equipment and/or trailers replaced. In Lafayette, one new ScoutReach trailer, 25 tents, and 55 uniforms have been replaced. Dozens of other rebuilding efforts are happening within all of the communities. This has been possible because of the generosity of those alumni who have contributed to the funding efforts to help them rebuild.

The Scouting family cannot thank you enough!


Dustin Farris ~ Director, National Eagle Scout Association



American Legion: Proud Partners of Scouting


“Veterans. Defense. Youth. Americanism. Communities.” This description closely aligns with Scouting. And that’s only where our similarities begin. In addition to being the nation’s largest veteran’s service organization...

Read More



Eagle Projects Ideas!


Looking for Eagle Project Ideas? Use This Resource

As they consider Eagle project ideas during the planning stages for an Eagle Scout project, many Scouts run through a series of thoughts...



200 Refugees Recognized at Court of Honor


"It's right there on the Statue of Liberty for all the world to see: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free..." 



Open Letter to the Parents of Scout-Aged Boys


As you think about the things you might want for your son, think of this list of possibilities. This list of amazing experiences reported by my Scout friends is just a sample of the fun adventures and character-building trials...

Read More



Troop 707-Eagle Court of Honor


Congratulations Eagle Scouts!


Cartoon Corner



Thoughts from the Scout Executive:



Positive Quote & Prayer

"It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves."

~William Shakespeare 


Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful.
And kindle in them the fire of your love.
Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created.
And you will renew the face of the earth. 

by the light of the Holy Spirit 
you have taught the hearts of your faithful.
In the same Spirit 
help us to relish what is right 
and always rejoice in your consolation.


https://bsa-ciec.doubleknot.com/orgheaders/21/joecolor.jpgJoe Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO
California Inland Empire Council

California Inland Empire Council, BSA
PO Box 8910
1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374
909.793.2463, Ext. 120
877.732.1450 FREE
909.793.0306 Fax


Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: Joseph.Daniszewski@scouting.org for Monday Memo Archives Click Here


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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045