November 14th, 2016


Featured Stories


Jack Dembo Scout Center & Scout Shop Closing Dates

Share Scouting

Thank You Campership Committee

Wood Badge Reunion Potluck...this Saturday!

Ethan Giving Tree @ Scout Shop









2017 FOS Kick-Off!


Dear Scouters:

Thank you for your help and support with our 2016 Friends of Scouting Campaign.  As of today we are at 90.3% of our goal and the work continues...

Council & District Key Three, FOS Chairs, Family FOS Chairs, Community FOS Chairs, and FOS Presenters: 

We are gearing up for a great 2017 Friends of Scouting Kickoff and invite you to a reception prior to our Council Coordinated Meeting being held on Wednesday, November 30 at 6:15 PM at the Jack Dembo Scout Center. 

We are ALSO looking for "Champions of Scouting" to assist with future fundraising events or 5 family unit Friends of Scouting presentations in the early spring of 2017.  Scouting changes lives...   We know it works....  This is your opportunity to give back and share your story.    Please RSVP below and be a part of this great kickoff and festivities.

We will be demonstrating how easy it is to do a presentation and provide you with all of the tools you need.  As an FOS presenter, you will receive  a very exclusive Friends of Scouting Presenter's Patch that you can wear with pride knowing that you are making a big difference.

Please RSVP to Soul Ruiz by Monday, November 28, 2016 by calling (909) 793-2463 x138 or via email at:

Look forward to seeing you there!


CIEC & Scout Shop Closing Dates


Our Scout Shop located at 1230 Indiana Ct. Redlands, CA will be CLOSED on:

November 24th 
December 24th 
December 26th 
January 2nd, 2017

The Scout shop will also be closing early on Saturday, December 10th for Inventory. 

Volunteer Services @ Jack Dembo Scout Center will be CLOSED on:

Thursday-Friday, November 24th-25th
Friday, December 23rd
Monday, December 26th 
Monday, January 2nd, 2017

Volunteer Services will be closing early at 1:00pm on Wednesday, November 23rd. 

Old Baldy Volunteer Services will be closed on:

Wednesday, November 23rd. 
Thursday-Friday, November 24th-25th
Friday, December 23rd


Share Scouting


Scouting is more fun with friends, and now is the perfect time to ask yours to join!

No family should miss out on the excitement of a pinewood derby race, the exhilaration of putting up your first tent, or the pride of seeing your son earn his first belt loop. You have so much to look forward to!

Help make sure every boy can experience the positive impact of Scouting. Use these links to reach out to your network of friends and family. Spread the word that now is a great time to become a Cub Scout!

Looking for video clips to share? Check out "Families Like Mine." These powerful testimonials from parents convey how Scouting has made a positive impact on their family.

Thank you for spreading the word! Help ensure no family misses out!



Camp Emerson Kicks Off Celebration of its Centennial


The diamond called Camp Emerson received a light polishing Saturday, Nov. 12, when 19 guests attended the kick-off of the camp’s centennial celebration.

Guests learned about the history of the camp and how they can a play a part in its future  starting with the 2019 centennial anniversary.

Faculty from Foxfire Youth Leader Training, dressed in mountain man regalia, served as docents, leading guests on a camp tour. All the guests had ties to camp with several having staffed summer camp. About a dozen volunteers helped conduct the kick-off celebration that included lunch and a demonstration at the rifle range.

Council executive Joe Daniszewski told the guests during lunch that Emerson is “Our mountain camp. Our diamond that we need to shine.”  Centennial co-chairs Mark Terry and Don Salva said the diamond needs some polishing along the edges, pointing out the many camp improvements that need to be addressed, from infrastructure to program, to make it last another 100 years.

The camp’s future has a tie to its recent past. At the  75th anniversary celebration that culminated in a huge campfire at Tahquitz Bowl, then council executive John Dudley asked the audience for two Cub Scouts to volunteer as co-chairs for the centennial committee. Two Cubs promptly responded. One of them attended the kick-off Saturday.

Rory  Connell was 10 when he volunteered that night.  He later was a member of  Troop 54 of Temescal District. Connell, now 31, has many memories of camp. “I spent a lot of time here,” he said. “It was my second home.”

He didn’t come  alone: he brought his 3-year-old son Duke.

That didn’t go unnoticed.

“Let’s not only celebrate the camp’s past,” Robert Quezada, centennial committee member,  told the guests. “Let’s plan for a future when that 3-year-old boy comes here as a Cub for Camp Wiley and then as a Boy Scout for Camp Emerson. He and boys  like him are  the reason we are doing this.”

More centennial celebration activities will be announced. A centennial patch will be available soon. Mike Downs, chair of the CIEC Executive Board Properties Committee, is developing a camp projects list, giving Scouters and interested community members an opportunity to provide assistance.

Many of the guests learned of the kick-off on Facebook. So can you. Stay up to date with Camp Emerson’s centennial: camp emerson 100th anniversary celebration, ciec



Sharpen YOUR Map & Compass Skills THIS WEEKEND!


For scouts working on their second class and first class requirements, sometimes it's hard for a troop to put together a proper 5 mile hike with map and compass and a 1 mile orienteering course.

There is a FREE event on Saturday, November 19, at the Hidden Valley Nature Center in western Riverside, that includes both of these courses to help scouts earn these requirements.  There will be a short approximately 30-45 minute class beginning at 9am to teach and review the basics of map and compass reading as well as touch on some orienteering before the scouts venture off on their treks.  Adult leaders will be required to accompanying the scouts on their journey.

Last year we were able to help 45 scouts, we'd love to see that number higher this year.

If you have any questions, please contact Geoff Kahan



Giving Tuesday



Ethan Giving Tree @ Scout Shop


During the Holiday Season, we, CIE – Redlands Scout Shop are looking to help Scouts in need through Ethan's Giving Tree. What is an Ethan Giving Tree? Ethan is Cub Scouting’s new mascot. In the true “Do Your Best” spirit giving, you'll be able to come into a shop and choose a card (or cards) off the tree and help a needy Scout in your area. Each card will include the first name of a local Scout, along with a “This Scout needs...” wish list. Just make a purchase for the uniform essential noted and we will make sure that Scout gets your gift. Simply print the form below and bring it to the Scout Shop, or come into the store for one, or give us a call at the scout shop (909) 307-3950.  Your wish list will be put on cards, which are filled out by the scout shop staff using your wish lists. Thanks for helping make this program a success!  



Scrapbooking @ Our Scout Shop!




NRA Instructor Courses @ Lost Valley


The Orange County Council will be hosting a NRA instructor weekend, December 2-4.  The last day to register will be Tuesday November 8th.  They are offering Rifle, Shotgun, Pistol. If interested, please contact Kathy Liedahl at 714-546-4990 x 167 to register for this event.

In Scouting,

Kurt Wampole
Shooting Sports Director
Shooting Sports Committee Chair
California Inland Empire Council
(909) 586-5395



Savings & Holiday Savings @ Our Scout Shop!





Eagle Project Ideas!


Looking for Eagle Project Ideas? Use This Resource

As they consider Eagle project ideas during the planning stages for an Eagle Scout project, many Scouts run through a series of thoughts...



Bequest to Save Taxes


Thomas was a widower who had a great love for our organization. As an individual who had directly benefited from our work, Thomas wanted to thank us with a gift from his estate.

Thomas told his attorney that he wished to make a bequest to his favorite charity. Thomas' estate included some stocks, real estate and an IRA. Thomas' attorney recommended that he give the appreciated stock and real estate to his children and leave his IRA to charity.

Thomas: My attorney told me that if I gave the stock and real estate to my children, these assets would receive a step-up in basis at my death. My children could then sell them without paying tax. However, if I gave my children my IRA, the IRA would be subject to estate and income tax. After paying all of these taxes, very little would be left for my family. By giving the IRA to this organization, I could make a nice gift and avoid any additional tax for my estate and children.

Thomas contacted his IRA custodian to obtain a beneficiary designation form. He filled out the form and designated our organization as the 100% recipient of his IRA account. Thomas' attorney then specified in Thomas' will the bequest of his other assets to his children.

Thomas: I was so impressed with my attorney's advice that I named him executor of my will!

Thomas called and notified us of his bequest. Thomas was pleased that because our organization was a tax exempt institution, it would receive the full amount of the IRA value when he passed away, creating a legacy for the future.

You also may want to make it easy and convenient to have a bequest included in your will. The language below shows how a bequest can very easily be included in your will.

You might find it helpful to select the "print" button below and print this page. Please feel free to give this information to your attorney. If he or she has any questions, please contact us.

*Please note: The name and image above is representative of a typical donor and may or may not be an actual donor to our organization. Since your benefits may be different, you may want to click here to view a color example of your benefits.

Example bequest language - Please feel free to change the numbers or percentages as you desire.

1. Bequest of cash

"I bequeath the sum of $10,000 to The Boy Scouts of America California Inland Empire Council."

2. Bequest of a percent of the estate

"I devise and bequeath 20% of the remainder and residue of property owned at my death, whether real or personal, and wherever located to The Boy Scouts of America California Inland Empire Council."

3. Contingent Bequest

"If my brother John Doe survives me, I devise and bequeath 20% of the remainder and residue of property owned at my death, whether real or personal, and wherever located to John Doe. If John Doe does not survive me, then I devise and bequeath 20% of my residuary estate, whether real or personal property and wherever located to The Boy Scouts of America California Inland Empire Council"


Wood Badge Reunion Potluck...this Saturday!


Attention all Past and Present Wood Badge Participants it's time to gather for fellowship, fun, and fundraising at our Annual Wood Badge Reunion Dinner. This year's event will be held on Saturday, November 19th. Gathering at 5:00pm.  Potluck begins at 5:30pm. Tickets are $5.00 or $7.00 after November 4th.

Sign up here!

We are also looking for silent auction items. Please contact Don & Laurie Curtis if you have anything Scout or Non-Scout related that we might auction off. or 951 489 8818.

This year's reunion is being held at the LDS REDLANDS building located at 1021 East Pioneer, Redlands.  

Flyer for this year's event is located on our Council site. For more information contact Rob Pitchford (760) 808-4251 or Ken Hedrick 909) 720-7359.

Click here for flyer


Thank You Campership Committee


To The Campuship Committe,

This is Sean D. I'm a Star Scout. On the summer camp of 2016 at Camp Emerson I earned 5 merit badges. My favorite badge that I earned was the archery merit badge. Your support helped me and a few of my other fellow scouts go to summer camp. I just want to say thank you and your help helped get some memorable memories to remember forever.

~Sean D. 

Dear The Compuship Committe,

Thank you for saporting me and if it wernt for you guys, I wouldn't have gotten the Rabbites Foot Awerd and the swiming, leather working and wirdernes servivel marite bage. Once again, Thank You Very Much. 

~Caleb L. 

Summer Camp Attendance

Camp Wiley Week 1 Avail   Week  2 Avail   Week  3 Avail
Campsite Pack # Youth Adult   Pack # Youth Adult   Pack # Youth Adult  
Bridger (20)                        
        20       20       20
Cahuilla Flats (40)*                 3P P374* 15 15  
        40       40       10
Coil  (30) *         TM P214* 15 15          
        30       0       30
Dan Boone  (20)                        
        20       20       20
Fremont  (20)                        
        20       20       20
Goldware (14) *       14       14       14
Harris (30) *                        
        30       30       30
Hays (20)                 3P P374* 10 10  
        20       20       0
Lewis & Clark (10)                        
        10       10       10
Mellor (40) *                 TQ P148 18 18  
        40       40       4
Swartzel (20)         TM P214* 10 10          
        20       0       20
Capacity 140/ wk   Youth Adult     Youth Adult     Youth Adult  
    0 0     25 25     43 43  
  Youth Adults                    
GRAND TOTAL  68 68                    
Units 3                      


Camp Emerson Week 1 Avail   Week  2 Avail   Week  3 Avail
Campsite Tr # Youth Adult   Tr # Youth Adult   Tr # Youth Adult  
Big Oak (50)       50       50       50
Bridger (20)                        
        20       20       20
Cahuilla Flats (40)* OB Tr0618 10 2                  
        28       40       40
Coil  (30) * OB Tr2000 25 5                  
        0       30       30
Dan Boone  (20)                        
        20       20       20
Firestone  (20)         GB Tr011 15 5          
        20       0       20
Freemont  (20)                        
        20       20       20
Goldware (14) *       14 GB Tr0044 10 4 0       14
Harris (30) *         OOC Tr1103 10 2          
        30       18       30
Hayes (20)         GB Tr0011 15 5          
        20       0       20
Lewis & Clark (10)                        
        10       10       10
Mellor (40) * TQ Tr0911 8 3                  
        29       40       40
Owls Roost (20)                        
        20       20       20
Swartzel (20)                        
        20       20       20
Capacity 255/ wk   Youth Adult     Youth Adult     Youth Adult  
    43 10     50 16     0 0  
  Youth Adults                    
GRAND TOTAL  93 26                    
Units 6                      

Cartoon Corner



Thoughts from the Scout Executive:



Positive Prayer and Quote

Your attitude is like a box of crayons that color your world. Constantly color your picture gray, and your picture will always be bleak. Try adding some bright colors to the picture by including humor, and your picture begins to lighten up.

~Allen Klein

A word and a prayer for the world after the 2016 election

Remembering the words of Abraham Lincoln

With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation’s wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and will all nations.

Lead us forward into freedom; 

from despair your world release, 

that redeemed from war and hatred, 

all may come and go in peace.

Show us how through care and goodness 

fear will die and hope increase,

fear will die and hope increase.

~Fred Kaan-1965 Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO
California Inland Empire Council

California Inland Empire Council, BSA
PO Box 8910
1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374
909.793.2463, Ext. 120
877.732.1450 FREE
909.793.0306 Fax


Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: for Monday Memo Archives Click Here


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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045