November 21st, 2016

Jack Dembo Scout Center~California Inland Empire Council closed~Wed. Nov. 23rd @ 1:00pm & all day 24-25th Thurs-Friday. 


Featured Stories


Training, Training And More Training

2017 Nominating Committee Announcement & Council Annual Business Meeting

Early Bird Insurance Fees Due....December 1st!

2017 FOS Kick-Off!

Holiday Hours









Sell Popcorn Online...Win a XBOX ONE S


Calling ALL Inland Empire Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venturers and Explorers!

Did you know that you can earn BONUS rewards from the California Inland Empire Council when you sell online?

Enter to Win an XBox One S Console!
For every online sale you make during Tuesday, November 15 - Friday, December 16th you will receive an entry to win an XBox One S Console. The more sales you make, the more entries you will receive.

Earn a Walmart Gift Card!

For every three online sales you make during Tuesday, November 15th - Friday, December 16th you will receive a $5 Walmart Gift Card!


Scouts: Click here to register or login.

Ricci Dula
Popcorn Staff Advisor
California Inland Empire Council, BSA  



Recruit a Friend


Click here for flyer


Training, Training And More Training



This section provides a variety of materials, from quick references to complete courses, all designed to help our members improve leadership skills and deliver a quality program.

Joining Courses

These courses are required for all new registered leaders and must be retaken every two years to maintain registration. A login is required, but anyone may create a user account and view the courses. Registered members of the BSA may provide their member numbers (as part of the user profile) to receive credit.

Youth Protection Training

Youth Protection training is designed to help you keep our youth safe from abuse. You will learn the Boy Scouts of America's Youth Protection Guidelines, signs of abuse, and how to report suspected abuse. After each section of material, you will answer questions about that section's topic. Completion is noted automatically in the BSA training records database if the module is experienced online.

Boy Scouts of America Icon Cub Scouts Icon Boy Scouts Icon 

Venturing Youth Protection Training

This course is required for all adult Venturing leaders. This training will help leaders understand and guide youth through possible problems as it relates to abuse. You will also learn about the issues you may face as a leader to help provide a safer environment for the crew members and to protect yourself from false accusations. This training is available online or on a DVD. Estimated time to complete: 40 minutes.

Venturing Icon Sea Scout Icon

Youth Protection Pledge Cards

Take the pledge to keep our Scouts safe by following the BSA's Youth Protection policies. Half the pledge is signed and given to the council; the other half stays with you in pocket card format as a reminder. The links below, in English and Spanish versions, will print four-up on a sheet.

Cub Scouts Icon Boy Scouts Icon Venturing Icon Sea Scout Icon


Orientation Courses

Orientation courses are designed to help Scouters learn more about their Scouting role and about other leadership positions in the program.

Fast Start Orientation Training

Intended for troop and team leaders as well as unit commissioners and chartered organization representatives immediately following the acceptance of their new role.

Boy Scouts of America IconBoy Scouts Icon 

This Is Scouting

This Is Scouting provides an overview of the Scouting organization, including history, values, programs, Youth Protection, community involvement, and training. The module consists of six video sections, each followed by a brief quiz. Estimated time to complete: 50 minutes.

Boy Scouts of America Icon Cub Scouts Icon Boy Scouts Icon Venturing Icon Sea Scout Icon

STEM Orientation

These courses are intended to be used to provide an orientation for Scouts, Scouters, and parents about Scouting and the STEM program and the STEM opportunities in Scouting. The instructor-led course is designed to be used with the STEM Orientation slide deck at roundtables and other training events.

Boy Scouts of America Icon Cub Scouts Icon Boy Scouts Icon Venturing Icon Sea Scout Icon

Sea Scout Adult Leader Fast Start Training

Sea Scout Adult Leader Fast Start Training is designed for anyone wanting to learn more about the basics of the Sea Scout program. It will provide an orientation of the program and show how Sea Scouts work to better serve the youth involved in the program.

Sea Scout Icon


Position-Specific (Role-Based) Courses

These instructor-led courses are designed to help Scouters learn how to effectively carry out their Scouting roles. In most cases, completing the course will make a Scouter "trained" for the role(s) covered in the course. E-learning versions of some courses may be found below in the E-learning section.

Basic Leader Requirements

Need to know what are the requirements to be trained for your unit leadership role? This sheet explains the training requirements for all unit-level leaders.

Boy Scouts of America Icon Cub Scouts Icon Boy Scouts Icon Venturing Icon Sea Scout Icon

Den Leader Position-Specific Training

The link below is to the syllabus that is to be used by trainers in presenting the stand-alone den leader position-specific course. This course is intended to provide Tiger, Wolf, Bear, and Webelos den leaders with the information and tools they need to conduct successful den meetings. Den leaders who complete the Tiger, Wolf, Bear, and Webelos training, along with Youth Protection training, are considered trained for their position.

Cub Scouts Icon

Scoutmaster Position-Specific Training (NEW)

The instructor's guide below is intended to be used by trainers leading Scoutmaster Position-Specific Training. The course will provide Scoutmasters with the basic information and tools they need to lead successful Boy Scout troops. Scoutmasters and assistant Scoutmasters who complete this course, Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills, and Youth Protection Training are considered "trained" for those positions. There is no change to the My.Scouting Tools code (S24) for the course.

Boy Scouts Icon

Troop Committee Challenge (NEW)

This course will provide the committee members of a Boy Scout troop with the basic information they will need to support a troop and ensure a successful boy-led troop program. Troop Committee Challenge has been developed to help troop committee members better understand their roles and responsibilities and help them deliver the promise of Scouting. The Troop Committee Challenge is designed for Troop committees and becomes the course (along with Youth Protection training) troop committee members need to be considered “trained.” The instructor’s guide below is for trainers to conduct the course for Troop committee members.

Boy Scouts Icon

Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS)

Working as patrols, this hands-on course provides adult leaders the practical outdoor skills they need to lead Scouts in the out-of-doors. Upon completion, leaders should feel comfortable teaching Scouts the basic skills required to obtain the First Class rank. Along with Scoutmaster Specifics this course is required of all direct contact leaders registered in Boy Scout Troops and Varsity Scout Teams, in order to be considered "trained".

Instructor Syllabus  (April 2016)
Boy Scouts Icon  Venturing Icon

Varsity Coach Position-Specific Training—“Varsity Vision”

“Varsity Vision” is designed to be conducted at the council, district, or chartered organization level. It is the position-specific training for Varsity Scout Coaches and assistant Coaches, but youth team members, team committee members, and other interested Scouters are encouraged to attend. The course consists of a single 12- to 14-hour experience that can be delivered in either an overnight or a single-day format. This course, along with Youth Protection training and Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills, will make a Varsity Scout Coach or assistant Coach “trained.”

Venturing Advisor Position-Specific Training

Below is the instructor's guide for the Venturing crew Advisor and assistant training. The course will provide an introduction to the responsibilities, opportunities, and resources that will ensure a successful Venturing crew leadership experience.

Chartered Organization Representative Training

The training outline and resources for training chartered organization representatives can be found at the link below.

Boy Scouts of America Icon Cub Scouts Icon Boy Scouts Icon Venturing Icon Sea Scout Icon

Crew Committee Challenge—Crew Committee Position-Specific Training

The Crew Committee Challenge is designed for crew committee members and becomes the course (along with the Venturing version of Youth Protection training) crew committee members need to be considered “trained.” The instructor’s guide below is for trainers to conduct the course for crew committee members.

Venturing Icon

Team Committee Challenge—Team Committee Position-Specific Training

The Team Committee Challenge is designed for team committees and becomes the course (along with Youth Protection training) team committee members need to be considered “trained.” The instructor’s guide below is for trainers to conduct the course for team committee members.

Cubmaster and Assistant Cubmaster Position-Specific Training

The link below is to the instructor guide that is to be used by trainers in presenting the stand-alone Cubmaster and assistant Cubmaster position-specific course. This course is intended to provide Cubmasters with the information and tools they need to successfully lead a Cub Scout pack. Cubmasters and assistants who complete this training and Youth Protection training are considered “trained” for both positions.

Cub Scouts Icon

Pack Committee Challenge—Pack Committee Position-Specific Training

The Pack Committee Challenge is designed for pack committees and is the course (along with Youth Protection training) pack committee members need to be considered “trained.” The instructor’s guide below is for trainers to conduct the course for pack committee members.

Cub Scouts Icon

STEM Nova Counselor Training

These courses are intended to provide training for STEM Nova counselors. The intructor-led course is designed to be used with the training slide deck at group courses.

Boy Scouts of America Icon Cub Scouts Icon Boy Scouts Icon Venturing Icon Sea Scout Icon

STEM Supernova Mentor Training

This course is a self-study training course for STEM Supernova mentors.

Boy Scouts of America Icon Cub Scouts Icon Boy Scouts Icon Venturing Icon Sea Scout Icon


Supplemental Training Courses

These courses are designed to help Scouters with a particular skill or to enhance their Scouting role. Additional modules may be found on the "Supplemental" link in the upper-left section of this page.

Roundtable Planning Guides

Providing knowledge, program ideas, skills, and fun resources is the purpose behind the Roundtable Planning Guides for Boy Scout and Cub Scout leaders. Using this guide along with local resources, roundtable commissioners can enable and motivate unit leaders to deliver an outstanding program to their Scout troops. The guide is designed to allow program topics to be used in the order best suited for your district.

Boy Scouts of America Icon Cub Scouts Icon

Cubcast and Scoutcast

The podcasts are monthly audio presentations that provide information on topics of interest to Cub Scout and Boy Scout leaders.

Boy Scouts of America Icon Cub Scouts Icon

Powder Horn

Open to both registered adults and youth who are at least 13 and have completed the 8th grade, Powder Horn is a hands-on resource management course designed to give you the contacts and tools necessary to conduct an awesome high-adventure program in your troop, team, crew, or ship. Contact your area training chair for information about upcoming courses in your area.


Generational Diversity

Take this session and have a broader understanding and deeper appreciation of the diverse range of ages and life experiences of the volunteers and professionals in our organization. You will be able to recognize and define the four generational groups of people currently in the BSA.

Boy Scouts of America Icon


Outdoor Skills Training Courses

These courses are designed to help Scouters with skills related to the BSA's outdoor program.

Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO)

This one day course is designed as an introduction to the Cub Scout outdoor program for those leaders who are interested in adding a camping component to their Pack activities. BALOO is an instructor-led course which is conducted at the Council level. BSA's Cub Scout level camping policies will be taught along with the necessary tools to help units carry out a successful camping experience.

Completion of this course is mandatory for at least one adult on a Pack overnighter.

The course syllabus is available from your local council or through .

Cub Scouts Icon

Outdoor Leader Skills for Webelos Leaders (OWL)

This course is designed to help Webelos leaders enhance the outdoor program for the Webelos Scouts in their den by teaching some basic outdoor skills as well as skills needed to complete many of the Webelos activity badges. This course can be taught as a stand-alone experience but is often presented in conjunction with Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS).

Cub Scouts Icon

Camp Health Officer Training

This presentation provides a detailed briefing for individuals selected to serve as a camp health officer at a council or district camping facility.

Cub Scouts Icon Boy Scouts Icon Venturing Icon

Kodiak Challenge

The Kodiak Challenge is designed to be an adventure that pushes the boundaries of every participant - one that will encourage you to try new things that may be out of your comfort zone. It is an experience—but one that has its underpinnings in the application of the leadership skills they learned in the Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops or Crews, NYLT, and/or NAYLE. It is, as is all of Scouting, an adventure with a purpose

Boy Scouts Icon Sea Scout Icon

Passport to High Adventure Training Outline

This training outline teaches how Scouts can plan and safely carry out council and unit high-adventure treks using Leave No Trace techniques.

Boy Scouts Icon Venturing Icon


Train-the-Trainer Courses

These courses are designed to help Scouters learn or improve their presentation skills.

The Fundamentals of Training

This is the first part of the three-part train-the-trainer continuum (T3, or T-Cubed) in the Boy Scouts of America. The course introduces teaching techniques and skills to new Scout trainers but is also designed to help all Scouters, regardless of their experience, present effective training. Intended for both youth and adult trainers, the course will help those who might have trained for other organizations learn the BSA's training techniques, and it will help freshen up the skills of current BSA trainers.

Boy Scouts of America Icon Cub Scouts Icon Boy Scouts Icon Venturing Icon Sea Scout Icon

The Trainer's EDGE

While the Trainer's EDGE is a required train-the-trainer course for Wood Badge and NYLT staffs, it is also for other trainers wishing to enhance their training and presentation skills.

Boy Scouts of America Icon Cub Scouts Icon Boy Scouts Icon Venturing Icon Sea Scout Icon


Administration of Training

These resources are designed to assist training teams that administer training in a unit, council, area, or region.

Guide to Leader Training

This new guide outlines the basic responsibilities for volunteer leader training committees and the methods of BSA volunteer training. To be sure that information is up-to-date, the guide does not include the forms and other resources that are more easily available, and more current, via The training pages of will help you find the current resources, forms, and courses available—as well as the latest in BSA training.

Boy Scouts of America Icon Cub Scouts Icon Boy Scouts Icon Venturing Icon Sea Scout Icon

Application for a Council to Conduct Wood Badge and NYLT

The first step for a council to conduct one of these advanced training courses is to submit an application. A form has been developed that will serve for applying for Wood Badge and NYLT. Simply fill out the form and send it to the Volunteer Development Team for processing.

Boy Scouts of America Icon Cub Scouts Icon Boy Scouts Icon Venturing Icon

Application to Conduct a SEABADGE Course

The first step for a council, area, or region to conduct the advanced national training course known as SEABADGE is to submit an application. A new form has been developed that serves as the method for making application. Simply fill out the form and send it to Keith Christopher, National Director, Sea Scouts, BSA for processing.

Boy Scouts of America Icon

Fillable Training Cards

In conjunction with the Volunteer Development Team, the National Supply Group has released the latest version of the pocket-sized certificate of training. Simply specify SKU 615012 when ordering from your local Scout Shop or through Click on the link below to open a pdf template that has been created for convenience in filling out these portable training records.

Boy Scouts of America Icon Cub Scouts Icon Boy Scouts Icon Venturing Icon Sea Scout Icon


National Training Conferences

Philmont Training Center

Since 1950 The Philmont Training Center (PTC) has provided a unique environment for training volunteer and professional leaders, and a fun family program for every member of the family.

Boy Scouts of America Icon Cub Scouts Icon Boy Scouts Icon Varsity IconVenturing Icon Sea Scout Icon

Florida Sea Base

Choose from two weeks of volunteer training conferences. Located in the beautiful Florida Keys, the Sea Base Conference Center is the site for these trainings that will provide instruction with experienced and informed Scouters and ample time for sharing ideas and best practices.

Boy Scouts of America Icon Cub Scouts Icon Boy Scouts Icon Varsity IconVenturing Icon Sea Scout Icon


Course Director and Area Training Conferences

2016 Course Director's and Area Training Conference Registration

Click here for the most up-to-date listing of Wood Badge and NYLT Course Director's Conferences in your region or area and across the nation. The accompanying links for registering for each conference will be available as listed. Many of this year's Course Director's Conferences have been combined with other functional conferences, creating an atmosphere of learning on a larger scale and allowing for the sharing of resources and ideas. You will find these Area Training Conferences listed here as well.

Boy Scouts of America Icon Cub Scouts Icon Boy Scouts Icon Varsity IconVenturing Icon Sea Scout Icon


Training Awards

Training Awards for Adult Leaders in Units

The training awards and keys are designed to recognize unit Scouters for tenure, training, and performance in their leadership roles. Progress record forms with the 2012 requirements for these awards can be found at the links below.

Cub Scouts Icon Boy Scouts Icon Venturing IconSea Scout Icon

District Committee Awards

The files below contain updated requirements for the Scouter's Key for District Committee Members and new requirements for the Scouter's Training Award for District Committee Members. See the Spring 2013 Training Times for additional details.

Cub Scouts Icon


Some courses are available in the e-Learning section of . A login is required, but anyone may create a user account and view the courses. Registered members of the BSA may provide their member numbers (as part of the user profile) to receive credit.

These include:

Safe Swim Defense
Safety Afloat
Weather Hazards
Climb On Safely
Trek Safely

Leader Position-Specific Training
Troop Committee Challenge
Leader Position-Specific: Den Leader
Leader Position-Specific: Cubmaster
Leader Position-Specific: Pack Trainer
Leader Position-Specific: Pack Committee
Leader Position-Specific: Venturing Advisor
Leader Position-Specific: Venturing Committee



Help Us Build  A Legacy: The 2016 James E. West Endowment Fellowship


A Scout Salute for all the time, talent and treasure you share on behalf of our Scouts!

Would you consider joining the James E. West Endowment Fellowship in 2016?

Ralph Waldo Emerson observed that “an institution is the lengthened shadow of one man”  

Today, Scouting is the “lengthened shadow” of the farseeing and dedicated leadership provided by Dr. James E. West.

In 1910, James E. West became the first Chief Scout Executive of the Boy Scouts of America, and he served in that position for more than three decades. The James E. West Fellowship Award is available for gifts of $1,000 and up in cash or marketable securities to the Council Endowment Fund. The gift must be in addition to and not replace or diminish the donor’s annual Friends of Scouting support. Many individuals and corporations make these gifts either on behalf of someone else, such as in honor of an Eagle Scout, Silver Beaver recipient, a retirement, a special accomplishment, or anniversary or in memory of a special individual. If an institution is truly “the lengthened shadow of one man,” it is more than fitting that the BSA honor James E. West’s monumental contributions to Scouting in such a significant way.

Please support our California Inland Empire Council!

What a great way to close out the old and ring in a great 2016! You may designate a family member, Scout or Scouter as a Memorial or Tribute as well.

Reply back with your James E. West pledge, mail in your check or DONATE HERE

Join these 2016 Pacesetters: Hayden M., Sandra C., Thomas D., Richard S., Larry R., Boy Scout Troop 2399

Happy New Year!



Memorial & Tribute Gifts


Your gift to the Memorial and Tribute Fund is a way for you to recognize a special occasion and/or person. It can be a job promotion, presentation of the Eagle Scout Award or the Adult Volunteer Leader Scouting Awards, a birthday or anniversary, a Bar Mitzvah or Confirmation, or to honor the memory of a friend or family member.

Upon receipt of your gift, you will receive an acknowledgement card for tax purposes. The person or family receives a card in your name from the California Inland Empire Council, BSA with no amount mentioned. In addition the memorial or tribute will appear as part of the Monday Memo on the council’s website.

To make a contribution to the California Inland Empire Council Memorial and Tribute Fund, fill out the gift form, and mail the form to California Inland Empire Council, BSA, PO BOX 8910, Redlands, CA 92375-2110. If you have any questions you may contact Joe Daniszewski, Scout Executive at 909-793-2463 ext. 120 or e-mail: joseph.daniszewski@scouting.orgClick Here for Tribute/Memorial Form



2017 Fund-A-Need


Boseker Scout Reservation
Home of Camp Emerson, Camp Wiley & Camp Brown

1. 7 Light Motion Sensor Switches ($20 Each) $140
2. Set of 3 – Low Flow Showerhead Timers $345/Set-(Need 5 sets- 15 total)
3. 50 Gallon – 12-Year Energy Star Water Heater $820-(Raised $440 –$380 away from complete funding)
4. Gas Powered Air Compressor for Nail Gun $899
5. 10 Large Waste Dump Runs $1,000

Program Service Needs

6. Blue & Gold Placemats with Camp Advertising $472
7. 1 - BSA COPE Course participant for Camp Emerson $520
8. 3 Cub Scout Day Camp School Participants $915-($305 per Participant)
9. 50K Join Cub Scouting Recruitment Flyers $1,400
10. 5 Club Scout Day Camp School Participants $2,025-($405 per Participant)
11. 1,000 Bungee Rockets for Cub Scout Recruitments $2,237

Capital Improvements

12. Safety Fence around BB & Rifle Range entrance $2,500-(Labor & Materials)
13. Water Meter $5,000-(Raised $3,850 –$1,150 away from complete funding)
14. Replacement of 2 vandalized Air Conditioners $15,865

Jack Dembo Scout Center Improvements

15. Kitchen Faucet (Replacement & Labor) $185
16. Electrical Switches & Plugs (Replacement & Labor) $265
17. Flag Pole Repair $394
18. 2 New Low Flow Toilets for Men’s Room (Labor Included) $526
19. Landscaping – Woodchips & Labor $812
20. Painting $2,800


2017 Nominating Committee Announcement & Council Annual Business Meeting


Stan Morrison and Jim Prior have been appointed as Co-Chairmen for the Nominating Committee for 2017.

The committee consists of: President Michael Strong, Patrick Singer, Sheriff McMahon, Bud Luppino and Joe Daniszewski

Any recommendations for prospective Executive Board members should be forwarded to:

California Inland Empire Council – Nominating Committee
PO Box 8910
Redlands, CA 92375-2110
Attn: Nominating Committee or email:

The Annual Meeting will be Thursday, January 19th, 2017, at 6:30 PM, at the Jack Dembo Scout Center-1230 Indiana Ct. Redlands, CA 92375.


Holiday Hours


Our Scout Shop located at 1230 Indiana Ct. Redlands, CA will be CLOSED on:

November 24th 
December 24th 
December 26th 
January 2nd, 2017

The Scout shop will also be closing early on Saturday, December 10th for Inventory. 

Volunteer Services @ Jack Dembo Scout Center will be CLOSED on:

Thursday-Friday, November 24th-25th
Friday, December 23rd
Monday, December 26th 
Monday, January 2nd, 2017

Volunteer Services will be closing early at 1:00pm on Wednesday, November 23rd. 

Old Baldy Volunteer Services will be closed on:

Wednesday, November 23rd. 
Thursday-Friday, November 24th-25th
Friday, December 23rd


Early Bird Insurance Fees Due....December 1st!


A note to all those units who participate in the Council’s Accident & Sickness Insurance program…….The low cost of $4.00 per participant will expire at the close of business on Thursday, December 1st.

Beginning Friday, December 2nd the cost will be $5.00 per youth and adult member.

Take advantage of the lower rate….. your coverage will be in effect and you will have saved $1.00 per person!!

If you have any questions, please contact Veronica Whitman at 909-793-2463, ext. 116 or email

More information about the BSA's insurance information can be found on our Council's website. Learn More



Inland Empire Scouts Salute A Great Citizen and Friend of Scouting


Jack H. Brown, executive chairman of Stater Bros. Markets and charitable leader throughout the region, died Sunday evening surrounded by family. He was 78. Neither the cause nor the location of his death was known, Stater Bros. officials said. “Grief is not a strong enough word to describe what the Stater Bros. ‘Family’ feels,” Stater Bros. President and CEO Pete Van Helden said in a statement. “Jack touched every one of us in a very personal way, and it is that legacy that we must carry forward. He loved the business, his company and each one of us.” Brown joined Stater Bros. in 1981. He served as president and chief executive officer of Stater Bros. Markets for more than 35 years and as chairman for Stater Bros. for more than 30 years. Under his leadership, Stater Bros. grew to 169 stores with gross sales last year reaching $4.5 billion. It was late last year that Brown stepped down as chief executive officer and took the role of executive chairman. Brown, a native of San Bernardino, was known for his charitable work on behalf of the community. He was a model citizen when it came to his employees, his customers and his community, said Carl Dameron, who works closely with The Salvation Army of San Bernardino and other groups that he said benefited from the generosity of Stater Bros.

“Jack Brown’s death is a great loss to our community,” Dameron said. “He was someone who believed in the best of us and he contributed to our economic welfare, our social welfare and he’s also a person who constantly said positive things. He upped the morale of our community.” Brown was passionate about San Bernardino. “He could have moved the home base for Stater Bros. out of the Inland Empire, to Orange County or anywhere else, and he didn’t,” Dameron said. “He recommitted to here.” Over the years, Stater Bros. donated more than half a million dollars in cash donations and hundreds of thousands of pounds in food donations, said Maj. Dan Henderson, who leads the Salvation Army of San Bernardino.“We couldn’t do what we do without them,” Henderson said. “I wish them not only comfort in this time of loss but also that they take the time to distill Jack’s vision and his passion for the city of San Bernardino and decide how that’s going to carry forward into the future.” District Attorney Michael A. Ramos knows Brown will be missed by many, “but his legacy will live on. “He was always such a strong advocate for public safety and our community as a whole,” Ramos said. As chairman of Stater Bros. Charities, Brown honored San Bernardino Police Chief Jarrod Burguan and the department’s first responders in March with an award for their bravery and heroism, as well as a $50,000 donation to the department, after the Dec. 2 terrorist attack. Brown was born and raised along San Bernardino’s stretch of Route 66, and grew up to be a beloved philanthropist. In 2008 he established Stater Bros. Charities, which supports a variety of charitable organizations in the community, from Redlands’ annual Believe Walk for Inland women fighting cancer to The Salvation Army in San Bernardino.

Brown was a founder of the Boys and Girls Club of San Bernardino and the founding chairman of Children’s Fund of San Bernardino County. His well-known community involvement embraced San Bernardino’s car culture, and Stater Bros. Markets became the title sponsor of the Route 66 Rendezvous from 1997 and 2013. A proud veteran, Brown was fiercely patriotic, having served on active duty with the Pacific Fleet of the U.S. Navy during the Vietnam era. Brown’s support of the military and the nation’s veterans remains unprecedented, showcasing memorabilia honoring squadrons from the former Norton Air Force Base at the Stater Bros. corporate offices at San Bernardino International Airport. In 2004, he received the Friend of the Veteran Award from the Riverside National Cemetery’s Veterans’ Advisory Committee for his continued support of volunteer services to veterans and their families. Brown also received the Patriot Award in 2011, the highest award the Congressional Medal of Honor Society can bestow upon an individual. In addition, Brown was one of 10 Distinguished Americans to receive the 1992 “Horatio Alger Award” in Washington, D.C. in recognition of his outstanding contributions to America and the “American Dream.” Brown received many awards for his contributions to the supermarket industry. Most recently, the California State University Board of Trustees named the Jack H. Brown College of Business and Public Administration for him at Cal State San Bernardino in July.“His leadership and philanthropy have been a benchmark for others to follow, creating countless opportunities for economic and social growth at every level of his organization,” Cal State San Bernardino President Tomás D. Morales said, in an email. “His commitment to the values and sacrifices of those that served our country in the military was unwavering. He championed education, children’s well-being, hunger relief, health, and help for our nation’s veterans.” Brown is survived by his wife, Debbie, three daughters; J. Kathleen Smith (Michael Smith), Cara Hoffman (Scott Hoffman) and Melissa Koss (Pete Koss). He had seven grandchildren, Kaitlyn, Colleen, Caden, Dylan, Julianna, Jack Ryan and Emma. His burial will be private, for family only, with a memorial to follow at a later date, according to the statement.

Staff writers Ryan Hagen, Mark Muckenfuss, Neil Nisperos and Doug Saunders contributed to this report.



Giving Tuesday



2017 FOS Kick-Off!


Dear Scouters:

Thank you for your help and support with our 2016 Friends of Scouting Campaign.  As of today we are at 90.3% of our goal and the work continues...

Council & District Key Three, FOS Chairs, Family FOS Chairs, Community FOS Chairs, and FOS Presenters: 

We are gearing up for a great 2017 Friends of Scouting Kickoff and invite you to a reception prior to our Council Coordinated Meeting being held on Wednesday, November 30 at 6:15 PM at the Jack Dembo Scout Center. 

We are ALSO looking for "Champions of Scouting" to assist with future fundraising events or 5 family unit Friends of Scouting presentations in the early spring of 2017.  Scouting changes lives...   We know it works....  This is your opportunity to give back and share your story.    Please RSVP below and be a part of this great kickoff and festivities.

We will be demonstrating how easy it is to do a presentation and provide you with all of the tools you need.  As an FOS presenter, you will receive  a very exclusive Friends of Scouting Presenter's Patch that you can wear with pride knowing that you are making a big difference.

Please RSVP to Soul Ruiz by Monday, November 28, 2016 by calling (909) 793-2463 x138 or via email at:

Look forward to seeing you there!



Voice of Scouting


Check out the latest.... Varsity Vision Training 2016 | Voice of Scouting



Join Us @ Ontario Reign


Click here for flyer 



Cub Archery ~ October 2016 


Cub Archery is off to a great start. On Saturday, Oct. 22nd, we had our first 2 shoots. Don and I would like to give a big shout out and huge thanks to Nichole H. from Three Peaks District, and Jose A. from Sunrise District for coming and giving Don a hand! It was sunny and warm, and as always the boys had a great time.

Congratulations to our top shooters for Oct. 22nd!

A.M. Session: P.M. Session:
5th Place: Travis J. ~Tahquitz District
4th Place: Owen H.~Tahquitz District
3rd Place: Ben J. ~Mt. Rubidoux District
2nd Place: Ben R. ~Mt. Rubidoux District
1st Place: Andrew K. ~5 Nations District
5th Place: David S. ~5 Nations District
4th Place: Wyatt P. ~Tahquitz District
3rd Place: Henry R. ~5 Nations District
2nd Place: Hayden C. ~Tahquitz District
1st Place: Lexander L. ~Mt. Rubidoux District

Don & Laurie C. ~ Cub Archery Co-Chairs



Cub Archery~October 2016


We had our second Cub Archery day on Saturday, Oct. 29th. Our 3rd group of Cubbies and our 1st group of Webelos had their sessions. We were anticipating a cool, cloudy day with a chance of a rain shower, but instead it was sunny and warm again. All of the boys were well behaved, and we handed out a lot of bullseye patches - 6 in our Cub Scout session, and 3 in our Webelos session!

Congratulations to our top shooters for Oct. 29th!

A.M. Session:

P.M. Session:

5th Place: James A.~Arrowhead District
4th Place: Ryan M.~Tahquitz District
3rd Place: Isaiah B.~Arrowhead District
2nd Place: Damian M.~Arrowhead District
1st Place: Noah S.~Arrowhead District

5th Place: Nikoli H.~Tahquitz District
4th Place: Lucas F.~Temescal District
3rd Place: Vincent P.~Tahquitz District
2nd Place: Daniel S.~5 Nations District
1st Place: Landen L.~Temescal District

Don & Laurie C. ~ Cub Archery Co-Chairs



Cub Archery~ November 2016


Our 3rd Cub Archery shoot was held this past Saturday, November 12th. The weather was warm but not hot. Thankfully there was no wind. Don was gone with the troop to the Grand Canyon, so I would like to give a shout out to Jose A. and Sandy B. from Sunrise District and to Heather C. from 5 Nations for giving me a hand so we could have a successful event. 

Don and I are looking forward to the Shoot Off next Saturday, November 19th!

Congratulations to our top shooters!

A.M. Session: P.M. Session:

5th Place: Aaron J.~Tahquitz District
4th Place: Aiden O.~Mt. Rubidoux District 
3rd Place: Vincent G.~Grayback District
2nd Place: Giovanni S.~5 Nations District
1st Place: Lucas R.~5 Nations District

5th Place: Zeo Y.~Temescal District
4th Place: Ethan B.~5 Nations District
3rd Place: Elijah L.~Old Baldy District
2nd Place: Aiden B.~5 Nations District
1st Place: Jayden B.~Temescal District

Don & Laurie C. ~ Cub Archery Co-Chairs



Cub Archery 2016


On Saturday, Nov. 19th, we held our Cub Archery Shoot Off. The weather was beautiful! It was clear and cool with a slight breeze. A shout out to Jose & Frenchie A. from Sunrise District for coming to help us with the shoot!

We had another great season this year, and the scouts were all wonderful! Don and I would like to thank all of the scouts who have made our job so fulfilling and so much fun over the last 12 years. We have thoroughly enjoyed working with the Cub Scouts over the years in the Cub Archery program, and it is bittersweet for us to be stepping down. Best wishes and every success to those who will follow in our footsteps. We have gained so much more than we have given! 

Our top shooters for CIEC are:


3rd Place: Henry R.~5 Nations District
2nd Place: Andrew K.~5 Nations District
1st Place: Travis J.~Tahquitz District

3rd Place: Giovanni S.~5 Nations District
2nd Place: Vincent G.~Greyback District
1st Place: Aiden O.~Mt. Rubidoux District

Don & Laurie C. ~ Cub Archery Co-Chairs



2016 FOS Update


2016 Friends of Scouting Campaign - November progress report
11/18/2016 2016 Goal  2016 Pledged (Year To Date) % of  Goal Cash Paid (Year to Date)  % of Pledges Paid 11/18/2015 Pledged
Grayback $118,000 $120,234 101.9% $115,596 96.1% $104,790
Five Nations $18,000 $18,261 101.5% $16,691 91.4% $16,272
Tahquitz $157,000 $152,959 97.4% $144,249 94.3% $159,948
Mt. Rubidoux $125,000 $120,921 96.7% $113,583 93.9% $116,267
High Desert $96,000 $89,646 93.4% $80,753 90.1% $84,140
Three Peaks $31,400 $28,308 90.2% $27,224 96.2% $24,965
Arrowhead $55,000 $46,232 84.1% $43,315 93.7% $46,975
Sunrise $53,000 $43,254 81.6% $40,632 93.9% $36,549
Temescal $102,000 $78,180 76.6% $74,329 95.1% $69,832
Old Baldy $103,000 $78,031 75.8% $63,043 80.8% $79,606
Totals $858,400 $776,026 90.4% $719,415 92.7% $739,344


Cartoon Corner



Thoughts from the Scout Executive:



Positive Prayer and Quote

Thanksgiving Day is one of my favorite holidays. Well, actually, I have never met a holiday I didn’t like! But think about it, a whole day to give thanks for God, Family, Country and all my friends and fellow Scouts and Scouters. A whole day to remember all those who serve our country and our communities. A whole day to be one with those are hungry and homeless. A whole day to comfort those who mourn, who are in despair.

Lord, be with me each and every day and help me give thanks to you every day! Help me remember well my family, friends and my Country. Help me salute all the men and women in our Armed Forces, Law Enforcement and Fire. Help me feed the hungry and take care of the homeless. Be with me to comfort those who mourn and are in despair.

A very Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow and all days, every day!

Joe Daniszewski~ Scout Executive


Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.

~Harriet Tubman Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO
California Inland Empire Council

California Inland Empire Council, BSA
PO Box 8910
1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374
909.793.2463, Ext. 120
877.732.1450 FREE
909.793.0306 Fax


Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: for Monday Memo Archives Click Here


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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

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