November 28th, 2016


Featured Stories


Join Us @ Ontario Reign

2017 Nominating Committee & Council Annual Business Meeting Announcement 

Sell Popcorn Online...Win a XBOX ONE S

Early Bird Insurance Fees Due...December 1st

Recruit a Friend

Giving Tuesday

Support Scouting When You Shop With Amazon!









2017 FOS Kick-Off!


Dear Scouters:

Thank you for your help and support with our 2016 Friends of Scouting Campaign.  As of today we are at 90.3% of our goal and the work continues...

Council & District Key Three, FOS Chairs, Family FOS Chairs, Community FOS Chairs, and FOS Presenters: 

We are gearing up for a great 2017 Friends of Scouting Kickoff and invite you to a reception prior to our Council Coordinated Meeting being held on Wednesday, November 30 at 6:15 PM at the Jack Dembo Scout Center. 

We are ALSO looking for "Champions of Scouting" to assist with future fundraising events or 5 family unit Friends of Scouting presentations in the early spring of 2017.  Scouting changes lives...   We know it works....  This is your opportunity to give back and share your story.    Please RSVP below and be a part of this great kickoff and festivities.

We will be demonstrating how easy it is to do a presentation and provide you with all of the tools you need.  As an FOS presenter, you will receive  a very exclusive Friends of Scouting Presenter's Patch that you can wear with pride knowing that you are making a big difference.

Please RSVP to Soul Ruiz by Monday, November 28, 2016 by calling (909) 793-2463 x138 or via email at:

Look forward to seeing you there!



Memorial & Tribute Gifts


Your gift to the Memorial and Tribute Fund is a way for you to recognize a special occasion and/or person. It can be a job promotion, presentation of the Eagle Scout Award or the Adult Volunteer Leader Scouting Awards, a birthday or anniversary, a Bar Mitzvah or Confirmation, or to honor the memory of a friend or family member.

Upon receipt of your gift, you will receive an acknowledgement card for tax purposes. The person or family receives a card in your name from the California Inland Empire Council, BSA with no amount mentioned. In addition the memorial or tribute will appear as part of the Monday Memo on the council’s website.

To make a contribution to the California Inland Empire Council Memorial and Tribute Fund, fill out the gift form, and mail the form to California Inland Empire Council, BSA, PO BOX 8910, Redlands, CA 92375-2110. If you have any questions you may contact Joe Daniszewski, Scout Executive at 909-793-2463 ext. 120 or e-mail: joseph.daniszewski@scouting.orgClick Here for Tribute Form

In memory of the victims of the San Bernardino Shooting
California Inland Empire Council



Scout Shop Holiday Savings!


We’re having our big promo on our Thorlo socks. It’s that time of year again, purchase 2 or more and receive 25% off. Having said that, we noted Tech socks are recommended  to take to the National Jamboree. What other great Tech socks are out there? These are one of the best tech socks. You know why, because they have the extra moisture wicking material that keep your feet dry, the Thor.Lon that keep the durability of the sock, added padding engineered to reduce blisters and pressure, and great ventilation to control moisture and breathability. Let’s get the Jamboree team going out there prepared. How many would you like to purchase right now that this deal is going on?


Join Us @ Ontario Reign


Click here for flyer 


2017 Nominating Committee & Council Annual Business Meeting Announcement 


Stan Morrison and Jim Prior have been appointed as Co-Chairmen for the Nominating Committee for 2017.

The committee consists of: President Michael Strong, Patrick Singer, Bud Luppino and Joe Daniszewski

Any recommendations for prospective Executive Board members should be forwarded to:

California Inland Empire Council – Nominating Committee
PO Box 8910
Redlands, CA 92375-2110
Attn: Nominating Committee or email:

Suggested nominees are to be considered if they are received in writing no less than 30 days prior to the annual business meeting- December 19th, 2016. 

The Annual Meeting will be Thursday, January 19th, 2017, at 6:30 PM, at the Jack Dembo Scout Center-1230 Indiana Ct. Redlands, CA 92375.


Giving Tuesday



Early Bird Insurance Fees Due...December 1st


A note to all those units who participate in the Council’s Accident & Sickness Insurance program…….The low cost of $4.00 per participant will expire at the close of business on Thursday, December 1st.

Beginning Friday, December 2nd the cost will be $5.00 per youth and adult member.

Take advantage of the lower rate….. your coverage will be in effect and you will have saved $1.00 per person!!

If you have any questions, please contact Veronica Whitman at 909-793-2463, ext. 116 or email

More information about the BSA's insurance information can be found on our Council's website. Learn More



Holiday Hours


Our Scout Shop located at 1230 Indiana Ct. Redlands, CA will be CLOSED on:

December 24th 
December 26th 
January 2nd, 2017

The Scout shop will also be closing early on Saturday, December 10th for Inventory. 

Volunteer Services @ Jack Dembo Scout Center will be CLOSED on:

Friday, December 23rd
Monday, December 26th 
Monday, January 2nd, 2017

Old Baldy Volunteer Services will be closed on:

Friday, December 23rd



78th Annual Lincoln Pilgrimage


Click here for flyer


Recruit a Friend


Click here for flyer


Greetings Scouts & Scouters!


My name is Kenneth “Baloo” Hahn, the new Camp Director at Boseker Scout Reservation the home of Camp Wiley and Camp Emerson.  I live in the city of Whittier about 13 miles from the city of Los Angeles where I work in the Whittier City School District.  I have my Bachelor’s Degree in History from California State University, Fullerton. 

I’ve spent my youth and a good portion of my adult life as a Scout and a Scouter with the Greater Los Angeles Area Council.  I earned the rank of Eagle Scout and am a Vigil Honor Member in the Order of the Arrow.  As an Adult Leader I have served as a Crew Advisor for 8 years with Crew 2002 and I have also served as the Chapter Advisor for the Wiyot Chapter from the Tuku’ut Lodge for three years before sliding over to serve as the Deputy Advisor of the Chapter. I have also been to National Jamboree twice; once as a youth and as an adult leader, which gave me some of the greatest Scouting Experiences of my life!

My real passion has been camping though!  I’ve spent 20 years working at numerous camps in California.  My longest stint was at the Forest Lawn Scout Reservation located 6 miles from Lake Arrowhead for a grand total of 19 years. A part of my time at FLSR was in the Cub Scout camp as a Commissioner and Program Director.  Also, during my time there I was the High Adventure Camp Director, and my focus was the C.O.P.E. Course, Climbing Wall, Horse Corral, and the Outposts. I’ve also served as the Winter Camp Director during some of the cold Winter Camp weekends at FLSR.   Last summer I was the Camp Director at the Cutter Scout Reservation in Northern California ran by the Pacific Skyline Council.  I’ve also worked at the Firestone Scout Reservation for a few years on the weekends.  

The summer of 2017 is going to be an exciting time for old timers and newcomers at Boseker Scout Reservation.  The staff and I are working at bringing new and exciting changes to the camp that will be unveiled soon.  I’m looking forward to meeting all of you this summer at Boseker Scout Reservation and helping to honor the nearly 100 years that the property has been in continuous operation. If you are interested in being on Summer Camp Staff for 2017 please see our website for an application or contact myself, or Tucker Adams. We are looking for individuals that want to make a positive impact on the Scouting Program. If you are interested in coming to camp and are excited to hear about the new and exciting changes, STAKE YOUR CLAIM TODAY! Call the Jack Dembo Scout Service Center today to reserve your spot!


Sell Popcorn Online...Win a XBOX ONE S


Calling ALL Inland Empire Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venturers and Explorers!

Did you know that you can earn BONUS rewards from the California Inland Empire Council when you sell online?

Enter to Win an XBox One S Console!
For every online sale you make during Tuesday, November 15 - Friday, December 16th you will receive an entry to win an XBox One S Console. The more sales you make, the more entries you will receive.

Earn a Walmart Gift Card!

For every three online sales you make during Tuesday, November 15th - Friday, December 16th you will receive a $5 Walmart Gift Card!


Scouts: Click here to register or login.

Ricci Dula
Popcorn Staff Advisor
California Inland Empire Council, BSA  



Woodbadge Reunion


On Saturday, Nov. 19th, 86 Woodbadgers came together in Redlands to have a Reunion. There was good food, laughter, reminiscing, videos, 2 Regalia presentations, and of course, singing. We held a silent auction to benefit 2017 Woodbadge camperships, and it was a great success. 

I would like to thank the participants at the dinner for bringing a ton of wonderful auction items, as well as the many local businesses who donated items for the auction: Home Depot, Olive Garden, Brunswick Bowl, Starbucks, Polly's Pies, Castle Park, Fiesta Village, Splash Kingdom, and Morongo Golf Resort. A good time was had by all!!

Laurie Curtis



Jamboree Newsletter-3rd Edition 





Open Camp Program Director Position 


California Inland Empire Council is looking for a Program Director for the 2017 Camp Season! We are looking for high quality candidates that can show us that Scout Camp Spirit. Please see the description below as to some of the requirements of being the Program Director for Camp Emerson & Camp Wiley.

The Program Director reports to the Camp Director for the coordination and operation of program areas in accordance with the policies and standards of the Boy Scouts of America and the California Inland Empire Council. The Program Director should have an ability to get along with others, be able to delegate and coordinate program duties, have a good knowledge of all Camp programs, and should possess a strong Boy Scouting background.  The Program Director should also possess originality, creativity, an open mind, and should be an enthusiastic camper. Candidates need to be at least 21 years old to apply and have a National Camping School Certificate or have the ability to obtain one.

Sound like you? Have the time to take on this task between June 19th and August 4th? Love Scouting and love promoting year round? Please send a completed Camp Staff Application and Resume to Tucker Adams.

Thank you!



District Awards Dinner-Mt. Rubidoux & 5 Nations


Please join us as we honor our outstanding Scouters from Mt. Rubidoux/5 Nations on Friday, January 27th, 2017 at our annual District Awards Dinner. Enjoy a delicious dinner, fun and fellowship at our "Night at the Movies" themed event! Yes, you can arrive dressed to the nines in your favorite formal wear, dress as your favorite movie character, or simply come in your uniform. Either way, we want to see you at this fun event! (Word on the street is we will be feasting on "Mann's Chinese" food and each person in attendance will be taking home their own personal "statuette" just for attending! Please purchase your tickets now (flyer), contact Michael Hare to donate items to our silent auction and we will see you on the red carpet! If you have questions, please contact event chair by email Diane Skiff or phone at (949) 836-3533. 


Support Scouting When You Shop With Amazon!


You can now support the California Inland Empire Council simply by buying things from It's very simple. All you need to do is click the image above or the link below when you do your shopping. 

Support the California Inland Empire Council by Shopping on Amazon Smile

That's all there is to it. Please bookmark this page so you can return to it when you're ready to do more shopping. As long as you get to through these links the California Inland Empire Council will recieve a portion of what you buy.


Cartoon Corner



Thoughts from the Scout Executive:



Positive Prayer and Quote

Dear Father,

When worry and fear lurk in my heart, teach me to praise you for your promises. Thank you for being the One in control; I know there is nothing to fear. Thank you for sending your angels to guard us here; I believe you love and protect like no other. Thank you for your secure hand and defending presence in the past; I praise you for continuing to hold the future. May I continue to reflect on your glory, My Defender.



"Our greatest happiness in life does not depend on the condition of life in which chance has placed us, but is always the result of good conscience, good health, occupation, and freedom in all just pursuits."

- Thomas Jefferson (1743 - 1826)~Third President of the United States Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO
California Inland Empire Council

California Inland Empire Council, BSA
PO Box 8910
1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374
909.793.2463, Ext. 120
877.732.1450 FREE
909.793.0306 Fax


Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: for Monday Memo Archives Click Here


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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045