February 1st, 2016



Featured Stories


Announcing the New & Improved 2016 Camp Card Campaign!

University of Scouting

2016 Boy Scouts of America 8th Annual Golf Classic

Eagle Scout to Build Outdoor MVHS Fitness Training Area


New Date for Annual Meeting & 2016 Nominating Committee Announcement


Stan Morrison, Vice President of Membership/Relationships and Jim Prior, Vice President of Properties, have been appointed as Co-Chairmen for the Nominating Committee for 2016.

The committee consists of: Stan Morrison, Jim Prior, Kasey Haws, Michael Strong, Paul Foster Patrick Singer and Joe Daniszewski

Any recommendations for prospective Executive Board members should be forwarded to:

California Inland Empire Council – Nominating Committee
PO Box 8910
Redlands, CA 92375-2110
Attn: Nominating Committee or email: ciecinfo@scouting.org.

The Annual Meeting will be Wednesday, March 16, 2016, at 6:30 PM, at the Jack Dembo Scout Center-1230 Indiana Ct. Redlands, CA 92375.



Attention CIEC Cub Scout Packs!


The Council has produced some really terrific placemats this year and we'd like to offer everyone the opportunity to get these for their upcoming Blue and Gold Pack celebrations.  They are free of charge, on a first come first served basis, so get those orders in soon!  For those able to get their order in by February 4th we can have your placemats available for pick up the week of February 8th.  Later orders can be received and available for pick up in approximately five business day intervals. Click Here to order Online

Contact Veronica Whitman with any questions, veronica.whitman@scouting.org (909) 793-2463 x116

Michael R. McCarty, Camping Specialist



Announcing the New & Improved 2016 Camp Card Campaign!


Camp Cards are a discount card for vendors’ products or services.
They are specific to your city with the discounts listed on each card.
Each unit can order cards for any city so if family/friends live in another town, you can sell them a card for their location.
This is the quickest and easiest way to raise funds for your Scouts’ needs.

Each card sells for $10.00.
The unit gets $ 4.50 from each sale with the balance going to the producer of the cards and to council.
That means if a Scout sells 20 cards, $90 stays with the unit.
These cards are annual discounts and are good for the whole year.

These cards can be ordered/requested starting NOW with your unit receiving them by March 1st.  Anticipate the number of cards wanted and place your order.

A $50 deposit is required at time of order and will be applied against your total order.  All money is to be turned in by May 31st. Unsold cards are to be returned at this time though the unit may purchase the cards and continue to sell during the year.



World Friendship Fund 


It's time for our 2016 Scout Shop World Friendship Fund Collection Campaign February 1 - 15, 2016. You can help fund Scouting adventures around the world. All donations are tax deductible. Visit the Old Baldy Scout Shop in Montclair or the Jack Dembo Scout Shop in Redlands and donate today!

Around the world, the World Friendship Fund donations have supported:

 * Building and rehabilitation of Scout Camps
 * Earthquake and tsunami relief
 * Funding for sanitation and transportation needs
 * Ecological, handbook, and uniform projects
 * And soo much more



I Love Scouting Event


The Old Baldy Scout Shop cordially invites you to our "I Love Scouting Event".

This is a craft event for all Scouts and Scouters alike. Bring a photo of yourself doing your favorite Scouting activity to construct your mobile. It’s also BSA and Maxine’s birthdays so we’ll serve cupcakes! Please RSVP so we will know how many cupcakes to buy.

February 6th
9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

4650 Arrow Highway , B-1, Montclair, CA 91763.

For more info please contact us 909-625-4534 Ex. 1 or e-mail to: oldbaldyscoutshop@scouting.org or see us on Facebook



C.I.E.C. Annual Volunteer Recognition Dinner



Congratulations to the following Scouting volunteers who have been selected to receive the California Empire Council's highest honor, the Silver Beaver Award.

They will be honored at the Council's Annual Volunteer Recognition Dinner on February 6, 2016. The dinner will be held at the Moreno Valley Conference and Recreation Center. You're invited to attend and help recognize these and other deserving Scouting volunteers. CLICK HERE to Register Online

Name District Name District Name  District
Steve Bartel II Arrowhead Stu Muller Mt. Rubidoux Julie Stevens Tahquitz
Ken Campbell Mt. Rubidoux Robert Pitchford Sunrise Vaughn Thomas High Desert
Todd Elkins Three Peaks Rick Poplin Tahquitz Carlos Traconis Tahquitz
David Faylor High Desert Billy Rosenberg High Desert Debb Walker Mt. Rubidoux
Kyle Gonering Arrowhead Michael Sanford Sunrise Kit Wilson Mt. Rubidoux
Michael Hare Mt. Rubidoux Owen Spencer High Desert



USA Archery Level 1 Instructor Course


Where: Cherry Valley Bowhunters Archery Club – Indoor Archery Range, 9610 Kehl Canyon Rd, Cherry Valley, Ca 92223 www.cherryvalleybowhunters.com

Dates: Saturday February 6th, 2016 OR Sunday February 7th, 2016. Choose which best suits your schedule.

Time: 8 AM to 4 PM

Requirements: Minimum Age: 15 (at the time of the course). Include your name, contact PH# & Email. Bring with you to class a printed and signed CVBH Archery Club Waiver and Release of Liability form: http://www.cherryvalleybowhunters.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/release-form.pdf

Cost: $60. Class size limited to just 12 students per course. Classes fill quickly so sign up early. No walk-ins. Registration fees are non-refundable and non-cancellable. In the event of your absence, you may send a qualified individual in lieu of your attendance. All correspondence of funds must be received prior to Wednesday, February 3 rd , 2016. An E-Mail will be sent to you to confirm your status of enrollment in the course of your selection. CLICK HERE for Additional Information



Scout Sunday, February 7th - Call to Worship


  1. Praise the Lord! O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever! (Psalm 106:1)
  2. The Lord is near to all who call upon him, to all who call upon him in truth. (Psalm 145:18)
  3. But they who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. (Isaiah 40:31)
  4. God calls us together to worship this morning. From our work and play within the world, God gathers us to give thanks for creation's goodness, for the strength to labor, for the wisdom to relax.

From amidst our friends and family, God brings us here to participate in a community of faith, Christ's people, a new family. From everyday conversations, talks, and chatter, God invites us to engage one another in dialogue, to speak in truth from the depths of heart and mind, to pray freely. Let us heed God's call and rejoice in what God enables. Let us pray together.



University of Scouting


I hope everyone reading this is planning on attending the University of Scouting on Feb 27th, 2016 at Immanuel Baptist Church in Highland. We have a big day planned for all of you. No matter if you are a Cub Scout leader, Boy Scout leader, Venture leader or Varsity leader there will be classes for you! In the College of General Studies Section alone you can find out about:

  • Religious Emblem: what they are and how to earn them
  • Scouts with Disabilities: how to adapt your program to the different needs of the youth.
  • Leader Recognition – How to say thank you in so many different ways
  • Interfaith Worship – simple ceremonies that show the diversity of Duty to God
  • Flag Etiquette – Do’s and don’ts of honoring our Flag
  • Stem/Nova Award – The math and Science awards and how to use them in your unit
  • Bullying – Don’t let this behavior into your unit
  • Outdoor Cooking – Dutch ovens, box ovens, how many ways to cook food out of doors
  • Scouts and Shooting Sports – the do’s and don’ts in Scouting
  • International Scouting – Become aware of the world of Scouting and what it offers
  • Camp-master Training – If you love Camp Emerson, this class is for you.
  • Order of The Arrow – What it is and what it does in Scouting.

So, pick your classes from the College of Cub Scouting, College of Boy Scouting, College of Venturing, College of Varsity, College of Outdoor Ethics and the College of Commissioners. Register online by CLICKING HERE

I am looking forward to seeing all of you on the 27th of February.

Linda Settember, Dean, College of General Studies



2016 Eagle Scout Recognition Dinner & NESA Awards


California Inland Empire Council 2016 Eagle Scout Recognition Dinner & NESA Awards

March 12th, 2016

To celebrate and honor the accomplishments of the current Class of Eagle Scouts, the California Inland Empire Council is hosting the 2016 Eagle Scout Recognition Dinner & NESA Awards on Saturday, March 12th, 2016, at 7:00pm at the March Field Air Museum in Riverside. This year, the event is not only reaching out to the current class of new Eagle Scouts, but to Eagle Scouts of all ages.

New Eagle Scouts – Class of 2015: (January 2015 – December 2015)

Congratulations on attaining the highest rank in Scouting.

This is a FREE event for the 2015 Class of Eagle Scouts.

Eagle Scout Alumni:
If you are already an Eagle Scout, you should know what a difference achieving this goal can make in a young Scout’s life. Please join us to celebrate the accomplishments of this new Class of Eagles as well as an opportunity to socialize with other Eagle Scout Alumni in our council.

Sponsor a new Eagle Scout or Purchase a Nest:
Want to sponsor and Eagle Scout or purchase a table. See Attached Flyer.

If you have any questions, please contact Matt Brandt at (951)992-9438 or email at mkb969@verizon.net




USA Archery Coach Course Level 2


Level 2 (Intermediate):

March 12 and 13, Saturday 8am-6pm, Sunday 1 pm-6 pm

Applicants MUST have a current Level 1 (Basic) Certification

Cost: $75 for materials and facility, + $17.50 for background check, + membership in either USAA or NFAA. $30 Discount available to BSA, GSA, and 4H leaders. SafeSport certification also required. Minimum age: 18

Level 1 is for teachers of beginners, and for people who are on duty at a range but not necessarily "in charge" of the whole program. No prior experience necessary for this level. Get some lessons if you are self-taught, to correct any bad habits, and shoot regularly if you can.

Level 2 is for teachers of intermediate archers, and for people in charge of a program. It is also for people teaching and monitoring Level 1 instructors. It assumes some experience. It covers program and equipment maintenance, the NTS (National Training System), and biomechanics. It can be overwhelming unless you have prior experience. Get some lessons if you are self-taught, to correct any bad habits, and shoot regularly if you can.

Contact Carolyn Morehouse (Level 3-NTS and PSE-Certified Instructor) to register or for more information:

Cell: 909-649-4659, email: morehice@hotmail.com also see http://www.usarchery.org/

For directions to the club: www.cherryvalleybowhunters.com

Mail registrations with $30 non-refundable deposit to: Carolyn Morehouse, 813 Clifton Ave, Redlands, CA 92373



Primitive Camping & Good Turn Weekend


Service to Camp Helendade is open to all Friends of Helendade, Scouts, Troops, Teams and Crews

There are many work projects that need to be done. Letters will be given to youth who need service hours for school, church, or rank advancement.

COME PREPARED TO WORK: Bring gloves and wear old clothes! Projects will vary based on weather and available resources. If you have a special skill or tool that would be helpful at camp, please let us know.

BRING your own Food and Water: All trash must be taken with you when you leave. A Porta-potty is on site.

Click on the 2016 DATES to Register online: Feb. 13,  Mar. 12,  Apr. 9,  May 14,  Jun. 11,  Jul. 9,  Aug. 13,  Sep. 10,  Oct. 8,  Nov. 12,  Dec. 10

Please plan to arrive by 9:00 A.M. on Saturday.

CAMPING COST: $5 per person to camp ONLY (FREE if working on Saturday).


QUESTIONS? Contact Cynthia Blessum, Camping and Outdoor Program Chair, at blessumcr@pacbell.net or 714.612.1662

Work days may be canceled due to inclement weather – please call for status prior to your scheduled weekend.

CLICK HERE for Registration Form



2016 Boy Scouts of America 8th Annual Golf Classic


Drive a Scout to Camp! Come play and help Scouting continue its great tradition of service to the youth of our community.

Monday, June 13, 2016,Western Hills Country Club Chino Hills, California

7:00 am– 8:00 a.m. Registration & Continental Breakfast
8:30 am - Shotgun Start – Best Ball Tournament (At the 19th Hole a Putting Contest)
1:30 pm - Cash Bar, BigWestern Style BBQ Lunch, Opportunity Drawings & Silent Auction

Your $600 Foursome entry fee includes:

Four member team, 18 Holes of Country Club Golf, Cart & Gift Bag, Continental Breakfast, Big Western Style BBQ Lunch, Contest, Prizes and more.

Individual Player $150, 18 Holes of Country Club Golf, Continental Breakfast, Big Western Style BBQ Lunch, Contest, Prizes and more.

REGISTER TODAY! For More Information – George Anasis, 909-573-4221 ganasis@aol.com or CLICK HERE for Registration Form



2017 National Scout Jamboree




Announcing the New Cub Scouts Shooting Sports Awards


Ready … Aim … Fire! Announcing the New Cub Scouts Shooting Sports Awards

Take aim at fun and excitement in your council with the new Cub Scouts Shooting Sports Awards. The awards, which are available for immediate use, will be offered in three disciplines: BBs, Archery and Slingshots. Councils may choose to offer one or more of the disciplines. Insignia will arrive in national Scout Shops (and is available for wholesale customers) this month.

With rank-specific requirements and insignia, there is incentive for boys to earn the awards year after year at camp. The requirements are attached for your reference. A communications plan will begin this week to launch the program, but please feel free to share the requirements with your staff and volunteers.

Consistently, our youth members list shooting sports as one of their most-desired outdoor activities. With these new Cub Scouting Awards, you’ll hit the bullseye with fun!



Eagle Scout to Build Outdoor MVHS Fitness Training Area


Triston Muzic, 16, of Murrieta, is currently working to obtain the rank of Eagle Scout. Courtesy photoAt just 16-years-old, Triston Muzic has already been involved in scouting for more than 10 years. He is currently working toward obtaining the position of Eagle Scout – the highest rank a scout can achieve. In addition to his passion for scouting, Muzic, who is a junior at Murrieta Valley High School, is also a member of his high school’s Marine Corps JROTC program.

Always resourceful and willing to multitask, in planning his Eagle Scout project, Muzic chose a project that could not only satisfy his love for scouting but his pride for the JROTC and the military as well. He chose a two-part project, deciding to build an outdoor physical fitness training area for his school’s JROTC program as well as a memorial for two Murrieta Valley High School Alumni who were killed in Afghanistan.

Muzic has already started obtaining the necessary supplies and begun building everything necessary for the fitness training area. The JROTC project will include exercise stations with pull-up bars, dip bars, concrete steps for running up and down, a grassy turf area for ground-based exercises and a 40-foot storage container to hold and secure JROTC equipment. Read More.....



Temecula Student Earns Prestigious Eagle Scout Award!


TEMECULA – Tyler Waterman, a 10th-grade student at Temecula Preparatory School, recently achieved the rank of Eagle Scout, the highest rank in Boy Scouts. This accomplishment represents over five years of dedication and commitment to Boy Scouts.

Waterman is a member of Troop 337 of Temecula/Murrieta, under the leadership of Scoutmaster Brian Crain.

During the process of satisfying the requirements for the Eagle rank, Tyler performed extensive community service, provided leadership within his troop, earned 39 Merit Badges, and logged 154 nights of camping, including a recent 2 week backpacking trek at Philmont High Adventure Base in Cimarron, New Mexico. Read More.....



Order of the Arrow Lodge Banquet


OA Lodge Banquet at Evergreen Masonic Lodge on January 23, 2016.  A-tsa Chapter with Alex Call, National OA Lodge Chief.

(Pictured R-L) Jonathan Stanley, Bob Stanley (A-tsa Chapter Adviser), Jarod Quinn, (Lodge Treasurer), Andrew Fellows, Alex Call (National OA Lodge Chief), Sean Sedey, (Cahuilla Lodge Chief), Josh Hermann, (A-tsa Chapter Chief), Carolyn Stanley,(Associate Adviser), Lorrie Hermann, (Associate Adviser), Ken Foutz, and Christina Quinn.



BSA International Department Winter Newsletter



Happy New Year! Please find the International Department Winter Newsletter attached.

To learn more about the International Department, visit http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/International.aspx.

Thank you.



Fund a Need


Boseker Scout Reservation (BSR)  
 1. Shade shelters (Need 3)  $     200.00
 2. Blue & Gold placemats with camp advertising  $     600.00
 3. Set of 3 - low flow showerhead timers (Need 12 sets)  $     345.00
 4. Gas powered air compressor  $     899.00
 5. Polaris 825 - robotic pool cleaner  $  1,068.00
 6. Electric ligh on/off sensors  $     249.00
 7. 10 large waste dump runs ($100 ea)  $  1,000.00
 8. Walk in refrigerator - new compressor, new dual pressure
     control & replacement of high side and low side dryer.
 $     605.00
 9. 7 Light motion sensor switches ($20 ea.)  $     140.00
Program Service Needs  
10. Scouting Promotions yard signs  $     700.00
11. 5 Cub Scout Day Camp School participants (cost per participant)  $     305.00
12. 2 BSA Camp School participants for Camp Emerson
     (cost per participant)
 $     972.00
Information Technology Needs  
13. Jack Dembo Scout Center L-power supply for phone system  $  1,000.00
Capital Improvements  
14. Safety fence around BB & rifle range entrance Labor and materials  $  2,500.00
15. Replacement of 2 vandalized air conditioners  $15,865.00



Klondike Availability


Session Capacity Youth Adults TTl Available
# 1 Jan 8-10 160 37 10 47 113
# 2 Feb. 5-7 160 101 25 126 34
# 3 Mar 4-6 160 48 12 60 100
# 4 March 18-19 160 0 0 0 160
Total   186 47 233  



Polar Cub Camp Availability


Session Capacitive Youth Adults Spots Avail.
# 1 Jan. 15-17 160 68 74 18
# 2 Jan. 22-24 160 83 78 -1
# 3 Jan. 29-31 160 82 73 5
# 4 Feb. 19-21 160 78 70 12
# 5 Feb. 26-29 160 69 63 28
# 6 March 11-13 160 19 18 123
# 7        
Grand Total   399 376



Camp Wiley Availability


Camp Wiley Week 1   Week 2   Week 3
Campsite Pack # Youth Adult Pack # Youth Adult Pack # Youth Adult
Bridger   20             TQ 614 10 10
Cahuilla Flats   50             3P 374 20 20
Coil   * 30       TM 214 15 15 SU 205 4 3
Daniel Boone   20             MR 116 3 3
Freemont   20             TQ 614 10 10
Goldware   * 14 TQ 346 8 8 GB 16 2 2 TM 883 7 5
  FULL           FULL    
Harris   *30 TQ 384 10 10 AH 247 12 12 HD 169 1 1
              SU 377 6 4
Hayes   20                  
Lewis & Clark   10             TQ 614 5 5
Mellor   *40       TQ 332 10 9 SU 377 20 20
Swartzel   * 20       TM 214 8 7 MR 703 7 4
    Youth Adults   Youth Adults   Youth Adults
    18 18   47 45   83 75
Grand Total Youth 148   Adults 138  



Camp Emerson Availability


Camp Emerson Week 1   Week  2   Week  3
Campsite Tr # Youth Adult Tr # Youth Adult Tr # Youth Adult
Big Oak (50) 3P Tr108 15 2            
Bridger (20) MR Tr433 7 2       LV Tr947 10 2
Cahuilla Flats (50) MR Tr0106 4 2            
  SU Tr0105 6 2            
Coil  (30) * Chino Stake 25 5 SU Tr0262 14 3 AH Tr6650 5 2
        OB Tr311 5 2 GB Tr31 10 2
              Tr0227 5 2
Dan Boone  (20) GB Tr0117 8 2            
Firestone  (25)                  
Freemont  (20) TQ Tr0324 10 2            
Goldware (14) * SU Tr0180 11 2 GB Tr0044 10 2 GB Tr0231 10 2
Harris (30) * Chino Stake 25 5 GB Tr0035 12 2 HD Tr0256 11 2
              HD Tr0365 12 2
Hayes (20) TM Tr0599 5 2       MR Tr0002 15 2
Lewis & Clark (10) HD Tr0356 7 2            
Mellor (40) * AH Tr0010 5 2 HD Tr0257 6 2 MR Tr0116 7 5
  HD Tr 0856 5 2 HD Tr0574 5 2 HD Tr0456 6 2
  TM Tr 0033 13 2 GB Tr0015 10 2 TM Tr0899 11 2
  HD Tr0156 7 2            
Swartzel (20) MR Tr0186 12 2       HD TR0470 10 2
  TM Tr 0033 4 2            
Brown Sea       GB Tr 3 2        
        5N Tr495 1        
Capacity 255/ wk   Youth Adult   Youth Adult   Youth Adult
    169 40   65 15   112 27
GRAND TOTAL Youth 346   Adults 82   Units 41  



Friends Of Scouting Report


01/31/2016 2016 Goal 2015 Pledged (Year To Date) % of  Goal Cash Paid (Year to Date) # of Donors Donors Asked  % of Donors Asked
Mt. Rubidoux $125,000 $24,249 19.4% $8,690 1,038 81 7.8%
Old Baldy $103,000 $15,270 14.8% $1,781 1,009 36 3.6%
Temescal $102,000 $10,225 10.0% $2,706 1,139 13 1.1%
5 Nations $18,000 $1,500 8.3% $50 183 2 1.1%
Tahquitz $157,000 $11,954 7.6% $6,281 1,511 64 4.2%
Grayback $118,000 $8,410 7.1% $1,256 704 14 2.0%
High Desert $96,000 $6,467 6.7% $1,925 847 22 2.6%
Sunrise $53,000 $3,380 6.4% $3,300 493 14 2.8%
Arrowhead $55,000 $1,019 1.9% $312 642 11 1.7%
3 Peaks $31,400 $70 0.2% $6 434 1 0.2%
  $858,400 $82,544 9.6% $26,307 8,000 258 3.2%


60’s Cartoon Corner



Thoughts from the Scout Executive:




Positive Quote & Prayer

“A boy carries out suggestions more wholeheartedly when he understands their aim.”

    ~  Baden-Powell


Dear Father in heaven, we may come to you, for you have counted us as your children.

Our hearts long to come to you, our God and Savior. May your Word bless us and restore us. Give us courageous hearts to bear the distress of our times.

Let a light arise in our days so that people care about your will. Then the need on earth shall come to an end, your name shall be honored, and your will be done. Lord God, you alone are our help.

Be merciful to us. Stretch out your hand so that all people may turn to you and to your commandments, and your will may be done on earth.



https://bsa-ciec.doubleknot.com/orgheaders/21/joecolor.jpgJoe Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO
California Inland Empire Council

California Inland Empire Council, BSA
PO Box 8910
1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374
909.793.2463, Ext. 120
877.732.1450 FREE
909.793.0306 Fax


Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: Joseph.Daniszewski@scouting.org for Monday Memo Archives Click Here


 Webmaster • Privacy Policy  Council Refund Policy • Council Whistleblower Policy

   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045