February 22nd, 2016



Featured Stories


Arrow of Light Ceremony

Attention All Units!

Dutch Oven Cook Off at University of Scouting

Scout from Troop 444 Finishes L.A. Marathon!


Annual Volunteer Recognition Dinner


Click Here to view more Photos



2016 Picacho Trek


Crew 377 and Aca Chapter of Cahuilla Lodge hosted their annual Picacho Trek through Imperial Wildlife Refuge and Picacho SRA on Feb. 12 – 15. Five Venture Scouts and four adults set off on a Saturday morning for their 3 day adventure down the Colorado River.

On our first day we paddled 13 miles down the river to our first campsite at Carrizo Wash. Along the way we stopped to check out the old miner’s cabin near Draper Lake where popular legend tells of a man named John Draper that sold pig and burro sausages to prospectors and boatmen travelling through the area in the 1870s.

After departing Draper Lake we spotted an immature golden eagle gracefully flying above the cliffs. This was the first time many of the scouts had ever seen an eagle in the wild. Although, we were soon treated to an experience that none of us had ever seen before. When we were coming up to a turn in the river two UH-1 Hueys from the Yuma Proving Grounds came ripping down the river only 50 feet above us, almost directly above us. This sent our collective adrenaline pumping. A few of us had the foresight to wave at one of the soldiers leaning on a 50 cal while peering out the side of the helicopter. That Was Cool!

The next day we paddled only 4 miles to our next campsite at Taylor Lake, but we took most of the day to get there. We twisted and turned our boats through a reed passages to explore hidden backwater lakes, toured an old sternwheeler resupply station at Norton’s Landing, and looked at Native American petroglyphs.

On the final day we got up early so we had the time to check out other sites along the river on our way paddling 14 miles to our take out point at Fishers Landing. We stopped to explore more hidden lakes, explore an abandoned mine, and check out another old miner’s cabin. Along the way we spotted a beaver, another Golden Eagle, an osprey, and a pack of coyotes drinking water from the shorerline. The wind that day was blowing at 15mph out of the north. Many Scouts used jackets or trash bags suspended between two paddles as sails to take advantage of the wind. This was a trip that we all will be talking about for a long time to come.

Special thanks to Paula Boothe for serving as our outfitter and her great humor on the river, Debbie and Craig Hadden for shuttling Scouts and serving as our support Crew, and the Colorado River for another amazing adventure.



2016 Camp Wiley - Cub Scout Fun in the Sun!


We have an awesome way to promote a great Cub Scout Resident Camp – Our Camp Wiley:

Simply click on our link http://www.bosekerscoutreservation.org/why-come-to-camp-wiley.html

Please share this link with all our CIEC and SoCal Cub Scout Leaders.



Arrow of Light Ceremony


Cahuilla Lodge Aca Chapter performed an Arrow of Light Ceremony for Pack 205, Chartered by the United Methodist Church in Palm Springs. Following the ceremony, the former Weblos 2 Scouts crossed over to Troop 199.



Attention All Units!


Need a SPRING fundraiser to help pay for your summer program? Want to sell something with value? Sell Camp Cards! It is easier than you think and the cards sell themselves!

When: Thursday, February 25, 7-8:30 PM

Where: Bass Pro Shops,

7777 Victoria Gardens Lane, Rancho Cucamonga

Why: Learn more about the 2016 card campaign and best practices

  • Win Door Prizes!
  • Bring your $50 deposit and request your cards at the kick off!
  • All units who attend our Kick Off will be in a drawing to win an Ice Cream Social!

To RSVP, email Ricci Dula at rydula@bsamail.org



Pope Paul VI Program Updated to Support BSA's "Journey to Excellence"


The Pope Paul VI program has been updated to complement the Boy Scouts of Americas' Journey to Excellence recognition. The new emblem will have a bronze (brown) border for the bronze level, a silver border for the silver level. To be eligible a unit must be chartered to a Catholic institution. The award is for the calendar year starting in 2016.

Cooperation, development, and program are the key words in the recognition of Catholic chartered units in earning this National Catholic Quality Unit Award. The adult leadership responds to training, not only in Scouting lores, but National Catholic Leadership Development, and religious counseling. The Scouts in each Pack, Troop, Team and Crew/Ship respond by participating in the religious emblems program appropriate to their respective Scouting program.

After completing the application, the Diocesan Catholic Committee on Scouting will review all the applications in their diocese to determine if the units meet the criteria for this award. They will complete the Patch Order Form and mail it along with the applicable fee to the NCCS indicating the number of patches, banners and certificates required. The applications do not need to be forwarded when ordering the patches and certificates.

The application and recognition flyer will be available for download on the NCCS website at http://www.nccs-bsa.org/index.php under unit awards.



Dutch Oven Cook Off at University of Scouting


2016 University of Scouting Dutch Oven Cooking Competition Rules

  • Contestants must provide all equipment and food needed for making their entry.
    (i.e. Dutch oven, utensils, food, charcoal, etc.)
  • Main courses shall be judged separately from side dishes and desserts.
  • Contestants must provide a copy of recipe(s) used.
  • All cooking must be done using charcoal briquettes.
  • No pre-cooked ingredients are permissible.
  • Safe food handling practices must be followed in prep areas.
  • The recipe(s) should include all of the ingredients used with complete cooking instructions, including DutchOven size with number and placement of coals.
  • Recipe(s) must be printed and placed with the food entry.
  • Do Not Place Name On Recipe(s).
  • All entries must be prepared and cooked in designated area.
  • Entries must be submitted to the designated judging area by 12 (NOON).



Apply for the NESA Committee Grant


Apply for the NESA Committee Grant and Support Your Eagles!

Grants of at least $1,000.00 will be presented in each region to help aspiring Eagle Scouts reach their goals. Get the details on Scouting Wire and complete the application before February 28, 2016.



2016 Eagle Scout Recognition Dinner & NESA Awards


California Inland Empire Council 2016 Eagle Scout Recognition Dinner & NESA Awards

March 12th, 2016

To celebrate and honor the accomplishments of the current Class of Eagle Scouts, the California Inland Empire Council is hosting the 2016 Eagle Scout Recognition Dinner & NESA Awards on Saturday, March 12th, 2016, at 7:00pm at the March Field Air Museum in Riverside. This year, the event is not only reaching out to the current class of new Eagle Scouts, but to Eagle Scouts of all ages.

New Eagle Scouts – Class of 2015: (January 2015 – December 2015)

Congratulations on attaining the highest rank in Scouting.

This is a FREE event for the 2015 Class of Eagle Scouts.

Eagle Scout Alumni:
If you are already an Eagle Scout, you should know what a difference achieving this goal can make in a young Scout’s life. Please join us to celebrate the accomplishments of this new Class of Eagles as well as an opportunity to socialize with other Eagle Scout Alumni in our council.

Sponsor a new Eagle Scout or Purchase a Nest:
Want to sponsor and Eagle Scout or purchase a table. CLICK HERE to Register Online or See Attached Flyer.

If you have any questions, please contact Matt Brandt at (951)992-9438 or email at mkb969@verizon.net




USA Archery Coach Course Level 2


Level 2 (Intermediate):

March 12 and 13, Saturday 8am-6pm, Sunday 1 pm-6 pm

Applicants MUST have a current Level 1 (Basic) Certification

Cost: $75 for materials and facility, + $17.50 for background check, + membership in either USAA or NFAA. $30 Discount available to BSA, GSA, and 4H leaders. SafeSport certification also required. Minimum age: 18

Level 1 is for teachers of beginners, and for people who are on duty at a range but not necessarily "in charge" of the whole program. No prior experience necessary for this level. Get some lessons if you are self-taught, to correct any bad habits, and shoot regularly if you can.

Level 2 is for teachers of intermediate archers, and for people in charge of a program. It is also for people teaching and monitoring Level 1 instructors. It assumes some experience. It covers program and equipment maintenance, the NTS (National Training System), and biomechanics. It can be overwhelming unless you have prior experience. Get some lessons if you are self-taught, to correct any bad habits, and shoot regularly if you can.

Contact Carolyn Morehouse (Level 3-NTS and PSE-Certified Instructor) to register or for more information:

Cell: 909-649-4659, email: morehice@hotmail.com also see http://www.usarchery.org/

For directions to the club: www.cherryvalleybowhunters.com

Mail registrations with $30 non-refundable deposit to: Carolyn Morehouse, 813 Clifton Ave, Redlands, CA 92373



Primitive Camping & Good Turn Weekend


Service to Camp Helendade is open to all Friends of Helendade, Scouts, Troops, Teams and Crews

There are many work projects that need to be done. Letters will be given to youth who need service hours for school, church, or rank advancement.

COME PREPARED TO WORK: Bring gloves and wear old clothes! Projects will vary based on weather and available resources. If you have a special skill or tool that would be helpful at camp, please let us know.

BRING your own Food and Water: All trash must be taken with you when you leave. A Porta-potty is on site.

Click on the 2016 DATES to Register online: Mar. 12,  Apr. 9,  May 14,  Jun. 11,  Jul. 9,  Aug. 13,  Sep. 10,  Oct. 8,  Nov. 12,  Dec. 10

Please plan to arrive by 9:00 A.M. on Saturday.

CAMPING COST: $5 per person to camp ONLY (FREE if working on Saturday).


QUESTIONS? Contact Cynthia Blessum, Camping and Outdoor Program Chair, at blessumcr@pacbell.net or 714.612.1662

Work days may be canceled due to inclement weather – please call for status prior to your scheduled weekend.

CLICK HERE for Registration Form



Annual Business/Executive Board Meeting


When: Wednesday, March 16th 6:30pm - 9:00pm

Where: Jack Dembo Scout Center Conference Room, 1230 Indiana Court, Redlands, CA 92374



2016 Boy Scouts of America 8th Annual Golf Classic


Drive a Scout to Camp! Come play and help Scouting continue its great tradition of service to the youth of our community.

Monday, June 13, 2016,Western Hills Country Club Chino Hills, California

7:00 am– 8:00 a.m. Registration & Continental Breakfast
8:30 am - Shotgun Start – Best Ball Tournament (At the 19th Hole a Putting Contest)
1:30 pm - Cash Bar, BigWestern Style BBQ Lunch, Opportunity Drawings & Silent Auction

Your $600 Foursome entry fee includes:

Four member team, 18 Holes of Country Club Golf, Cart & Gift Bag, Continental Breakfast, Big Western Style BBQ Lunch, Contest, Prizes and more.

Individual Player $150, 18 Holes of Country Club Golf, Continental Breakfast, Big Western Style BBQ Lunch, Contest, Prizes and more.

REGISTER TODAY! For More Information – George Anasis, 909-573-4221 ganasis@aol.com or CLICK HERE for Registration Form



Scout from Troop 444 Finishes L.A. Marathon!


I have to give credit where credit is due. I am inspired by this young man, young 14 year old Boy Scout from Troop 444. Big Will just completed the LA Marathon. Here are pictures of him crossing @ 18.5 miles. Major kudos to his dedicated parents and grandparents for inspiring him to chase his dreams. How many 14 year olds do you know doing this?

Earl Jackson, Pack Trainer, Cub Scout Pack 374



Eagle Scout Project


The A-tsa Chapter helps fellow arrowman, Andrew F., with his Eagle Scout project. Canyon Lookout is on the Carriage trail in the Redlands Conservancy's San Timoteo Nature Sanctuary. Congratulations Andrew!



Klondike Availability


Session Capacity Youth Adults TTl Available
# 1 Jan 8-10 160 37 10 47 113
# 2 Feb. 5-7 160 101 25 126 34
# 3 Mar 4-6 160 48 12 60 100
# 4 March 19 160 0 0 0 160
Total   186 47 233



Polar Cub Camp Availability


Session Capacitive Youth Adults Spots Avail.
# 1 Jan. 15-17 160 68 74 18
# 2 Jan. 22-24 160 83 78 -1
# 3 Jan. 29-31 160 82 73 5
# 4 Feb. 19-21 160 78 70 12
# 5 Feb. 26-29 160 70 64 26
# 6 March 11-13 160 31 31 98
# 7        
Grand Total   412 390  



Camp Wiley Availability


Camp Wiley Week 1   Week 2   Week 3
Campsite Pack # Youth Adult Pack # Youth Adult Pack # Youth Adult
Bridger   20             TQ 614 10 10
Cahuilla Flats   50             3P 374 20 20
Coil   * 30       TM 214 15 15 SU 205 4 3
Daniel Boone   20             MR 116 3 3
Freemont   20             TQ 614 10 10
Goldware   * 14 TQ 346 8 8 GB 16 2 2 TM 883 7 5
  FULL           FULL    
Harris   *30 TQ 384 10 10 AH 247 12 12 HD 169 1 1
              SU 377 7 5
Hayes   20                  
Lewis & Clark   10             TQ 614 5 5
Mellor   *40 LA 851 10 10 TQ 332 10 9 SU 377 20 20
        HD 257 10 10      
Swartzel   * 20 TM 41 1 1 TM 214 8 7 MR 703 7 4
    Youth Adults   Youth Adults   Youth Adults
    29 29   57 55   84 76
Grand Total Youth 170   Adults 160        



Camp Emerson Availability


Camp Emerson Week 1   Week  2   Week  3
Campsite Tr # Youth Adult Tr # Youth Adult Tr # Youth Adult
Big Oak (50) 3P Tr108 15 2            
Bridger (20) MR Tr433 7 2 HD Tr169 10 2 LV Tr947 10 2
Cahuilla Flats (50) MR Tr0106 4 2            
  SU Tr0105 6 2            
Coil  (30) * Chino Stake 25 5 SU Tr0262 14 3 AH Tr6650 5 2
        OB Tr311 5 2 GB Tr31 10 2
              Tr0227 5 2
Dan Boone  (20) GB Tr0117 8 2 5N Tr0100 5 2 SU Tr76 5 2
Firestone  (25)                  
Freemont  (20) TQ Tr0324 10 2       MR Tr0760 6 2
Goldware (14) * SU Tr0180 11 2 GB Tr0044 10 2 GB Tr0231 10 2
Harris (30) * Chino Stake 25 5 GB Tr0035 12 2 HD Tr0256 11 2
              HD Tr0365 12 2
Hayes (20) TM Tr0599 5 2       MR Tr0002 15 2
Lewis & Clark (10) HD Tr0356 7 2            
Mellor (40) * AH Tr0010 5 2 HD Tr0257 6 2 MR Tr0116 7 5
  HD Tr 0856 5 2 HD Tr0574 5 2 HD Tr0456 6 2
  TM Tr 0033 13 2 GB Tr0015 10 2 TM Tr0899 11 2
  HD Tr0156 7 2 SU Tr0078 6 2      
Swartzel (20) MR Tr0186 12 2 OB Tr0635 9 3 HD TR0470 10 2
  TM Tr 0033 4 2       GB Tr0029 6 2
Brown Sea       GB Tr 3 2        
        5N Tr495 1        
        GB Tr14 5        
Capacity 255/ wk   Youth Adult   Youth Adult   Youth Adult
    169 40   100 24   129 33
GRAND TOTAL Youth 398   Adults 97   Units 49  


60’s Cartoon Corner



Thoughts from the Scout Executive:




Positive Quote & Prayer

“To get a hold on boys you must be their friend.”

    ~  Baden-Powell

A Prayer To Help Those in Need

May all of my family and friends who need miracles be blessed.

May whoever is feeling weak be given strength.

May all of those who carry heavy burdens have their load lightened.



https://bsa-ciec.doubleknot.com/orgheaders/21/joecolor.jpgJoe Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO
California Inland Empire Council

California Inland Empire Council, BSA
PO Box 8910
1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374
909.793.2463, Ext. 120
877.732.1450 FREE
909.793.0306 Fax


Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: Joseph.Daniszewski@scouting.org for Monday Memo Archives Click Here


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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045