May 16th, 2016



Featured Stories


CIEC Lion Cub Pilot Application

2016 Boy Scouts of America 8th Annual Golf Classic

Troop 148 Channel Islands National Park Campout

Recently Completed Eagles


All Scouts to 2016 Summer Camp!


Dear Scouts, Scouters and Scouting families,

Summer is fast approaching and you are so very welcome to attend Summer Camp at our Beautiful Camp Emerson located near Idyllwild in the San Jacinto Mountains.

Here are the Top Ten reasons to attend Camp Emerson this summer.

10. Camp Emerson is 10 - 20 degrees cooler than the rest of the council.
9. Monday starts.
8. Financial Assistance is available to help all Scouts attend Summer camp.
7. High Adventure E-Team for older Scouts will enjoy a new ZIP Line, Climbing, Mountain Biking, and Blacksmithing.
6. STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering and Math returns for the fourth year and we offer free Wifi.
5. Fees are all inclusive and include Shooting Sports and the High Adventure E-Team.
4. Camp Cook Neil Royer returns to offer great tasting food and plenty of it.
3. Newly remodeled pool with a brand new pool heater.
2. Camp Emerson is well organized and poised to offer the boys one of the best scout camp experiences they will have as a scout. They will create experiences at camp that will make a difference for a lifetime!
1. It offers the best environment and opportunities for Scouting Advancement and completing merit badges, hands down!

Open the Summer Camp flyer to sign up today!



Lumber Donation for Boseker Scout Reservation


Donated lumber on the way to Boseker Scout Reservation to build new platforms for our recently purchased tents from Philmont. Thanks to our OA lodge for purchasing the tents.



CIEC Lion Cub Pilot Application


Packs Eligible for Lion Cub Program Pilot Implementation: The CIEC requested and has been granted permission to pilot the Lion Cub Program for the 2016-2017 Scouting year. Units who are interested in participating in the pilot must qualify and agree to the following criteria:
  1. Pack must be no smaller than 20 registered youth members by June 30, 2016
  2. Year-Round Program (as evidenced by participating in Cub Scout Day Camp, having a Pack Family Camp, etc.)
  3. Strong complete program (as evidenced by the Pack having trained leaders)
  4. It is likely a full (5-8 youth) Lion Cub den can be recruited (as evidenced by sufficient available youth, and the presence of Tiger or Wolf dens of this size in the Pack).
  5. Strong Council/District Partner (as evidenced by selling popcorn and/or camp cards, contributing to the Friends of Scouting Campaign, participating in District/Council Events such as Pinewood Derby’s, Day Camp, etc.)
  6. Pack and Unit’s Chartering Organization indicates an interest in participating in this pilot
  7. Pack designates a registered Cub Scout leader to serve as Lion Cub Coordinator that can be focused on this program (limited positional multi-tasking).
  8. Designated Coordinator participates in Council Lions Cub Orientation.
  9. Youth-to-leader ratio must be at least 5:1. Leaders must be trained before any Lions are recruited
  10. Pack agrees to implement the program in accordance with program materials (not modify the program)

CLICK HERE for Application



Scout Night 2016


Scouts camping out at High Desert Mavericks baseball game, over 70 scouts enjoyed themselves.



Mt. Rubidoux District Training Newsletter


Training Post May 2016

Read up on all the training news going on in Mt. Rubidoux. CLICK HERE to download our May 2016 newsletter.

Bob “RQ” Quezada, MR Training Chair



2016 Boy Scout Night


Inland Empire 66ers vs. Modesto Nuts

Friday, May 20th, 2016 - Game starts at 7:05pm

Pregame Scout Parade begins at 6:30pm. Camp out on the field after the game! Join us for a special night dedicated to all Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Eagle Scouts, their family and friends. * promotions subject to change*


- Reserved seat for the game - Pregame Scout Parade - Voucher for a hot dog and soda
- Ice cream snack during movie - Movie on video board - Overnight campout on the field
- Light breakfast Saturday morning - Official 66ers Scout Patch

Final Ticket orders due Friday, May 13th, 2016. CLICK HERE for Order Form

*Portion of each ticket sale goes back to the Boy Scouts of America- California Inland Empire Council *



National Trails Day


The CIEC Outdoor Ethics Committee and Cahuilla Lodge Order of the Arrow together are again promoting the 2016 American Hiking Society’s National Trails Day.

June 4, 2016 is American Hiking Society’s National Trails Day, the country’s largest celebration of trails. National Trails Day events will take place in every state across the country and will include hikes, biking and horseback rides, paddling trips, birdwatching, geocaching, gear demonstrations, stewardship projects and more. America’s 200,000 miles of trails allow us access to the natural world for recreation, education, exploration, solitude, inspiration, and much more. Trails give us a means to support good physical and mental health; they provide us with a chance to breathe fresh air, get our hearts pumping, and escape from our stresses.

If your unit has a conflict with the first Saturday in June, plan your National Trails Day® event for a day or weekend that works best for you.

For more information or question about CIEC Scouting activities for National Trails Day please contact:

Sherrie Reynolds or Hayden Martois



Time is Running Out to Save on the Cost of Foxfire!


Foxfire Advanced Youth Leadership Training is 8-days and 7-nights of high intensity leadership training couched in a Fur Trade Era Rendezvous theme. Learn the skills of our early American pioneers; forge a tomahawk; make a striker and start a fire using it; face unique challenges, and overcome them. The course is limited to only 42 participants; we have just a few spots left. A $50.00 deposit will hold your space. To qualify you must:

  • Be at least 14 years of age by day one of the course
  • Be at least of Star Scout Rank (Venturing ILSC or ILSS)
  • Have completed NYLT (or NLS for Order of the Arrow)
  • Have adult unit leader’s recommendation.

The course runs from Saturday, June 11th through Saturday, June 18th, 2016 at Camp Emerson (Boseker Scout Reservation) in Idyllwild, CA.
Interested individuals will be able to take advantage of the Early Bird Special ($ 310.00) by registering with the Council by Orientation Night, Wednesday, May 4th.  Don’t wait! Space is limited, take advantage of the special pricing and sign up now! for more information.



National Youth Leadership Training


National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) is an exciting, action-packed six-day council-level program designed to provide Boy Scouts and Venturers who are 13 years and older with leadership skills and experience they can use in their home units and in other situations demanding leadership of self and others.

This year the CIEC is offering two courses at Camp Emerson; Week 1 will be held June 13-18, Week 2 will be held August 1-6, 2016. The fee is $295 if registered before May 7th for week 1 or June 17th for Week 2, this covers course materials, food and camp fees. Please share this information with the leaders and youth in your units.  We are looking for our future leaders in every District of this great Council. Check out the course’s website at for the latest information and downloadable forms and applications.

Eric Herchenroeder, NYLT Course Director Week 2



2016 Boy Scouts of America 8th Annual Golf Classic


Drive a Scout to Camp! Come play and help Scouting continue its great tradition of service to the youth of our community.

Monday, June 13, 2016,Western Hills Country Club Chino Hills, California

7:00 am– 8:00 a.m. Registration & Continental Breakfast
8:30 am - Shotgun Start – Best Ball Tournament (At the 19th Hole a Putting Contest)
1:30 pm - Cash Bar, BigWestern Style BBQ Lunch, Opportunity Drawings & Silent Auction

Your $600 Foursome entry fee includes:

Four member team, 18 Holes of Country Club Golf, Cart & Gift Bag, Continental Breakfast, Big Western Style BBQ Lunch, Contest, Prizes and more.

Individual Player $150, 18 Holes of Country Club Golf, Continental Breakfast, Big Western Style BBQ Lunch, Contest, Prizes and more.

REGISTER TODAY! For More Information – George Anasis, 909-573-4221 or CLICK HERE to Register Online



The Fundamentals of Training


Be the Best Trainer you can be!

When: Saturday, June 18, 2016
Where: C.I.E.C. - Jack Dembo Scout Service Center, 1230 Indiana Court, Redlands, CA 92374
Cost: $5.00 (includes handouts)
Time: Registration 8am, Course 8:30am – 12:00 Noon

Pre-Registration Deadline is June 16,2016 – no walk ins.

Fundamental of Training is the first course for anyone who is actively training or interested in being a trainer in the Scouting program. We will give you the tools to help you “do your best” as a trainer. This is the companion course to Trainers EDGE

Information contact: Sheila Armstrong (909) 356-1492 or (put Fundamentals of Training in the subject line)

CLICK HERE to Register Online



Eagle Project Completed at Riverside National Cemetery


On Saturday, May 7th, Robert C. of Troop 3 in Greenspot, completed his Eagle Project at the Riverside National Cemetery. Robert held fundraisers to raise the money needed for this project, and then was able to complete the project under budget. All extra monies will be donated to the cemetery.

The cemetery only allows potential Eagle Scouts to do these projects. Each grid is a group of nine Italian Cypress trees, each individual tree represents a Medal of Honor recipient. Approximately 25 boys and parents from the troop participated.



Troop 148 Channel Islands National Park Campout


Troop 148 from Temecula had a great trip to Santa Cruz Island first weekend of Spring Break in March. 26 Scouts and Adult Leaders left Ventura Harbor Saturday morning for 2 nights on beautiful Santa Cruz Island. We were lucky enough to spot a pod of dolphins on the boat trip out to the island. We hiked the mile to our very nice group campsites. We had a great time hiking all the wonderful trails. A park naturalist took us on a guided hike and everybody learned about the colorful history, wildlife, and plant life of the island. The hike to Cavern Point and Smugglers Cove were some of the highlights. We spotted Island Foxes and many birds, including one of the island's bald eagles. A great trip with lots of memories made.

Ken Radosevich, SM Troop 148



Recently Completed Eagles


Name District Unit Name District Unit
Ryan Scuffham Temescal Crew 499 Devin Drenk Old Baldy Team 611
Cameron Arent Temescal Troop 107 Joshua James Three Peaks Troop 371
Israel Lizama Grayback Crew 117 Trevor Tuttle Three Peaks Troop 43
Jarod Chapparo Arrowhead Troop 128 William Holland II Three Peaks Troop 43
Xavier Qunitero Arrowhead Troop 110 Liam Gavigan Arrowhead Troop 89
Nicholas Morales Old Baldy Troop 2000 Jacob Bardaro Grayback Troop 14
Justin Natzic Three Peaks Troop 444 Joseph Kinser Three Peaks Troop 371
Henry Files Tahquitz Troop 337 Tyler Shino Mt. Rubidoux Troop 129
Zachary Orlaski Tahquitz Troop 500 Andrew Gardner Temescal Troop 202
Clayton Park Temescal Troop 523 Colin Bower Temescal Troop 999
Cade Smith Old Baldy Troop 76 Franco Vidal Mt. Rubidoux Troop 2



Memorial & Tribute Gifts


Your gift to the Memorial and Tribute Fund is a way for you to recognize a special occasion and/or person. It can be a job promotion, presentation of the Eagle Scout Award or the Adult Volunteer Leader Scouting Awards, a birthday or anniversary, a Bar Mitzvah or Confirmation, or to honor the memory of a friend or family member.

Upon receipt of your gift, you will receive an acknowledgement card for tax purposes. The person or family receives a card in your name from the California Inland Empire Council, BSA with no amount mentioned. In addition the memorial or tribute will appear as part of the Monday Memo on the council’s website.

To make a contribution to the California Inland Empire Council Memorial and Tribute Fund, fill out the gift form, and mail the form to California Inland Empire Council, BSA, PO BOX 8910, Redlands, CA 92375-2110. If you have any questions you may contact Joe Daniszewski, Scout Executive at 909-793-2463 ext. 120 or e-mail: Click Here for Tribute Form

In Memory of
Richard Bensiek

Sharon Hall



Camp Wiley Availability


Camp Wiley Week 1   Week 2   Week 3
Campsite Pack # Youth Adult Pack # Youth Adult Pack # Youth Adult
Bridger   20 SU 903 7 7 HD 26 7 6      
Cahuilla Flats  *40       TM 205 23 19 3P 374 20 20
Coil   * 30 TQ 346 9 7 TM 214 15 15 SU 205 4 3
  HD 67 5 5       SU 78 2 2
        FULL     HD 169 2 2
Daniel Boone   20       TQ 301 11 12 MR 116 3 3
Freemont   20       OB 602 9 8 TQ 614 10 10
Goldware   * 14 OC 1389 1 1 GB 16 2 2 TM 883 7 5
        TQ 300 1 1      
Harris   *30 TQ 384 12 9 AH 247 13 13      
              SU 377 12 6
              3P 374 7 5
Hayes   20       HD 152 5 7      
        SU 78 3 3      
Lewis & Clark   10 MR 176 4 5 3P 6006 1 1 TQ 614 5 5
Mellor   *40 LA 851 12 11 TQ 332 8 7 SU 377 20 20
  TM 803 4 3 HD 257 12 8      
Swartzel   * 20 TM 41 5 5 TM 214 8 7 MR 703 7 4
    Youth Adults   Youth Adults   Youth Adults
    59 53   118 109   99 85
Grand Total Youth 276   Adults 247        



Camp Emerson Availability


Camp Emerson Week 1   Week  2   Week  3
Campsite Tr # Youth Adult Tr # Youth Adult Tr # Youth Adult
Big Oak (50) AH Tr535 13 2 AH Te0730 7 2      
Bridger (20) MR Tr433 7 2 HD Tr169 8 3 LV Tr947 10 2
  TQ Tr536 5 2            
Cahuilla Flats (40)* MR Tr0106 4 2 HD Tr0159 5 2 Tr251 5 2
  SU Tr0105 6 2            
  Chino Stake 30 6            
Coil  (30) * Chino Stake 25 5 SU Tr0262 9 3 AH Tr6650 5 2
        OB Tr311 5 2 GB Tr31 10 2
              Tr0227 5 2
Dan Boone  (20) GB Tr0117 8 2 5N Tr0100 5 2 SU Tr76 5 2
  OB Tr0360 7 2 5N Tr0520 6 1 MR Tr860 5 2
Firestone  (20) TM Tr0523 10 2       MR Tr0806 10 2
Freemont  (20) TQ Tr0324 10 2       MR Tr0760 6 2
              TQ Tr0526 6 2
Goldware (14) * SU Tr0180 11 2 GB Tr0044 10 2 GB Tr0231 10 2
Harris (30) * Chino Stake 25 5 GB Tr0035 12 2 HD Tr0256 11 2
        GB Tr0027 6 2 HD Tr0365 12 2
        MR Tr0129 5 2      
Hayes (20) TM Tr0599 5 2 MR Tr0606 4 2 MR Tr0002 15 2
  TQ Tr0833 5 2            
  HD Tr0357 2 2            
Lewis & Clark (10) HD Tr0356 7 2       3P Tr6006 6 2
Mellor (40) * AH Tr0010 6 2 HD Tr0257 7 2 MR Tr0116 7 5
  HD Tr 0856 5 2 HD Tr0574 5 2 HD Tr0456 6 2
  TM Tr 0033 13 2 GB Tr0015 10 2 TM Tr0899 11 2
  HD Tr0156 7 2 SU Tr0078 7 2 AH Tr0247 2 1
Swartzel (20) MR Tr0186 12 2 OB Tr0635 13 3 HD TR0470 10 2
  TM Tr 0033 4 2       GB Tr0029 6 2
Provisional       GB Tr 3 2        
        5N Tr495 1        
        GB Tr14 5        
Capacity 255/ wk   Youth Adult   Youth Adult   Youth Adult
    245 63   156 43   221 58
GRAND TOTAL Youth 622   Adults 164   Units 81


60’s Cartoon Corner



Thoughts from the Scout Executive:




Positive Quote & Prayer

"How glorious a greeting the sun gives the mountains"

    ~  John Muir

Lord, we praise and thank you for the beauty and goodness of creation around us.

Amen Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO
California Inland Empire Council

California Inland Empire Council, BSA
PO Box 8910
1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374
909.793.2463, Ext. 120
877.732.1450 FREE
909.793.0306 Fax


Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: for Monday Memo Archives Click Here


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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045