Recruit a Friend to Join Scouting! Build the Future Block by Block.
Every Scout who recruits a friend receives a FREE Recruiter Patch! A temporary patch may be worn on your uniform for 3 months. Recruiter patches are available from your District Director or the Council Scout center.
Who can participate: Any Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Varsity Scout or Venturer
Check out the great training opportunities at Philmont Training Center’s Week 12 Fall Conference!
COPE Director Training: Enjoy training on Philmont’s brand new COPE course at Rocky Mountain Scout Ranch.
Climbing Director Training: Take part in the best rock climbing training that BSA has to offer at Philmont’s wonderful Cimarroncito camp.
COPE & Climbing Program Manager Training: Take your COPE & Climbing program to the next level and prepare to deliver Level II instructor training for your local program. Last offering of this course in 2016.
COPE & Climbing Design, Construction, Inspection, and Maintenance Training: Learn the tips and techniques that professional builders use to enhance your local COPE & Climbing program.
Eagle Scouts Cycling Across America 2018
This is a great opportunity for Scouts, Scouters, Friends of Scouting, etc. to participate in a once in a lifetime event: Eagle Scouts Cycling Across America – June 11 – August 17, 2018. A 4,200 mile Cycling Adventure covering 15 states in 65 days from Seattle, WA – Fredericksburg, VA!
Scouts from across the country are invited to help this group raise awareness about the epidemic of childhood obesity plaguing our country. “A Floating Jamboree of Eagle Scouts serving as “Ambassadors” of the Scouting Program.
You will find the ESCAA 2018 Promotional & Registration Brochure and Frequently Asked Questions at
Primitive Camping & Good Turn Weekend
Service to Camp Helendade is open to all Friends of Helendade, Scouts, Troops, Teams and Crews
There are many work projects that need to be done. Letters will be given to youth who need service hours for school, church, or rank advancement.
COME PREPARED TO WORK: Bring gloves and wear old clothes! Projects will vary based on weather and available resources. If you have a special skill or tool that would be helpful at camp, please let us know.
BRING your own Food and Water: All trash must be taken with you when you leave. A Porta-potty is on site.
Preparations are being made to conduct the fall Wood Badge course, W4-45-16-2 over August 26 – 28, 2016 and September 9 – 11, 2016 at CIEC Camp Emerson in Idyllwild. The Staff is busy getting themselves and the materials needed ready for the course.
Wood Badge Buddies have been assigned to each participant. Their job is to answer questions, address concerns, gather needed information and generally make getting ready for the course easier for participants. With the possible exception of those Scouters who have signed up within the last couple of days, by now all participants should have had direct contact from their Wood Badge Buddy. If you have not, please feel free to write me at; or call at (909) 720-7359.
If you have not signed up for Wood Badge yet, please do so right away. The course is filling rapidly. Get your registration into the council office right away. Camperships are available on a first come, first served basis. The LDS church offers camperships for members of their church. Scout units and employers often make camperships available as they recognize the value of having a leader trained at Wood Badge.
If you are interested in living the best traditions of Scouting and Wood Badge, learning the leadership skills needed to develop a high-performance team, and ready to develop your vision and legacy for your Scouting career – then apply today!
The application form can be found by CLICKING HERE. We look forward to seeing you at Gilwell Field this fall.
Yours in Scouting, Ken Hedrick, Scoutmaster W4-45-16-2
The "ADVENTURE" returns for one "WEEKEND" in September
Adventure Weekend 2016 is 3 months away! Registration is now open for another year of fun, competition, exhibits, camping, and good food! Be part of the excitement from September 16-18 at Glen Helen Park. All Scouts who register by August 22nd will get a shirt included with their registration! CLICK HERE for Registration Form or CLICK HERE for Online Registration
C.I.E.C. Inaugural 5K Run
Saturday, September 17, 2016
Glen Helen Regional Park at Adventure Weekend
Promoting a healthy, active lifestyle for the Scouts, families, and communities of Riverside and San Bernardino Counties.
More Information Coming Soon!
Sponsorship Opportunities Available!!
If you are interested in serving on our committee or volunteering, please contact Soul Ruiz at (909) 793-2463 x138
Varsity Vision Training
Why attend Varsity Vision? Varsity Vision training provides a “hands on” experience for both adult leader (Coaches) and youth leader (Captain/Squad leaders & Program Managers). You will learn how to form, plan and execute a team meeting and develop a program event.
The values of Scouting are taught, used and reinforced
An overnight experience gets you away from distractions
Youth and adult leadership of the team will both learn their proper roles
FUN. FUN. FUN. Hands on learning methods make the experience very enjoyable
Take home skills for team leadership that will enable successful planning, meetings and develop great activities.
Future opportunity to share your skills of leadership with others
Your Experience - Your Vision - Your Leadership
Items to bring: Scout Uniform suggested dress, Each person needs to bring the following Tent, Sleeping bag, Personal Hygiene kit (toothbrush, tooth paste, sun block, etc.), Flash light, appropriate clothing, Scout leaders Guidebook. Additional information when you register. Your Team will not be sharing a camp site.
Check in begins Friday 5:30 PM Opening ceremony at 6 PM Leave for home around 2 PM on Saturday
The BSA National Outdoor Ethics Conference is for YOU!
Outdoor Ethics Advocates, Master Educators and Outdoor Ethics supporters,
The BSA National Outdoor Ethics Conference is for YOU. You understand the importance and are committed to promoting outdoor ethics in scouting, and you are key to getting it fully implemented in your council’s training and programs.
This conference is all about learning and sharing new information and ideas so we can all be even more effective at delivering the BSA outdoor ethics message. Do yourself and your council a huge favor – Join us at Camp Tracy in October! Bring your OE friends.
You will interact with key people in BSA's Outdoor Ethics, including Dr Jeff Marion, other members of the Outdoor Ethics Task Force, and other Outdoor Ethics Advocates and Master Educators from around the country.
You will have a hard time deciding which classes to attend with so many to choose from in our technical sessions.
You will meet Ben Lawhon, Jason Grubb, and Andrew Leary from the Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics and hear about the exciting new programs and resources they are developing.
Another opportunity - the optional pre-conference classes: Hornaday Adviser, Tread Trainer or Tread Master.
You will return from the conference with new knowledge, resources and friends, and with renewed enthusiasm.
The Early-bird registration deadline is near. Register by August 22nd to save $20 and get the conference shirt - a performance wicking polo with the conference logo.
What: 2016 BSA National Outdoor Ethics Conference When: Thursday evening, Oct 6th through Saturday evening, October 8th Where: BSA Camp Tracy, Salt Lake City, UT
Register Now - We are looking forward to seeing you there!
Enjoy a Fabulous Dinner Under the Stars Dancing to Country Western Music Live & Silent Auction
$125/Person - Full Table Sponsorship: $900 (8 Guests – Save 10%) Major Sponsorship Opportunities Available
Built in 1901 by mineral magnate Albert Burrage as a holiday home to escape East Coast winters and entertain fellow aristocrats.
Purchased in 2007 by energy entrepreneur and Redlands native Tim Rochford to provide a haven of play and enrichment for disadvantaged young children.
This Community Built it Themselves
For the many children living at Delowe Village in Atlanta, playtime used to mean having to take turns playing on a small, outdated play structure that only served three children at once.
Thanks to a grant from Dr Pepper Snapple Group and KaBOOM!, on June 4th all that changed when residents and volunteers from the Atlanta Neighborhood Development Partnership (ANDP) built a new playground at Delowe Village. Volunteers also installed 8 community garden beds (complete with fresh seeds), and put in 500 plants.
"The residents at Delowe Village are enjoying their new playground and are so thankful to everyone who helped transform their community. It truly took a village to make this project happen, and we at ANDP are overwhelmed by the generosity of KaBOOM! and Dr Pepper Snapple Group for making this playground a reality."
- John O'Callaghan, President & CEO, ANDP
Your support helps KaBOOM! make a difference in the lives of so many kids annually. Thank you for continuing to lift up the cause of play.
Nine Scouts from Same Troop and Same Grade Earn Eagle
There are many Scout troops that turn out one or two Eagle Scouts each year, but, though no statistics are kept on the level of frequency, it’s safe to say that troops that turn out nine Eagle Scouts at the same time are relatively rare. Indeed, when those nine Eagle Scouts are all in the same grade in school, that’s also unique.
Such was the case for nine Scouts in the Boy Scouts of America Simon Kenton Council, who celebrated their achievement together at a joint Court of Honor.
Lest people have the misconception that this particular group of Scouts was focused only on earning Eagle and nothing else, the Newark Advocate shared details on the many activities these Scouts participated in during their Scouting careers (which started at the Cub Scout level for several of these Scouts READ MORE.....
“Summer afternoon—summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.”
~ Henry James
Joe Daniszewski Scout Executive/CEO California Inland Empire Council
California Inland Empire Council, BSA PO Box 8910 1230 Indiana Court Redlands, CA 92374 909.793.2463, Ext. 120 877.732.1450 FREE 909.793.0306 Fax
Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: for Monday Memo Archives Click Here