September 26th, 2016



Featured Stories


Group Merit Badge Day Policies & Instructions

Work at Summer Camp 2017!

New 2016 Silver Beaver Form

Help Us Build  A Legacy: The 2016 James E. West Endowment Fellowship

Spurs & Stars









Let's Get Social!




Thank You Campership Committee!


Dear BSA,

I had a great time except for the fifth night. I got so angry and I loved the sights and sounds. I made alot of friends there and most is from troop 100. My favorite teacher chop chop the swim teacher, he gave me three rubber ducks to make me feel better after the letter my mom wrote to me the day before. I took env. science and swimming. I liked swimming the best because my father was in the high school swim team. On my free time I would help the trading post and work on swimming. I loved the hike.

~Sincerely, Devin D. 


Spurs & Stars


Be part of our Scouting Fellowship!
Enjoy a Fabulous Dinner Under the Stars
Country/Western Music and Dancing
Dress in your favorite western attire
Jeans work really well too!

Cookie’s Smoked Ribs and Chicken
Lip Smackin’ Macaroni and Cheese
Wrangler Beans
Assorted Cookies and Brownies
Selected Red and White Wines
Premium Beer
Soft Drinks and Coffee

Live & Silent Auctions
Fund a Need

Our Spurs and Stars Committee has secured over 60 silent and live Auction items with many more coming in!

Here’s the Top Ten list
Bright women’s belt
Bella and rose pearl set included earrings, necklace and watch-women’s
Blue, brown and silver designer plates made in Italy
Silver leaf shaped designer plate
Brown & beige straw handbag from Nordstrom
Two paintings by H. Hargrove
Gourmet Picnic Basket with Italian fare
No Dream Is Too High: Life Lessons From a Man Who Walked on the Moon by Buzz Aldrin
The Starry Night Reproduction – Vincent Van Gogh
Starry Night over the Rhone – Vincent Van Gogh

Reserve your spot now!



Thank You Campership Committee!


Dear B.S.A. Council,

Thank you for the campership to Emerson summer camp. I had a grate and amazing time at camp. I learned many things at the camp. I earned 5 different merit badges. The first merit badge was movie making. The second one is music. The therd is environment science. The fourth one is weather. My last one was space everoration. The sight was vary nice. My favorite sight was on the Honor Trail Hike. Another buttiful sight is when you wake up early in the morning and look at the wilderness. That is my letter and Thank You. 

~Sincerely, Jace D. 


Help Us Build  A Legacy: The 2016 James E. West Endowment Fellowship


A Scout Salute for all the time, talent and treasure you share on behalf of our Scouts!

Would you consider joining the James E. West Endowment Fellowship in 2016?

Ralph Waldo Emerson observed that “an institution is the lengthened shadow of one man”  

Today, Scouting is the “lengthened shadow” of the farseeing and dedicated leadership provided by Dr. James E. West.

In 1910, James E. West became the first Chief Scout Executive of the Boy Scouts of America, and he served in that position for more than three decades. The James E. West Fellowship Award is available for gifts of $1,000 and up in cash or marketable securities to the Council Endowment Fund. The gift must be in addition to and not replace or diminish the donor’s annual Friends of Scouting support. Many individuals and corporations make these gifts either on behalf of someone else, such as in honor of an Eagle Scout, Silver Beaver recipient, a retirement, a special accomplishment, or anniversary or in memory of a special individual. If an institution is truly “the lengthened shadow of one man,” it is more than fitting that the BSA honor James E. West’s monumental contributions to Scouting in such a significant way.

Please support our California Inland Empire Council!

What a great way to close out the old and ring in a great 2016!You may designate a family member, Scout or Scouter as a Memorial or Tribute as well.

Reply back with your James E. West pledge, mail in your check or DONATE HERE

Happy New Year!



Troop 100 Celebration!


You  Are Invited to Join Boy Scout Troop 100 as

We Celebrate 70 Years of Scouting!

When: Saturday October 8th 2016 at 6pm

Where: Lord of Life Lutheran Church-13600 Nason St. Moreno Valley, CA 92555

Light refreshments following program

PLEASE RSVP TO: Wendy Myers, Committee Chair- and/or msg: (951) 486-9651



Congratulations Eagle Scouts!


We have had our first Ranger this year, William Nettleton.  

We have had a Court of Honor for THREE Eagle Scouts at once.

We went to Zion NP, Kolob Canyons NP and Bryce Canyon NP for high adventure as three more boys are working their way towards Ranger and passed of requirements for the Venturing Discovery award.

Brad H. (Eagle 1985), Jonathan (Eagle 2015), Christopher (Eagle 2016) and Nicholas (Eagle 2016).  That's four Eagles!

~Brad H. 



Boy Scouts to the Rescue!!!


A few months ago, Jake Bonacio and Dylan Fundell with Troop #257 came to the rescue of a fellow cross country runner.  The runner who they attend school with had fallen on the course in a rugged, mountain terrain.  Both boys put their scout skills to the test and successfully carried him off of the mountain.  Then just recently, Ethan Klopping, Troop #357, helped to dislodge something in his teacher’s throat while she was choking and literally saved his teacher!  All three attend the Academy for Academic Excellence in Apple Valley.  Good job Scouts!!!



Summer Camp on Huntington Lake!


Troop 646 headed up north again for their week long Summer Camp.  This year we attended Camp "Oljato", located on Huntington Lake in Lakeshore, in the Forest of the Southern Sierra Nevada Mountains.  What a great little camp the Pacific Skyline Council has there!  The Scouts and Leaders had a great time hanging out for a week, going fishing, working on Merit Badges, Sailing, Shooting and breathing in the fresh air of the Sierra Nevada Mountains!  The Scouts earned over 50 Merit Badges in all, and David M. earned "BSA Lifeguard". Troop 646 won the "Mountain Curling event, as well as the camp wide Pentathlon.  Mr. Eimen & Mr. Saldana did a "Double Scoutmaster Belly Flop" and took First Place for that as well!  Our Troop would go back to this Summer Camp in a heartbeat, the food was pretty good, the Staff was awesome and the program was great!  We made memories at camp that will last a lifetime........



Thank You Campership Committee


Thank you for helping me pay for Scout Camp. I had so much fun. My favorite things were archery, B.B. guns and campfire.



2016 Silver Beaver Form


Now is the time to nominate a deserving Scouter for the Silver Beaver Award! Don't let a worthy Scouter go unrewarded!

We have a new Silver Beaver Application Form for 2016, which is pdf-fillable, making the nominations that much easier. Click HERE


The California Inland Empire Council, with the approval of the BSA National Court of Honor, may present the Silver Beaver Award to a Scouter who has given Noteworthy Service of Exceptional Character to Youth and is currently registered in this Council.  The nominee must be 21 years of age or older and a volunteer Scouter.  The award may not be presented posthumously.  Former professional Scouters will not be considered within 5 years of their leaving employment with the BSA.

The nomination must be submitted on the Silver Beaver Award Nomination Form complete with original signatures.  Out-of-date forms will not be accepted for evaluation.  All sections of all pages should include as much information as possible for best consideration of the nominee.

The nomination form must be submitted to the CIEC office on or before Monday, November 14, 2016.

The Silver Beaver Selection Committee will review nominations and make selections on a “blind” basis.

Late forms and non-2016 forms will not be accepted for evaluation. The 2016 Silver Beaver Nomination Form is available HERE.


Work at Summer Camp 2017!


Good Day Scouters!!

Thank you for a very successful Summer 2016 at the Boseker Scout Reservation!! We are very excited to have had so many Scouts come through our gates. Now is the time to start thinking about Summer Camp Staff Positions for 2017!! We are looking for many individuals to fill all spots for 2017. If you have worked on Camp Staff before please remember you must reapply each year in order to be considered for a position. We are looking for Counselors-In-Training as well, you must be 14 years old and have a solid knowledge base of overall Scout Skills. We need to fill the following positions: Counselor-In-Training, Volunteer, Camp Director, Program Director, Aquatics Director, Aquatics Instructor, Archery Director, Archery Instructor, Assistant Ranger, BB instructor-Wiley, Commissioner, Trading Post Director, E-Team Director, E-Team Instructor, E-Team Mountain Bike Leader, Handicraft Director, Handicraft Instructor, Nature Director, Nature Instructor, Office Assistant, Outdoor Skills Director, Outdoor Skills Instructor, Shooting Sports Instructor, Shooting Sports Director, Sports Director-Wiley, Sports Instructor-Wiley, STEM Director, STEM Instructor, Theme Director-Wiley, Theme Instructor-Wiley, Trading Post Clerk, and Health Officer-EMT. We encourage everyone to apply, should you have any questions please email me at and I will try to answer your questions as soon as possible. 

Summer Camp Staff Application

Summer Camp Volunteer Staff Application

Happy Scouting!

Tucker Adams-Camping Guru



Adventure Weekend 2016


See more adventures here...


Group Merit Badge Day Policies & Instructions


Due to the increase in Group Merit Badge Days within the Council, the CIEC Advancement Committee has developed new policies and instructions, please see attached application & policy. These policies are to ensure that all Merit Badges earned in a group setting are instructed and earned in compliance with the aims and goals of scouting. It is perfectly appropriate to have scouts earn merit badges in groups, however it is important that we follow the principles of the Merit Badge plan outlined in these new policies. If you want to put on a Group Merit Badge Day, please read the attached policies/instructions and fill out the attached application form. For any questions, please contact Matt Barth, CIEC Advancement Chair at



2017 Camp Emerson Stake Your Claim!


Register Today for 2016 Prices! Choose your Campsite for you next Summer Camp Adventure

2017 Boy Scout Camp Sessions                        2016 Prices

Week 1 July 10-15 (Monday start)                           Youth - $360
Week 2 July 16-22                                                   1 Leaders Free with 5 paid per unit youth or
Week 3 July 24-29 (Monday start)                           Adult - $190


Alpine:                          Big Oak Flat, Broken Arrow, and Owl's Roost
Explorer Cluster:         Bridger, Fremont, Lewis & Clark, and Dan Boone  
Western Boundary:     Firestone, Hays and Eagle's Nest
*Premier:                     Coil, Goldware, Harris, Mellor, and Cahuilla Flats

*Premier site comes with platform tents, cots and/or bunks with mattresses.
Campsite choice is first come, first serve basis.

Complete the application below with your $200 non-refundable campsite deposit. Campsite choice is first come, first serve basis. 
Get your troop’s application in Today!

$50 per boy non-refundable deposit is due by 12/ 31/16 with balance due by Friday 4/15/17.
CLICK HERE to Register Online  or  CLICK HERE for Registration Form



Council Commissioner's Corner: Impact of camping on retention


Hello to all our Scouting Leaders,

Check out the National Outdoor Programs Support Committee newsletter. There’s some great info and resources for all of us. Check out page 11 and the information related to retention.  Notice that there is no strong correlation between a long term resident camp or day camp to youth retention (which translates into unit retention), but there is solid evidence that a year round camping program does make a huge difference in retention numbers. 

Great info to share with unit leaders as we make our visits and help them develop a solid outdoor program and retention scheme.


Matt Flanagan
Council Commissioner



Latest Youth Protection Tools!


Each and every year one of our top priorities is to do our best to protect our young people from physical, sexual and/or emotional abuse.

Youth on Youth Facilitator's Guide and Youth on Youth Powerpoint


Cartoon Corner



Thoughts from the Scout Executive:



Positive Quote & Prayer

"Mama exhorted her children at every opportunity to "jump at the Sun." We might not land on the sun, but at least we would get off the ground."

~Zora Neale Hurston
(1903-1960) American Writer

A Prayer of Thanks

Thank you, God, for the pleasures of summer,
the bright sunny days and perfect moonlit evenings,
the smells of mowed grass and air thick with rain.
Thank you for days at the lake
and evenings chasing fireflies,
for vacations and festivals,
picnics and cookouts,
baseball and concerts and swimsuits and popsicles.
Thank you for the fireworks of thunderstorms,
for watermelon sweetness,
for summer's pace and summer's grace,
for all your beauty and power, faithfulness and
fecundity displayed in summer,

Amen. Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO
California Inland Empire Council

California Inland Empire Council, BSA
PO Box 8910
1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374
909.793.2463, Ext. 120
877.732.1450 FREE
909.793.0306 Fax


Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: for Monday Memo Archives Click Here


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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045