Special Edition~Sept. 8th, 2016



Featured Stories


A Scout is Helpful: Louisiana Scouting Families Need Your Donations

Summer Camp Staff 2017

Thank You Campership Committee

Incident Reporting

Scout Night at the Ontario Reign









Scout Strong Just 4 Fun 5K Run



Summer Camp Staff 2017


Good Day Scouters!!

Thank you for a very successful Summer 2016 at the Boseker Scout Reservation!! We are very excited to have had so many Scouts come through our gates. Now is the time to start thinking about Summer Camp Staff Positions for 2017!! We are looking for many individuals to fill all spots for 2017. If you have worked on Camp Staff before please remember you must reapply each year in order to be considered for a position. We are looking for Counselors-In-Training as well, you must be 14 years old and have a solid knowledge base of overall Scout Skills. We encourage everyone to apply, should you have any questions please email me at Tucker.Adams@Scouting.org and I will try to answer your questions as soon as possible.

Summer Camp Staff Application

Summer Camp Volunteer Staff Application

Happy Scouting!

Tucker Adams-Camping Guru






California Inland Empire Council

2017 College of Commissioner Science and Conference

Saturday June 3, 2017.  8:00 PM to 4:00 PM

LDS Corona Stake Center, 1510 Taber Street, Corona, CA. 

The Commissioner Corp of the California Inland Empire Council is pleased to announce our
2017 College of Commissioner Science and Conference. The College is comprised of training
courses meant to enhance the knowledge and capability of our Commissioners and to help them provide
excellence in Unit Service, which helps units deliver the Promise of Scouting to our youth.

We are excited to announce that the BSA National Commissioner, Charles Dahlquist will be our
special guest and keynote speaker.  Registration will be available in January 2017, so please keep an eye out. 
Space may be limited due to the popularity of our special guest.  



Camp Emerson 100th Anniversary


You are invited to our Kick Off!

Camp Emerson's 100th Anniversary Celebration in 2019

Saturday, Nov. 12, 2016

Guided Tours start at 10:30 am, 12:00 pm Lunch and Presentation

Camp Emerson at the Boseker Scout Reservation

Click here to sign up


Thank You Campership Committee


Council Officers,

My name is Thomas and I am a First Class Scout. I am 13 years old and I was born with Down's Syndrome. I had my Dad
write this letter for me because its still very hard for me to write and speak however I do know how to read a little bit. I
wanted to write this letter to thank the Council for the campership which allowed me to attend Camp Emerson a few weeks
ago. I have one brother his name is Christian and right now he is a Senior Patrol Leader for Troop 2 and I am very proud of him.
It's a little bit hard for my family to send both of us to camp so most years we have had to take turns so I did not get to go to
camp last year. Also since I have Down's Syndrome I can't go to camp by myself because I still need a lot of help with my
merit badges so either my mom or my dad have to go to camp with me. Thanks again for your gift of a campership I had alot
of fun at Emerson and I made lots of new friends and they were all very polite and nice to me.

Yours Truly, Thomas A, Troop 2. 



2017 Camp Emerson Stake Your Claim!


Register Today for 2016 Prices! Choose your Campsite for you next Summer Camp Adventure

2017 Boy Scout Camp Sessions                        2016 Prices

Week 1 July 10-15 (Monday start)                           Youth - $360
Week 2 July 16-22                                                   1 Leaders Free with 5 paid per unit youth or
Week 3 July 24-30 (Monday start)                           Adult - $190


Alpine:                          Big Oak Flat, Broken Arrow, and Owl's Roost
Explorer Cluster:         Bridger, Fremont, Lewis & Clark, and Dan Boone  
Western Boundary:     Firestone, Hays and Eagle's Nest
*Premier:                     Coil, Goldware, Harris, Mellor, and Cahuilla Flats

*Premier site comes with platform tents, cots and/or bunks with mattresses.
Campsite choice is first come, first serve basis.

Complete the application below with your $200 non-refundable campsite deposit. Campsite choice is first come, first serve basis. 
Get your troop’s application in Today!

$50 per boy non-refundable deposit is due by 12/ 31/16 with balance due by Friday 4/15/17.
CLICK HERE to Register Online  or  CLICK HERE for Registration Form



Thank You Campership Committee


Dear Campership Committee,

I would like to thank you very much for your kind and generous contribution towards my wonderful experience camping trip with my Boy Scout Troop. I learned to shoot rifles and shotguns. I also learned how to carve with my knife. There breakfast lunch and dinner was the best.

Sincerely, Omar, Troop 14


Scout Night at the Ontario Reign


Attention all Scouts and families:

The annual Scout Night with the Ontario Reign is on Saturday, December 3rd at 6PM
at the Citizens Business Bank Arena in Ontario. Be a part of the action as we also will be
recognizing our top 2016 popcorn sellers.  Don't forget to bring a stuffed animal to toss into
the ring when the Reign score their first GOAL!!

Click here for details



Popcorn 2016


Looking for a strong fundraiser
that ALSO has great prizes for your Scouts? 
Its not too late to sell POPCORN!

How will it help your Scouts and your Unit?

*Cool Prizes to keep them excited to sell. 
Scouts just have to sell 1 item to begin earning prizes
*Our Scouts averaged $381 in sales in 2015
*Our Units averaged $7,850 in sales in 2015
*Can easily sell online to friends and families in other cities
*The council has permission to sell in front of any Stater Brothers in 
Riverside and San Bernardino Counties from August 27-October 16
*Scouts who sell over $650 will get to attend a pizza party in January
*Scouts who sell $2,500 go to camp for FREE!
*Over 73% stays with your unit and the council.

*Take a look at our leaders guide for all of the great things you can do with Popcorn sales this year!

Sign up by September 5th!  Go online and fill out your commitment today!!



Annual Kick-off Troop 655


Join us for free hot dogs, cold drinks & lots of Adventures!

Where: St. Peter St. Paul church Picnic Area
9135 Banyan St.
Alta Loma, CA 91737
When: September 11th 2:30pm-4:30pm

Come And Discover What Scouting Is All About


A Scout is Helpful: Louisiana Scouting Families Need Your Donations


As Scouts, we are committed to helping other people at all times.

Over the past several weeks, our friends and families in the state of Louisiana have
experienced catastrophic flooding. In all, 20 of the state’s parishes — spanning
three local councils — have been declared federal disaster areas. The flooding
has been called a "historic, unprecedented flooding event," and is the worst natural
disaster to hit the United States since Hurricane Sandy in 2012. Efforts will continue
for weeks and months to come in response to the devastating aftermath.

Today, we are turning to you, our professional Scouting family, in a nationwide appeal
to ask you to please consider a donation to help these communities restore a sense of normalcy.

We have established two ways to give:

The first option to donate has been established by BSA’s National Foundation
(http://scouting.kintera.org/emergencyrelief). The National Council will utilize
these donations to the National Emergency Assistance Fund to respond to
emergencies here and in other communities.
The second option has been set up and managed by local councils for those who
prefer donating via text message.To participate, simply text the phrase
Scouts4Scouts to the number 41444 and follow the instructions in the reply to
make a tax-deductible donation.

The early financial support we have received is gratifying, but much more is needed.

I have asked Southern Region Director Ron Oats to lead and coordinate a response to support
Scouts, volunteer leaders, and local council staff members who need assistance. The National
Service Center is committed to:

Providing financial support for staff who have suffered severe loss or damage to personal property.
Helping affected troops and packs replace damaged equipment through a $2,500 gift per unit.
Helping affected Scouts replace uniforms and handbooks that were lost in the flood.
Providing registration and re-chartering fees for a year for affected families.
Covering the fees for affected Scouts who are planning to attend the 2017 National Jamboree.

We are fortunate to be blessed with employees who give so much of themselves to Scouting.
Due to the severity of this situation, however, I am humbly asking you to go above and beyond to
help those in need.

Yours in Scouting,

Mike Surbaugh



Spurs & Stars



This Shindig is going to be a Hoot!

Bryan & Gail Kocen - Much Obliged for your Gold Sponsorship!

Our Best in the West has been busy collecting some great silent & live auction items! 

Here is a Sneak Peek at a couple of paintings that will be up for bid...

We hope that you Saddle Up, put on your Boots and Mosey on Over! 

Don't miss out!!!  Call today to make your reservation!! 

Soul Ruiz (909) 793-2463 x 138 or via e-mail:  soul.ruiz@scouting.org

Saturday, October 22, 2016
Reception:  6:00 pm - Dinner:  7:00 pm – Dance:  8:00 – 10:00 pm

Burrage Mansion
1205 W Crescent Ave – Redlands, CA  92373

CLICK HERE to Register Online

Dress in your Favorite Western Attire!

Enjoy a Fabulous Dinner Under the Stars
Dancing to Country Western Music
Live & Silent Auction

$125/Person - Full Table Sponsorship:  $900 (8 Guests – Save 10%)
Major Sponsorship Opportunities Available

Built in 1901 by mineral magnate Albert Burrage as a holiday home
to escape East Coast winters and entertain fellow aristocrats.

Purchased in 2007 by energy entrepreneur and Redlands native
Tim Rochford to provide a haven of play and enrichment for disadvantaged young children.


When and how to file an incident report if things go wrong on a Scouting outing


Thanks to the BSA’s array of safety programs, Scouting boasts an impressive safety record.
Although the program includes many potentially risky activities — rock climbing, whitewater
rafting, rifle shooting, etc. — Scouts are typically safer at camp than driving to camp. However,
while rare, incidents do occur. And so do what the BSA calls “near misses.” The BSA’s incident
reporting strategy ensures that the right people are notified, an appropriate and timely response
occurs, and that everyone can learn from what happened.

WHAT IS CONSIDERED AN INCIDENT? Loosely defined, a health and safety incident is any
unplanned event that results in harm to an individual, property or the environment. Examples include
injuries (ranging from minor to life-threatening), outbreaks of foodborne illnesses, vehicle accidents,
property damage, the closure of a program area because of safety concerns, and the death of a Scout
or volunteer. Any incident that requires the intervention of medical personnel, involves emergency
responders or results in a response beyond Scout-rendered first aid must be reported. Youth Protection
incidents are defined as any occurrence of abusive or inappropriate behavior in which a report to, or
action by, authorities, the council, unit or parents is indicated. Allegations of child abuse or
victimization of a Scout have specific reporting requirements, as described later.

WHAT’S A NEAR MISS? An unplanned event that doesn’t result in injury, illness or damage but had
the potential to do so. If injuries occurred, the incident was not a near miss. An example of a near miss
is a Scout getting lost at camp and your calling for emergency response. Near-miss reporting has been
used for decades as a means of knowing risks and preventing future incidents.

WHY SHOULD WE REPORT INCIDENTS? To ensure that the organization can respond in an
appropriate manner and be prepared to handle any ensuing allegations or claims. Incident reports also
help the BSA develop policies to prevent future occurrences.

WHAT ARE THE BSA’S REPORTING REQUIREMENTS? It’s as simple as gathering the facts: who,
what, where, when, why and how of the incident. Then inform your council Scout executive or Enterprise
Risk Management Committee staff adviser. The Incident Information Report (No. 680-016) is a tool to
help you ask the right questions; it can be found on the Scouting Safely website (scouting.org/scoutingsafely)
and in the appendix of the Guide to Safe Scouting. For a catastrophic incident, after getting help for injured
parties, notify your Scout executive immediately. The Guide to Safe Scouting details the reporting instructions
for other types of incidents.

BEHAVIOR?Use the Youth Protection/Membership Incident Information Form (No. 680-676) to gather data.
Note that this form contains confidential information and must be forwarded directly to the Scout executive
as soon as possible.

AUTHORITIES? Yes. You must still follow your state’s mandatory reporting requirements.

By: Mark Ray



Thank You Campership Committee


Dear Grayback District,

I thank you for letting me go to Camp Emerson. I enjoyed staying there because I got to meet many kids from other troops, and also being able to go up to the range and shoot. 

Sincerely, Chris L. 



Eerie Emerson 2016


Come share in the fun and spirit of Halloween at Camp Emerson. All Cub Scout Packs, Boy Scout Troops,
Venturing Crews, their families and friends are invited to attend Eerie Emerson.

Early Bird Fee: $27.00 per youth $22.00 per Adult
Registrations fee increases $5.00 per person After 9/19, Sign up Early!

Per Person Price Includes: Saturday dinner, late night snacks & cocoa, Sunday breakfast, patch and program

There will be a $5.00 surcharge per person if you do not haunt a campsite.

Registration is limited to 300 participants per weekend!

Units that decorate and haunt a campsite can camp overnight at no additional charge (based on availability)

Information contact Volunteer Services At (909) 793-2463 X 129 CLICK HERE for Registration Form

Register Online   October 8 - 9   October 15 - 16   October 22 - 23



Thank You Campership Committee


Dear CIEC Campership Committee,

Thank you for paying for the trip to camp, I had alot of fun there. I earned a few badges, and made new friends and ate alot of food. Earning the badges were a lot of fun, making friends was kinda difficult but I'm glad that I met a lot of new people on this trip. The most fun thing I did at camp was shooting the rifles at the range. When I first got to camp, the day seemed to go by really slow, but as we did more things, like play cards, and had nap time, and finally chat with friends, the time seemed to go really fast. I really liked the food there, I lined up for seconds almost every time. Thank you for helping me have this experience, and helping my mom send me to camp. I will never forget it. 

Sincerely, Joey N, Troop 14


Cartoon Corner



Thoughts from the Scout Executive:



Positive Quote & Prayer

"Be helpful. When you see a person without a smile, give them yours." 

-Zig Ziglar

 A prayer for our children and grandchildren

Lord, I am so glad that you know each of our children and grandchildren by name. I forget sometimes. Thank you for sending a whole hedge of angels around each child. Thank you for protecting them all today. Father, would you please turn their minds and hearts toward You and pleasing you. Thank you!


https://bsa-ciec.doubleknot.com/orgheaders/21/joecolor.jpgJoe Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO
California Inland Empire Council

California Inland Empire Council, BSA
PO Box 8910
1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374
909.793.2463, Ext. 120
877.732.1450 FREE
909.793.0306 Fax


Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: Joseph.Daniszewski@scouting.org for Monday Memo Archives Click Here


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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045