November 27th, 2017


Featured Stories


Holiday Hours

Primitive Camping & Good Turn Weekend

CE 100th Committee







The Best Is Yet To Come!


After almost 35 years of employment with the Boy Scouts of America, nine of them with the California Inland Empire Council, Leah and I have elected to retire effective December 1, 2017. It has been my honor to serve as your Scout Executive and Chief Executive Officer, in some of the most exhilarating and challenging times of my career.

The timing for us and this announcement is appropriate in light of the sterling leadership of Mike O’Connor and Matt Flanagan. Mike and Matt have organized a Scout Executive selection committee made up of board members and other community leaders to select your new Scout Executive.

I am so proud of all our Scouters, all our Staff and especially all our Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venturers and Explorers.

I am so proud of our Cahuilla Lodge of the Order of the Arrow and all our Arrowmen.

Each and every day, we all worked hard to build a great council, a great team to offer a great Scouting program to more and more young people. Our leadership and hard work are making the difference!

I truly believe the best days of the CIEC are ahead of us!



BSA Chief Answers Your Questions About Welcoming Girls Into BSA Programs


After the BSA Board of Directors’ historic decision to welcome girls into Scouting, many in the Scouting community had just one question: When can my daughter sign up?

Other Scouters had more specific questions about the reasons for the move, implementation and rollout plan.

On Oct. 30, I asked Scouters to submit their questions for BSA Chief Scout Executive Mike Surbaugh. By the time we recorded the video last week, we had received more than 400 questions.

I read each one, organized them by topic and took a representative sample of 22 questions directly to our Chief. He spoke openly and candidly for nearly 30 minutes.

For the best experience, watch the complete video of our discussion below.

But if you’re short on time, scroll for a question-by-question breakdown. I’ve included the video timestamp so you can jump directly to the answers that most interest you.

Questions and Timestamps:

1. How was the decision made?

Hear the answer at0:27

Question from: Chris S., a committee chairman in the Atlanta Area Council

2. Was decision driven by revenue and/or membership?

Hear the answer at5:24

Question from: Willis R., camping chairman for the Longs Peak Council

3. Was decision about lining pockets of BSA executives?

Hear the answer at6:41

Question from: Greg L., a member of the district advancement committee in the Atlanta Area Council

4. Will all-boy Cub Scout packs be allowed?

Hear the answer at7:43

Question from: Sean W., an assistant Scoutmaster from the National Capital Area Council

5. What will the organization be called?

Hear the answer at9:13

Question from: Aidan F., an Eagle Scout living in South Africa as part of the Transatlantic Council

6. Will all-boy language and imagery in handbooks change?

Hear the answer at10:07

Question from: Sam S., a Scoutmaster in the Greater New York Councils

7. Was the Girl Scouts of the USA approached?

Hear the answer at11:19

Question from: Julie K., an assistant Scoutmaster from the Western Los Angeles County Council

8. How will packs find enough volunteers for single-gender dens?

Hear the answer at12:35

Question from: Donald K., an assistant Scoutmaster from the Hawk Mountain Council

9. Can packs have the option to make dens co-ed?

Hear the answer at13:50

Question from: Jessica M., a den leader from the Old North State Council

10. Will Cub Scouting become fully “co-ed” in a few years?

Hear the answer at14:53

Question from: Bill K., a district chairman from the National Capital Area Council

11. Will there be a uniform styled and/or cut for women and girls?

Hear the answer at15:33

Question from: Asiya S., a den leader from the Northeast Georgia Council

12. Will dens and packs be required to register girls?

Hear the answer at16:26

Question from: A female Scouter from Florida, who asked to remain anonymous

13. When in 2018 can packs start welcoming girls?

Hear the answer at16:59

Question from: Jenny H., a Cubmaster from the Cascade Pacific Council

14. How will the program for older girls, debuting in 2019, work?

Hear the answer at17:40

Question from: Allie G., an advancement chairwoman in the Pathway to Adventure Council

15. Will there be a pilot of the older-girl program?

Hear the answer at19:31

Question from: Jennifer Z., a parent from the San Diego Imperial Council

16. How will the adult-leader requirements change?

Hear the answer at20:23

Question from: Rich B., an assistant Scoutmaster in the North Florida Council

17. What about sleeping arrangements and restrooms at camp?

Hear the answer at20:59

Question from: Michelle D. of the Dan Beard Council

18. What about inappropriate situations at camp?

Hear the answer at21:44

Question from: Stacey G., a den leader in the Southwest Florida Council

19. Will the BSA help girls feel included and not “second-class citizens”?

Hear the answer at22:28

Question from: The 9-year-old daughter of Kathleen P., a parent from Florida

20. Once young women can start working toward Eagle in 2019, will they use a different set of requirements?

Hear the answer at23:18

Question from: Debbie P., a committee member from the Iroquois Trail Council

21. What will happen to Venturing?

Hear the answer at24:16

Question from: Julie P., an associate crew advisor from the Cascade Pacific Council

22. The change is happening. How can we encourage other Scouters to embrace it?

Hear the answer at24:59Question from: Erik D., an assistant Scoutmaster from the Chief Seattle Council


Holiday Hours


Saturday-December 2nd-CIEC Scout Shop will be closed for Inventory 
Friday-December 22nd- Half Day (Close at 1:00PM)
Monday-December 25th-Closed
Tuesday-December 26th-Closed (Old Baldy Scout Center will be closed as well) 
Monday-January 1st, 2018-Closed 





You are cordially invited to a casual farewell reception

For our Scout Executive/CEO Joe Daniszewski’s retirement

Wednesday-November 29th 2017 (before the CCM)


At our Jack Dembo Scout Center conference room.

Please join us for light refreshments and appetizers. 

RSVP by Monday-November 27th to





Chartered Organization Representative Training

Thursday, January 18, 2018

5:00-6:50 PM

At the

Jack Dembo Scout Center

1230 Indiana Court



$5.00 Registration Fee

As a Chartered Organization Representative, you hold a key position in Scouting! 

 You represent your organization as a voting member of the BSA local council. Join us for a great training, dinner and attend the 2018 Annual Business meeting starting at 7:00 PM.  

If you have already completed the training, please come and attend the meeting.

Click here for flyer



2018 Nominating Committee & Council Annual Business Meeting


Our 2018 nominating committee consists of: Stan Morrison-Chair, Jim Prior-Co-Chair, President Michael Strong, Pat Singer, Paul Foster, Lou Monville, III., Scott "Mac" McLeod and Joe Daniszewski

Any recommendations for prospective Executive Board Members should be forwarded to:

California Inland Empire Council- Nominating Committee
Attn: Nominating Committee, Daniela Silva
PO Box 8910
Redlands, CA 92375-2110

Or Email:

Suggested nominees from registered local council Scouters are considered if they are received in writing no less than 30 days prior to the Annual Business Meeting-December 19th, 2017. Those who offer names to the nominating committee should supply some background information but should not have secured the permission of the person to be nominated and to serve if elected.

The Annual Meeting will be on Thursday, Jan. 18th, 2018 at 6:30pm at the Jack Dembo Scout Center-1230 Indiana Ct. Redlands, CA 92375



Nomination Deadline Extended


Now is the time to nominate a deserving Scouter for the Silver Beaver Award! Don't let a worthy Scouter go unrewarded! The nomination form must be submitted to the CIEC office on or before Monday, December 4, 2017. The Silver Beaver Selection Committee will review nominations and make selections on a “blind” basis. Late forms and non-2017 forms will not be accepted for evaluation. The Nomination Form is available at

For additional information, please contact Michelle Brown at, or 909-793-2463 x 121.  

Please save the date (February 10, 2018) for the Annual Volunteer Recognition Dinner where the 2017 Silver Beaver Awards will be presented!



District Realignment Plan


CIEC District Alignment Proposal

District Alignment has been discussed in the Council for many years. A District Alignment Committee was organized in August 2017 and the following proposal was presented and approved by the Executive Board on November 16th, 2017.

The following district boundaries are to be realigned and the Council will go from 10 Districts to 7 as outlined below:

The following Districts are not impacted by this proposal:
High Desert

The following Districts would be dissolved and merged with other Districts:
5 Nations
3 Peaks

The geographies that will be merged into other Districts include:
5 Nations
Moreno Valley to join Mt Rubidoux
Perris to join Tahquitz

3 Peaks
Hemet and Idyllwild to join Grayback
Menifee to join Tahquitz
Anza to join Sunrise

West Highland, San Bernardino, Grand Terrace and Colton to join Grayback
Mountain Communities to join Grayback (Big Bear to remain with High Desert)
Rialto and Fontana to join Old Baldy

This new alignment will be implemented on January 18, 2018 in conjunction with the CIEC Annual Meeting. It is also recommended with this proposal that 1 (one) additional professional staff position be considered to facilitate a 1 to 1 professional to District alignment.

With CIEC Board approval, the following timeline and steps will be included in this transition:

Friday November 17:
Teleconference with professional staff updating them on the decision
Meetings with Key 3’s in Old Baldy, Grayback and Arrowhead
Conference calls with Key 3’s in Tahquitz, 3 Peaks, Mt Rubidoux, 5 Nations

Friday – Sunday, November 17-19:
Key 3’s have an opportunity to share changes with their District Committees

Monday, November 20:
Changes including new District maps and details to be shared in the Monday Memo along with an e-mail blast and social media posts.

Wednesday, November 29:
Presentation to be shared at the Council Coordinated Meeting.

Month of December:
Information is further shared with District Committees, in Roundtable meetings and in other District specific events including mixers for volunteers included in the realigned Districts.

Additional Notes:
Nominating Committee's for 5N, 3P and AH will immediately be made inactive. Members of the nominating committee will be suggested as members for the realigned districts nominating committees.

For Grayback and Old Baldy ONLY: Key district leaders in Arrowhead will be folded into existing district committees. Example: The AH membership chairman would become the GB membership chairman, the district chairman will become the District Vice Chairman, the advancement chairman will become the San Bernardino area eagle chairman, etc. This will help the transition process and eliminate those effected most in the transition to feel pushed away when they are needed.

Grayback: Will form a subcommittee of equal representation of volunteers previously form 3P, AH and "OLD GB" to explore a potential name change.

The Winchester Day Camp (3 Peaks) will be retained. Would be considered "Tahquitz North" Day Camp. All other activities and their project codes will be discontinued in 3P, AH and 5N.

Respectfully submitted,

CIEC Alignment Committee

Richard Campbell – CIEC VP of Operations
Mark Wroth – District Chair Old Baldy
Todd Elkins – District Chair - 3Peaks
John Vineyard – District Chair Mt. Rubidoux/5 Nations
Tim Anderson – District Chair – Grayback
Kurt Wampole – CIEC Shooting Sports Director – Member of Arrowhead District
Ricci Dula – Assistant Scout Executive

New Alignment Look (All Stats as of 11/6/17)

  Youth 2017 Units 2017 LDS Stakes FOS Objective 2017
Tahquitz 3114 187 4 $179,750
Temescal 2449 108 2 $98, 500
Old Baldy 2350 172 5 $128,750
Mt. Rubidoux 1741 127 3 $144,900
High Desert 1540 140 3 $98,900
Sunrise 797 60 2 $54,700
Council 14297 963 23 $872,000



Recruit a Friend


Click here for flyer



Boy Scout Day


Click here to purchase now!



Stars Wars with OA


Who likes Star Wars? Who wants to go see STAR WARS Episode 8 opening day..Dec 15 around 7:00-8:00 pm with all your fellow Arrowmen and friends?Cahuilla Lodge is buying out a theater for this. Terra Vista 6 theater in Rancho Cucamonga will be the site. Cost will be $10 per person. First Come First served. I can not hold tickets without payment. There are only 291 tickets available. 25 have already been sold. Get yours now. Send a check or cash with the number of tickets needed to Travis Martois 11876 Worcester Dr Rancho Cucamonga California 91730. This will be a NOAC fundraiser so all proceeds from this will go directly to the youth attending NOAC. This is not limited to just Arrowmen. Invite friends, family, Troops, Crews, Packs and anyone else you want. Act fast as this will sell out fast. Send your money today.

Travis Martois
Cahuilla Lodge Adviser



Boy Scout Night


click here for flyer


Primitive Camping & Good Turn Weekend


Service to Camp Helendade is open to all Friends of Helendade, Scouts, Troops, Teams and Crews

There are many work projects that need to be done. Letters will be given to youth who need service hours for school, church, or rank advancement.

COME PREPARED TO WORK: Bring gloves and wear old clothes! Projects will vary based on weather and available resources. If you have a special skill or tool that would be helpful at camp, please let us know.

BRING your own Food and Water: All trash must be taken with you when you leave. A Porta-potty is on site.

2017 DATES:  Dec. 9

Please plan to arrive by 9:00 A.M. on Saturday.

CAMPING COST: $5 per person to camp ONLY (FREE if working on Saturday).


QUESTIONS? Contact Cynthia Blessum, Camping and Outdoor Program Chair, at or 714.612.1662

Work days may be canceled due to inclement weather – please call for status prior to your scheduled weekend.

CLICK HERE for Registration Form


CE 100th Committee


Dear Team,

As we enter into the Holiday Season, I am reflecting on my Thankfulness for counting you among my friends and colleagues in the great adventure.  Take a moment to reflect on the successes of the CE100th Committee during 2017?

  • Developed and published the CE100th syllabus - thank you Robert Q
  • Established district CE100th Chairs and committees - thank you District CE100th Chairs and teams - Sarah, Pamela, Rick, Chuck & Laura, Christopher, Bob & Carolyn, Billy, Kyle, Judy, Kelly and Gavin
  • Developed and implemented the CE100th Communications Committee - thank you Adrienne K
  • Published our first CE100th brochure and the upcoming banner - Thank you William T
  • Attended and had a positive presence at both the University of Scouting and the Adventure Weekend - thank you team and a special shout out to Judy G, the only brave soul who stuck it out at the last UoS CE100th display
  • We have traveling poster boards for roundtable and other presentations - thank you Larry K and Robert Q
  • Established the CE100th Endowment Chair and Committee - thank you Derek T and Rory C
  • Began work on fine details related to the endowment fund - thank you Mike G
  • District CE100th Committees have started, and in some cases completed, their district Camp Emerson improvement projects - thank you District CE100th Chairs
  • Not satisfied with that, one district is taking another step to create new projects for Camp Emerson - thank you Rice and Tahquitz CE100th Team
  • Engaged all of the Camp Emerson stakeholders in conversations and plans to promote their programs and the CE100th - thank you OA, Training, Summer Camp, Camp Wiley, Eerie Emerson, Klondike Derby and International Scouting Committee
  • Established representatives to work with the town of Idyllwild and other organizations outside of Scouting - thank you Don S, Ken B and Mike T
  • Sold the majority of patches we bought, and more are still selling! - thank you Mike D and Larry K for buying so many and the rest of you for selling so many
  • Entered into the Brave New World of social media and mass communications - thank you  Adrienne K, Pamela R and Christopher F (AKA The Camera Man)
  • We have a "done deal" with solar panels - thank you Michael and Mr. Dudley
  • We have kept channels of communication and authorization open with the E-Board through the Properties and Program Committee Chairs and received the gift of feedback and mentoring in return - thank you Mike D and Cynthia B
  • We have a new universe of capabilities, resources and enthusiasm along with plans for Adirondacks and other goodies - thank you Chuck and Laura D
  • We are keeping our camp Ranger happy and excited about our prospects - thank you Jimmy for the excellent work you do at Camp Emerson and the value you bring to the CE100th Committee
  • We are staying on top of procedure and BSA requirements with the help of our professional Tucker - thank you for keeping us on the right path
  • We are sending our Council Executive off to retirement secure in the knowledge that we are on task and keeping the faith - thank you Joe for your leadership and kinds words
  • Thank you BMSC for your help and patient wisdom - Mike T, SOB, RQ
  • For my partner Co-Chair I am particularly grateful - thank you Don and thank you Barbara for your help and support
  • We remain ever-thankful to those who have gone before us and have mentored each of us in Scouting and at Camp Emerson - thank you Bob and Lorroselle S, Frank S, and RIP Roger Marrone, Scoutmaster W4-45-83

Please accept my best wishes for you and your family for a ?very Happy Thanksgiving.
Mark Terry
CE100th Co-Chair


Cartoon Corner



Thoughts from the Council:

Now that Cooking Merit Badge is required, this'll only get worse!



Positive Quote and Prayer

"After forming a cadet corps of boys for assisting as noncombatants during a military campaign in 1900: We then made the discovery that boys, when trusted and relied on, were just as capable and reliable as men."

~Robert Baden Powell

A New Serenity Prayer
God, grant me the serenity
to accept the people I cannot change,
which is pretty much everyone,
since I’m clearly not you, God.
At least not the last time I checked.

And while you’re at it, God,
please give me the courage
to change what I need to change about myself,
which is frankly a lot, since, once again,
I’m not you, which means I’m not perfect.
It’s better for me to focus on changing myself
than to worry about changing other people,
who, as you’ll no doubt remember me saying,
I can’t change anyway.

Finally, give me the wisdom to just shut up
whenever I think that I’m clearly smarter
than everyone else in the room,
that no one knows what they’re talking about except me,
or that I alone have all the answers.

Basically, God,
grant me the wisdom
to remember that I’m
not you.


Monday Memo is from the Council and contains our reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of the Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that we want to bring to your attention. We welcome any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to Daniela attention c/o Monday Memo:  Monday Memo Archives Click Here


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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045