The Council Varsity Scout Committee have a lot of exciting activities planned for 2017, one of which is the University of Scouting. The University offers the opportunity to receive supplemental training and is geared for all program levels. The Varsity Scout program, over the past few years, has shown a steady growth in membership. Come and check out the classes to see why Varsity Scouting is the program for your youth. Check out the Varsity web page for a list of the Varsity Scout activities. The College of Varsity Scouting is offering the following courses. VS101 Continuing the Upward Climb, Retaining Young Men After Age 14: In some minds, the trail ends at Eagle. Some boys reach Eagle before 14, but many don’t. How do you keep Scouts engaged in advancement, and for those who reach Eagle what kinds of advancement goals are there, and why are they important in continued development? VS103 Team Committee Challenge: Key to Success in Varsity Scouting: The real work of the Varsity program results from the mentoring experience provided by an adult helping a young man learn how to plan. Learn how the committee supports the team in the older-boy program. VS104 Operation “On-Target” – Signaling from the Heights: Get up to speed with the “On-Target” Varsity activity! We’ll include basic information about mirror signaling and needed equipment, appropriate locations for successful signaling, using “ham” radio as a communication tool, how to find other groups to exchange signals, safety precautions, and how to prepare for a successful outing. Both the Varsity Teams and Venture Crews can experience this exciting mountain top activity. VS102 Mountain Man Rendezvous: The Frontiersman program as it is called in the Varsity Program encourages today’s youth to reach into history and relive those adventures. The Mountain Man Rendezvous is for all young men 14-17. You will learn the history, the language, clothing, and games only to mention a few of the events and activities done at the Rendezvous. The very best part of the class is the hands-on activity. VS105 Varsity Helps to Light the Fire “Resource Helps for the Program”: How High Adventure and Sports can give a deeper recitation of the outdoors. The outdoor experience stimulates good citizenship through teamwork and opportunities for leadership. It emphasizes spirituality by bringing young people closer to nature. It connects individuals to the land, helps to develop a bond of respect for, and stewardship of wild places and wild things. Learn how the 27 Varsity activities and other resources play a role in Lighting the Fire. VS106 Varsity Scouting and Varsity Vision: How to get boys and leaders trained in the Varsity Scout Program and have some fun doing it! Learn how to conduct the National BSA “Varsity Vision” training course. Varsity Vision is now the premier Varsity training course that trains both the adult leaders and the team youth leaders. So, as you can see, whether you are a seasoned Varsity leader, a new Varsity leader, or other adult wanting to help your unit succeed, we have an array of interesting topics designed to better equip you. Everyone is welcome. Please CLICK HERE for online registration, detailed course description and application. Please mark down on your calendar, February 25, 2017; 8:00am – 5:00pm; Immanuel Baptist Church in Highland. Please take advantage of these terrific opportunities to get great training so that you can better serve our youth. Gavin Christen, Dean of the College of Varsity Scouting |