Positive Quote and Prayer -------------------------------- "The secret of getting successful work out of your trained men lies in one nutshell-in the clearness of the instructions they receive." ~Robert Baden-Powell A SCOUT'S PRAYER Dear Heavenly Father, Help to keep my honor bright And teach me that integrity of character Is my most priceless possession. Grant that I may do my best today, And strive to do even better tomorrow. Teach me that duty is a friend and not an enemy, And help me face even the most disagreeable task cheerfully. Give me the faith to understand my purpose and life, Open my mind to the truth and fill my heart with love. I am thankful for all the blessings you have bestowed upon my country. Help me to do my duty to my country and To know that a good nation must be made from good men. Help me to remember my obligation to obey the Scout Law, And give me understanding, so that it is more than mere words. May I never tire of the joy of helping other people or Look the Other way when someone is in need. You have given me the gift of a body, Make me wise enough to keep it health, That I might serve better. You are the source of all wisdom, Help me to have an alert mind, Teach me to think, And help me to learn discipline. In all that I do and in every challenge I face, Help me to know the difference between right and wrong, And lead me in obedience on a straight path to a worthy goal. |