December 18th, 2017

Happy Holidays


Featured Stories


Stars Wars With OA





Holiday Hours


Friday-December 22nd- Half Day (Close at 1:00PM)
Monday-December 25th-Closed
Tuesday-December 26th-Closed (Old Baldy Scout Center will be closed as well) 
Monday-January 1st, 2018-Closed 




On November 4th, 2017, the California Inland Empire Council and the Jurupa Mountains Discovery Center hosted the first ever Scout STEM Expo 2017.  This event featured over 30 different booths, 8 different presenters, 9 different businesses, the United States Marines, the Riverside Police Department, 2 STEM schools, the UC, Riverside, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and over 10 different Scouting units from the Boys Scouts, Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts and even a Sea Scout ship.   The event accommodated an estimated 1000 to 2000 people visiting the event over the course of the day.

An event like this represents the hard work, dedication, and cooperation of dozens of people, Scouting units, and organizations.  This event demonstrates the best of the California Inland Empire Council coming together to present an incredible event.  I’d like to thank those that made this event possible.  Starting with STEM Expo Committee, Diane Skiff, Anastasia Leveck, Jasia Martinez, and Elisa Bryant; they spent countless hours bringing this together.  Without their efforts, the talent, the marketing, the branding, the organization, the concessions, and the overall coordination of it all would never have happened.  I’d like to thank Michael McBride, Cubmaster of Pack 1230, for being our emcee, audio-visual technician, generator refueling expert and all around awesome Scouter.  Plus John Vineyard, Mike Hare, Tracy Youden, John Pedroza, Brian Paquette, Col. Jay Wylie, Wes Andree, Paul Bowden, Laurie Neuer, Kevin Neuer, Christy Anderson, Heather Reese, Adrienne Krock, Kit Wilson, Brandon Arias, Bob Katz, and Laurie Betts.  I’d also like to thank the adult leaders for the many units that ran booths, provided hardware and equipment, and sent Scouts to support event; Packs 116, 242, 703, 1230, 1887 plus Troops 129, 270, 2 and Ship 2 plus several Girl Scout Troops.  It should be noted that Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Girl Scouts all volunteered hours at this event and that the Youth Challenges were led by an outstanding young SPL.

Our community also provided resources and assistance to this event.  Including the Jurupa Mountains Discovery Center, Inland Empire Health Plan, K1 Indoor Car Racing, Riverside Police Department, UC Riverside, Kona Ice, Girl Scouts of America – San Gorgonio Council, the CIEC Scout Shop, Riverside Astronomical Society, Riverside Robotics Society, the United States Marines, Gears 2 Robots, iFly Ontario, Discount Rockets, Elisa Bryant Design, and Best Delivery. 

And I would be remiss if I didn’t thank our incredible presenters, Maggie Desforges, Atticus Leveck, Thomas Messerschimdt, Crystal Johnston, Dr. Georgios Vidalakis, and Dr. Morgan L. Cable for their incredible presentations

Thank you all and if I missed your name, I apologize.  The event could NOT have happened without you and know that I really appreciate all your effort.  I think we reached a lot of boys and girls.  As we close out our year, I want to invite anyone interested in joining the committee for the next STEM event scheduled for the weekend November 3rd, 2018.

Yours in Scouting
John D. Skiff
STEM Nova Chair - California Inland Empire Council



Stars Wars With OA


Three Eagles, three Cubs, and Yoda following a showing of The Last Jedi sponsored by Navajo Chapter's Travis Martois.

Mark Wroth 



Staff Transition


Please join me in wishing Brian Paquette the very best in his new position with us as our Marketing & Membership Coordinator. Brian will be transitioning from Field Staff to Support Staff and reporting to Michelle Brown-Office Manager in a full time capacity starting today Monday-Dec. 18th. Congratulations Brian! 





Chartered Organization Representative Training

Thursday, January 18, 2018

5:00-6:50 PM

At the

Jack Dembo Scout Center

1230 Indiana Court



$5.00 Registration Fee

As a Chartered Organization Representative, you hold a key position in Scouting! 

 You represent your organization as a voting member of the BSA local council. Join us for a great training, dinner and attend the 2018 Annual Business meeting starting at 7:00 PM.  

If you have already completed the training, please come and attend the meeting.

Click here for flyer



2018 Nominating Committee & Council Annual Business Meeting


Our 2018 nominating committee consists of: Stan Morrison-Chair, Jim Prior-Co-Chair, President Michael Strong, Pat Singer, Paul Foster, Lou Monville, III., Scott "Mac" McLeod.

Any recommendations for prospective Executive Board Members should be forwarded to:

California Inland Empire Council- Nominating Committee
Attn: Nominating Committee, Daniela Silva
PO Box 8910
Redlands, CA 92375-2110

Or Email:

Suggested nominees from registered local council Scouters are considered if they are received in writing no less than 30 days prior to the Annual Business Meeting-December 19th, 2017. Those who offer names to the nominating committee should supply some background information but should not have secured the permission of the person to be nominated and to serve if elected.

The Annual Meeting will be on Thursday, Jan. 18th, 2018 at 6:30pm at the Jack Dembo Scout Center-1230 Indiana Ct. Redlands, CA 92375



Aviation Merit Badge


Thanks for your help,

Dick Foat Big Bear Pilots Association-YAA coordinator.

16371 Underhill Ln
Huntington Beach, CA 92647
714 840-6541
714 743-6541 cell



Camp Emerson 100th Anniversary Patches


PERFECT for your last minute gift shopping needs - Still available at Volunteer Services at the Redlands Service Center for $10 each: 

LIMITED EDITION Camp Emerson 100th Anniversary Patches

Don’t wait too long!! The Service Center closes early on Friday, December 22 - 1:00 PM!

The Camp Emerson 100th Anniversary Committee has a wonderful holiday shopping opportunity, while supplies last!  Might you need to pick some up for your gift-giving needs this season? This is just first patch in our series honoring the 100th Anniversary in 2019 of the oldest Boy Scout Camp west of the Mississippi River. You, your family, and your friends won’t want to miss out on the opportunity to collect the whole set.

Patches fit nicely in stockings, show appreciation to Scout leaders, and are the perfect gift for patch collectors! Don’t miss out!

The Camp Emerson 100th Anniversary committee is working together to promote the legacy of Camp Emerson and ensure its future. Camp Emerson: Our Legacy, Their Future. For more information, contact Camp Emerson 100th Anniversary Co-Chairs, Mark Terry or Don Salva Or Visit us on Facebook:


Cartoon Corner



Thoughts from the Council:



Positive Quote and Prayer

"To get a hold on boys you must be their friend."

~Robert Baden-Powell



Lord, we are camping in the snow today;

We may fear the cold,

But we trust that your Spirit

Will guide and warm us.

Monday Memo is from the Council and contains our reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of the Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that we want to bring to your attention. We welcome any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to Daniela attention c/o Monday Memo:  Monday Memo Archives Click Here


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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045