January 22nd, 2018


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Camp Emerson 100th Anniversary 


Happy New Year from the Camp Emerson 100th Anniversary Committee! We look forward to continuing our mission in 2018 and beyond - and for all of you to join us! We took a moment for a group photo in front of Dembo Lodge, during a beautiful day at Camp Emerson for annual planning meeting in November. 

The Mission of the Camp Emerson 100th Anniversary Committee is to honor and celebrate the land, the history and the people, past and present, and to establish an endowment association to carry its benefits into the future.

Camp Emerson's 100th Anniversary: Our legacy. Their future.

If you haven’t already, we invite you to “like” our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/CE100th/



Den Chief


There are still a few spots available for Den Chief Training on February 24th

Starting at 8:00 am @ University of Scouting

Cost is $20 per person (Scout or adult). Serving as a Den Chief also meets rank advancement requirements. Register today!



Lincoln Pilgrimage


Activities will include the pioneer organization that attended last year  with doll making, pioneer games, and blacksmithing.  Additionally, this year we will have an opportunity for scouts and family members to make candles courtesy of Riley's Los Rios Rancho people, who will be in period costume.  The Pioneer group also dresses in period costume.  There will be the usual Civil War re-enactors and cannon firing.

Please register even if you aren't getting patches in the office.



Save the Date!



Join Us!






Click here for flyer



Outgoing Council President, Mike O'Connor, welcoming new Council President Matt Flanagan




NRA Range Safety Officer Training Class






Saturday, March 3rd, 2018

8 AM to 6 PM

Oak Hills Community Bldg.

6584 Caliente Road

Oak Hills, CA 92344

Located on corner of

Caliente Rd and Musgrave Rd

Across street from Shed World


Kurt Wampole

NRA Training Counselor

NRA Chief Range Safety Officer

NRA Instructor


Richard “Hoss" Hartjen Jr

NRA Chief Range Safety Officer

NRA Instructor

Cell 760-985-7176


This NRA Range Safety Officer course is open to all Boy Scouts of America Councils in the Southern California area, in order to meet staffing needs per the BSA Shooting Sports Program.   All registered Scouters in the California Inland Empire Council, and other Southern California Scout Councils, who wish to assist with their respective Councils shooting sports programs are invited to attend.  Students must be Registered Scouters to attend this class.  All class fees need to be paid when registration is submitted.  The NRA Range Safety Officer Class time duration is 9 hours.  Class will begin at 8 AM sharp and will end at 6 PM, with an hour break for lunch.  Please remember to bring materials for taking notes during class.  An NRA Range Safety Officer Student Packet will be handed out when you sign in for class.  The packet contains the materials needed for class as well as the written test for Range Safety Officer.

There are twenty (20) seats available in this class.  The registration deadline for participation is FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3RD, 2018.  Anyone wishing to register after this date will be put on a waiting list for seats that may become available.  To sign up contact the Instructor, Richard “Hoss” Hartjen Jr, at Trainmaster21@verizon.netor on my cell at 760-985-7176,  and request a registration packet be forwarded to you.  Fill in all forms in the registration packet and return email them with payment information.  The cost for attendance is $45.00 per student payable with return of the registration packet.  No refunds will be given after registration deadline for class.

We require a two year commitment to the BSA Shooting Sports Program in exchange for this low cost training.  It is our goal to provide trained and dedicated Range Safety Officers to assist in the ongoing BSA Shooting Sports Program.  I look forward to teaching this class to everyone attending.

Richard “Hoss” Hartjen Jr.
NRA Chief Range Safety Officer



Thank you Campership Committee


Dear Campership Committee,

Thank you for the campership so I could go to NYLT. I learned leadership skills and had a fun time. Thank you.


Dear Campership Committee,

Thank you for supporting us with our campership to NYLT. I loved the experience and I learned a whole lot that will help me in my daily life as well as scouts. Thank you.




Thank You Sponsors of Exploring Post 261


As a thank you for its response to the Thomas fire, Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi donated thousands of dollars worth of appliances and gift cards to the Redlands Fire Department; sponsors Post 261.

The longtime couple made the donation earlier this month after discovering a crew from Redlands Fire were among responding units that helped protect their home along a stretch of the wildfire’s path.

“(Their) house, along with others in the immediate area were directly threatened,” said Jim Topoleski, a battalion chief for the department. “One of our engines just happened to be deployed in that location.”

Redlands Fire were among the thousands of Southern California fire personnel deployed to assist with the incident, which burned more than 281,000 acres, making it the largest wildfire in modern California history.

The couple’s donation came as a surprise to local fire personnel.

When contacted by DeGeneres’ people, Topoleski thought the couple was going to make a small donation to the department. Instead, more than $14,500 worth of appliances — such as coffee makers and a barbecue — and gift cards had been delivered.

“We were overwhelmed,” he said.

Donations were placed in a secure location until the acceptance of donations were authorized by the Redlands City Council. The authorization was unanimously approved on Tuesday, Jan. 16 with no further discussion.

The department is looking to use some of the donations internally, but will “pay it forward” by donating a significant portion to local groups with a need in the near future.

“We will be generous with the generosity given to us,” Topoleski said.

The longtime couple have expressed their thanks to fire personnel called to battle the blaze on DeGeneres’ longtime talk show — The Ellen Show — and on social media.

On Dec. 14, a photo of Redlands firefighters was posted to Ellen DeGeneres’ Twitter and Instagram accounts with the caption, “Last night. I am so incredibly grateful to these and all the firefighters. Thank you.”

The image received several similar sentiments from the comedienne’s many followers.

The Thomas fire started on Dec. 4 in the Santa Paula/Ventura area and spread into Santa Barbara County.

Thousands were evacuated from the fire’s path, including the DeGeneres and de Rossi, and hundreds of homes and thousands of structures were destroyed.

The fire is 100 percent contained, according to a Cal Fire statement released Jan. 12.


Cartoon Corner



Thoughts from the Council:



Positive Quote and Prayer

"I have never forgotten my days as an Eagle Scout. I didn't know it at the time, but what really came out of my Scouting was learning how to lead and serve the community. It has come in handy in my career in government."

~Lloyd Bentsen

Dear God, give us thankful hearts.

Keep us from complaining.

Help us get along with each other.

Keep us cheerful when things go wrong and our plans are upset.

We pray that we may grow in love and understanding of one another.

Monday Memo is from the Council and contains our reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of the Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that we want to bring to your attention. We welcome any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to Daniela attention c/o Monday Memo:  Monday Memo Archives Click Here


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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045