December 4th, 2017


Featured Stories


Boy Scout Night-Hockey





Annual Volunteer Recognition Dinner!



Star Wars with OA


Who likes Star Wars? Who wants to go see STAR WARS Episode 8 opening day..Dec 15 around 7:00-8:00 pm with all your fellow Arrowmen and friends?Cahuilla Lodge is buying out a theater for this. Terra Vista 6 theater in Rancho Cucamonga will be the site. Cost will be $10 per person. First Come First served. I can not hold tickets without payment. There are only 291 tickets available. 25 have already been sold. Get yours now. Send a check or cash with the number of tickets needed to Travis Martois 11876 Worcester Dr Rancho Cucamonga California 91730. This will be a NOAC fundraiser so all proceeds from this will go directly to the youth attending NOAC. This is not limited to just Arrowmen. Invite friends, family, Troops, Crews, Packs and anyone else you want. Act fast as this will sell out fast. Send your money today.

Travis Martois
Cahuilla Lodge Adviser




Memorial and Tribute Gifts

Your gift to the Memorial and Tribute Fund is a way for you to recognize a special occasion and/or person. It can be a job promotion, presentation of the Eagle Scout Award or the Adult Volunteer Leader Scouting Awards, a birthday or anniversary, a Bar Mitzvah or Confirmation, or to honor the memory of a friend or family member.

Upon receipt of your gift, you will receive an acknowledgement card for tax purposes. The person or family receives a card in your name from the California Inland Empire Council, BSA with no amount mentioned. In addition the memorial or tribute will appear as part of the Monday Memo on the council’s website.

To make a contribution to the California Inland Empire Council Memorial and Tribute Fund, fill out the gift form, and mail the form to California Inland Empire Council, BSA, PO BOX 8910, Redlands, CA 92375-2110. If you have any questions you may contact Joe Daniszewski, Scout Executive at 909-793-2463 ext. 120 or e-mail: joseph.daniszewski@scouting.orgClick Here for Tribute Form

In Memory of
Mike Harris
Joseph Daniszewski



Is Your Eagle Scout Portrait on the Eagle Honor Wall?


December 16 Eagle Scouts should come to the CIEC Dembo Service Center for their complimentary portrait for display on council's Honor Wall. Appointments are suggested and can be reserved by going to and follow through to the online reservation system. Walk-ins are accepted but appointments take precedence. For more information visit their web site, to make your reservation.



William Hodge, CPP
Certified Professional Photographer
3303 Harbor Blvd. G1
Costa Mesa, CA 92626

'Portraits For Life, For Your Milestones'

Schedule your appointment on-line by following this link:



Holiday Hours


Friday-December 22nd- Half Day (Close at 1:00PM)
Monday-December 25th-Closed
Tuesday-December 26th-Closed (Old Baldy Scout Center will be closed as well) 
Monday-January 1st, 2018-Closed 



Primitive Camping & Good Turn Weekend-Last one of the year!


Service to Camp Helendade is open to all Friends of Helendade, Scouts, Troops, Teams and Crews

There are many work projects that need to be done. Letters will be given to youth who need service hours for school, church, or rank advancement.

COME PREPARED TO WORK: Bring gloves and wear old clothes! Projects will vary based on weather and available resources. If you have a special skill or tool that would be helpful at camp, please let us know.

BRING your own Food and Water: All trash must be taken with you when you leave. A Porta-potty is on site.

2017 DATES:  Dec. 9

Please plan to arrive by 9:00 A.M. on Saturday.

CAMPING COST: $5 per person to camp ONLY (FREE if working on Saturday).


QUESTIONS? Contact Cynthia Blessum, Camping and Outdoor Program Chair, at or 714.612.1662

Work days may be canceled due to inclement weather – please call for status prior to your scheduled weekend.

CLICK HERE for Registration Form


Boy Scout Night-Hockey


click here for flyer



Chartered Organization Representative Training 


Chartered Organization Representative Training

Thursday, January 18, 2018

5:00-6:50 PM

At the

Jack Dembo Scout Center

1230 Indiana Court



$5.00 Registration Fee

As a Chartered Organization Representative, you hold a key position in Scouting! 

 You represent your organization as a voting member of the BSA local council. Join us for a great training, dinner and attend the 2018 Annual Business meeting starting at 7:00 PM.  

If you have already completed the training, please come and attend the meeting.

Click here for flyer



2018 Nominating Committee & Council Annual Business Meeting


Our 2018 nominating committee consists of: Stan Morrison-Chair, Jim Prior-Co-Chair, President Michael Strong, Pat Singer, Paul Foster, Lou Monville, III., Scott "Mac" McLeod and Joe Daniszewski

Any recommendations for prospective Executive Board Members should be forwarded to:

California Inland Empire Council- Nominating Committee
Attn: Nominating Committee, Daniela Silva
PO Box 8910
Redlands, CA 92375-2110

Or Email:

Suggested nominees from registered local council Scouters are considered if they are received in writing no less than 30 days prior to the Annual Business Meeting-December 19th, 2017. Those who offer names to the nominating committee should supply some background information but should not have secured the permission of the person to be nominated and to serve if elected.

The Annual Meeting will be on Thursday, Jan. 18th, 2018 at 6:30pm at the Jack Dembo Scout Center-1230 Indiana Ct. Redlands, CA 92375


Cartoon Corner



Thoughts from the Council:

Everything including the kitchen sink



Positive Quote and Prayer

"Commemorative stone in the floor of the Chapel of St. George in Westminster Abbey, London, dedicated in 1947: TO THE MEMORY OF ROBERT Baden-Powell CHIEF SCOUT OF THE WORLD 1857-1941 Upon one side of the stone was the badge of the Boy Scouts, the arrow-head to point the true way as it had pointed the way for sailors and navigators from the time of the earliest maps; and on the other the badge of the Girl Guides-the three-leafed clover."

Robert Baden-Powell


Lord, we thank you for this day.

Help us to do our best every day,

And forgive us when we slip.

Teach us to be kind to other people

and to help them at all times

Bless our parents and teachers and leaders

and all the members of Scouting

Bless us, Lord in your love for us

Help us to be a better Scouts

and let us do our best for you


Monday Memo is from the Council and contains our reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of the Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that we want to bring to your attention. We welcome any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to Daniela attention c/o Monday Memo:  Monday Memo Archives Click Here


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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045