September 5th, 2017

~We are closed Today- Monday, Sept. 4th in observance of the Labor Day Holiday~


Featured Stories


Silver Beaver Award

Spurs & Stars






Old Baldy Scout Service Center Hours Change


The Old Baldy Scout Service Center will be changing its hours to the following:

Tuesday and Thursday 10:00am-2:00pm. 



Thank you for leading NYLT


John Herman-NYLT 1 Course Director and Todd Snook-NYLT 2 Course Director were presented with Certificates of Appreciation at last night CCM.  


Silver Beaver Award


Now is the time to nominate a deserving Scouter for the Silver Beaver Award! Don't let a worthy Scouter go unrewarded! The nomination form must be submitted to the CIEC office on or before Monday, November 13th, 2017. The Silver Beaver Selection Committee will review nominations and make selections on a "blind" basis. Late forms and non-2017 forms will not be accepted for evaluation. The Nomination Form is available at For additional information, please contact Michelle Brown. Please save the date (February 10, 2018) for the Annual Volunteer Recognition Dinner where the 2017 Silver Beaver's will be awarded! 

Now is the time to nominate a deserving Scouter for the Silver Beaver Award! Don't let a worthy Scouter go unrewarded!

There is an updated Silver Beaver Application Form for 2017, which is pdf-fillable, making the nominations that much easier. Click HERE


The California Inland Empire Council, with the approval of the BSA National Court of Honor, may present the Silver Beaver Award to a Scouter who has given Noteworthy Service of Exceptional Character to Youth and is currently registered in this Council.  The nominee must be 21 years of age or older and a volunteer Scouter.  The award may not be presented posthumously.  Former professional Scouters will not be considered within 5 years of their leaving employment with the BSA.

The nomination must be submitted on the Silver Beaver Award Nomination Form complete with original signatures.  Out-of-date forms will not be accepted for evaluation.  All sections of all pages should include as much information as possible for best consideration of the nominee.

The nomination form must be submitted to the CIEC office on or before Monday, November 13, 2017.

The Silver Beaver Selection Committee will review nominations and make selections on a “blind” basis.

Late forms and non-2017 forms will not be accepted for evaluation. The 2017 Silver Beaver Nomination Form is available HERE.



Boy Scout Night & Teddy Bear Toss 


click here for flyer



NRA Range Safety Officer Training Class






Saturday, March 3rd, 2018

8 AM to 6 PM

Oak Hills Community Bldg.

6584 Caliente Road

Oak Hills, CA 92344

Located on corner of

Caliente Rd and Musgrave Rd

Across street from Shed World


Kurt Wampole

NRA Training Counselor

NRA Chief Range Safety Officer

NRA Instructor


Richard “Hoss" Hartjen Jr

NRA Chief Range Safety Officer

NRA Instructor

Cell 760-985-7176


This NRA Range Safety Officer course is open to all Boy Scouts of America Councils in the Southern California area, in order to meet staffing needs per the BSA Shooting Sports Program.   All registered Scouters in the California Inland Empire Council, and other Southern California Scout Councils, who wish to assist with their respective Councils shooting sports programs are invited to attend.  Students must be Registered Scouters to attend this class.  All class fees need to be paid when registration is submitted.  The NRA Range Safety Officer Class time duration is 9 hours.  Class will begin at 8 AM sharp and will end at 6 PM, with an hour break for lunch.  Please remember to bring materials for taking notes during class.  An NRA Range Safety Officer Student Packet will be handed out when you sign in for class.  The packet contains the materials needed for class as well as the written test for Range Safety Officer.

There are twenty (20) seats available in this class.  The registration deadline for participation is FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3RD, 2018.  Anyone wishing to register after this date will be put on a waiting list for seats that may become available.  To sign up contact the Instructor, Richard “Hoss” Hartjen Jr, at, or on my cell at 760-985-7176,  and request a registration packet be forwarded to you.  Fill in all forms in the registration packet and return email them with payment information.  The cost for attendance is $45.00 per student payable with return of the registration packet.  No refunds will be given after registration deadline for class.

We require a two year commitment to the BSA Shooting Sports Program in exchange for this low cost training.  It is our goal to provide trained and dedicated Range Safety Officers to assist in the ongoing BSA Shooting Sports Program.  I look forward to teaching this class to everyone attending.

Richard “Hoss” Hartjen Jr.
NRA Chief Range Safety Officer




Area 4 Venturing Orientation


Hello Everyone,

On September 16-17 we would love for everyone to join us at Trask Scout Reservation for our WR Area 4 Venturing Orientation! This weekend will be full of learning and bonding of all across the Area. You will also get to meet our special guests, Jessica Kent and Michelle Merritt! Sunday, after the orientation, there will be an optional activity that costs an additional $9 at the door. We will be touring the gardens and exhibits of the Los Angeles Arboretum. While this is not part of the scheduled orientation, it will allow participants who wish to spend more time bonding with the youth and adults across the area to do so.

You can register for the orientation for only $30 using this link:

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at

Yours in Scouting, 

Nicole Steele | Western Region Area 4
Venturing Vice President of Communications



2nd Quarter 2017 Recipient Report Adult Awards


Award Last Name First Name City Congregation
GOD AND SERVICE ADULT AWARD Sosa Charles Eastvale Vantage Point Church



5 Things to Consider Before Enlisting Scouts in Hurricane Relief Efforts


Service to the community is often what Scouts are known for, but disaster relief can be hazardous, and its best to enlist Scouts only in supportive...




Celebrate Boy Scouts of America Month with Bass Pro Shops


Bass Pro Shops is hosting Boy Scouts of America Month at all U.S. locations this September. Throughout the month, Bass Pro Shops will...

read more



BSA Camps Adding Healthier Options at Dining Halls, Trading Posts


From Bryan on Scouting: At Bashore Scout Reservation in Pennsylvania, the campaign to keep Scouts physically strong starts at the dining hall. 



Spurs & Stars




Scout Shop


Recruitment season is upon us! CIE Redlands Scout Shop annual Welcome to Scouting event is in full swing.

Buy a Cub Scout uniform shirt and purchase a pair of Cub Scout Switchback Pants for just $18.74, a 25% savings! See store associates for details, call 909-307-3950.

Be sure to share with all your new Scout families.


Valid on Cub Scout blue field uniforms only, including Lions, now through October 31st.



Primitive Camping & Good Turn Weekend


Service to Camp Helendade is open to all Friends of Helendade, Scouts, Troops, Teams and Crews

There are many work projects that need to be done. Letters will be given to youth who need service hours for school, church, or rank advancement.

COME PREPARED TO WORK: Bring gloves and wear old clothes! Projects will vary based on weather and available resources. If you have a special skill or tool that would be helpful at camp, please let us know.

BRING your own Food and Water: All trash must be taken with you when you leave. A Porta-potty is on site.

2017 DATES:  Sep. 9, Oct. 14, Nov. 11, Dec. 9

Please plan to arrive by 9:00 A.M. on Saturday.

CAMPING COST: $5 per person to camp ONLY (FREE if working on Saturday).


QUESTIONS? Contact Cynthia Blessum, Camping and Outdoor Program Chair, at or 714.612.1662

Work days may be canceled due to inclement weather – please call for status prior to your scheduled weekend.

CLICK HERE for Registration Form



Camp Emerson 360 Cope Course



Cartoon Corner



Thoughts from the Scout Executive:



Positive Quote & Prayer

"A thing that many fellows don't seem to realize at first is that success depends on oneself and not on a kindly fate, nor on the interest of powerful friends." 

~Robert Baden-Powell

Father God,

I thank you for this Labor Day holiday. I thank you for this time when I can choose to get added rest, or added fun, or added time to catch up on necessary chores.

Lord, this is also a great day for reflection. This is a day to thank you for the many gifts and talents that you have given me to serve you and serve others. 

Lord, you have equipped me, you have prepared me, and you will enable me to make great contributions to this world. Enlarge my vision of your awesome plan for my life. 

I thank you for your heavenly guidance. I celebrate the revelation, motivation, and determination that will take me to the next step in my destiny.

Bless my work and my career for your glory. Enlarge my opportunities. Enable me to be prosperous as I dedicate myself to giving my best to the work assignments you have given me.

Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: for Monday Memo Archives Click Here


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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045