Monday Memo 

Joseph Daniszewski
Scout Executive

Good day and welcome to our February 1st Monday Memo


Taquitz District Pack 614 leads the way to help Haiti

Like many of you, I am just appalled at the loss of life and destruction caused by last week?s earthquake in Haiti. As many of you know, Scouting is joining many other organizations to offer what assistance we can, including support to the American Red Cross.

As BSA International Commissioner Jim Turley noted on our Web site, World Scouting has been in contact with a member of the Scouts and Guides of France, who happened to be in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, during this horrific earthquake. He reports that our brother and sister Scouts are helping in the relief effort. Our thoughts and prayers are with them.

Here at home, it is inspiring to note how Scouting units across the country are jumping in to hold fund-raisers and find other meaningful ways to provide assistance to those who are very much in need in Haiti. 

From Cub Scout Pack 432 in Elkridge, Maryland, gathering donations for the Red Cross all day Saturday at their local grocery store, to Cub Scout Pack 614 holding a ?Help for Haiti Supply Drive? Monday at a  local discount store in Temecula, California, these efforts demonstrate how our commitment to helping others knows no bounds. Great job, everyone!

Not only are cash donations coming in from local Scouting units, local businesses in their communities are providing help to these Scouts to ship donated goods they collect to Haiti as quickly as possible. It is so wonderful to see how the Scouting spirit is spreading to the benefit of this country so desperately in need right now.

Roger Schrimp, chairman of the BSA?s International Committee, summed up Scouting?s mission in the face of this disaster very well in his message on our Web site: ?At the end of the day, it does not matter how big or small an individual?s contribution is. We all give what we can afford. That?s what we do in Scouting. These are our friends, our fellow Scouts. They need our help. ?On my honor, I will do my best!? is a pledge that each of us has taken as a Scout.?

Please take these words to heart. Let us know what kind of events you are hearing about in your councils to offer relief to our friends in Haiti. Agencies like the American Red Cross are best equipped to handle crises like this, and I encourage you to drive any support their way you can.

Thanks, Bob 


BSA Extends National Hall of Leadership Deadline 

This just in: The deadline for nominating a worthy Scout or Scouter for the National Hall of Leadership is now April 2, 2010.

That gives you two extra months to recognize the people who have influenced Scouting the most.

In deciding to extend the deadline, members of the 100th Anniversary Team said they have received thousands of nominations already but want to make sure everyone has a chance to share their Scouting story.

The date for announcing the inductees was originally scheduled for May?s National Annual Meeting in Dallas, but that has changed. Now, the names will be announced on an even bigger stage: the 2010 National Scout Jamboree. One honoree will be selected from each local council, and the national council will name one additional inductee.

To nominate someone for this once-in-a-lifetime honor, click here.


Check out the expanded Cub Scout Academics and Sports Program Web site

Whatever your Cub Scout-age boys love to do, there?s probably a belt loop for it. Whether it?s Geology or Golf, Music or Marbles, Science or Soccer?there?s plenty for everyone in the 25 Academics and 26 Sports subjects available.

We know that as a leader, sorting through requirements for 51 different awards is a daunting task. But don?t worry?help has arrived. Last month, the BSA?s Innovation Team updated the Cub Scout Academics and Sports Program Web site to include requirements for each award.

The process is simple. Just click on the name of the subject your boys are interested in, and you?ll go to the list of requirements for earning the corresponding belt loop and pin for that topic.

Planning the activities for your next pack or den meeting just got easier. So why not print out the requirements for a belt loop or pin and create a meeting agenda based around that fun advancement opportunity?

The Web site is convenient and easy to use, but you?ll still need the Academics and Sports Program Guide. The book expands on the lists of requirements, providing additional information about each subject area. 


Guest blog: Judge Bill Sessions shares his passion for Scouting

Judge-Sessions [Editor's note: What follows is a guest blog post written exclusively for Cracker Barrel readers by Judge William S. Sessions. Sessions, a Distinguished Eagle Scout, is a former United States District Court Judge and the former director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Now, he's leading the initiative to promote the BSA's centennial coin.]

Hello! I am Judge Bill Sessions, and I am glad for this opportunity to introduce myself as the honorary chairman of the Boy Scouts of America?s initiative to promote the Boy Scouts of America Centennial Silver Dollar. This March, the United States Mint will mint and make available for sale, beginning March 23, 350,000 Boy Scouts of America Centennial Silver Dollars. Surcharges from the sale of the coins may raise up to $3.5 million for the BSA Foundation, to help extend Scouting in difficult to serve areas. I am grateful for the opportunity to support the BSA. Scouting has had a tremendous and lasting impact on my own family.

I joined Scouting while my father was an Army chaplain in the south Pacific during WWII. And though he had never been a Scout himself, my father, Will A. Sessions, Jr., saw great value in it. Upon his return from the war, he became a pastor at a church in Kansas City, Mo., and wrote the first nationally distributed handbook to support Scouts in earning their God and Country award.

My journey into the program began in Troop 136 in Kearney, Neb. After my father?s return from the war, we moved to Kansas City, where I became a Sea Scout. I continued on through Scouting to earn my Eagle award. And, not long before I did, I had the experience of a lifetime at Philmont. I saved every penny to come up with $100 for the month long trip, and was at Philmont when WWII ended. It was an experience I will never forget.

My three sons were involved in Scouting as boys, and they still find great joy in it to this day. My son Pete (Congressman Pete Sessions of Dallas, Tex.) went on to earn his Eagle Scout Award, and later, the Distinguished Eagle Scout Award. It was in Scouting that my children discovered their love for camping and the outdoors. My wife and I had always encouraged our children to attempt to achieve goals they thought they could not, and Scouting reinforced that idea of challenging yourself. I saw my sons grow and change into ambitious young men who weren?t afraid to take action.

Scouting continues to bring me immense pride as I watch my grandchildren participate in the program. Once again, I have the opportunity to watch as our young family members develop the drive to learn and accomplish on their own. I am reminded that you never know what will capture a young person?s imagination, nor what they?ll do with the tools you help them acquire. What we give through Scouting is an education, in the truest sense, and it?s the greatest gift we can give our children.


Scouts celebrate 100 years

The Boy Scouts of America will celebrate 100 years of existence on Feb. 8. Founded as an outlet to prepare America?s youth to become participating citizens and leaders, Boy Scouts has more than fulfilled its mission. In recognition, the 100th anniversary Boy Scout Jamboree will be held July 26-Aug. 4, 2010, at Fort A. P. Hill, Va.

Click here to read the rest of this story on


Boy Scouts of America's Centennial Silver Dollar

Heads up, coin collectors! The U.S. Mint has unveiled its final design for the Boy Scouts of America?s Centennial Silver Dollar.

The obverse (heads) side shows a Cub Scout, Boy Scout, and Venturer, and the reverse (tails) side depicts the BSA?s iconic fleur-de-lis emblem. Some of the inscriptions are ones you?re used to seeing on a coin: ?In God We Trust,? ?Liberty,? and ?E Pluribus Unum.?

The rest of the text is unique to Scouting: ?Be Prepared? and ?Continuing the Journey.? The former, of course, is the Scout Motto, and the latter is a nod to the BSA?s 100th Anniversary slogan: ?Celebrating the Adventure, Continuing the Journey.?

The Mint's first run will produce just 350,000 of these commemorative coins. So don?t delay getting your hands on one when they?re released in March. At that time, you can place an order through the U.S. Mint?s Web site or by calling its toll-free number: 800-USA-MINT. Just don?t expect to find one among the change you get from your Starbucks latte. They will only be available in proof and uncirculated versions.

Need another excuse to order one? Consider this: The surcharges collected from the sale of each coin will go to the Boy Scouts of America National Foundation, which helps bring Scouting to underserved communities. That's $3.5 million to a very worthy cause.

The commemorative coin represents just the latest in a growing list of 100th Anniversary keepsakes. It joins the ?Celebrate Scouting? stamp, due out in July, and the apparel and souvenir items available now through the BSA Supply Group.



Register for Summer 2011 Council Contingents at Northern Tier

Attached you will find a registration form and sign-up procedures for Wilderness Canoe Treks for the summer of 2011 at one of the three National High Adventure Bases that are part of the Northern Tier Program. Open registration for individual units begins on April 1, 2010. Councils may register for council contingents prior to April 1, 2010.

Reservation Form    Council Contingent Application    Crew Reservation Procedure

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Northern Tier National High Adventure Program at 218-365-4811 


News & Tidbits

Scout Sunday is February 7th

Read some great ideas for Scout Sunday worship by Clicking Here 

Check this out!  BSA wins a national shooting award!!!

Boy Scouts of America Wins 2010 Crosman Friend of Youth Shooting Award : The Outdoor Wire

2010 International Camporee May 14 - 16 

Click here for more info on 2010 International Camporee


Recently Completed Eagles

Name District Unit Name District Unit
Anthony Dobisky TQ Troop 500 Karson Fronk TQ Crew 333
Jerry Davis TQ Crew 633 Elijah Leighton SU Crew 268
Byron Griffith TQ Troop 430 Jeffrey Martin TM Crew 533
Salesi Ika TQ Crew 108 Ian Corella TM Troop 127
James Minton HD Crew 659 Danial Rigney AH Troop 251
Christopher Holdaway TQ Crew 934 Ronald Nance AH Troop 251


2010 Hall of Fame Recruitment

District District .


Troop 860   HD Pack 574
James Job Single - Youth Recruiter Billy Rosenberg Double - Youth Recruiter
Jim Nelson Single - Adult Recruiter Billy Rosenberg Home Run - Adult Recruiter
  AH Troop 520   3P Troop 764
Henry Tito Single - Youth Recruiter Brian Carey Home Run - Youth Recruiter
David Lochridge Single - Adult Recruiter Brian Carey Home Run - Adult Recruiter
Crew 501   TQ Pack 500
Rony Cabrera Single - Youth Recruiter Royce Rueda Single - Youth Recruiter


Positive Quote

"Many hands make light work." John Heywood (English Playwright & Poet) 

Have a great Scouting week!
Yours in the Spirit of Scouting,

Joe Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO
California Inland Empire Council, BSA
1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374

909.793.2463, Ext. 120
909.793.0306 Fax

Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the
good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring
to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this
memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it
to his attention c/o Monday Memo: for Monday Memo Archives Click Here


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