Monday Memo 

Joseph Daniszewski
Scout Executive

Good day and welcome to our February 22nd Monday Memo


High Desert Akela & Me Cubscout Campout

The Second Annual, Akela and Me Cubscout campout took place on February 19, 20 at Church of the Valley in Apple Valley, CA. 138 cub scouts and 45 staff members enjoyed a  fun filled event.  The event provided an opportunity for cubs and their families to camp safely indoors.  The event started Friday at 6 PM with a surprise appearance by Cricket the Magician. Local Venture Scouts from Crew 157, Crew 45, Crew 800, Troop 157,Troop 257 and Troop 454 from Irvine provided games and excitement for all.  Saturday the cubs earned belt loops and pins and was topped off with Language and Culture discussions with a guest from China.was filled with Belt Loop and Pins from BB Gun and Archery always a Cub favorite to Language and Culture discussions a guest from China. Everyone enjoyed the 100th Anniversary Birthday cake. Thanks to all participants and staff.

Rick Cales and Tami Caballero


Soles for Souls

Kudos to Tahquitz District and its Charter Organizations! They have sent over 22,000 pairs of shoes to Soles for Souls. A Big thanks to everyone that has contributed and helped shipped the shoes to Vegas.

Thanks Again,

Wayne Chase
Tahquitz District Chair

Chris Johnson
Tahquitz District Commissioner


 New Cub Scout Pack in Tahquitz

Because of a presentation she heard at her son's school in Tuscany Hills, Betsy Semmens, standing at right, has become a Den Mom for the fairly new Cub Scout Pack 323 of Tuscany Hills. Standing with her from left are Cubmaster Doug Ames, Michael Ames and her husband, Bryan.

?No way. Not me!? I insisted when I told my friend that I was headed to a meeting for Cub Scouts and she asked if I was going to volunteer to be a Den Mom. ?I am absolutely, positively done volunteering for anything for the rest of my life,? I insisted. Her reply of ?yeah, right? did not help.
     The meeting was announced on a flyer that my 2nd grader brought home in his backpack. I showed up at the Tuscany Hills Elementary multi-purpose room with a few other families to listen to a Boy Scout representative talk enthusiastically about the wonderful world of scouting. It took only a few minutes before I was daydreaming about how cute my son would look in his little blue uniform, singing ?Kumbaya? around a campfire.

Read More Click Here.....


Buckskin & Foxfire Training

Buckskin is NYLT , NYLT is Buckskin. This past summer 101 young men participated in this week long course. This course is an advance leadership training for youth that are in a troop, team or a crew. This program is action packed designed to provide leadership skills.  72 of the 101 graduated.
Foxfire Youth Leader Training is an exciting updated of a unique program where young men enhance their leadership skills. Scouts will expand upon the team building and ethical decision making skills learned at Buckskin/NYLT. Foxfire uses mountain man history as a theme on which the program is built upon. We had 28 out of 33 young men graduated from this program.

Congratulations to all these young men. If your are interested in sending your son you can signup by clicking on either link Buckskin or Foxfire


Lincoln Pilgrimage

REDLANDS - Rain may have put a damper on the weekend plans of some, but did not keep about 700 people from attending the 71st annual Lincoln Pilgrimage Saturday.

For the second year in a row, rain forced the pilgrimage inside the Redlands High School Clock Auditorium. Excitement was still high as marching bands, youth groups, Civil War reenactors, speakers, and others led the hour-long program.

"It is right and good that for each of the last 71 years, we have gathered and had this pilgrimage in honor of Lincoln," said guest speaker Kasey Haws. "It isn't a march, it isn't a parade, it's not a festival. It's much more than that. (It) commemorates what one man did based on the greatness of his character and the genius of his mind, an enormous personal sacrifice to preserve what we now have. It is that simple and that overwhelming."    Read More.....


Why Join Cub Scouts?

Watch the Video by clicking here!  Quicktime player is needed, you can download quicktime by clicking here 


Council welcomes new Paraprofessional Kimber Cadenhead

Lets all extend a warm welcome to the newest member of our Scouting service team in the 3 Peaks District.Kimber Cadenhead comes to us with extensive volunteer experience having served as a membership chair, on the pack committee and as a district training team member.  She is also wood badge trained!  Kimber and her husband Josh have five children and reside in Menifee.  She is excited to join our staff and will do a great job furthering our mission, reaching more youth with a quality program.


Kudos to 2009 District Roundtable Commissioner Staff

Tahquitz Mount Rubidoux Old Baldy High Desert Arrowhead
Judy Clark Bruce Bradley Christy Eimen Jeannee Bradley Kurt Wampole
Alex Medina Carrie Nelson Laura French Randy Kelly Jim Newcombe
Cathy Hope Ron Herbert Dennis Weiner Greg Lundeen Paul Hager
Tom Paulson Cynthia Blessum Tracy Teters Ray Romo Sam Fisk
Ed Walker Dennis Babcock Pat Turk Tami Caballero  Marti and Eric Eatherly
John Ryti Christy Anderson Darvel Alred Jessica Hankins  Denise Wampole
Bob Bledsoe Bill Mattingly
Chris Johnson Rick Cales
Five Nations Grayback District Sunrise District Three Peaks Temescal
Susan Romney Jim Nolin Wendy Hodge Henry Blackadar    Richard Campbell
Denice Cannell Ruth Cook Chrissy Romero Dwayne W. Bessey  Colby Packer
Christopher Duwel Charlene Betty Clinton Blaul Ron Fardig Tracy Teters
William Betts Don Miller Suzette Romero
Scott Perkins


Kudos to Adventure Base 100 Volunteers

Kudos again to all our CIEC/BSA Scouts and Scouters that staffed the Adventure Base 100 in Pasadena on January 3, 2010!

Name District Name District Name District Name District
Colin Shaffer Grayback Debbie Byrne High Desert Gene Armstrong Old Baldy Christy Eimen Old Baldy
Kyle Neuenschwander Grayback Kevin Byrne High Desert Sheila Armstrong Old Baldy Donnie Eimen Old Baldy
Jerod Gamache Grayback Christy Anderson Mt. Rubidoux Cindy Culver Old Baldy Tyler Eimen Old Baldy
Steven Gamache Grayback Judy Graeber Mt. Rubidoux Johnny Fabos Old Baldy Kevin Hickman Old Baldy
Christopher Lesyna Grayback Rick Pohlers Mt. Rubidoux Kathy Fabos Old Baldy Tom Munoz Temescal
Kevin Lesyna Grayback Jon Kantola Mt. Rubidoux Torin Vlietstra Old Baldy Steve Banneck Temescal
Jason Agre Grayback Joe Ortiz Mt. Rubidoux Joe Vlietstra Old Baldy Kurt Wochholz Temescal
Larry Agre Grayback Ken Cambell Mt. Rubidoux Trudy Holloway Old Baldy Miles Persons Temescal
Zachery Roque Grayback Bruce Bradley Mt. Rubidoux Tracy Teters Old Baldy Mai Nugent Temescal
Luis Chavez Grayback Michael Burk Mt. Rubidoux Matthew Turk Old Baldy Darren Nugent Temescal
James Quigley Grayback Mike Hare Mt. Rubidoux Pat Turk Old Baldy Austin Nugent Temescal
Maria Edwards High Desert Tracy Youden Mt. Rubidoux Larry Watts Old Baldy Spencer Nugent Temescal
Suzanne Cherry High Desert Dave Chapman Old Baldy Matt Flanagan Old Baldy Tyler Nugent Temescal
Doug Griffiths High Desert Don Curtis  Five Nations Laurie Curtis Five Nations


Positive Quote

Happy Birthday to  George Washington and Sir Robert Baden-Powell!

"Truth will ultimately prevail where there is pains to bring it to light."

George Washington

"The spirit is there in every boy; it has to be discovered and brought to light.? 

Sir Robert Baden-Powell


Have a great Scouting week!
Yours in the Spirit of Scouting,  

Joe Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO
California Inland Empire Council, BSA
1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374

909.793.2463, Ext. 120
909.793.0306 Fax

Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the
good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring
to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this
memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it
to his attention c/o Monday Memo: for Monday Memo Archives Click Here


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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

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