Welcome to our February 25th, 2013 Monday Memo


A Message From The National Key 3



At the direction of the National Executive Board, the Boy Scouts’ leadership began a dialogue within the Scouting family about its values and membership standards, and the Boy Scouts of America finds itself in a very challenging position as it begins this process.

This discussion rightly involves the employment of a massive communications process that engages the entire Scouting family. We are well into the planning phase and have already conducted two regional board meetings where we discussed this issue. We look forward to continued discussions with our members, volunteers, and families across the nation.

There are many questions about this process, and to assist you, we have launched a special website at www.bsamembershipstandards.org to provide you with the most current updates on this process and next steps.

Also, the BSA has appointed volunteer leaders supported by staff to review a number of issues and do their best to determine how they may impact the BSA. These include financial, fundraising, community relationship, and legal concerns. The following are the phases the BSA is undertaking, including a brief description and the timeline for their completion.





The BSA defines the desired process and intended outcomes.

Feb. 6–28



The BSA’s standing committees engage key stakeholders for input and develop a summary report.

March 1–April 5


The BSA’s officers review the summary report and prepare a resolution for consideration by National Council voting members.

April 5–17




The report and resolution are shared with the voting members of the National Council.

April 18–May 24


The BSA conducts on-site information sessions for registered participants at its National Annual Meeting, followed by a vote.

May 22–24



Based on the resolution and vote, the BSA will determine and implement next steps for the organization.

May 24–Ongoing

The path we are on is not an easy one for any of us. It takes courage and commitment to stay the course to work through a well-thought-out and comprehensive approach. Along the way, you will hear a lot of information and opinions. While such content has its place, we only ask that you not allow it to derail the process. Your positive contribution, support, and encouragement of all the volunteers and professionals who are working so hard is vital to a final result that we can all stand behind.

In the meantime, thanks for your willingness to be a part of this process, and more important, for all you do for Scouting.


Order of the Arrow Lodge Banquet

The Joslyn Senior Center in Redlands was at full capacity Saturday evening for the annual CIEC Cahuilla Lodge Order of the Arrow Lodge Banquet.  Over 200 Arrowmen, guests and family gathered for the annual celebration of the Cahuilla Lodge.  Under the facilitation of the 2012 Lodge Chief, Ian McLeod, and Lodge Adviser Tim Purvis, Cahuilla celebrated their efforts of 2012 resulting in an inaugural Lodge Journey To Excellence of Gold.  This year’s theme was “Hawaiian” as Arrowmen adorn Hawaiian attire with their sashes prominently displayed.  Our two term Chief, Ian McLeod, facilitated the evening and recapped a year of service resulting in the Lodges first ever “Journey To Excellence” recognition of “Gold”.

The Lodge said goodbye to our 2012 Lodge Executive Committee and swore-in the 2013 Lodge LEC with the presentation of the Chiefs Bonnet to John Garcia, the 2013 Cahuilla Lodge Chief.  In addition, the Lodges First Vice Chief, Destin Patterson, Second Vice Chief, Chase Haden, Third Vice Chief, Ian Hare, Lodge Treasurer, Jared Brandt, and Lodge Secretary, T.J. Hughes.  Under the Advisory guidance of the new 2013 Lodge Adviser, Mrs. Cynthia Blessum, and her 2013 Associate Advisers, the 2013 Lodge LEC plans to carry-forth an ambitious tradition of service and support to our Council Camp and communities.

The 2012 Chief Ian McLeod recognized our Founders Award recipients, youth-John Garcia and adult-Mark Triplett.  As well , the Lodge took great pride in recognizing our 2012 Arrowman of the Year, youth-Chase Hadden, and adult, Teresa Locke.  The outstanding efforts of the Lodges Individual and Team Ceremonial experts were recognized as well as the James E. West-Ian Hare, and Golden Eagle-Mrs. Cynthia Blessum, Recipients.  

The CIEC Cahuilla Lodge recognizes and wishes to express their devoted support of all our Arrowman and our Council for a tremendously successful 2012.  Congratulations Cahuilla-Lodge Journey to Excellence ranking of Gold.

Tim Purvis, 2012 Adviser to the Chief


Thank You Note

Thank you so much for sharing your time to attend the 2012 Cahuilla Lodge Annual Banquet….your presence is greatly appreciated and recognized by the Lodge.  The Lodge is tremendously proud of their inaugural achievement of “Gold” for the Lodge Journey to Excellence efforts.  My wife and I found your comments quite timely and appropriate….I hope all were listening closely to your message.  The purpose of this organization centers on leadership training and establishing strong “life-long” character traits for all young men and women without exception. 

Thank you for your support throughout the year and for allowing me to volunteer my time and passion for the BSA and O.A.

Tim Purvis, 2012 Adviser to the Chief

Journey to Excellence Final Results

Two-thirds of Councils Improve JTE Scores in 2012

The results are in, and it’s been another banner year in the BSA’s Journey to Excellence. More than 90 percent of our 286 councils earned bronze, silver, or gold recognition in 2012, with 64 percent of councils improving their total points or remaining gold-level performers. Evaluating council performers by recognition level, we had 134 councils earn gold, 96 earn silver, and 39 earn bronze. Only 17 of 286 councils failed to qualify for JTE recognition.

In conducting our year-end analysis of JTE, it’s clear who the real winners are: the volunteers and youth being served by continuously improving Scouting programs. Thanks to your support, Journey to Excellence is engaging volunteers and staff in action-oriented discussions focused on how together, we make the Scouting program better tomorrow than it is today. Our culture is embracing the JTE balanced scorecard as the corporate standard to measure Scouting achievement at the unit, district, and council levels. With this corporate commitment, we are now focusing time and resources on key performance indicators that drive success at the local council level—and ultimately attract and retain more youth in Scouting


2013 Eagle Scout Recognition Dinner & NESA Awards

To celebrate and honor the accomplishments of the current Class of Eagle Scouts, the California Inland Empire Council is hosting the 2012 Eagle Scout Recognition Dinner & NESA Awards on Friday, March 15th, 2013, at 6:00pm at the March Field Air Museum in Riverside. This year, the event is not only reaching out to the current class of new Eagle Scouts, but to Eagle Scouts of all ages.

For more Information and to Register Online Click Here


Varsity Vision Training

On February 22/23, 2013 the California Inland Empire Council held its second “Varsity Vision Training” course that was attend by 9 Varsity leaders and 15 youth leaders.  In this course the youth and leaders were trained by participating rather than lecture.  The participants spent the weekend actuality learning the importance of the Five Fields of Emphasis and how they work within the Varsity Team.  This course focused on how the Varsity Coach and Team Captain work together to deliver an effective program for their unit.  It reinforced the concept that a team is boy-led, and that the Team Captain is the leader and the roles of the Program Managers.  In the course the Coach and Program Advisors learned what their roles are to the team.  The adult leaders and youth participates came away trained.   The next “Varsity Vision Training” course is in the fall, Point of Contact is Gavin Christen gavinchristen@att.net   Phone Numbers Cell 951-218-0990 Home 951-682-4380


Cleaning Out Your Garage, Storage Unit or Yard?

Boseker Scout Reservation, home to Camp Emerson and Camp Wiley is in need of some items. If you have these items and no longer need them, consider donating them to camp where they will receive a good home. While the items listed may seem really specific, don’t let that turn you away from contacting us. If you have items similar to those listed, please let us know. Contact Josh Fisher at Jofisher@bsamail.org to donate or for questions.

We have already began getting items donated. The first needed items of a Washer, Dryer and shelving have graciously been donated. Needed items:

· Shovels
· Rakes
· Brooms
· Chest Freezer
· Kitchen Warmers
· First Aid Supplies


Are you in the heating and air conditioning business? The California Inland Empire is in need of assistance to repair the duct work at the Old Baldy Service Center. If you have the knowledge and would be willing to help out, please contact Josh Fisher at 909-793-2463 x139 or jofisher@bsamail.org


City of Menifee Honors Scouting and 2012 Eagle Scout Class

The City of Menifee, led by Mayor Mann and the City Council of Menifee, recognized Scouting for 103 year of service and the 2012 Class of Eagle Scouts from the City of Menifee. 2012 marked the 100th year of the Eagle Scout rank.  The first Eagle Scout rank was awarded to Arthur Eldred in 1912.  Last year the California Inland Empire Council awarded 533 Eagle Scout Awards of which 11 reside in the City of Menifee.   The City of Menifee is home to approximately 500 Scouts, 11 Cub Scout Packs, 9 Boy Scout Troops, 9 Venturing Crews, 1 Sheriffs Explorer Post and 2 Fire Explorer Posts.

2012 Eagle Scout Class



Eagle Date

Josue Molina

Troop 428


Kenneth Goode III

Troop & Crew 444


Derek Draper

Crew 385


Ryan Johnson

Crew 485


Devon Hill

Crew 485


Eric Hamilton

Team 385


Carsten Edwards

Team 385


Jason Stilgebouer

Troop 428


Jared Brandt

Troop & Crew 444


Cole Wilson

Crew 485


Shawn Sleeper

Troop & Crew 444



Recently Completed Eagles

Name District Unit Name District Unit
Zachary Somarriba Grayback Troop 4 Nicholas Gerlach Grayback Troop 3
Timothy Tran High Desert Crew 956 Adam Berich Grayback Troop 44
Kyle White High Desert Troop 50 Bayley Stevens Tahquitz Crew 604
Kevin Lobnow Tahquitz Troop 309 Jonah Pearcy Tahquitz Crew 777
Collin White Tahquitz Team 633 Cole Benson Tahquitz Troop 934
Samuel Rueda III Tahquitz Troop 384 Nickelas Ah Fook Arrowhead Crew 200
Jacob Delgado Temescal Troop 999 Andrew Poitras Temescal Troop 251
Colin Owsley Sunrise Troop 199 Daniel Fisher Grayback Team 31


Boy Scout Summer Camp Emerson....Sign Up Today!

Summer will be here before you know it and I would like to invite your troop to attend Camp Emerson this summer.

Camp Emerson offers Scouts a great week of outdoor adventure! Plus…

  • Opportunities for rank advancement!
  • Earn merit badges!
  • New, enhanced and exciting programs! Friendly Campsite Commissioners living throughout camp!
  • Great food and lots of it!
  • No Shooting Sports Fees!
  • Merit Badge books available for use in each area!

Camp Emerson is the best camp value in Southern California.

This year we’ve eliminated several program fees paid at camp, plus you can save $10 per Scout if fees are paid on or before March 15th. Camperships are available for those in need of financial assistance.

Camp is quickly filling up, so don't delay and reserve a great camp site today! 

Call Gail Nichols at extension 129 or email her at gnichols@bsamail.org  See you on the trail!



Every Scout deserves the opportunity to attend camp. Our council is very fortunate that many throughout our area also agree with this, and help provide funds to send Scouts to camp. Camperships can be requested for Cub Scout Day Camp, National Youth Leadership Training, Foxfire Training, Camp Wiley Cub Scout Camp and Camp Emerson Boy Scout Camp.

To apply for a campership, complete the attached form and submit to the Council Service Center.


Camping Report

Camp Wiley Dates Units Youth Adult Camp Emerson Dates Units Youth Adult
Session #1 May 24-27 2013 Family 1 10 6 WK#1 June 23-29 2013 9 117 30
Session #2 June 30-July 3rd 2013 6 44 44 WK#2 July 8-13 2013 Mon 6 54 13
Session #3 July 4-7 2013 3 17 29 WK#3 July 14-20 2013 8 67 15
Session #4 July 28 - 31st 2013 5 64 64 WK#4 July 22 - 27 2013 Mon 7 61 14
Session #5 Aug 1 - 4 2013 Web Only 3 41 41 Subtotal   30 299 72
Subtotal   18 176 184          


Camp Wiley Registrations

Camp Wiley Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5
Campsite Pack # Youth Adult Pack # Youth Adult Pack # Youth Adult Pack # Youth Adult Pack # Youth Adult
New Site A                              
Bridger       OB 655 10 10                  
New Site B                              
Coil                   TQ 614 15 15      
Daniel Boone                              
Eagles Nest                              
Freemont       OB 655 10 10                  
Goldware       SU 205 6 6                  
Harris                   TQ 614 15 15      
Lewis & Clark       OB 655 5 5                  
Mellor       AH 128 16 16 TM 214 21 21 TQ 332 20 20 TQ 614 20 20
Owls Roost                   TQ 329 8 8      
Swartzel GB 40 10 7             TQ 332 6 6 MR 222 6 6

Camp Emerson Registrations

Camp Emerson Week 1   Week  2   Week  3   Week  4
Campsite Tr # Youth Adult Tr # Youth Adult Tr # Youth Adult Tr # Youth Adult
Big Oak (50)                        
Bridger (20)       GB-T31 15 2 MR-T406 4 2 GB T29 6 2
Broken Arrow  (40)                        
Coil  (30) LP-T50 20 4 AH-T523 6 2 SDI-T667 22 4      
Dan Boone  (20)             TM-T34 12 2 HD-256 14 2
Eagle Nest  (25)                        
Firestone  (25)                        
Freemont  (20)                        
Goldware (14) GB-T15 12 2 MR-T860 10 2 AH-T10 10 2 MR-790 10 3
  Full     FULL     FULL     FULL    
Harris (30) SD-816 20 5             LA-T277 16 2
Hayes (20)                        
Lewis & Clark (10) HD-T464 10 2 5N-T95 5 3            
Mellor (40) SD-853 16 8 AH-T200 10 2 MR-T8 2   AH-T253 5 2
  GB - T4 5 2       TQ-T300 2   AH-T512 10 2
  3P-T43 6 3             HD-T363 10 2
Owl's Roost (20) MR-T2 18 2 TQ-T524 8 2 OC-T711 10 2      
Swartzel (20) TM-T125 10 2       GB-33 19 3      
E Team                        
Capacity 255/ wk   Youth Adult   Youth Adult   Youth Adult   Youth Adult
    117 30   54 13   81 15   71 15
GRAND TOTAL Youth 323   Adults 73              

Friends Of Scouting Report
2/22/2013 District Chair 2013 Goal 2013 Pledged
(Year To Date)
% of  Goal Cash Paid
(Year to Date)
# of Donors Donors Asked  % of Donors Asked 2/21/2012 Pledged
Temescal Tom Munoz $100,000 $18,800 18.8% $13,206 1,355 125 9.2% $14,564
Tahquitz Bill Dull $140,000 $25,494 18.2% $17,729 1,760 93 5.3% $24,178
Old Baldy Max Williams $120,000 $20,361 17.0% $8,711 1,405 38 2.7% $19,154
Mt. Rubidoux Matt Barth $124,000 $14,235 11.5% $6,109 1,238 75 6.1% $22,884
High Desert Greg Rickerl $100,000 $10,300 10.3% $4,448 1,203 39 3.2% $10,400
Grayback Darrel Olson $107,000 $10,380 9.7% $6,043 1,074 49 4.6% $14,348
5 Nations Ross Nakatani $36,000 $2,835 7.9% $493 383 10 2.6% $1,226
Arrowhead Michael Bentley $66,500 $3,681 5.5% $1,447 874 22 2.5% $6,338
3 Peaks Andrew Kotyuk $71,000 $2,365 3.3% $666 892 13 1.5% $1,815
Sunrise Scott Evans $59,500 $1,160 1.9% $1,115 560 8 1.4% $8,420
    $924,000 $109,611 11.9% 59,967 10,744 472 4.4% $123,327


Positive Quote & Prayer

“Respect your fellow human being, treat them fairly, disagree with them honestly, enjoy their friendship, explore your thoughts about one another candidly, work together for a common goal and help one another achieve it. No destructive lies. No ridiculous fears. No debilitating anger.”

    ~ Bill Bradley, Eagle Scout, former United States Senator from New Jersey, Pro Basketball Player with the New York Knicks and All American Basketball Player at Princeton University

"The Scoutmaster's Benediction"

"May the great Scoutmaster of all true Scouts be with us until we meet again."


Joe Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO

California Inland Empire Council, BSA

PO Box 8910

1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374
909.793.2463, Ext. 120
909.793.0306 Fax

Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: Joseph.Daniszewski@scouting.org for Monday Memo Archives Click Here      



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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045