Monday Memo 

Joseph Daniszewski
Scout Executive

Good day and welcome to our March 1st Monday Memo


Interfaith Worship Service in Tahquitz

Tahquitz District held its first annual Interfaith Worship service on the birthday of Scouting, February 8, 2010. Conceived and organized by Unit Commissioner April Hueftle, over 100 were in attendance from all areas of Scouting. Held at Murrieta United Methodist church, many faiths were represented and the service was led by Scouts and Scouters alike both through readings and musical performances. This event is to become part of a new outreach program in Tahquitz to support the religious aspect of Scouting. Kudos to April and the rest of those who made this event happen.


High Desert District  BSA 100th Anniversary Roundtable

Desert District Leaders enjoyed a fun, though short ?Happy 100th BSA? celebration at February Roundtable. Local businesses donated goods and services to help scout leaders celebrate. The highlight of the night was a cake created especially for the 100th anniversary. The virtually edible cake featured a scout, U.S. flag, and an eagle atop a mountain from which other scouts zip-lined or canoed, while other scouts camped at its base.  The cake also sported a Boy Scout sash, complete with many edible merit badges.

Before our break-out classes, High Desert cub and scout leaders played a Jeopardy-like game, with leaders answering questions about the founding of BSA. Winners took home miniature golf passes. 

?Lord Baden-Powell? was also a featured visitor, ready for photo ops with local leaders. HDD Roundtable was a great way to generate excitement for all the upcoming 100th anniversary activities, while leaving plenty of time for regular Round Table activities. 


Race to 2010

As many of you know, Saturday, March 6, marks the start of Race to 2010, part of our Get in the Game! 1OOth Anniversary geocaching program. Pinewood derby cars representing councils, districts, and units across the country will race towards the 2010 National Scout Jamboree. 

Anyone can be part of the race! All you need is a pinewood derby car and a Travel Bug?. If you don?t have one, you can purchase a Travel Bug for just $4.25 from Essentially, a Travel Bug is a dog tag with a unique tracking number. Each is associated with its own page on where people can track its progress as it passes from person to person or cache to cache. The Travel Bug can be put into an existing cache (large enough to hold the derby car), or you can create an entirely new cache to start it off. For tips on building caches that are fun, and help reach important goals like membership recruitment, visit the Get in the Game! toolkit on YourSource.

In addition to the online posting, you can attach a laminated card to your car that talks more about Scouting in your community and what your goals are with this Travel Bug. We?ve provided an example is below, but feel free to customize it to make it your own. All of this information is also found in our Race to 2010 overview.

Online Posting

Name: Be sure to include the words ?Race to 2010? somewhere in the name of your Travel Bug name, so we can track its progress. For example: BSA Race to 2010: Coweta District, Flint River Council or Flint River Race to 2010, Boy Scouts of America

Goal: Travel to meet as many Scouts and non-Scouts as possible. We?ll update this listing with ?finish line? coordinates at a later date.

About this Item: This Travel Bug is attached to a pinewood derby car that was made by Scouts from [COUNCIL/DISTRICT/UNIT]. It is traveling across America! Please move it along, and log your Scouting memories.

Laminated Card (Could also be Travel Bug Mission)

Help Scouts from [COUNCIL/DISTRICT/UNIT] in [CITY, STATE] move this pinewood derby Travel Bug? across the nation and into as many Scout and non-Scout hands as possible. This is the first ever nationwide pinewood derby race, and we want to cross the finish line! Prizes will be awarded for cars that travel the farthest, pass through the most hands, and have the most creative route, among others. Help us speed along by moving this Travel Bug. And be sure to visit our online log to tell us about your Scouting memories. [COUNCIL/DISTRICT/UNIT] provides [NUMBER] youth from the [REGION/STATE] area with a strong foundation of leadership, service, and community. Find out how to get involved with Scouting where you live! Visit

We sincerely hope that you?ll grab a derby car and join us for Race to 2010. This program provides us with an incredible opportunity to get Scouting out in front


Disney?s Give a Day; Get a Disney Day

HOORAY! A day at DISNEYLAND and it won?t cost you a DIME!

As Scouting volunteers we live the 3rd part of the Scout Law (Helpful) nearly everyday of our lives. Here is a chance to have a little fun for doing what we naturally do.

Your California Inland Empire Council is now a Volunteer Opportunity Provider for The Disney ?Give a Day; Get a Disney Day? program. If you go to you can register for the program and then look at the opportunities offered.  You will already find several opportunities listed on the website. Just log on and Follow these steps:

  • Log on; Register; pick your opportunity; give us a day; then we verify your attendance and the ticket in your name will be on it?s way.

 We are listed under the city of Redlands, California, as Boy Scouts of America, CIEC, Inc. Our Current opportunities include workdays at both camps. Camp Helendade?s workday will be held on Saturday, May 15th, 2010 and Camp Emerson?s will be held both Saturday and Sunday of Memorial Day weekend. Log on and come join the FUN!!!!!! Additional information on redemption and volunteer opportunities from other non-profits can be found on the Disney website.


Soles for Souls 

I just thought I would let you know about our Tahquitz District Wide Service Project. Back in October of last year I wanted our District to do a district wide service project that all of our units could participate in, from Tigers to Ventures, that would appeal to all our Charter Organizations, that would be meaningful and not cost anything (since we have no money and we would be asking for FOS money at the start of the year). As I researched for a project I heard on the radio about a man who was recieving some award for being a good citizen and he talked about the Soles for Soules organization and when I heard about it I knew that was the project for us. We began to announce the project in Decemeber of 2009 and committed each unit to collect 100 pairs of shoes in honor of our 100th aniversary to be collected and delievered on Saturday February 20th in honor of Baden Powell's Birthday, which was the 22nd. Well, we started to collect the shoes and the units and the Murrieta Stake really got behind it. We started storing the shoes in our house and then in a donated storage facility. We sent our first load of shoes with Sports Challet (about 14,000 shoes) and had our final collection on the 20th, where we drove a very large horse trailer and a moving trailer up to Las Vegas with (about 9,000 shoes) where we loaded them at a warehouse. My wife, Ladd Stokes and Ron Thompson drove them up and unloaded them and Ladd Stokes and Ron Thompson donated the trailers and gas to go up. All in all it was great service project, our goal was 10,000 pairs of shoes, 100 from each unit and we more than doubled our goal. It was so touching and inspiring to see all those shoes in the trailiers and then to unload them and to see them all over the warehouse floor, it really touched our hearts. To know that we have helped so many people in need, is really the heart of Scouting.

To quote that famous shoe person, "One shoe (pair) could change your life." - Cinderella

Thanks, Wayne Chase
Tahquitz District Chairman


Venturing Age/Grade Eligibility Change 

The National Executive Board recently approved a resolution to change the eligibility requirements for Venturing to ensure consistency among Venturing, high-adventure bases, and other core programs. The current age and grade eligibility requirement for participation in the Venturing program is 14 years of age and completion of the eighth grade. Effective May 1, 2010, the minimum age requirement will be changed to 14 years of age, or 13 years of age and completion of the eighth grade. The maximum age for participation remains under 21 years of age. In support of this change, attached is a list of frequently asked questions. This information is posted at


Q. When does the age/grade eligibility change take effect?
A. This change becomes effective May 1, 2010.

Q. Does this impact Sea Scouts?
A. Sea Scouts is part of the Venturing program. Therefore, the revised eligibility requirements apply to Sea Scouting.

Q. Does this impact Exploring?
A. No, this change only applies to the Venturing program.

Q. Does this change affect high-adventure bases?
A. No, the age/grade requirements are now in alignment with the high-adventure bases.Specifically, regarding our sea bases, the PADI requirements are:

  • Age-12- to 14-Year-Olds
  • Depth-Maximum 18 meters/60 feet for Junior Open Water Divers. Maximum 21 meters/70 feet for continuing education
  • After Certification-Must dive with an adult certified diver
  • Responsibility and Risk-Parent/guardian and child sign administrative forms.

Q. What effect will this change have on the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?
A. This change to age/grade eligibility will have no effect on the LDS Church's current application of the Venturing program.

Q. Won't this change be detrimental to my Boy Scout numbers, and aren't we just "trading" numbers from a membership perspective?
A. This change to eligibility requirements for Venturing is to provide youth (boys and girls) with late birthdays (generally June-September) an opportunity to join a crew with their peer group upon completion of the eighth grade. This adjustment is to provide consistency within our program and remove any unnecessary obstacles to increasing membership as these youth prepare to enter high school with their peers.

Q. Will this change have an effect on youth summer camp eligibility?
A. This change to the Venturing program will have no effect on eligibility for summer camp participation.

Q. Will this change affect eligibility for youth leadership training for Venturers (e.g., Kodiak, Kodiak X, etc.)?
A. No, youth leadership training will continue to follow the recommended course outlines.

Q. Are there any Venturing advancement items that can't be completed if you are 13 years old?
A. This change will have no effect on award eligibility. As a registered Venturer, the youth may pursue the awards of their choosing.

Q. When will the national office update related literature that is used to support the programs?
A. All relevant program groups are auditing their literature resources to determine the necessary updates. This will be an ongoing process, and as literature is reprinted, these changes will be made.

Q. What registration forms are affected?
A. The following registration forms and publications are being updated to reflect the new Venturing age joining requirements.

  • No. 524-901, Registrar Procedures Manual-Available on BSA Info by March 1, 2010
  • No. 524-104, Youth-Serving Executives Guide to Registration-Available on BSA Info by March 1, 2010
  • No. 524-420, Unit Renewal Application Instructions-Available on BSA Info by May 1, 2010. Order new forms when current stock is depleted.
  • No. 28-402S, New-Unit Application-Available on BSA Info by May 1, 2010. Order new forms when current stock is depleted.
  • No. 524-406A, Boy Scouts of America Application for Youth Membership (English)-Available by May 1, 2010. Order new forms when current stock is depleted.
  • No. 524-423, Boy Scouts of America Application for Youth Membership (Spanish)-Available by May 1, 2010. Order new forms when current stock is depleted.

Q. When will these forms be updated and available to order?
A. All forms will be available May 1, 2010.

Q. When will ScoutNET have the new Venturing age/grade eligibility?
A. Councils will be able to register youth members using the new requirements once the April 2010 month-end close occurs (May 3, 2010).

Q. When will Internet Rechartering be updated for use by Venturing crews and Sea Scout ships?
A. Internet Rechartering will be updated to reflect the new requirements for unit renewals beginning in September 2010. In the interim, Internet Rechartering will remain available during May-August for Venturing crews and Sea Scout ships to renew online.


Boy Scouts Recognized by School District

Derek Curtis, Life Scout, and Matthew Nieburger, Star Scout, both of Troop 100 in 5 Nations District, have been recognized by the Moreno Valley Unified School District in the District Science Fair. Matthew is a 7th grader and won in the "Best of Show" category, and Derek is an 8th grader and won in the "Sweeptstakes" category. Both boys will be continuing on in April to the RIMS County Science Fair. (RIMS stands for Riverside, Inyo, Mono, and San Bernardino Counties) A good scout is always prepared and does his best, in all areas of his life. These two boys certainly exemplify the scout motto!


Grayback District New Paraprofessional - Amy Wynne 

Please welcome our newest staff member, Amy Wynne.   She and her her husband Mike are the proud parents of two sons - Michael age 13 and Gabriel -age 10.

Amy has been a scouter for over five years in the Grayback District.  Her scouting experience has included serving as an assistant den leader.  She has been a pack trainer and committee chair for two years.  On the district level Amy has served as the District Popcorn Kernel and through her leadership, helped increase the Grayback District's sales as well as participation.  Amy is also involved in her sons' school PTA. Amy will be assisting Paul in the Grayback District.


Monday Memo Kudos

A grateful Scout Executive salutes our Roundtable volunteers:
High Desert
Bill Mattingly Jeannee Bradley Greg Lundeen Tami Caballero
Rick Cales Randy Kelly Ray Romo Jessica Hankins
Kudos to those that helped out in Pasadena on January 3rd
BSA Adventure Base 100
Don Curtis Laurie Curtis

Order of the Arrow

Read the Mustang, the official newsletter of the Western Region, Order of the Arrow. Click Here







Adult Leader Awards

Tahquitz District Unit Award Arrowhead District Unit Award
Douglas Ames William D. Boyce New-Unit Organizer Eric Gurney DIST Commissioner Key
Tony LoPiccolo William D. Boyce New-Unit Organizer Eric Gurney DIST Arrowhead Honor
Greg Rasmussen William D. Boyce New-Unit Organizer Kathy Kaiser P512 Cub Scouter
Kenneth Radosevich DIST District Committee Key Alma Raarup P24 Cub Scouter
Debbie Taylor P536 Cub Scouter Sophia Ortega P24 Cub Scouter
Debbie Taylor P536 Cubmaster Ray Ortega P24 Cub Scouter
David Hall P329 Cub Scouter Joe Gallagos P24 Cub Scouter
Charles Chapman C604 Venturing Leader's Training Dawn Lord P24 Cub Scouter
Ed Wolfslau T604 Boy Scout Leader's Training Marcus Charles P24 Cub Scouter
Angie Kerits T604 Boy Scout Leader's Training
Carl Vicnair T604 Boy Scout Leader's Training Old Baldy District Unit Award
Nick Radcliffe C604 Venturing Leader's Training Paula Kelly P306 Cub Scouter
Kieran Bonus T734 Boy Scout Leader's Training Floyd Eugene Moose P306 Cub Scouter
Ed Wolfslau P346 Cubmaster Troy Maynor T614 Boy Scout Leader's Training
Ed Wolfslau P346 Webelos Den Leader Jennifer Kniss P655 Webelos Den Leader
Ed Wolfslau P346 Cub Scout Den Leader Terence Tessier P600 Cubmaster Award
Carl Vicnair P332 Webelos Den Leader
Peggy Sager C604 Venturing Leader's Training High Desert District Unit Award
Peggy Sager C604 Venturing Advisor's Key Thomas Cherry William D. Boyce New-Unit Organizer
Mac McLeod C351 William D. Boyce New-Unit Organizer
Temescal District Unit Award Jessica Hankins P169 Pack Trainer
Jerry Parra P205 Tiger Cub Den Leader
Mike Downs P134 Cub Scout Den Leader Three Peaks Unit Award
Roxanne Miller P421 Webelos Den Leader Mark Vela T444 Boy Scout Leader's Training
Five Nations District Unit Award Sunrise Unit Award
Michelle Smith P520 Cub Scout Den Leader Edward Folts William D. Boyce New-Unit Organizer
Michelle Smith P520 Cub Scouter
Dennis Carlos C488 Venturing Advisor Award of Merit Mt. Rubidoux District Unit Award
Rosa Whitton P29 Tiger Cub Den Leader


Hall of Fame Awards                                                                 Veterans Award

Name District Unit Award Name Years District
Joshua Herrmann OB P641 Home Run Richard Poplin 10 TQ
Lorrie Herrmann OB P641 Single Steven Pesante 15 GB
Mathew Anderson TQ P500 Single Gregory Rasmussen 10 TQ
Donald Latham TQ P332 Single Jimmy Ford 65 MR
Ethan Edwards TQ P332 Single
Logan Lane TQ P332 Double Veteran Application
Greg Salerno TQ P332 Single
Dylan Rutignani TQ P332 Single


FOS Report

February 26th 2010 Goal Actual % of Goal Cash to Date 2009 Actual Feb. 2010 Proj.
Mt. Rubidoux Kathleen Hartman $122,000 $32,442 26.6% $25,750 $24,686 $31,506
High Desert Bruce Ebmeyer $102,000 $23,877 23.4% $15,894 $5,528 $20,000
Tahquitz Donna Baker $144,000 $29,006 20.1% $13,749 $12,500 $23,000
Sunrise Mike Lindley $62,000 $10,406 16.8% $3,846 $5,037 $10,000
Grayback Paul Foster $105,000 $15,355 14.6% $11,483 $10,503 $18,000
Old Baldy John Sitar $134,000 $18,199 13.6% $8,955 $29,184 $24,000
Temescal Grant Clark $128,000 $12,021 9.4% $6,693 $25,620 $25,000
Arrowhead Major Fritz $80,000 $5,674 7.1% $2,266 $21,141 $7,000
5 Nations Aaron Knox $51,500 $2,240 4.3% $490 $13,643 $3,590
3 Peaks Joe Wilson $73,000 $2,350 3.2% $1,191 $2,700 $3,500







Click Here for the LDS FOS Report 



"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared
to what lies within us."

 -- Ralph Waldo Emerson


Have a great Scouting week!
Yours in the Spirit of Scouting,

Joe Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO
California Inland Empire Council, BSA
1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374

909.793.2463, Ext. 120
909.793.0306 Fax

Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the
good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring
to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this
memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it
to his attention c/o Monday Memo: for Monday Memo Archives Click Here


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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045