March 12th, 2018


Featured Stories


Friends of Scouting

Wood Badge










Summer Camp!


Summer Camps 2018


Friends of Scouting



        Your 2018 Friends of Scouting Contributions Support 

Camp Properties, Service Centers, Communications, Camp Equipment, Training, Recognitions, 

      Program and Support Services, Liability and Property Insurance, National Charter Fee

 A few words from our Council President


Recognition Levels

$1500 Soaring Eagle

$1000 CIEC Camp Certificate

$500 Blue Border Council Shoulder Patch

$275 White Border Council Shoulder Patch

$162 Red Border Council Shoulder Patch



CampMaster Training




click here to download the flyer

click here for the CampMaster Application


Wood Badge 



Spring 2018

Contact: Vaughn Thomas, Course Director

Dates: Apr. 26-28 & May 17-19 (Thurs. - Sat.)

Register: 2018 Wood Badge Spring

Fall 2018

Contact:Crystal Pastorian, Course Director

Dates:Aug. 24-26 & Sept. 7-9 (Fri. - Sun.)

Register:2018 Wood Badge Fall





National Youth Leadership Training

Course Dates:  June 11th to June 16th              Register for Week 1

                         July 31st to  August 5th             Register for Week 2

                         December 28th to January 2nd  Online registration coming soon

To attend, the Scout/Venture Scout must:

  • Be 13 years of age or have completed the 7th grade

  • Be a First Class Scout or Venture Scout

  • Have his/her Unit Leader recommendation

  • Complete ILST - Introduction to Leadership Skills (Troops, Teams). Previously known as Cedar Badge or Complete ILSC - Introduction to Leadership Skills for Crews (Venturing).

During the course scouts will learn how to use the following leadership skills:

  • Vision – Goals -Planning

  • SMART Goals

  • Problem Solving

  • SSC-Start Stop Continue

  • Stages of Team Development

  • Conflict Resolution

  • Making Ethical Decisions

  • Communication

  • Valuing People

  • Teaching Edge

NYLT (National Youth Leadership Training) is advance leadership training for youth troop, team and crew leaders. NYLT is leadership training for young men and young women. National Youth Leadership Training is an exciting, action packed program designed to provide youth members of the Boy Scouts of America with leadership skills and experience they can use in their home troops, teams or crews. NYLT teaches life long leadership skills.

NYLT uses the patrol method to teach team leadership. The NYLT course centers around the concepts of what a leader must BE, what a leader must KNOW and what a leader must DO. NYLT provides youth leaders with the HOW TO skills they need to be strong youth and strong youth leaders.  




Date: June 16th thru June 23rd

Click here to register for - FOXFIRE 2018

Foxfire will take what a Scout learned at National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) and bring it to a whole new level. Scouts will work as a crew to complete many challenges put before them, including tomahawk throwing, rappelling, black powder rifle shooting, forging, and other team building games and activities. Beyond developing a better understanding of the leadership skills taught at NYLT, Scouts will gain knowledge that will help them in the “real world” including resume writing and interview skills. Scouts that have completed Foxfire are sought after for positions on camp and event staffs due to Foxfire’s emphasis on staff development. Foxfire is a unique experience that should be the goal of any youth in our council.

            To attend Foxfire, a youth must be 14 years old, have completed NYLT, and if a Boy Scout, have completed Star rank. There is only one course of Foxfire available, so sign up early.



Troop 384 Guacamole Gangsters


On Saturday, February 17th Troop 384 participated in the 15th annual Guacamole Bowl held at Balboa Park. The event benefitted Sports for Exceptional Athletes, a community based sports program serving over 1,400 athletes with developmental disabilities in San Diego County. Troop 384 was one of 26 teams who competed for the 'best guacamole recipe". Over 1,200 people came out to support the event and vote for their favorite team. Coming in at seventh place (out of 14) were Troop 384's Guacamole Gangsters Jonah S., Jonny F., Evan T. and Maxwell R. The Scouts beat the 11th place adult leader team,The Avocado Ninjas (Myke Fuentes, Charmain Fuentes, Francois Renet and Melissa Rivera-Renet). The weekend was topped off with a great camping experience at BSA's Balboa site. The Scouts were excited to be part of this fun event and demonstrated excellent teamwork, leadership and salesmanship skills. They are looking forward to next year's event and are already devising new recipes!



Cartoon Corner



Thoughts from the Council:



Positive Quote

Image result for a boy is not a sitting down animal

Monday Memo is from the Council and contains our reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of the Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that we want to bring to your attention. We welcome any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to Daniela attention c/o Monday Memo:  Monday Memo Archives Click Here


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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045