California Inland Empire Council

                     Monday Memo


            Welcome to our March 28th, 2011 Monday Memo

ILSC Training (Introduction to Leadership Skills for Crews) 

April 29th-May 1st, 2011 ILSC training will be part of a great Venturing weekend experience. Don’t miss it!

Your CIEC team is planning great things to go with ILSC. Games and activities are setup for Friday until ILSC starts. On Saturday, training will continue with breaks at the range and maybe other locations, and talk of a volleyball tournament as well. Join in for the Dutch oven cookoff, and a dance party or a movie in the evening to round out the day.

This weekend is important in other ways as well. Officer elections for your VOA, and an adult Advisor meeting to look at the upcoming year are scheduled.   Your input and participation make these events work, so we hope to see you there.

The greater the turnout, the better the time we’ll all have. Sign up now! 


Arbor Day! 

I wanted to share that the following three packs helped plant some trees at a City of Lake Elsinore park (Rosetta Canyon Park) for the city’s Arbor Day. Pack 332, Pack 196, and Pack 346 were all on hand to help plant 14 trees in their dog park area.  Pack 346 presented the colors for the opening ceremony and Pack 332 had two scouts who helped the Mayor read an Arbor Day proclamation. The scouts really pitched in to help make this park a great place for the community to come and enjoy with man’s best friend.

Pamela Latham, Committee Chair Pack 332


For Every 100 Boys Who Join Scouting.... 

What happens to a Scout? For every 100 boys who join Scouting, records indicate that:

  • RARELY will one be brought before the juvenile court system
  • 5 will become Eagle Scouts
  • 17 will become future Scout volunteers
  • 12 will have their first contact with a church
  • 1 will enter the clergy
  • 5 will earn their church award
  • 18 will develop a hobby that will last through their adult life
  • 8 will enter a vocation that was learned through the merit badge system
  • 1 will use his Scouting skills to save his own life
  • 1 will use his Scouting skills to save the life of another person
Scouting's alumni record is equally impressive. A recent nation- wide survey of high schools revealed the following information:

  • 85% of student council presidents were Scouts
  • 89% of senior class presidents were Scouts
  • 80% of junior class presidents were Scouts
  • 75% of school publication editors were Scouts
  • 71% of football captains were Scouts
Scouts also account for:

  • 64% of Air Force Academy graduates
  • 68% of West Point graduates
  • 70% of Annapolis graduates
  • 72% of Rhodes Scholars
  • 85% of F.B.I. agents
  • 26 of the first 29 astronauts

Pack 24's Pinewood Derby Race 

Cub Scout Pack 24 held their yearly Pinewood Derby Race on Saturday March 19th at the First United Methodist Church of Highland. This year there was over 40 cars from the boys and adults. The boys were able to race their cars to find the fastest in their den and overall fastest in the pack. The boys who won 1st place in their dens will race again in September at Arrowhead Districts Pinewood Derby Race. That race will be held at Route 66 in San Bernardino where boys from other packs in the district will race against each other to find the fastest cars in the district! This years 1st place winners for Pack 24 were: Gavin C. for the Tigers, George M. Jr. for the Wolves, Jared C. for the Bears, J. T. for the 1st Year Webelos and Michael C. for the 2nd Year Webelos. All boys that entered the race also received a certificate and a race participation ribbon. Next month the boys will be building rockets for the Space Derby.Pack 24 is chartered by St. Adelaide's Catholic Church and serves Highland and surrounding areas. For more info about Pack 24 call Mike Bentley @ 909-425-1817


Recruiting New Families Into Scouting In The Spring

Why A Spring Recruitment?

The California Inland Empire Council's Scouting units should conduct an effort to enroll new members to join Scouting in the spring. The spring campaign should focus on recruiting boys that are K through 5th grades. This is just one part of the recruitment efforts that take place throughout the year. This will help ensure that every youth is invited to join Scouting.

Cub Scout Packs put on all new family recruiting efforts throughout their local communities. Studies have shown that families/youth prefer to attend meetings at their school, and in their neighborhood. Our main objective is to give multiple joining opportunities to ensure that every youth is invited to join Scouting and to fulfill our promise to new Scouts for a great Scouting program.

Spring Recruitment Materials Available!· Fliers - Yard Signs - Posters - Parent Information Guides - Mini-Boy’s Life Magazines 


Boy Scout Troop 309 

I would like to inform you that two of our Scouts from Boy Scout Troop 309 Chino, were nominated and selected to represent the National Jr. Honor Society at Ramona Jr. High School, Chino, Ca. as President, Anthony R and Vice President, Bailey S. The National Jr. Honor Society is the nation's premier organization established to recognize outstanding middle school level students. More than just an honor roll, NJHS serve to honor those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of Scholarship, Leadership, Service, Character and Citizenship. These characteristics have been associated with membership in the organization since their beginnings in 1929.
They were honored at a Special Induction Ceremony on March 11, 2011. Troop 309 Color Guard presented colors at the Induction Ceremony. The boys Pictured from left to right are Zachary B, Rigo U, Anthony R, Matthew J, Bailey S, Kyle N, and David D. Not pictured are Matthew D (Historian) and Color Guard coordinator Asst. Scoutmaster Maurico Diaz. We are very proud of our Scouts, and the pride they have for their School and Troop.


Michael J. Rosas


Bob Mazucca - Thoughts about Japan...and how we can help

I want to thank everyone for their concern and compassion about those struggling with the aftermath of the recent tragic events in Japan. We’re not surprised—that’s how Scout people are.

I am thankful to report that everyone in the Boy Scouts of America Far East Council has been accounted for and is safe. Thank God.

And everywhere I go, we get all kinds of inquiries about “How can we help—what can we do?"

We have been in touch with the Scout Association of Japan. At the moment, everyone is telling us if you would like to help, your best option is to support organizations like the International Red Cross, which is engaged in broad relief efforts for search and rescue, and providing emergency food, medical care, and housing. We have also been in touch with our folks on the ground there, and they are very actively involved in helping wherever they can and however they can…as all good Scouts want to do.

We are extremely proud of all the BSA folks assisting with relief efforts in Japan, their resiliency and will to help others…like volunteer Mike Hardebeck in the Far East Council, who shared this update via email:

“There is work to be done—the Scouts are here—we’re busy—and I’m not one to sensationalize anything, but for today, yes, it’s nice to know that the spirit of Scouting stands with us.

There will be many tomorrows…and I truly hope that these times will bond many of us to do great works, create great history, and tell wonderful stories."

There will come a time when there may be things we can do as Scouters to help…and when that time comes, we will be sure to update everyone. In the meantime, please offer any support you can to the relief organizations like the Red Cross that are dealing with the immediate needs of this ravaged part of the world.

Please join me in sending our thoughts and prayers to people like Mike and all those supporting Scouting and assisting in this terrible tragedy.


"Burst of Speed"

On Saturday 3/19 Pack 210 of Moreno Valley held their annual running of the "Cub Mobile Races" at Ridge Crest elementary school. This year the scouts were encouraged and challenged to be innovative in their car designs. We congratulate them for being imaginative as they truly welcomed the opportunity to meet this dare with spurts of creativity and many sprints to the finish line. 


Check Out the Scout Shop in April!

Robotics Launch
The official launch of the new Robotics merit badge program is only a few weeks away! The Robotics merit badge program will be launched April 12th at National Robotics Week in Washington, DC. Currently there are 124 merit badges, 21 of which are required for Eagle Scout. Robotics aims to inspire youth to learn about life skills and future careers and provides an engaging way to teach and apply engineering process, math, science and technology. Earning this Robotics merit badge will require understanding robot safety, exploring careers in Robotics and demonstrating skills in building a robot, programming a robot and using sensors, to name only a few.

Survival Bracelet
Comfortable to wear on any outing. Always accessible and adventure ready, this bracelet can be one of the most versatile pieces of equipment you take to the field. Made of a single length of 550 type III Paracord. If an emergency occurs, simply let it “unravel”! Features: Light weight, super strong, super compact design. Bracelet is 32 strand braided sheath. Inner strands made of 7 two ply yarns, used by military and law enforcement worldwide. Buckle is engraved with a fleur de lis. Meets paracord component listed for nearly all survival kits. Comes in black, khaki and olive. Sizes: Youth Large, Adult Small-Large.

It’s the Survival 101 Tool that looks pretty cool!

  • Untie for 8' to 12' of para-cord
  • Use for Tie Downs, shoe laces, guy line, restraint rope Bow string, snare line, fishing line, anchor cord
  • Portions of proceeds go to wounded veterans
  • Only $9.99

Cool New Sleeping Bags COMING SOON!
This spring Scout Shops and will welcome two new sleeping bag styles and added sleeping bag lengths to the camping line. Scoutstuff will now carry Cayuga 30 degree bags and Silver City 30 degree bags. Both the Cimarron and Wild Basin bags will now be offered in regular and long lengths! This is the first step in growing the camping category. Watch for more new camping items later this year, including, new tents, additional sleeping bags and survival kits!  Prices range from $59.99 to $84.99.

Plus new t-shirts, innovative water bottles and belts!  CLICK HERE for the BSA Uniform Checklist


National Scout Jamoboree 2013


NYLT and Foxfire

Scout Parents,

  • Do you want the best training for your son?
  • Did you know that Venture Scouts (young ladies and young men) are invited to participate in NYLT? Course 1.
  • Do you believe in the Scouting program?
  • Does your son want to excel in the Scouting program?

Well, we have several courses that your son can participate in this summer. These courses are National Youth Leadership Training (Buckskin) and Foxfire.

These courses are the best in teaching young men on how to lead in their own Troop or Crew, they will learn these new skills on how to bring out the best in their own Troop or Crew.

The CIEC offers two NYLT course this summer and one Foxfire course. These courses are filling up quickly so time is of the essence to reserve your spot for your young man.
Please fill out the NYLT applicationFoxfire application and send in your deposit to council service center or register Online.

If you have any questions about the program please contact the course directors:

Week One: Online Registration June 13 to 18Todd Bagley 951-260-8003 or email 
Week Two: Online Registration June 20 to 25Brandon Leong 909-967-6024 or email

Week One & Two: Online Registration Contact the course director:King Mukherjee 951- 776.7213 or email


Do A Good Turn for Your Journey to Excellence

Scouting’s Journey to Excellence is the BSA’s new performance recognition program designed to encourage and reward success and measure the performance of our units, districts, and councils. Scouting was founded on the premise of doing a Good Turn daily. Community service is very important in the character-building process and, as Scouts, we have made the commitment to give back to our communities. This is a time for all Scouting groups to conduct meaningful, visible service projects of their choice in their communities. You are encouraged to discuss and choose your projects with the help of your Scouts, committee, and chartered organization.

To qualify for the Bronze Level, packs, troops, teams and crews are asked to conduct at minimum two service projects, with one benefitting the chartering organization. To qualify, the projects and hours are entered on the Journey to Excellence website. In addition to unit service projects, Eagle Scout service project hours can be counted also. Units can strive for Silver or Gold by conducting 3 to 6 projects during the year.

To begin, your unit should select a service project coordinator. After making the commitment to participate, your Scouts and committee should decide on and begin planning the project. To recording your service hours
You will need your unit ID (five to 11 digits) and your unit number (four digits, no letters). This is the same information used for the Internet Advancement system. You can get this information by contacting your district executive or unit commissioner.

Go to the website at Look for the “Service Project” area of the screen. Click on “Enter service hours here.” Choose “Click here to log in or create an account.”


Spring Break Trip to Leo Carrillo State Beach!

Troop 652 took their Annual Spring Break trip to Leo Carrillo State Beach this year in Malibu. The Troop had 37 Scouts & 18 Leaders in attendance. The first day was great, sunny and not too cold, but then the rain came in at 11:00 p.m. and never stopped. The Leaders and Scouts decided to leave two days early, due to the increasing bad weather. (Flash Flood warnings!) We were only there for a little over 24 hours, but had a great time. The Troop will be meeting at our Church tonight for "Taco Night" to eat up some of the food that was already pre-cooked for the outing. Tomorrow, we have a "Eat-Up & Clean-Up" Day for all that were on this trip. We will be making eggs and bacon in the morning and then cleaning out the wet, soggy trailer and going through all of the equipment. Everyone will enjoy a BBQ chicken and salad lunch, complete with pudding cups. This way, we get everything cleaned up, while having fun with the Troop and eating a lot of the food that was meant for the campout! We look forward to next month's backpacking trip in Joshua Tree and are hoping for better weather!

Christy Eimen Assistant Scoutmaster/Camping Chairperson


Memorial and Tribute Gifts

Your gift to the Memorial and Tribute Fund is a way for you to recognize a special occasion and/or person. It can be a job promotion, presentation of the Eagle Scout Award or the Adult Volunteer Leader Scouting Awards, a birthday or anniversary, a Bar Mitzvah or Confirmation, or to honor the memory of a friend or family member.

Upon receipt of your gift, you will receive an acknowledgement card for tax purposes. The person or family receives a card in your name from the California Inland Empire Council, BSA with no amount mentioned. In addition the memorial or tribute will appear as part of the Monday Memo on the council’s website.

To make a contribution to the California Inland Empire Council Memorial and Tribute Fund, fill out the gift form, and mail the form to California Inland Empire Council, BSA, PO BOX 8910, Redlands, CA 92375-2110. If you have any questions you may contact Joe Daniszewski, Scout Executive at 909-793-2463 ext. 120 or e-mail: Click Here for Tribute Form

In Memory of
Wanda Campbell
Michael Harris, Jr.
In Memory of
Wanda Campbell
Ursula M. Dube
In Memory of
Wanda Campbell
Tom & Charlotte Johnson
In Memory of
David "Brian" Shumway
Joe Daniszewski
In Memory of
Wanda Campbell
Boy Scouts of America, Irving TX
In Memory of
Wanda Campbell
Henry Coil, Jr.
In Memory of
Wanda Campbell
Darlene Grierson
In Memory of
Wanda Campbell
Felice Pope


News & Tidbits

  • Order of the Arrow "Mustang News Letter" Spring 2011 Click Here
  • Do You Want to go to Philmont this Summer? Troop 699 will be trekking Philmont this summer from July 2 – 17th. They have two openings available for either 2 youth or 1 youth and 1 adult. Please contact Scoutmaster Stan Lewis at for more information.
  • Chief Scout Executive Bob Mazucca - "World needs qualities Boy Scouts offer" Click Here
  • Flags Available for Retirement. Each month, the council receives a number of US Flags from the public that are worn and tattered. If your unit is planning a flag retirement ceremony, please contact Kevin by email at


Positive Quote

“I can't say I was ever lost, but I was bewildered once for three days.”

Daniel Boone (American Explorer, frontiersman and legendary hero who helped blaze a trail through Cumberland Gap, a notch in the Appalachian Mountains near the juncture of Virginia, Tennessee and Kentucky. 1734-1820)


Have a great Scouting week!
Yours in the Spirit of Scouting,

Joe Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO
California Inland Empire Council, BSA
1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374

909.793.2463, Ext. 120
909.793.0306 Fax

Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: for Monday Memo Archives Click Here


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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045